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60% Bored Overlord / Chapter 10: Chapter 09 - Meeting a shy girl

Chapter 10: Chapter 09 - Meeting a shy girl

Gildarts easily caught Silver pulling him up and dangling in his arms see fairy Tail guild mark he spoke to confirm"Kid You must be the new member Silver mischief-maker Guild master told me about you."

Sliver not denying it said "Lets me go. " flinging his arms everywhere to no avail

"okay okay Stop Moving I will put you down if you don't run away from me Is that okay?" Said Gildarts

Silver nodded to confirm and slowly put back down.

"So are you it this about you being my son your hair Emma, Lyla no the hair color is all wrong," said Gildarts trying to think of all the girl that bear resembles him but was stopped when Silver not wanting further misunderstanding said.

"AAa No.....but I will be your son-law if you want so technically your son," said trying to tease him while hinting at Cana's existence.

"Yeah right." Gildarts shrugged it off then looking at the direction of the women " Thanks to you I lost my shot so what wanting to eat something my treat" said carfree.

" All right let's go" replied Silver and ran to the nearest restaurant "Come on Slowpoke we wasting daylight"

Gildarts shrugged his head and walked at his own pace. thinking silver was quite unique.

~~~Inside of the restaurant~~~

In the restaurant, one man and one boy are having an eating contest all the foods were flying all over. While the customer were watching with a shock face as they continue to devour dish after dish with out care.

Two people were Silver and Gildarts.

This all started a few minutes back

~~~Few minutes back ~~~

" Are we there yet" shell a boy

" No, not yet " answered Guildart

Gildarts walked towards a specific restaurant "There it " then punched the wall using crash magic and went inside

"You Know Door right there," said Silver pointing at the door

Gildarts Shrugged off When to one table which no one is sitting and sat

Silver see he was not answering just sat beside him.

The Owner of the restaurant angry see Gildarts cooled down and said calm "Guildart pleasure meeting again you have pay for the wall"

"Ahh... Sure I will have the usual everything has for the kid. " looking at Silver " He can order whatever he wants it on me"

Sliver hearing this directly ordered all items on the menu. Carts of food came to them

Their order came seeing This Silver giving challenge look to Gildarts. Gildarts raised his eyebrow with that all-out war eating contest began.

*Slapt * *Splash* *Clink* *Glup*

Sounds can be heard throughout the restaurant food plates were being completely cleaned and spotless one after other has food was getting eaten. more and more came.

In end, Silver lost to Gildarts by a landslide but all remain food he could not eat he stored it into inventory. He had a good meal asked stories of Guildart adventures they bond over it.

In the next few days, Silver continued to daily training mot able to do even 1/10 of the workout. He got a water bottle, a pillow, D rank sword skill, sweet bun, and a combination card.

[ Combination card

Description: A joining or merging Two or three items into a single item to increase its effect

Requirement: All must be a similar type


He also finally met Reedus Jonahs he is a tall man sporting curly, light orange hair. He was surprised at first at how slim. Reedus was Fairy Tail master artist knows Pict Magic he gave him a drawing of him and Laxus fight where he one-shots Laxus which looks epic. Silver thank him for it.

He did also complete so D - rank and C - rank requests around town. Even asked guild master and Gildarts to teach him hand-to-hand combat initially both of them refused one being too busy managing the guild saying he his too young another being want to spend his time chasing women so Silver did one thing kept finding Gildarts trying flit with opposite gender he would break it up by saying his now-famous line " Are you going to be my new mommy?" this would make 90% of the women leave immediately. Even when Gildarts tried to hid he would all way found him Thanks to his sister. Soon a weird rumor started to spread all over the town of fairy Tail ace is Silver father and is not taking responsibility and abandoning him. This got to the point even some guildmates started to believe this to the frustration of Gildarts.

In the end, Gildarts complied not before making extra hard for Silver. By making him wear wights and threw out all his frustration he had into the brawl. Silver like a sponge absorbed everything.

All his injury would heal in hours would get back right into it. Sliver consulted Gildarts about staff techniques and sword techniques gave some pointer even though he doesn't use a weapon from his experience.

Silver made sure he did not forget to cultivate the heavenly path of soul at least an hour a day.

Silver found a use for memory bread memorizing all the important herbs or ores and how to identify them.


Sliver sitting in a barstool in fairy tail guild while others were cheering talking

Silver PoV

Man It so boring to do the same thing every day train the request then maybe I go bother granny Porlyusica today shishsishi~ maybe gave some cake as a peace offering. I wonder how Stan is doing right now? I have not met in a while?.

I got luckly today and got Souma Yukihira cooking knowledge Which is always useful skill knowing how to cook.

"Sis can I ask you something?"

