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85.45% An Empire Divided / Chapter 47: Parade

Chapter 47: Parade

"I am sorry miss Agnes, I did not recognize you before, I was startled by Aedrik, you are madame Eli's apprentice, right?" Frey had been too surprised by Aedrik sudden charge at the poor armsman, that she had missed the young woman, Frey saw how the already pale Fabron family turned to look at their eldest, the weaver apprentice had managed to keep her calm, but she had turned as pale as her brother the armsman.

"I am, lady Frey" the weaver answered more secure than her brother, Frey had been considering pull Aedrik's ear for what he had made the armsman gone through and it looked like she had just done the same.

"Aedrik, miss Agnes, is one of the weavers who took on the chance to male clothing for orcs, we are supposed to see her finished work tomorrow" Frey said excited to Aedrik, who in turn, faced the embarrassed weaver with one of his enchanting smiles.

"Thank you as well, miss Agnes. When Frey told me her idea I was all for it, I've had the chance to see the ability of Lune de Neige's at a market in Meury, I am sure any tribe would be interested in your work, I was just a little scared there would not be much interest, so thank you for considering it" Frey saw how the weaver's apprentice face went red to its ears as Aedrik smiled at her, the weaver's husband was grabbing his wife arm tightly.

"On the contrary, prince, lady Frey's idea was an incredible opportunity for any apprentice, I was attracted to it immediately, I just hope my works lives up to your expectations"

"For what I've seen already, miss Agnes, I think your work will make a change in the tribes" Frey had not missed how Aedrik had addressed the orcs.

"I am sorry lady Frey, prince Aedrik, we've been informed lord Luka is about to arrive" a sergeant interrupted their conversation, Frey saw how stiff armsman Matt went as he saw the man, yet the sergeant had been polite.

"Thank you, sergeant" Frey replied to the man and turned towards the Fabron family, she liked how Aedrik went to find out about the people around them "I am eager to see your work tomorrow miss Agnes, and I am sorry for my fiancée starting your son and your family, Mrs. and Mr. Fabron"

"Don't be my lady" Mrs. Fabron replied quickly, Agnes, gave Frey a bow, and the entire family did as well, Frey was about to return but Aedrik stopped her.

"I am sorry Frey, I don't want to impose but, may we invite them to Château Lunebleau, I would like to mend my error for startling them?" Aedrik was looking at her with pleading eyes, she could not help but smile at him.

"It is a wonderful idea, Mrs., and Mr. Fabron, would you be so kind to come for dinner with your family to my house, tomorrow?" Frey needed to let her mother know, and she wanted to attend Aedrik's sisters today.

"I…. " Mr. Fabron was stop mid-sentence and turned to his wife for support but she was lost as well.

"Armsman Matt, have your family come for dinner tomorrow"

"Yes, Sire" the young armsman replied to Aedrik military tone, Frey smiled impressed by his quick thinking.

"It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance" Aedrik gave the Fabron family his norkrieger bow "I am sorry for parting this way for the moment, but we'll have time tomorrow, wait…" Aedrik quickly took a coin from his pocket and kneeled at the young kid level "here Victor, it ain't much but here, this is a freshly minted coin from the Empire" Aedrik took a silver coin from his bag and was showing it to the surprised young kid.

"This coin is worth more or less the same as your silver dorels, on this side is emblem of my house, the other side has a star compass, a symbol of the north, I think it can serve as proof for your friends of our meeting" the young kid was wide eyed, and turned for a second to his parents for their permission, Mrs. Fabron gave him a small nod, and the kid took the coin from Aedrik's hand.

"Thank you, prince, sire, this is incredible" the kid was fascinated by the coin, his father patted him on the head.

"See you at dinner, tomorrow" Frey made a last bow, and pulled Aedrik, Noelle and Danielle were waving at them.

"Thank you for asking them to dinner" Aedrik said as they walked back.

"Is the least we could do, after you ran at them" Aedrik frowned and ruffled the back of his hair, she just smiled at him.

