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76.36% An Empire Divided / Chapter 42: After dark visits

Chapter 42: After dark visits

The evening at château Lunebleau had a different tone, the dining room was filled, but this time no one left the grand table after dinner. Lady Margaux was chatting excited with her sister lady Liliane, lord Damian and Sir Lois were chatting with Mrs. Ferlin, and the younger people were on their conversation with Frey and Aedrik at the center.

"I am glad you invited Sir Larouse, Aedrik. His fiancée lady Velden is incredibly fun to talk to, and she is very close to princess Loraine, she is the daughter of Sir Velden, and her uncle is Viscount Velden, they are part of the Delacroix territory" René said happily after she heard Aedrik had invited Sir Larouse.

"I've have never talked with lady Velden, but I also heard many good things about her, I also think it was nice of you to invite Sir Larouse, he was superb at the joust" Noelle added.

"Lady Velden is nice, we all know that I am honestly still surprised about her accepting Sir Larouse proposal. I am certain she was being courted by a couple of other knights, some of them better looking and a fair reputation" Danielle intervened.

"I am not an expert in jousting, but Noelle is right he was superb at the event, and from what I spoke whit him he seemed like an honest and straightforward man, I would even dare say he is kindhearted" Aedrik had spoken very little with the man, but he had left a nice impression on him.

"He does have a weird beard, but they might share something we don't know, they seemed to be well into each other that day" Frey added timidly.

"Both of you had just got engaged your opinion is clouded" Danielle frowned at Frey and Aedrik, Frey frowned, Aedrik smiled at her response "Lady Velden is delicate, and he looks like a hungry bear, what do they share?" Lea and Noelle both laughed at the comment.

"Perhaps Lady Velden sees something no one else does in Sir Larouse, and she has captured a knight who is head over hills for her, a good one at that" Lea and Noelle stopped laughing at René's words.

"You know I actually wanted to ask you some things about the battle with the orcs Aedrik" Noelle said changing the subject, all the ladies were surprised since Noelle never really cared much for things like that "You see, Percy always brags about how good he is and what not and I wanted an honest opinion on his abilities, after being put to the real thing" all the ladies turned to Aedrik, he had talk a little about the battle, but as he had told Frey, most battles had no nice way to retell them.

"I noticed he does like to talk about his abilities a little too much but honestly, he did good" Aedrik replied after considering for a moment "I can't judge his skills individually I could not see him directly, but he spearheaded the charge of our cavalry, he cut through the orc flank, it had been a surprise attack, and the orcs were in disarray but they were though. He kept charging them the rest of the battle and ended unscathed, I say it does say something about his ability, the charge never broke. Percy may talk a little too much but when push comes to shove, he is the real deal, he will make a fine knight" all the ladies were surprised by Aedrik's remark, they had heard Luka, lord Damian or even Sir Remy praise him from time to time but no one the way he had.

"He does practice a lot" Danielle said quietly but Frey saw her cousin proud of her brother.

"And Luka?" René asked embarrassed, Luka was regarded as one of the best archers in the kingdom, he was an arcane archer, but he had seldom been in battles.

"He is formidable, he was responsible of dealing with the orc shamans, he cut through their barriers and kept them off us, he save my hide once or twice during the battle, and he kept at it the entire time. He is someone to be careful on the field, but he should work a decent guard. The logic thing to do would be to pressure him, send kill teams or siege magic on him" Frey saw René startled by Aedrik's response, they all knew Luka was good, but hear Aedrik talk about him was an eye opener, Frey was worried someone would do what Aedrik thought.

"Please don't be alarmed, I did not mean to scare you. Talented and powerful individuals are always priority objectives in a battle, but Luka is smart, he knows how to keep a low profile and move around the battlefield, he understands his strength and weakness, and is in no small part one of the reasons why we achieve victory with much less casualties" Aedrik's words could not erase the preoccupation, but they calmed René and Frey.

