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75% Bored Overlord / Chapter 13: Chapter 11 - I am your daughter

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 - I am your daughter

After finishing Sliver bath he and Cana headed out to the guild like usual.

They headed to the guild

Silver and Cana did their usual C or D rank request find something lost or helping the merchant guild moving cargo one part of the town to another just like any other day.

When lunchtime came. Their grueling stomach can be heard. Silver to lazy to make lunch They decided to have in the guild house.

---- Inside the guild ----

Two kids sitting on a barstool next to the bar. The barmaid walked up to them with a smile on her face and spoke: " What can I get for you kids today?"

Silver spoke up "Hey Sherry how you been? I will have my usual meal meat soup and orange juice"

Sherry replied " I am fine. you're usual Okay. What about you sweetheart?" then looking at Cana waiting to answer

" aaaaaah...I will have what brother having" Cana told with a smile.

Sherry" Surething sweetheart" and to the kitchen to start preparing

In a few minutes, their order came they both ate happily. After finishing, Cana gave him googly eyes and put her hand out waiting for something to be given. Silver seeing this knowing what she wants. he took out a mug of butterbeer and gave it to her.

Cana excitedly and trying gulp it down in one single sitting.

"WoW there! Drink it slowly and enjoy it. It is not like going somewhere right?"

Cana nodded obediently and slow enjoy and drank. While Silver went around talking with Macao and Wakaba and other members of the guild.

Just then *Ding Dong* *Ding Dong* Sounds of bells can be heard all over Magnolia.

Outside you can hear people shouting "Its Gildarts"

"Gildarts is back!"

"Everyone better get ready for it!"

"Prepare to Commence Magnolia's Gildarts Shift!"

"Citizens! Please take your designated positions immediately!!"

As the city was literally split in two leaving only a very large, straight road which leads from the city's entrance to Fairy Tail's guild.

Sliver and rest went outside to side what the commotion about.

Hering the sounds Cana asked shocked"What happing? big brother? Why is city breaking"

Before Silver could reply Macao spoke "This is what happens when Gildarts comes back to Magnolia"

" eight months of waiting is finally paid off" Wakaba confirmed

Silver Shouted, "Welcome back!!"

Gildarts hearing this looked at Silver direction and smiled "I am Back"

Silver grin at that. Then looked at Cana and said " ready to tell him"

" I... I think I'm ready to tell him yet... " Silver could sense her insecurity in her voice as he asked her.


" What if he doesn't accept me? What h-he hates me? What if disown me? What if... " Silver stopped her from further speaking with his finger as he pressed it against her mouth.

"He won't I guarantee it.. plus you have me So.... cheer up," said Silver while pulling her cheeks trying to comfort her by teasing her.

"S-Stoppp Let me gooo!!"

"Nae I like pinching your cheeks" he enjoying himself doing it.

"Stoooooppp it hurts"

Sliver let go. Cana feeling her cheeks are free directly holding her cheeks tears threatening to fall as a stinging sensation around her cheeks red as Rudolph the deer nose.

Everyone in the guild gave way for him as slowly walked in. They can see the guild master sitting at the center of the bar table.

After Gildarts entered everyone followed along

--- Inside ---

Guild master rising his one his arm "Wow! you look terrible"

"Ahh... Nice to see you too master" shrugged off as Reedus Jonah was sketching his face.

"Guess the job was rougher than we expected... but the client was pleased and sent a thank you letter via carrier pigeon." guild master said while acknowledging his hard work.

"Really... Glad to hear it!" Gildarts said slightly surprised.

As they finish talking Wakaba and Macao walked up to him and said: "Welcome back, Gildarts!"

"You got a minute we like you to meet someone!" told Macao.

"Oh, That right! where are my manners" replied, the guild master

Sliver pushing Cana forward in front of everyone. Cana was nervous.

"This is Cana, Our Newest member. She is very excited to meet you Okay?" said Guild master

Gildarts and everyone looked at her While SIlver giving her a thump up.

"U-Umm Aaaa.... Hello" said Cana stuttering

Gildarts: "Cana?" in a questioning manner Thinking.

"Oh! You know You look awfully familiar to me?"


"Wait I remember I know you now" as he said those words. Cana brightens up.

"You were that girl standing by the entrance just as I was leaving for the last job, right? "

"I see! SO you've joined up, huH? "'

"Glad to have you aboard little lady, Work hard" Cana lost her smile.but tried to speak "U-Umm, I need to tell you..."

"Ahem" Gildarts started to closely listen. but before she could speak guild master interrupt the conversation

"Incidentally. I realize you've just returned and all... but if have a moment" said the guild master while brushing his beard with his hand.

"I have something to discuss"

"Your kidding right? What is it this time?" as he walked towards the upstairs stairs. But before that Silver Comendand, "Cana wants to talk to you about something?" said while looking Cana

Gildart stopped in his tracks looked at Cana waiting for her to continue. Cana Who was giving a grateful smile to SIlver.

"It can wait, lad, this is important" interrupting again.

Sliver shouted taking no for an answer "But this just as important as that or maybe more."

Guildmaster wanted to say something Silver shouted again" Gramps LISTEN TO Her First Okay Then Speak"

Guildmaster wanted to scold him but the look he gave him told him this is important.

The silence began to spread in the room

See this Gildarts spoke " So what's up?" while bending to her level.

"The reason I joined the guild his to find my father"

Sliver nod approving


"HIs name is Gildarts" finally Cana said it out loud.


Sliver nod approving



"HuH?!" Gildarts blinking his eyes



"HUH??!!!" Gildarts Screaming

"I think you're my father"

This time everyone Screamed"HUH??!!!"

Gildarts getting the shock of his life "So H-Hold on.....! Y-You're....?"

"Yeah" Silver shouted

"W-Wait Wh-Who's is your mother?!" receiving the revelations

"Which one is your M-mother!?"




"Fina?" "Mary?" "Eliza?" "nonno, no the hair color his all wrong!" Said while falling down.

"Emma? Lyla? Elisa?"

'Just how many women you been with?' Everyone thought in the guild at that moment

"Jeane? Sydney? Kate? The Yuko sister? Francoise?"

Silver shouted "Old man! Just how many women you have been with" Telling what everyone thought

"No I-I got it! Syliva! You're just like her!" Cana Started to ran away

"Wow H-Hang on!"

Cana Was about to cry while thought ' he making her cry we gone make him suffer '

Especially Silver Vow himself to make him suffer

Suddenly Gilarts hugged Cana and Told "You are Cornelia's daughter. No Doubt about it."

(A.N- Play the sad song)

"No Doubt about it!" while gently rubbing her like she is the most precious thing in the world

"Your mother Cornelia is the only woman I ever truly loved". Cana Started to cry has she can no longer contain her tears.

"She's the only one I ever married. That was the happiest moment of my life"

"She left me years ago because all I ever do is work saying it will kill me one day."

"Then I'd heard her passing was like a shoot through the heart"

I didn't know a part of her was still with me I am SOORY I didn't realize it before..."

"My Baby Girl!!!!!" said snort and tears in his eyes.

Cana said "Daddy!!!!" hug him back not willing to let him go.

"I promise I won't let make you feel sad again."

"I will always be there for you"

"I'll always be with your side doesn't matter whether a job or hanging out in bars"

"All that I ask, Allow me the opportunity to be a Loving father"


As they Continue to have their moment in silence, not a one member daring to speak or breathe and ruin such a heart-touching moment.


Author note: Hope you like it My first heart touching scene.

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