"Mom, what are we going to do? this are my only clean trousers" Victor was the first of their family to understand the gravity of the situation they were in.

"I think we have to go home, and help your mother wash our clothes" Mr. Fabron assured his son, the master smith was slowly accepting the situation their family was in.

"How could you accept the invitation, Matt?" Agnes said mortified and hit her brother on the shoulder.

"The prince spoke like my sergeant, I could not help it" Matt was still pale about everything that had happened "and it is more your fault than mine, you took on lady Frey's idea" the Fabron family dispute was cut as everyone around them broke on cheers and applause, at the entrance of the city, the men send to the east were coming back home.

The returning soldiers were supposed to arrive before the imperial princesses, however after the attempt on Frey and Aedrik, Luka had sped up to link with them, resulting in a chance for a larger parade.

At the head of the group where the officials formed on the left, accompanying the rest of the soldiers. They had been marching but slowed as they were welcomed by applause and cheers at the gates of Lune de Neige, the soldiers waved at their families and friends welcoming them.

They were supposed to march all the way to the courtyard of the castle, were they would report, un pack, and be unlisted as needed. Since the princesses convoy had linked with the returning soldiers, it was decided the princesses would enter last. In the streets the people of Lune de Neige had not stopped cheering for their men.

As the soldiers passed by lord and Lady Lunebleau, they formed and saluted, and carried on their way to the castle. At the entrance a different kind of cheers was heard, as the foreign princesses and their escort, with lord Luka and Percy at the front entered the city. The carriage had two flags on top of it, the imperial flag, and one of house Lunebleau, the men of the empire were all carrying small banners with the empire motifs.

Luka and Percy were riding just in front of the carriage, the city applauded and cheered at their young lord, this was his first campaign alone, a success, there had been almost no casualties, and the wounded had already been treated. The entire city was on the streets.

"Are you nervous?" Aedrik's voice startled Frey, he had spoken softly so only she had heard him.

"I was not, until now" she admitted.

"I think I've never been more scared, and certain of something in live than the night I went to your estate" Frey turned and saw him staring directly at her.

"You looked calm"

"I was a wreck until you entered the studio, at that moment, I felt certain, at ease" Aedrik was smiling from ear to ear "I should have know something was happening to me, I had never felt that way, but I had to ask, I wanted to know your answer" Frey felt her hand warm under his, she caressed the ring on her finger and felt his hear beating fast.

"You… are nervous as well?" Aedrik's confidence smile disappeared for a second.

"I… I am" he confessed, Luka and Percy were already picking up the pace to meet with them and the cheers were growing "I am afraid of what Pan had told them along their journey" he was worried, Frey laughed, and kissed him on the cheek to his surprise and delight.

"I am looking forward to it" Frey grabbed his hand, and they went to where the carriage had stopped "Let's meet your sisters, then"

Luka and Percy halted their horses close to his parents, a couple of knights grabbed the reins of the horses, and they both moved next to the carriage, as they were going to assist the princesses, but Luka noticed Frey and Aedrik, and let the pass. He instead went to greet his mother and father, and René next to them, Percy did the same, even earning a rare hug from his sister.

The atmosphere had changed even though the cheers and applause could still be heard coming from where the parade continued, there was silent and expectation where they were. As they were next to the carriage door, Frey have Aedrik a small push, but he held her hand and they both moved to it.

As the carriage door open, Frey delt the anticipation building inside, Aedrik offered his hand, and soon enough a delicate on took his.

"Not often I am treated properly, thank you cousin, a simple welcome would have been enough" Pan le Fay descended from the carriage assisted by Aedrik, to the surprise of the entire city, Frey smiled wholeheartedly, Aedrik was at a loss for a moment but then he pulled and hugged Pan much to the fey surprise.

"Hi, Frey, long time no see" Pan smiled and bowed, but she did like Aedrik, and hugged Pan, who was uncharacteristically blushing, as he went to greet her parents.