"I am grateful to both Luka and Percy, more so now that they are accompanying my sisters, it truly has me at ease, and I could reassure my father and siblings" Aedrik's sisters were being escorted by Luka and Percy, they were expected to arrive in 5 days, Frey had been anxious about meeting them.

"It is the least we could do" René answered immediately

"I am sorry Aedrik, I wish Percy behaves around your sisters, I mean Luka is there, but he is kind of dumb regarding woman" Danielle made an apologetic smile, Frey had not thought about that possibility and she was suddenly more anxious, but Aedrik was smiling.

"You don't have to worry about it Danielle, I am more preoccupied of them being rude, but judging from your brother behavior around female orcs, I don't think my sisters are his type?" most conversations around the table stopped, Danielle had almost choked.

"He WHAT?" Danielle managed after a second of coughing loudly, the entire table was looking at Aedrik.

"I guess he had never met a female orc warrior before, but he did try to impress some of them"

"Wait, wait, how are female orcs?" Noelle asked curious, Danielle was too surprised to say anything.

"Orcs are very similar to humans just bigger more muscular, female orcs share the same characteristics but they tend to have voluptuous bodies and since most tribes are nomadic females are also muscular, but contrary to males they have more defined feminine features. I saw many soldiers form Loire and even some of the Empire truly impressed and taken by some female orcs" Aedrik answered after considering his answer a second, he was aware everyone was listening to his words.

"They turned him down, right? I am not having an orc, as a sister-in-law, am I?" Aedrik was impressed, Danielle was worried, but she still maintained her composure as best as she could, he would even guess she had nothing against orcs in general, her fear came from the unknown.

"They all did" Aedrik saw some color return to Danielle's face, he even noticed lady Margaux and Liliane had been worried as well "At least until he took part in the last battle, he was very sought after at the celebration, female orcs respect prowess and he had certainly distinguished himself that day" Aedrik saw Danielle's eyebrows trembling.

"You mean that female orcs, look after all those who distinguished himself in battle?" René asked in a cold tone, Aedrik felt every gaze on him, he knew he had to tread lightly.

"They do yes, and if you are wondering Luka was also sought after, but he had to attend to some logistics" Aedrik replied immediately, he saw René nodding slowly at him.

"Luka did not look after Percy that night? Tell me you did Aedrik" Danielle voice was now truly failing her.

"I am sorry Danielle, I had to attend to various things, I promise if another situation like that happens, I will keep an eye on him, however I don't think you have anything to worry about. He danced with a few females, but he drank and ate too much, he was passed out before midnight, many of my men are still wondering how his knights managed to get him and them to their tents, but they did" as he finished explaining, Danielle finally calmed down, and he felt that everyone went back to their own conversations.

Aedrik felt Frey eyes on him, he had an idea of what was going in her mind. Was it wrong he had not told her about what had happened? Their eyes met and he felt as if she could her his thoughts, he smiled at her, as best and as calmed as he could. He even felt his eyes burning, what a curious thing being seeing by your kismet.

"And did you receive any invitation Aedrik?" Noelle asked and she turned to look at Frey, Aedrik did not dare look back at his wife to be.

"I did, one, I turned it down" Aedrik saw Noelle was not looking at him but at Frey, he turned and saw Frey had not been bothered by the question.

"Didn't she know you were engaged, and to Luka's sister?" René asked dumbfounded.

"She did, orcs have different view of marriage, René, many have more than one wife or husband, they would even try to bear a child with someone they think is worthy enough as the offspring may benefit the tribe" Aedrik saw a mixed reception, interested and doubt on some faces.

"You are telling me there are female orc out there with more than one husband?" Noelle asked surprised.

"Mates, they call them their mates, but yeah, the Icefang tribe matriarch has three mates" Aedrik explained as if it was something natural and normal.

Frey had started reading about orcs, but she had not seen information regarding their wedding habits, this surprised her. Now she was truly wanting to meet a tribe and those who had decided to join the Empire. She turned and saw a curious face on Noelle, she even saw her aunt Liliane pondering over Aedrik's words.

