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25% Bored Overlord / Chapter 3: chapter 03 - Start of Adventure

Chapter 3: chapter 03 - Start of Adventure

In Year X772

--------Somewhere in Fiore--------

A young boy in an open field with ragged clothes barely covering himself, probably around 6-10-year-old whose skin unhealthy sickly white bare bone raised his arms in the air in celebration

"YES! So this what like feel having a body, smell that fresh air, the gentle breeze passing through my skin... Wait I am I in rag? I am feeling so weak??"

He looked around trying to comprehend what happing around for a while. Just then a blue screen appeared [0%] [10%] [25%] [40%][60%] [70%] [80%] [100%] [ Ding! ]

[ Installtion Complete ] [ Ding! ]

[ Binding to Host Soul ] [ Ding! ]

[ Did you miss me? ] said a womanly voice

The boy's eyes widen and stumbled but steadied himself and took a deep breath and said "Sis?"

[ Yours truly ]

He blinked.




"Hahaha! Holy shit Sis Why are you here.... does that mean we are going on an adventure together from now onwards", As he laughed so hard till his stomach started hurting. He wiped the tear out of his eye and excitedly spoke

" So is it like those other fanfic wherein in you, in the end, become my lover like that... "

[ Nope Sorry little bro, I have no interest in your body what so ever Maybe if you are a girl then we can have some fun Iya~💓, For now, I think you has my only little brother ]

" Damn... But I Live with that. So..... what next? "

[ You know it you should ask for something? Right? ]

" I know, show me my Status," said

[ Not that but Okay ] a screen appeared

[ Ding! ] [ Status ]

[ Name: Silver Boido | Title: Bored Orphan

[ Race: Human 100% | Age: undefinable (body=7) | Soul Strength: Smallest Bacteria know to mankind ]

[ Health: 60/100(starving to death) ]

[ Mana: Nil ]

[ Strength: 3 ]

[ Agility: 6 ]

[ Intelligence: 79 ]

[ Stamina: 4 ]

[ Wisdom: 5 ]

[ Luck: 89 ]

[ Skills:

Quick Learner(Passive): Due to having high Intelligence Learn Faster to master any skill that you want to learn

Aura of Life(Passive): Due being Void All living or sentient beings are more friendly to you

Natural Elemental Affinity(Passive){Half-Sealed}: Allow you to Learn Control over all Elements present in Omniverse ]

[ Remak: You are too weak comparing you to anything is an insult to it ]

"You don't have to be soo mean, I started," said Silver

[ Yeah whatever ] a bored tone answered the system

"....You wait I will show you, What is Soul Strength? I don't remember seeing this anywhere? " Silver asked very curiously

[ Basically, your Soul strength is the combination between your body and your soul. Right now your Soul is at its weakest, I suggest you cultivate some good soul art oh by the way my Original left you a message. ]

"Original?" confused Silver " Show me"


Dear Little bro,

Hi, little bro how the feeling of having a body for the first time like it? Seeing that you are in rags As your best sister in whole Omniverse I sent you a Dress, I know also know you are feeling hungry right I sent you a fruit eat it you will OP directly no training required and also add Quest Menu I know you don't want it. Knowing you 1 or 2 days you will be excited then you be lazy but the rewards are worth it Okay bye

P.S:- Most important thing I have to say is to have Fun and other me might be a little foolish


" Fine then Open Starters pack" grumpily said Silver

[ Ding! ]

[ Ding You receive Hood of the Void, Unknown Stone staff, Heaven's Path of Soul, Skill book, and an Unknown Fruit ]


Hood of the Void <Sacred Treasure>

Hood of the Void is a Sacred Treasure, hand made by Supreme Goddess Gaia and System god with help of ExOverlord lady Yangchen crafted from holy/domoic silk found only in the Fairy Realm


Black and white pattern Panda Hoodie Jacket(A.N-look like the hoodie from Kuma Kuma bear from Manga)


It is lighter than air, stronger than the hardest substance Known to Omniverse but can become softer than a feather its capable of regenerating itself even after damage, it is the semi-liquid default form, can bind to the user soul and it is semi-sentient. It has different forms and can be transformed from one to another at the user will restrain the User soul and protect it and train the body of the user. Plus auto-clean and can grow stronger with the Ower


Panda Hoodie: { Heat Proof } { Cold Proof } Can Block instant death stikes up to 4 times

Pillow: The hood remains in the form of a pillow. The pillow can also act as a shield and gave any person using it the best sleep.

