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80% Bored Overlord / Chapter 14: Chapter - 12

Chapter 14: Chapter - 12

Magnolia Town, Fairy tail building -

After the loving reunion.

"My baby girl! Where do you live? Are you sleeping well? did you lose some weight? Are you eating well? Don't worry let papa will take care of you? " Gildarts kept on barraging of question non-stop.

Cana answered one of them " I live with brother Silver " with a bright smile on her.

Sudden massive amount of pressure and killing intent was released while Gildarts then spoke "OH ReAllY! ...SiVlER" with a twitching smile that is more akin to an Asura.

Everyone unconscionably swallowed their saliva and took a step back.

At this moment Silver knew he f***ed up.

Silver at this moment was 100% of his brain to find a way to live.

Cana adding oil to the flame without even knowing it " Yeah!! I will sleep with him every day. " innocently.

Hearing this Gildarts eyes like at him like a dead man walking.

Silver thought to himself 'I am sooo dead ' wanted to cry but no tears came out. What did not know everyone in guild thought the exact same thought.

" Lets like a civilized person here... You won't kill a right????" said Silver with a weary smile slowly stepping back.

As Gildarts taking a step as the wooden floor broke in two *CRACK*

"What wrong father? " asked Cana with a baffled look not happening

" How long? How long you have you been 'Sleeping with him' Sweety " with no emotion deciding to gave judgment after what she says next decision whether quick death or long and painful death.

"Come they are just kids," said Markov try to help Silver case and thought to himself ' I know Silver is a mischiefs child but some times acts way above his age.... he wouldn't right? maybe just some misunderstanding '

Cana titled her little head in confusion but gave an answer " Aah... Two days after you went why?"

With those words, Silver death sentences was given.

Just then Silver heard all to familiar ding sound came

[ Emergency Quest: SURVIVE!!!!

Reward: Kero ball

Failure: Death

Hint: Use dying will bullet for a better chance ]

"Stop!!" "Wait let talk about it Gildarts"

"T-t-Talk? there is no talking"

See no other option Macao shouted, "Everyone hold him back!!!"

Everyone in the guild hearing this dog-piled on Gildarts.

Gildarts yelled, "I Will Kill Him. Let me goo!!!!" from under the pile

"RUN!!!" "We will try to hold him down as possible"

Hearing this Silver who was dazed snap out of it. Ran as fast as his little legs can take him in some random direction.

As he ran not daring to look behind him if he did it would look like a war zone as building after building were being destroyed by turning into small cubes.

"Silver CoMe OUT COMe OuT To I Won't HUrT YoU!?!" a deep menacing voice heard thought out the town.

'Shit Shit Shit SHit Helll no Damni didn't do anything I so dead ;( ' thought Silver kept ran making sure not to go on a straight line to make sure it is not easy on catching him.

This extreme game of hiding and seeking continued. It had gotten to the point the guild master had to step or else the town would be completely destroyed but Gildarts would not listen Makarov turned into his giant form and tried to catch him but Gildarts was too quick on his feet escaped every time but till not given up pursuing Silver anyone saw this would think a certain Cat and mouse. Makarov in giant from trying to smash Gildarts with his is hand using like malt While Gildarts making plotholes or trying to distract him trying to find Silver. Some times he could find him but Guildmaster was right behind even lose a second of concentration he would be a catch so Silver like eel escaped from Gildarts evil clutches

Silver wanted to cry seeing all this behind him was Gildarts charging at him like bull out for his blood asked for help "SIS How do I use dying will bullet. When I don't have a gun??!"

[ Simple really swallow it like a pill it should work the same ]

Silver listening suddenly felt danger following his instincts side jump to a nearby alley just then he heard but daring to stop.

*Bang* "Damn it I missed him tch"

"Gildarts you brat wait till the get my hand on you" Shouting Markov behind him

' "Tch" he went in the alley I can not destroy any more buildings I will circle around plus guild master is after me I need to escape for few moments to catch that brat how dare he sleeps with my little girl ' thought Gildarts.


Back to Silver in alley momently escaped from Gildarts trying to catch his breath in that moment his adrenaline rush stopped he felt he can move an inch.

"I am too tired He going to catch me like this" triedly Silver spoke his muscles are aching. While looking at a red bullet from his inventory not wanting to be naked after using it just then

"No escape know Hahaha," said Gildart while madly laughing at end of the alley

" Fine, I take it " took out a red-covered bullet from his inventory with hesitation looked at it and hold his breath tossed it into his mouth, and swallowed it whole has Gildarts was about to touch him.

Silver falling down to the ground as he saw a hand trying to grab him like he was dying.


"Reborn!!!!!!" Shouted Silver as he resurrected with an ever-changing flame on his forehead.

"I Want to Run Run run!!!!" Shouted and ran like light speed right through walls without a care

*Boom* *Booom* *Boom*

Gildarts looking at all this was speechless 'what just happen?' thought looking at all holes Silver he left behind.

Before thinking about what to do next before that Gaint shadow appeared behind him *Squash* as he was hit by a giant hand.

"Finally I caught you... Ah Now, where is Silver brat?"

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