They continued chatting for a while, lord, and lady Lunebleau left, so did Mrs. Ferlin and lady Liliane and her daughters. Only Noelle, Lea, René, Frey and Aedrik remained talking for a while more. The ladies were still asking some questions about orcs and the battles at the warring hills.

It was late when René and Lea excused themselves and went to sleep, that got them all on their way to their rooms. Noelle and Frey chambers were very close, so Aedrik accompanied them. They found Siv waiting at the entrance of the corridor that led to their chambers, Frey saw a different face on Aedrik, a curious smile, as he saw Siv was making sure she would arrive at her room safely. Frey was sure that after her oath, Siv would even fight Aedrik is he would harm her… Frey had been reading everything she could about norkriegers, they were truly in many ways like the Loire´s wandering knights of old, but she felt she lacked context to truly understand them.

"Ladies, it has been my pleasure to accompany you this evening, but yesterday was a long night, and lady Margaux and master librarian Emeryn, have many things to review tomorrow and I would not dare try them again. I hope you have a good night, Noelle" Aedrik made a small bow for Noelle and turned to look at Frey, his smile crossing his face "I'll see you, tomorrow, lady Frey" he leaned in and kissed her, Frey felt her face turning red as she did not expect him to kiss her with her sister next to them. He noticed her embarrassment and place another small kiss on her cheek just off her lips, made a bow and went to his room. Frey felt hot, Noelle sighed next to her.

"You need to get yourself together Frey, you were the one who accepted him, you will be married in a few days. I like that he is very considerate, but he could be sent to fight who knows where in a moment's notice, you had just been engaged and he was still sent to deal with the orcs. I don't mean to scare you or push you, but those who go to battle would often have urges" Frey turned to look at Noelle, and her blush disappeared she felt the color leaving, Noelle saw it.

"He was honest about having received a proposal from an orc, and somehow, I trust him enough to not worry about it. I love you Frey, but you should start considering what will happen after your wedding" Frey had been thinking about it… she was about to answer but Frey stopped her.

"He seems to be very understanding Frey, and from what I've seen he cares for you, he LISTENS to you, truly. He cherishes your ideas which is what I have always hope for you, just be prepared to respond to him, properly" as Noelle finished, she turned and went to her room, leaving Frey alone in the corridor with no one to reply too.

Frey remained on the corridor some time, thinking. She had been surprised by herself about how much she had been thinking about the wedding night, but hearing Noelle had her reconsidering her thoughts. She caressed the finger on her hand and traced the place where Aedrik had kissed her good night, she went to her room, it was late.

A hard knock on the door woke Aedrik, he had always been a deep sleeper, but he had just laid on the bedroom. He got up quickly, for him the hard thing was waking. He thought for a moment if he should grab the short sword 'If someone would come for me, they would not knock on the door', he crossed the room and went for the door. He found a surprised Noelle on the side who was about to knock again almost did on Aedrik's face, he dodged her,

"I am sorry, I thought you would ask who it is before opening?" she said after composing herself, she was wearing a night robe a baggy and comfortable one, not what many young nobles and knights would imagine lady Noelle would wear one at night, Aedrik's imagination quickly thought how Frey would look like on it, and the idea was incredible "I am sorry for coming so late"

"You have a point there, good night, lady Noelle, is there something I can help you with?" Aedrik asked politely, he had grey trousers and a loose white cotton shirt. She wanted to talk with him, she had deliberately decided on how she would come and see him, but after realizing they were speaking on the corridor and that she had come looking for him, she was suddenly aware of what anyone else might think, she blushed, he was being formal with her for a reason.

"I wanted to speak with you" Noelle said after she steeled her resolve, he looked straight into her eyes, Noelle was surprised about it, she had seen how intense his gaze was the day she saw him talking with Frey, he never took her eyes of her sister, but now that they were place on her, she felt the clear difference, his eyes were mesmerizing, but when they looked at Frey, they sparkled.