Frey turned and saw Aedrik helping a small and delicate girl, the youngest of the imperial family, princess Luna, she smiled timidly at her brother, who was grinning. She saw the brothers shared a small but meaningful look for a second.

"Welcome to Lune de Neige, princess Luna" Frey said as the princess turned to her.

"Luna, this is lady Frey, my fiancée" Frey could feel Aedrik's pride in his words, the little princess made and elaborate and tradition Loirian bow, like Aedrik had done when they first met at the library.

"The pleasure is mine, lady Frey" the princess voice was gentle and a tad raspy, contrasting with her delicate features, a beautiful rosy skin, and a deep dark plum hair that you could take from black, cascading orderly over her shoulders. Princess Luna was almost the same height as her, and she had an uncanny resemblance with Aedrik, yet every one of her features appeared to have been sculpted, a delicate and mesmerizing face, the young princess dress was silver and cut on Loire's current fashion, before Frey said anything else, another princess came from the carriage.

"This is my older sister, Vanya" princess Vanya stood as tall as Aedrik, her dress had an exquisite fabric, and it was adorned with laces, the cut matched her slender frame perfectly, Frey guessed it was fashion from Zel, but from what she had seen Pan wear, it was fey made. Aedrik and her sister, share a curious look or so she thought.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, lady Frey" princess Vania had a soft voice and moved gracefully, with confidence, and even though she had bright cyan hair, the princess managed to not draw attention to her, she gave Frey a simple bow.

"I am pleased to meet you as well, princess Vanya" she replied a little nervous of Aedrik's famous older sister.

"AT LAST" before Frey could said anything else, the last princess had jumped from the carriage "I am very happy to finally meet you, lady Frey" the last princess look as if she was about to pounce on her, princess Vanya was about to stop her sister, but the youngest held her.

Princess Lucylle hugged her and placed a kiss on each of her cheeks before parting from her, and enormous grin on her face, like Aedrik's, but with feline fangs and a pair of amethyst cat eyes trapped on a beautiful face.

"Frey, this is my sister, Lucy" Aedrik said as he smiled at his sister.

"It is Lucy for you, Frey, may I call you Frey? I think I should since we are going to become sisters" Frey was still surprised, and princess Lucy was still close to her.

"Hi, princess Lucylle" was all she managed with the princess wild eyes so close to her.

"We talked about this Lucy" Princess Vania pulled Lucy from Frey's face

"I am sorry lady Frey, we were all very eager to meet you" the youngest, princess Luna, apologized for her sister, Frey felt the youngest behave as the eldest.

"Frey, this are my sisters" Aedrik said smiling, and he grabbed Frey's hand "This is, lady Frey, my fiancée" at that moment the three princesses made a line and did a coordinated bow.


"Exarch Kirn, general Bretik says he is sending a couple of scouts to verify the maps, he hopes you could help them, they are expected to arrive in two days"

"Yes, we will help them, sergeant" Kirn nodded to the bearded man, sergeant Modris.

"Thank you, Exarch" the man saluted her and returned to the barracks.

It was almost half day, Kirn was heading to the meeting hall, it was the heart of their settlement, it had been finished last week, with wood and mud. It was placed at the center, Kirn was surprised at how fast the settlement was growing, her former tribe wanted to impress the prince, this were their lands, and yet, the empire proved why it was mighty.

"Exarch, the small man is already inside, waiting for you" Lurn the young orc said as she reached the entrance to the main room, he wore chainmail beneath a white tabard with a vertical pale green line, the uniform of the settlement guard.

"You will refer to him as Quartermaster or Master Builder, yes?" Kirn spoke in common, the smiling orc straighten up at her words, he was taller than her.

"Yes, Exarch" he responded in orcish, Kirn sighed.

"Do you think we've earned our place?" Kirn moved closer to the orc, she had no armor, just her usual clothes, but she noticed how Lurn did not miss the dagger at her belt, the young orc held her stare for a moment, he then denied with his head.