[ Go head ]

" Why did you some skill give directly into my brain while others I have read it myself? "

[ Simple really When you reading it and practice any skill you make your own style and mistakes and correct it as you get a better understanding of the subject, wisdom comes from that. While directly implanting knowledge or skill you will exact copy of the original all his mistakes will be your never hoping to improve on your own ]

I don't get it. I think easier copy and paste that way better than learning on your own let's leave at that

"Sis can you show me my status I want how strong I become "

[ Of course ]

[ Ding! ]

Name: Silver Boido | Title: Bored Orphan

[ Race: Human 100% | Age: undefinable (body=9) | Soul Strength: Little bit smaller than common Bacteria know to mankind ]

[ Health: 100/100]

[ Mana: Nil ]

[ Strength(STG): 7 ]

[ Agility(AGI): 16 ]

[ Intelligence(Int): 80]

[ Stamina(Stm): 10]

[ Wisdom(Wis): 6]

[ Luck(LCK): 89 ]

" Man Only a slight increase after all that " exclaimed Silver wanting to cry

[ Cheer up you are doing good. Greatness can not be achieved in a single day ]

Sliver: I don't think I want to be powerful it is taking to long.

[ Let me say it in a way you will understand ]

[ Stop being a baby and MAN UP!! ]

"... " Silver speechless from hearing this

" Hey Silver nice you here instead of training. " Hearing the voice turned around see Gildarts

" Yeah today is my lazy day, "said Silver while asking for some juice from Sherry for himself and passed on a butterbeer to Gildarts

Gildarts caught it and gulped it down " Its good but too much sweet "

Both of them talked for a while then Gildarts said: "It looks like I have to get going I job to be done see you around."

"Yeah see you around," told Silver while walking to the exit with him.

Just has Gildarts open the door directly in front of him was a 6-year-old girl dress in a red shirt with a pink skirt with a small white dog attached to a leash

"Hello there little girl," said Gildarts gently as possible "what are you doing in a place like this?"

The girl did try to speak"Da-" before she could she but was Gildarts cut off "you should hurry back on the home. All else your clothes will start reeking of booze if you stay here. no time flat"

Gildarts walked past her. her hands raised like to catch something

Sliver looking at the girl felt she was familiar but could not place it where.

The little girl nervously stood their look like she wanted to say something but couldn't. thought ' How could you not recognize me? '

Gildarts smiled and said, " This is Fairy Tail Guild. Name Gildarts " Turned around to Silver and requested " Sliver Why don't you help this fine lady? While I get going?"

"Sure why not... Byyee~" said Silver while waving his hand. Gildarts walked away. Then Silver looked at the little girl with brown hair and introduced himself and show his hand to give greeting " Nice to meet you names Silver Boido you can call me Silver How can I help you?"

The little girl restlessly said " I am looking for my dad I heard from mom he is here "

Silver: "Where is your mommy right now? "

The little girl saddened and tears start well-up threatening to fall gone " She is gone..sniff..forever...sniff "

Silver Feeling like the biggest jerk in the world trying to cheer up took a Chocolate in the shape of Fairy Tail's symbol and spoke: " Here have this its good.."

The girl took the chocolate from his hand looked at it for second and then took a bite and immediately wide her eyes.

Silver spoke " Is it good? "

The girl nodded her little head and ate the rest of the chocolate look like she was hungry.

Just then Marco and Wakaba came by to guild

Marco said friendly " Who is the half-pint? You lost kiddo "

Wakaba: "Its dangerous to hang around here, you know. Hey there Silver didn't see you there Your girlfriend or something"

Sliver instantly denied it: " Noooo "

The girl: "Excuse me do you know when Mr. Gildarts will be back? "

Marco: "Gildarts ahem.. you are a fan or something "

Then Wakaba added on: "Did He break your heart "

The girl shook her head: " I need to see him "

Silver " He just left for the job today.... sounded like a tough one ... Might take two or three days, or maybe even longer has a month "

The girl looked disappointed

Marco told: "Don't worry! He'll be back sooner or later "

Wakaba " Here come in have some juice or something! it's our treat "

Silver hearing getting free food perked up said "Really then why are we waiting for? " Silver pulled the girl inside before she could speak.

Inside both of them drinking juices with Wakaba and Marco Silver asked " By the way, I never got your name? " while taking a sip

The girl replied " My name is Cana Alberona "

Hering This Silver Splat out his juice and coughed and spoke: "Coughed Come again?"

The girl looked at him weirdly but stilled answer: " Cana Alberona "

After confirming Silver thought 'How could I miss it I saw this episode no wonder she looked familiar. Now then let's make her see me has big brother hehe'

Then Silver got up and proclaimed " From today onwards call me big brother Silver "

Cana was baffled so was Wakaba and Marco but became used to his quirks.

Cana sees he would not accept no for an answer. So reluctantly accepted it.

~~~ A Few days afterward ~~~

In few days Cana would come every day to meet Gildarts to the misfortune of her he did not return. Sliver or Marco would accompany her when they are not doing any quest Cana would most of the time get treated to free lunch by Silver she has gotten used to him and started treating like her real brother.

Also Silver found out she doesn't have a place to live and living on the streets and directly made the decision to invited her to live in his apartment. At first, she was reluctant by gave in immediately when she had Silver's cooking.

Eventually Silver made her join Fairy tail making her the youngest member.

He got a reward [ Magic Cards and barrel of ale ]

He gave the cards to Cana which she loves which had no use to him but kept the ale

Silver would bring her along on any quest around town. Like this only time went on

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