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80% An Empire Divided / Chapter 44: Princesses and lords

Chapter 44: Princesses and lords

"We should have come earlier, and we should have teleported directly to Lune de Neige" an angry young woman with short loose her red like a wildfire, cursed as she moved impatiently inside the carriage, the two companions at her side ignored her, she had been complaining since they started the trip.

"It was father's orders Lucy, there is nothing we could do about them" a younger girl answered, her voice was gentle but somehow it sounded from someone older than she was. The younger girl was almost as tall as the redhaired one, but she had more delicate features, deep dark hair, and pristine blue eyes, for all she was young she was beautiful, and the pale blue dress enhanced her.

"I know Luna, but I can't wait to meet this lady Frey, she is Aedrik's kismet" Lucy said biting her lips with enthusiasm, a pair of fangs adorned her playful and feline features "I know you are all as eager to meet her as me, I am just expressing it because neither you or Vanya would" Lucy patted her younger sister on the head, who just sighed.

"This lady Frey is not very social, there is too little information about her" a woman looking outside the carriage said with an aloof attitude. She was very tall, she had a delicate beige shirt and on top of it a thin an exquisite chain mail, it was clearly made for her in how it fitted, she donned black trousers. Her hair cascaded below her shoulders, it was a cyan, the most striking feature of her.

"I don't think having our spies dig information about her it's the best way to learn about her" Lucy told her elder sister "I've sent Siv a few messages, but she has politely refused to tell me anything" the middle sister sighed, she was dressed on pale green colors, leather trousers and vest, the typical south fey ranger clothing.

"It is mandatory to have our spies check on anyone, specially is she is Aedrik's kismet" Vanya answered disinterested in the topic, Lucy frowned at her sister.

"Vanya has been looking into any potential threats for her or Aedrik, Lucy, she has already found several possibilities" Luna the youngest added, her other two sister turned to look at her, for all her delicate looks she was sharp. Vanya was reserved but she was caring, and they all knew she felt she owed Aedrik. She was supposed to be the one sent to Loire to secure an alliance.

"Can we do anything about them? Do you know the culprits?" Lucy asked her eyes focused, Vanya mover her head sideways.

"We can't be sure, there are too many messages referring to their wedding, too many interests, I am trying to focus on those that are related to know dissidents of the empire, the real problem is that there are too many possibilities, and I am sure some are making the most, pushing the strings of someone else, Aedrik's fast response in the warring hills made it clear there are plans in motion" Vanya said in a cold tone, Lucy pulled her hair, Luna sighed.

The three princesses of the Fey Danan Empire, Vanya the oldest had already made herself known to the world when she ended the royal family of Faerun. The cold blade of the Empire, she was called, and she honored her nickname. The other two sisters were relatively unknown to the world, Lucylle, was always placed with her twin brother a pair, she had been raised in the southern hills of Enora, her brother was sent to Crete and Ran Ur.

The youngest of the three, the last heir of the Fey Danan Empire, princess Luna. She had been kept from the world for the most part, she was almost fifteen, but she had grown at the castle close to the emperor, the death of the empress had kept her sheltered, but the rest of her siblings had been convincing the emperor to let her travel from the castle. The imperial flower, she was precious for the emperor and her siblings.

The imperial heirs were close to each other, but the three princesses shared a closer bond. They work hard for the empire, as their mother had thought them. Fey made no distinction in man or woman, the empire believed in the same principle, but it was made up of many different cultures, so they would need to work harder than everyone else. The eldest, Vanya chose to be trained as an spy, the imperial network of information had been built by the late empress, after her passing, Vanya had become an integral part of it.

"I don't know how you can stand knowing there is something about, and not being able to act, I understand the need for certainty, but I could not stand it" Lucy said as she ran her hand through her hair.

"Our alliance with Loire also considers exchanging information, and sharing part of our web of information, I am looking forward to it after the wedding, for all Loire is known for its knights their spies are good"

"We will have to wait" Luna added to her sister's comments "What do you think about lord Luka and Percy?" the youngest changed the subject as she saw her sister's moods changing.

