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The Original Caïn The Original Caïn original

The Original Caïn

Author: Shentsu

© WebNovel


A guy was watching the last episode of The Originals, he just saw Klaus and Elijah kill each other.

His name is Caïn 30 year old, a builder who watches Tv shows when he's not at work.

[Caïn] "Oh come on Klaus you survive for a thousand years, against your 'father', an ungrateful adopted son, your mother and her sister, your first sired vampire who can kill you with a bite and that crazy Aurora who honestly should just rot in a coffin 2 thousand feet deep under the ocean for turning Camille. This ending isn't the best for this show, if only I could go there this life is boring, can't cultivate, can't run fast, can't kill as I wish, and honestly, I would love to taste some witch, vampire, and werewolf meat"

Oh yeah, this guy is a cannibal and no he's not talking about 'that' meat, he's full name is Caïn Lecter a descendant of 'THE' Hannibal Lecter.

[Unknow] {..Ding! Request accepted! Transfering Soul!} {Death in 3.2.1...}

[Caïn] "Wha?"

He didn't have time to process what happened and suddenly he was in a white room with a bald man in front of him who seemed soulless and a pannel wich he could read 'Create Body'

[Caïn] "Hum... Hello?"

[Unknow] {Please create your body or say if you don't want to so that you can be teleported to the show 'The Originals' and then state When and Where also since you are a cannibal you get a power who only you will have. [Glouttony]}

[Caïn] "1st, are you the legendary System ? and 2nd let's not waste time and give me the body of Henry Cavill a.k.a Superman when he was acting for Men of steel, as for my face just make it like Travis Fimmel I want my hair to be braided and cut like in the first season of Vikings. And please tell me about Gluttony"

[Unknow] {..Ding! Body, Face, Hair...Done! As for [Gluttony] it's quite simple when you eat something you will retain some of its abilities example: Eat a rabbit and you'll take one of it's following skills {Jumping/Running/Reaction Speed} You'll gain only one ability per 'meal'. And instead of a System, let's say I'm like a notepad. I will show you your status, powers/skills and all the names/titles people will call you}

Caïn chuckled before saying.

[Caïn] "I'll call you Tom instead of 'notepad' i think it'll be better, thank you for your explanation, also please make my eyes color green/bluish and my manhood to be appropriate to my body"

[Tom] {Yes, I would like you not to call me notepad as I am a little more sophisticate than a piece of paper} {Ding! Eyes color/Manhood changed}

{Please now Caïn if you're done with your new body tell me when, where and what background do you want}

[Caïn] "Yeah I'm done, then make me wake up or whatever you'll do to take me there in Mikael's and Esther's village after they came to the new world, Make me be the same age as I am now, 30, and as for where I come from can you just make me 'The Original' Caïn? Son of Adam and Eve ? I would love to have the Mark of Caïn"

[Tom] {I can and as for the 'Mark of Caïn' here; [Mark of Caïn] Makes you immortal and gives you the title 'First Killer'. Immortality can cumulate with Silas and Qetsiyah spell so that you won't have any weaknesses}

[Caïn] "Sweet thank you, I'll just eat Kol once he takes over Daniel Sharman's body. Now just make me Fearless and we can go, this will help me to not fear death even if I can't die, watching a guy twist your neck or stake your heart can cause quite a shock"

[Tom] {..Ding! Done, now just close your eyes}

Caïn did as told and suddenly he felt like falling backward when he opened his eyes he was laying down looking at the sky and just when he was about to stand up he felt a headache.

[Caïn] "Argh...What's happening Tom?" And then just as it came it was gone he didn't feel any pain anymore.

[Tom] {I just bestowed you with Spear/Staff/Sword and Hand to Hand skills because I know you like spears and punching annoying people, sword and staff are a plus for your spear skills it'll make you have more moves, you'll do great in a fight/war even as you are now}

[Caïn] "Well thank you but please next time at least tell me so I can prepare myself, now can I see my status?"

[Tom] {Understood}.

Just as Tom became silent a screen appeared before Caïn.


Name/Titles: Caïn Lecter, First Killer

Y/O: 30 (Thousands of years old)

Powers: Gluttony/Immortality

Skills : Spear/Staff/Sword/H2H

Year: 986, 15 years before the Mikaelson family change into vampires.

[Caïn] "Okay let's build some relationship with them, and eat some animals first to get their abilities"

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