"I understand, you wanted to talked with me without Frey, where would you like to talk?" as he spoke, he had closed the door to his room behind him. He was very polite, and careful, he was avoiding the idea of having her inside his room this late and dressed as she was.

Noelle loved her sister, she had always been mad about how many people missed how smart her sister was, how incredible she was, the few who looked at her sister would only do so because of her ample bosom, Noelle hated it and she even felt remorse that most would not even look at her sister because they were looking at her. There had even been times when a lord or knight approached Frey with the intention of her presenting them to Noelle.

Noelle felt his intense eyes on her, but they were worried, wondering, for the first time in her adult life, she saw a man that was looking at her with not the slightest interest in her, and as much as it made her feel happy for her sister, her pride as a woman was hurt.

"I am sorry for coming this late, but you and Frey are seldom apart, and I do not wish to be seen by a guard or servant and misread my intentions" Noelle saw him, pondering her words, thinking.

"I understand" Aedrik opened the door behind him "I guess we should go inside my room" he moved from the door and motion her inside.

Noelle knew the room, it was one of the best, her parents often offered it to their close friends but it looked completely different. Aedrik had managed to place so many things inside the room that it looked completely different, it had more things laying about than Frey's, but he at least ordered them and piled them up. She saw a short sword next to his bed, and a few scrolls and letters. He must have work early morning or well into the night.

"This is awkward as it is your house lady Noelle, but please have a sea. I am sorry for the mess, I usually put everything back on my bag of holding in the morning, but I went to bed right after finishing some work" Aedrik admitted, he pulled a chair near the table and another at the end of the room, he placed them apart and near the center of the room. Noelle was surprised to find he and Frey truly shared some things.

Noelle moved the chair he had offered closer to his, her clothing had an intention, underneath the baggy night robe, she had her most daring night lingerie, she let the robe loose enough for him to take a glimpse, but Aedrik had no eyes for her, she sat crossed legged from him.

"It is late but that should not be an excuse for a host, would you care for something to drink or eat?" Aedrik asked a bit worried, she was tempted to accept just to see what he would come up it, but she had come with purpose, that came first.

"It is alright Aedrik, I just want to talk with you" she saw him ease up and look at her serious "I love Frey, she is special and precious to me, do you understand that Aedrik?" she had been thinking on what she would say to him, but now he was Infront of her, her thoughts were scrambled.

"I would never presume to understand what you feel for Frey, lady Noelle, we have known each other for a short time, but it is clear how much you care for your sister, and I am certain you are also truly special for her" his eyes did not move from her, 'how did Frey managed to respond to it?'.

"I just wanted to be clear with you, you may be an imperial prince, but we are house Lunebleau of Loire, if you hurt my sister, there will be consequences" there, she said what she had too, it was rude, she knew she could have just ruined the alliance with the Empire, but she was Frey's sister, she had to tell him.

Noelle knew Luka and her father had talked lengthy with Aedrik, she knew she was out of place, and she had managed to say what she wanted without her voice failing ger, Aedrik's eyes were dead set on her, she would not back from them, after what she felt was an eternity, he gave her a bow.

"I have heard you, lady Noelle Lunebleau" his voice was polite, but his tone was different, commanding, resolved "I assure you, lady Noelle, I would never do anything that would hurt your sister. I appreciate the concern you have for her, and I respect your warning" she was baffled by how a little thing changed so much, Aedrik had range, he had answered with his position, the fourth imperial prince of the Fey Danan Empire, he was so familiar you forgot about it, and he respected hers. He accepted her words, it was surreal.

They stood there at the dim light of a single candle; she was still surprised by his answer. She had not expected this reaction, she was at a loss on what to do. His eyes were still on hers, and for all her resolve she had started to feel overwhelmed by them.

"Is there anything else you wish to tell me, lady Noelle?" his tone lost the firm resolve, it was once more familiar and polite.