"Lord Luka is very competent, and Aedrik held him in high regard, he confirmed his ability and its considered a high priority target" Vanya answered immediately, Luna frowned at her remark, her sister would always consider the dossiers she had from anyone "Lord Percy it's a little immature, Aedrik said he performed splendidly with the cavalry, his importance as a target is being reconsidered"

"I like Percy, he is honest, Luka on the other hand… too clever, I think both do think of us as allies, but it makes sense, house Lunebleau fate has intertwined with ours, and house Beaumont shares a border with the empire" Lucy added to Vanya's explanation, Luna was frowning, upset, she wanted a more casual talk.

"Well, I for one think lord Luka is good looking, and lord Percy is very gallant" Luna said blushing a little and she noticed both her sisters were trying hard not to laugh, they had tricked her.

"Who would have thought? The youngest princess of the empire, listing after a married man, her sister-in-law brother, such a scandal" Lucy said to Vanya whit and outraged expression, Vanya did a poorer impression, but she placed her hands over her mouth surprised.

"The Imperial flower, frail and precious, but thorny and twisted" Vanya added salt to the wound, Luna tried to cover her face in shame as her sisters laughed.

"Do you really need to be like that with, her?" Pan asked incredulous at his cousins, he had a disturbed look on his face, Luna turned to him thankful "It is better to not cross her, she could try and steal your husbands in the future as well, better be careful"

Vanya laughed, Lucy was snorting loudly, Luna went to the other side of the carriage and hit Pan on the arm. He had been quiet on his side of the carriage, he joined them since their carriage entered Loire, he met them with Luka and Percy.

"You are all awful" Luna said embarrassed, as she acted more accordingly to her age.

"In honesty, I like them both, Luka is truly considering us his allies, and respects Aedrik, and surprisingly even you, Pan" Lucy said after she calmed down.

"How could he not appreciate THIS" Pan said as he pointed to himself, the three sisters saw him, and after a moment laughed "I see, unappreciated as always" Pan smiled with faint distress.

"I also like Luka, he is sharp. Percy, not my type" Vanya added, she seldom gave her personal opinions. Lucy and Luna saw the seriousness in her response, she truly felt she owed Aedrik, did he know? Vanya had only talked about it with Lucy and Levi, but Aedrik had always a way of spotting some things… Vanya was lost in her thoughts.

"They are good people but wait until you meet Frey. It is uncanny how well she and Aedrik interact, I don't even think his kismet has anything to do. Frey is good, her appearance… mother will flip out once she sees her, I guess she never considered presenting someone like her to Aedrik" Pan said, and the sisters wondered about lady Frey Lunebleau, their sister-in-law to be.

"I wish mother had gotten to know her" Lucy said in a low voice, and they all felt silent. They all missed a mother and aunt.

"Lord Luka is suggesting we stop to rest and eat, your majesties" the voice from the carriage driver came from the outside, it had a heavy northerner accent.

"We accepted his proposal, tell the captain to prepare our guard" Vanya answered, she was the highest-ranking member of the group, by her right as heir, but she was also a Seneschal, a Special Advisor and Information Adjutant.

"By your orders, Seneschal" the driver replied, and he started to slow down the carriage. The sound of hooves came from the outside as their escort positioned around the carriage in formation. In a minute the carriage had stopped.

"For all northerners are resilient and deadly, they make just about as riders" Vanya said as she saw their escort in formation. Lucy and Pan nodded at the comment, Luna was not that versed on the matter. They all waited for the captain to open the carriage door, once he deemed the situation secured.

Luka and Percy were already waiting outside the carriage that was moving the three princesses and Pan, they had been escorting them, they matched the hundred strong from the Fey Danan Empire, with their men. Aedrik had asked them to accompany his sisters, they had settled on moving them along the Beaumont and Lunebleau territories, it would work as a display of trust between both nations.

Luka had wanted to stay and see the new territories, but this was also important, he left Sir Remy in charge of supervising the mine and the new lands, Percy on the other hand left everything on his father and was thrilled of meeting the princesses.

The Fey Danan escort was made of northern men, norkriegers, a hundred of them was a hard number to come by, from what he seen of the easter army, he knew how capable they were, and how loyal, but they were not used to mounted combat, hence why they settled on their men moving around them.

"I think everything is ready, this is the last stop in Beaumont lands" Percy said as he saw the preparations for the meal. They had been eating on the road, house Beaumont had prepared some spaces in advance for them to rest and eat, they had passed through a few towns, but they had tried to avoid them for the most part. This was the last stop on Percy's lands, they would sleep on the Lunebleau demesne, and if they kept the pace, they would arrive at Lune de Neige in 4 days.