Panda Pajama: { Auto Heal-Stamina } { Auto Heal } { Auto Heal-Mana/ Ethernano } Can help and remove fatigue but depending on the user body healing power and speed Up

Battle Forms:



??? (Sealed)


"Equip it" directly took it out from his inventory after see it Description

[ Item wish to Soul bind do you want to allow it ]

"yes," said without any hesitation

The Hood of void directly to him like a frog jump after finding its prey (A.N- Think it of Symbiote from Venom)

Wrap itself around him binding itself to his soul glowed in process. After the glow died down leaving behind a cute little buddle of joy dressed in a panda hoodie jacket with black three-fourths

"How do I look?" Silver asked while checking out himself 'It is so warm and comfortable I never want to remove it feels safe'

[ I want to come there give you a nice big hug you so cuuutte ]

"No, I am Handsome, not cute," said protesting which looks quite cutely

[ No you are cute but in future, you be handsome So cheer up ]

Silver still pouting has his sis keep teasing him and continued to look back at the items he got


Unknown Stone staff <Sacred Treasure Lock>


Said to belong to the Orginal Sun Wukong after his death it mysteriously disappeared

Weight: 8100 Kg/13500 jin


Length Alteration: Can become long or short

Weight Alteration: Can change weight until the maximum capacity of the body can use.

Levitation: Can levitate

Summoning: Can summon the staff at a certain distance.

Enhanced Durability: The staff can not be destroyed by ordinary means

Battle Form / Unlock Form



Dummies Guide for Foundation Staff Technique


"What is the difference between staff and sword?... The answer nothing a true master can make staff make deathly weapon or tool to beat people up"

Ten Styles of Foundation of Staff Technique Written by Original Sun Wukong only for beginners.


Heaven's Path of Soul

Rank: Unknown ???


"The soul of a human is incomparably profound and mystical. It can be cultivated along with one's body, and it can also be drawn out individually. The body and the soul are two separate entities, and yet, they form a single whole..."

Written by Zhang Xuan Master Teacher / World Teacher Owner of Library of Heaven"s Path.


Skill"Monkey Steals Peach"


A Legendary Skill used by Lin Fin Feared by all men across the Omniverse for stealing their Peaches

Note by Lin Fin "Have dominating life of unrestrained swag No other explanation needed"


Legendary Fruit ???


A Very special fruit better if you eat now helps you in ending your hunger effect of the fruit makes a certain group of people in society want it instead of doing surgery this is more natural. If you want more information, eat it and find out for your self.


"Sis what surgery are you talking about?" asked suspicion trying a find out his sis is trying to trick him or what

[ Oh that's nothing Eat Now ] in Demanding voice

A cold shiver passed through his spine. Silver his instincts screaming not to do it or else he will regret it

"....You know what Sis I am not that hungry I eat afterward " saying Silver sweat drop from his body.

[ tch ]

" Sis, did you say something? " saying Silver but his heart promising himself never to eat it

[ No nothing so what you want to do next ] trying to change the subject

' Whatever' Silver shrugged off

" Sis, where are we? "said Silver while looking at open field only grass and plants till the eye can see

[ We are 40 miles east of Magnolia two days trip to Magnolia if we walk across by my estimate and you got a quest]


Quest - Find a place to rest before midnight

Reward: Senzu bean

Failure: nothing

Do you accept:- Yes/No ]

"Yes I accept who don't want a Senzu bean I accept," said Silver while jumping around in joy if saw this will think of him as mad

"Today is today I start my adventure many will tell tales of my journey" proud shouted top his lungs

"Let's go" proudly started walking. See this some end to burst his bubble

[ little bro you are walking in the wrong direction ]

Immediately fell down

"I know I am just looking around I know where I am going," said shamelessly clearly not

"This way right," said point at the opposite direction

[ Nope ]

"That way "

[ No ]

"This way "

[ no ]

" How about this way"

[ That way opposite direction of where you want to go] said will spelling out where to go

" ...O-of course I know that I just test you"

[ Rrrright ]