"We are not a tribe anymore, remember it" Kirn moved passed him, the meeting hall had four spaces, the main hall, a large space to held many. The small hall, as the name implied, it was a space that could hold around eight people, this was her she entered.

"Good day, Exarch" inside the small hall, was a large table and much like the prince's war tent, it had several maps, and other drawings. There were three people inside, the dwarf who had greeted her, an old human with a weird hat and a fey, a beautiful lady who smiled when she saw her.

"Good day, Mri" she answered the fey salute "Quartermaster, mage Selim"

"Welcome, Exarch" the old mage replied lazily

"Exarch, glad you came" Quartermaster Etril, said without taking his eyes from the map "Come, I need your opinion"

Kirn went to the table, the dwarf was standing over a bench so he could reach the large map, the mage was sitting not paying much attention, the fey was waiting at the opposite side of the table from the dwarf.

"Captain Verin has already secured most of the places you suggested, we will several watch towers by next week" the dwarf pointed at the map, she had told them about several places where watch towers could be useful. Captain Verin was in command for the soldiers stationed in the settlement, Quartermaster Etril was part of the northern army, he was the leader of the 17th Support Battalion, he was in charge of supervising the construction of the fortress, and provide assistance with the settlement, and yet both the captain and the quartermaster would often consult with her, because not only was she an Exarch, but these lands also once belonged to her tribe.

"That is good to hear" Kirn and her former tribe were eager to prove the prince they could start a settlement, when they arrived, the quartermaster was already waiting for them.

"I need you to tell me about water, in these lands" the dwarf saw the confusion on her face and added "Does it rain often? How long does your average rain last here? Are there any other water sources besides the river?

"It rains in summer, not often but when it does, its hard. Besides the river than runs from the south, there are a couple than run underground, there is a cave where you can access one, and this large area gets flooded for a large part of the summer"

"You have an estimate of the water height?" the dwarf asked, Kirn liked the quartermaster, whenever he was working, there was no place for anything else.

"The lowest part the water rises almost 4 or 5 meters"

"Excellent, we should use it" the dwarf said grinning as he played with his long grey beard.

"How so?" she asked curious

"Look, this map has the general outline of our propose defensive line" the dwarf pointed a line drawn with a bright cyan color "This basin, where it floods, will serve to entice anyone wanting to take on our defenses, and we will create a series of tunnels to control the flooding"

"Bait, the basin is large enough to entice them, you guide their decisions"

"Precisely" the dwarf said happy at her, she had seen the prince did the same before.

"This will be our gate to the northeast, do you have any other suggestion, exarch?" Kirn felt the three people looking at her, this was not what she was good at.

"None, quartermaster"

"Then, we will start building immediately" the dwarf returned his attention to the map on the table, he had her approval as exarch, Kirn respected the quartermaster, he had proved more than capable.

"If you don't need anything else, I will go to help prepare our trade caravan"

"Wait, Kirn, I wanted to talk with you about the hunting grounds" the druid Mri stopped her. Kirn, was not sure how to feel about the fey.

"We need to stop hunting on the runners pass" Kirn saw a rare determination in the voice of the druid.


"I've been travelling to your hunting grounds these last days, the way you approached them made sense when you were a tribe" the fey face paled a little, and Kirn tried to keep her cool "We are going to be need wood, we should start taking it from the runners pass, if you also hunt there, we might overhunt" the druid explained faster

Kirn sighed "Overhunting… I hear you, what do you suggest" the druid eased

"You should hunt on the sunny valley"

"It is far away; I'll have to sent too many hunters to keep the settlement fed"

"You don't have to sent to many Kirn, you should ask Svet Cilar for grains, that would give enough time for our crops and by that time, we hunt in the green lake"

"Our settlement will not beg for food when we are more than capable of fetching it for us. This I will not accept druid Mri" Kirn was trying her best to keep calm, but she knew she was showing her fangs too much by the way the frail fey was looking at her.