"Thank you, Percy," Luka had to admit his cousin had played his role properly, his cousin raised both eyebrows and smiled.

"Thank you. You know the princesses are what how I expect them to be" Luka smiled at his cousin; indeed the princesses were different.

"What did you expect?"

"I had the image of princess Loraine in my mind, you know, delicate, quiet, reserved, but they are not like that, the older ones, the small one does act the part" Percy stopped "I mean they are all good looking, after seeing Aedrik I was expecting average, but they all clearly got a better deal on that inheritance" Luka sighed at Percy's remark, but he did have a point. Aedrik had a very average face, Luka was happy about it, when he smiled the man changed, but he felt a bit relieved about his looks, otherwise he felt her sister would have to look out for other ladies, Pan for instance, he drew the attention of every lady whenever they saw him.

"Indeed, they are all good looking, I am surprised you did not point out the middle one, I am glad to see your encounter with female orcs made some positive changes in you" Percy frowned at his comment, the middle prince had feline eyes and fangs, a fey trait "I am glad you are behaving properly at least"

"Have I ever done otherwise?" Percy raised a hand before he could answer him "We should not keep them waiting" Percy went near the carriage; he sighed and went after his cousin. The Fey Danan man were spread around the area, they had settled a space for them to eat, but they took the food for them, and returned to their places, always keeping information around the princesses, they had started making meals that could allow them to do that, the man in charge of the escort, captain Yoren had been grateful about it.

The captain was waiting outside the carriage door, the first one to always exit the carriage was Vanya she stepped down and waited next to the door. Next came Pan, he gave a nod as salute, and even though the fey man was flamboyant it came naturally, and Luka had to admit he had taken a liking to Pan.

Then came Lucylle and Luna. "I am sorry of Lucy says something improper, he can be loud and too familiar, Luna can be timid, Vanya is reserved and cold" he remembered what Aedrik had told him about his sisters. He found a sense of kinship with Aedrik, they were both big brothers, not in the case of Vanya, but they both had two little sisters.

"Good afternoon, my ladies, we are near the village of Valeville, we should be crossing into the Lunebleau territory in a few hours" Percy greeted the princesses, they were still on his lands, the princesses bowed politely, Pan did as well.

"Thank you, lord Percy, we are grateful for your attentions, and let me truly to congratulate you for lands, I've enjoyed these hills they remind to the ones in Enora" princess Lucy replied immediately, Luka could not help but notice both her sisters always worried a little every time Lucy acted on an impulse.

"Are we spending the night in the open?" Vanya asked, and her both sisters looked at her, disapprovingly, Lucy in particular, Pan just smiled.

"No, princess Vanya, we are going to be received in the town of Lizieu, the people of the Lunebleau territory are pleased and eager to welcome you" Luka answered and Vanya nodded slowly.

"Please come, we have been ridding for a while and you must be all hungry" Percy showed them, where they would eat. Even though they were in the open, several tables had been laid in the grass field, a large and more elegant one, had been placed at the center, and the food was already served there.

"Thank you" Luna the youngest replied, and both Percy and Luka could not help but smile, the young girl was small, and she looked frail, but she was a beauty.

They all sat at the table, the princesses, together, and Pan, Percy, and Luka, on the other side of the table. The meal that had been prepared was prepared with fish, from a nearby river, it had been slowly cooked, it looked fantastic.

Luka and Percy both had believed princess Lucy would like fish, but strangely she rarely eat it. Vanya on the other hand love it, she had a rare smile on her face as she saw the food on the table.

"I hope the meals have been to your liking, we've tried to prepare traditional foods from our lands, this one however, is one that my mother likes" Percy said as they were all around the table.

"The fish in incredible, it is full of flavor, would you be able to share the recipe?" Vanya asked, everyone was surprised, she seldom entered their small talks.

"Certainly, princess Vanya. I am glad you like it" Percy answered happy about the outcome "My father wished for you to visit the heart of our lands, we understand time is short, but please consider yourselves invited to visit Levale Mont whenever you want" Luka was not aware of the invitation, it was a nice gesture, truly the work of his uncle as Percy had blurted out the words nervous.