Clearly doubt that

Silver Shrugged it off and finally began his journey

~~~ In The Evening ~~~

"Sis, I am hungry Can you give me something to eat?" The young boy complained as his stomach grumbled talking to himself if anyone looked that was our protagonist Silver

[ Nope plus you that fruit so Stop complaining you, big baby ]

"No, I won't eat that none else you tell me what happens to me if I do"

[ I won't Come on I have an ever harm you its good for you ]

"No didn't but all great people say all ways say to trust your instincts and my instinct shouting don't "as he said that looking at Sun which about to set while trying to find shelter for the night.

This bicker between him and his sister Continued for a while until he found an abandoned brick hut look like can fall any instance.

" Hey Sis looks it is sturdy enough for staying for tonight," said Silver with doubt while carefully checking the wall seeing if it will fall when asleep while many red bricks lying around but he failed to notice there was a slithering 68-foot black python in another side of the hut.

[ I Suppose ]

Silver Smiled brightly like the sun and said " GIVE ME MY SENZU BEAN"

[ Nope EAT That FRUIT Then only ]

"NEVER" Silver grit his teeth and said "Now give me"

[ Fine ]

[ Quest Complete reward 1 Senzu Bean ]


Senzu Bean

Description: A miraculous bean in korin Tower from Dragon ball verse can heal and recover stamina. It has been said haveing one bean you don't need to eat for 3 days.

[ Bean inside the inventory ]

Silver without even looking at the description pulled it out and gulp down whole

Instantly the effect of the Senzu bean took Silver who had sickly white skin gave a healthy glow

"Feels so much better now than before, Sis can you show me my status," asked Silver will he is testing his body

[ Of course ]

[ Status ]

[ Name: Silver Boido | Title: Bored Orphan

[ Race: Human 100% | Age: undefinable (body=9) | Soul Strength: Smallest Bacteria know to mankind ]

[ Health: 100/100 ]

[ Mana: Nil ]

[ Strength: 3 ]

[ Agility: 6 ]

[ Intelligence: 79]

[ Stamina: 4]

[ Wisdom: 5]

[ Luck: 89]

[ Remak: You are too weak comparing you to anything is an insult to it ]

"Sis can ask you something?" said Silver seriously study his status

[ Sure ask anything ]

"Why do I have titles that to bored Orphan," asked Silver concentrated his sis explanation and not the obviously 68ft python slithering towards him slowly.

[ Having the titles gave you perks the bored orphan perk was obtained by the previous owner of your body. He lived in an orphanage in a small village 250 miles north of here near the mountains poor guy had to cross a forest he was bored in his village dreamed of making his riches but he had no plan and set out with no food or money without telling anyone in the dead of night and he died of starvation. Don't worry about him I have Isekaied his soul to other Universe and gave some Op power as compensation for using his body bored orphan title gives you perk increase curiosity towards any new thing and perks can be stacked through all your adventures in different worlds. Oh, by the way, you got another Quest. ]


Quest - Help the orphanage

Description: The previous owner your body wishes to repay for the care and help they have given him by orphanage and village by any means

Reward: 10 Senzu beans

Failure: You can never use any forms of magic

Do you accept Yes / No ]

" 10 Senzu beans, of course, I will do it What do you think me has a monster," said Silver in eagerness but again failed to notice the big ass 68ft python inches away from him.

[ Good, by the way, are you not going to move or let your self be swallowed whole ] asked innocently

"Wha..." before he could register what she said the python wrapped itself around him and attacked trying to swallow him whole

Bang sound can be heard around the hut

The python was forcefully stopped by the Hood of the void swallowing Silver by making a spherical barrier around him

[ That's strike one three more left. I think you better escape ]

Silver who was dazed immediately got off it and tried to move

Sensing this python who was stunned forcefully squeeze the life out of him

Again the hood of void activated to protect Silver and made a barrier.

[ That strike two only two more left you are dead do something ]

No matter how hard python tried to squeeze just couldn't as the Silver's hood of the void protecting him as he tried to do everything he thinks of to escape.

Python sees this got a bright idea and gave a menacing smile to Silver" yelp" as the python slung him to another side of the brick wall with all its strength.

A swish sound came then a Wham sound and lastly a DOOM as the wall exploded into pieces. Silver was thrown outside with barrier protecting him

BOOM sound

Has Silver fell to the ground trying to get back up for the first time felt fear hardly able to move from it. Immediately voice called out to snap him out of it.

[ Silver that the third strike pull out the Stone staff and use it only way ]

Following the advice Silver directly pulled it out from his inventory A 3 meter wide stone staff appeared. He tried to pick it up but won't budge

"Sis did you gave me a defective weapon" cried out as his legs couldn't stop shaking in fear

[ Weapon is not defective but you don't have the right to use it, for now, Run ]

Whoosh sound came as the Python lunges towards him

Silver ducked barely evading the python bite trying to find something in the ground can be used as a weapon as he grabs something without even looking at and jumped to another side of his staff and looked at his hand for his weapon turn out to be red brick.

Chomp the sound of a nearby tree can be heard as it is being pulled out by the Python with its fangs, Snaping it in half menacingly. See this Silver ready himself

Again pouncing towards him with great speed

[ Run you, idiot, Run, No way you can beat it current might ]

" Sister can I focus my hood one part of my body to increase my defense in one part or change its shape" narrowly escaping by a hair's breadth. Not daring to take his eye off the snake

[ Yeah, Why got a plan? ]

Knowing this Silver smiled and made a dash towards the Python while it lunges at him again with its full might

' Come on Silver you can do this it's your idea soo concentrate on my right side focus focus on the brick, the hood should make a barrier around small and sharp. Its basic law of physics force equal to the mass * acceleration, Aim for its head i.e snake is going to die or I Come on you buger"

"AWWWWWHHH" Silver gave out a war cry and directly ran towards it and said " ULTIMATE BRICK PUNCH " and Python opening its mouth as it plunges at him

WHAM sound can be heard in distances closely followed by a TWANG sound Then Finally ' BOOOOOMM '

[ Fourth strike and it's done ]


After the dust settles down we can see a child and beast one hand of the child passing through from its mouth to its head and child heavily breathing

" I DID IT I AM ALIVE," exclaimed Silver with the brightest smile he ever has given before and passed out with a grin on his face.

Wild animals coming out of the woodwork because of the smell of blood just as they came near him a white barrier covering him and snake and scary away the animals

[ I didn't think you would protect him especially after you wouldn't help him in battle ] said the system

An elderly voice was heard " HE Did Not Have The Right Use me yet But will Make an exception For this Once No Man get to Die by hand so Radom Beast After Showing a battle After a Very Long Time "

[ Any way Thank you for helping ]

LazyMonkey18 LazyMonkey18

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