"You are not begging, Kirn… exarch. Prince Aedrik, stocked Svet Cilar with grain for the campaign, he is even considering sending some of it as gifts for our allied tribes, it would only be for 2 months, we could create a fish farm at the green lake and perhaps we could only need a month worth of grain, but that would give us enough time for Buckenmak to develop properly" Kirn grimaced, she hated the name chosen for the settlement.

"You should consider Mri's opinion, exarch. The empire has great plans for Buchenmak, the original plan considered an expansion of Svet Cilar and it would become the heart of our eastern border, and yet the prince pushed to have this settlement as an integral part of it, he managed to convince the east council" the quartermaster seldom shared his opinion, she respected him, he had earned it.

"I know, you were sent here because of him" Kirn to face the quartermaster, the dwarf smiled at her.

"I came because the empire needs to create a defensive line, I have been working at Svet Cilar for over a month. The prince did not asked me to come, I came because I heard you chose to become part of the empire, we have an opportunity, you can see it, and yet you fail to make the best of it, because you think doing everything by yourselves will impress the prince" Kirn felt his words cutting, she felt her hands trembling, the quartermaster was looking straight at her as he stood on top of a chair to be able to see the map from above "But do as you like…" the quartermaster, turned again towards his map, Kirn felt her nails cutting through her hand as she squeezed too hard.

"I am sorry, druid Mri, I'll gather the hunters, we can discuss their new hunting routes later" Kirn left the hall before the druid or anyone else said anything.

She has heading for her tent, she needed to leave the settlement, she would go and hunt something, and then gather the rest. She wanted to talk with Yara, but the elder shaman had been working with Erkal, they oversaw a team of builders.

"Exarch, sergeant Kent would like you to go see him" one of the northern soldiers said to her as she left her tent with her javelin on hand.

"I am going to hunt, can it wait?" Kirn tried her best to not sound distressed.

"I don't think is urgent exarch, I'll tell sergeant Kent, you will see him later" the soldier gave her a short salute and went to the far west side of the settlement.

Kirn picked up her pace, she needed to leave, if she stayed a while longer, someone else would come and asked something else. She crossed the east watchtower, and was greeted by the soldiers there, as soon as she had some space between them, she started running.

She was sprinting as fast as she could, she was descending the hill, if she tripped, she could get badly injured, but she was huntress, and she knew the land. For all she was at the limit of what she once considered human lands, she was entering the runners pass, Book Reader tribe lands.

She kept running until she reached the edge of the forest, three wagons were being filled with wood. A group of orcs and humans, were working, she was going to head somewhere else, when someone waved at her. She sighed and kept her direction, as she got near the lumberjacking camp, the soldiers who were guarding it saluted her.

"Has something happened, exarch?" one of the soldiers asked, and she had to stop.

"Everything is fine, I came to join the hunters"

"I think they were heading west, best of luck then exarch" the soldier answered quickly, by his reaction Kirn guessed she had not managed to keep her displeasure from showing.

Kirn sped up, and entered the forest, she had her javelin at the ready, it had only been two weeks since they had started working inside the forest, and yet Kirn could see the traces left behind by their doing.

She slowed down only when she was sure there were no signs of anyone else from the settlement other than the hunters, she felt the weight of her javelin, as she started moving stealthy, for all they had been working inside the forest, there were still dangers.

Kirn kept moving to the west, after a while her uneasiness had disappeared, she was moving without making a sound, as she had been thought by her elder hunters. It did not take much time before she spotted an adult roc, resting on a tall tree.

She slowly moved in position for a shot, rocs where common on the forest, she would only have a decent shot, other wise the roc would leave or attack her. Judging by its size, Kirn guessed it would launch for her if she missed the javelin. Kirn kept moving with care, she felt the familiar grip of the javelin on her hand, she was about to let it loose, when she heard a loud roar coming from somewhere else.

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