"Thank you, lord Percy. We will consider it" Vanya answered immediately, Lucy just nodded, but Luka saw the smaller one eyes surprised and expectant about the proposal.

"Perhaps we could, once we returned to the empire…" Luna said in a small voice, she had turned towards Vanya, she was truly in charge of the other two it seemed.

"We'll see, Luna"

"Ask Aedrik, he has to see how the orcs are adapting to the empire after the wedding" Lucy said to her smaller sister, and winked at her, Vanya sighed at Lucy, the youngest brighten up.

"Thank you for the invitation lord, Percy, I'll talk with Aedrik, and see if we can visit your home" the honest reply by the young princess made Percy blushed, he nodded slowly.

"May I visit your home as well, Percy?" Pan asked

"I am sorry Pan; I thought your invitation was implied as well"

"Thank you, I heard a lot of Levale Mont from Danielle, I would like to visit, she told me it is inside a vast plain?"

"It is, most of our territory has mountains and valleys, our shared border to the south, and the entrance to the warring hills to the east, but the heart of the land is a large terrace, an elevated plain. Levale Mont is a one of the biggest cities in Loire" Percy said proudly.

"Levale Mont is worth the trip, but I also hope you'll find our lands to your liking" Luka said, it was true that Levale Mont was large and nice, but the lands of house Lunebleau were truly beautiful, Percy turned to face him, and they both smiled.

"Nothing against them, I just like to see more forest, or more trees at least. I am not expecting the Londen Woods, but the north does have some nice forest" Pan replied

"Don't mind him, Pan may not like it at times, but he is a true fey of the forest, Aunt Alba's fault" Lucy replied

"There is the Forêt de couleurs near the Auvernier mountains in our lands, it is an old place, I heard Mrs. Ferlin said that it was much younger version of the Myrkvidr Forest" Luka said as he remembered something her sister said once.

"We most visit the place" Pan grinning

"It is beautiful but dangerous" house Lunebleau kept a close watch on the forest, it marked the kingdom border.

"No wonder, if it is anything like Myrkvidr, Aedrik took me there once, the forest has a life of its own. The fey from Enora respect the ancient forest" Luka was not surprised by Lucy's comment, he had visited the forest of colors in his lands, and it was wild and dangerous, Myrkvidr was supposed to be the oldest forest in the northern part of the continent.

"Myrkvidr is ancient, mother both love and hate it, I visited once with her, and I rather not repeat that experience, I much rather go with Aedrik" Pan added.

"I want to go to both of them" Luna said without meaning to, she felt everyone turned to her.

"Myrkvidr forest is vast and wild, you should only visit it with Aedrik or Aunt Alba, Luna" Vanya said to her younger sister.

"I would also like to see this ancient forest"

"You could, after the second ceremony in the empire, Aedrik likes the forest" Pan added.

Vanya stood up suddenly, she was calm but preoccupied, everyone stunned by her sudden movement "Lady Siv and some man at arms of house Lunebleau have just seized a couple or armed men who were targeting lady Frey and Aedrik" her words spread through the table like cold water, Luka also stood up, someone was sending Vanya a message spell.

"I am sorry for alarming you, they both fine, the men were spotted and taken before anything happened, they are to be interrogated at the castle, I understand lord Lunebleau is taking over the situation" Vanya finished and she sat back, Lucy turned and patted Luna on the head, the youngest princess was disturbed by the information, Luka seated back as well, they needed to keep calm, and he needed to send messages to his father.

"Perhaps we should take the road" Percy said, and Luka for once was grateful he had understood the situation.

"Sensible decision, good thing Siv was there, no harm done, perhaps we should try to cover more ground"

"Definitely. We are changing our stop, do not worry princesses, we will get you to your brother promptly"

"Thank you, lord Luka. We trust in house Lunebleau, and our allies, I agreed with the change of plans. We should move promptly"

"I am sorry, you will not be able to show us your lands, lord Luka" the youngest added after her sister, Lukas was impressed by the small princess.

"Thank you, princess Luna. There will be time for it once we arrived at Lune de Neige"

With those words, they took to the road again. Luka was frowning, he guessed his father would send him a message soon, he needed that so he would also send one to the Royal Duke, someone was not being subtle at all, someone had crossed the line. However, was behind this, they better be prepared for the consequences.

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