"I appreciate that you listen to my sister, and that you are willing to bet on her ideas, but that won't change my mind on what I've just told you" she said almost stuttering the last part, he smiled, that upset her "Frey is brilliant, do not underestimate her" Noelle knew she was losing her composure, he had been polite and he had also given her warning the proper respect in required and she was now being childish, but the smile on his face had made her mad, was he mocking her?

"Please lady Noelle, be at ease. I am not mocking you or being disrespectful, pardon me for smiling but I could not help it, because I am certain that in that regard, I understand that about Frey much better than you do" his hand were raised opened in an apology but the smile was still there, and she felt getting more upset, he barely knew Frey and now he said he understood her sister better?

"And what it is that you understand better, please enlighten me?" She was rude, she wanted to be, but Aedrik was not falling to her kind of response.

"You know Frey is brilliant, and you wished for her to found someone who would listen and care for what she says, someone who would perhaps encourage or tried some of the ideas she had about the world. You talked with her, you have heard her ideas and even though you know she is smart, you just entertain most of them" his words hit her hard.

"Frey is not just brilliant, lady Noelle, she has an outstanding way of turning her point of view, and even though she dreams, she can be so practical. She has no prejudices against other races from what I've seen, and that is exceptionally rare. You wanted her to find someone who would let her be, and appreciate her but pardon my words, that is just so small" Noelle saw his eyes burning as he talked about her sister, his voice changed again, it was filled with passion and respect.

"I want to help her try her ideas, I want to know more of them, I want to discuss them with her, add to them, share my own, become part of them. I am humbled you appreciate me listening to your sister, but you are wrong, I love to listen to her, and it would be stupid not too. She talked as if I give her space and let her try things, in that you are also wrong. She shares her thoughts and I act in consequence; I am marveled and honored of being the man who will accompany her, and I think she does the same. I love your sister, her thoughts and ideas, her whims, I see her in a very different manner you do. I want to spend my life with her, to share whatever time I have with her" his voice was gentle, his eyes said so much more. She was at a loss for words.

He was right, perhaps that's why she had been so adamant in coming to speak with him. She had wanted to know the person who her sister had decided to take a chance on, something she had never thought possible, and she had liked what she seen about Aedrik.

In the last few days however, she had felt and urge to talk to him about her sister, how much she cared for her, and her worth… when had she started looking at her sister the way she had always hated, like most nobles looked at her. She had come because she cared for her sister, but she had stopped seeing at her sister. He was right, she felt so stupid now.

"Don't get me wrong, lady Noelle. I do not presume to know your sister better than you or anyone in your family, I just had the chance of knowing her in a different manner, with another perspective. I like your family, you love each other, and I am sure you all wanted Frey to find someone who liked her for who she is, who valued her and gave her room to do as she would, but you all act as if she had no say in her life" his smile was incredible, he was proud about Frey.

"Lady Frey Lunebleau is anything but weak. She is not afraid to be how she wants to be, and she works hard for it. Loire does not value its ladies as it should, you are aware she has thoughts and ideas and hoped for someone who would listen, but you know her. Frey Lunebleau would make herself heard, she would settle from nothing else, that you are all aware of it, it's a sign of her doing. She does not expect you rather or brother to act on her words, but she never keeps her thoughts for herself, for all she is timid she does cower" Noelle was dumbstruck

"When we first met, she only knew I was part of the Fey Danan delegation and that I was a guest of Mrs. Ferlin, and yet she questioned me, she questioned the Empire, she was well aware of what it meant, the same way you were when you came to warn me, lady Noelle. Frey Lunebleau is brave, I had the chance to provide her the opportunity of assisting the trade discussions, but it was her who chose to go, to involve herself, to discuss with lords and knights, knowing well how they saw her" She had not known Frey had done that, but she saw the smile in Aedrik's face, his eyes reveled as he talked about Frey. They all have heard about what Frey had done, and even though everyone was well aware of what she did and was capable of, they still consider her, fragile, delicate, weak even.

"Lady Noelle, Frey Lunebleau, would have never settled for anyone who would not listen to her, nor she would just sit and accept the role Loire would place on her. Frey Lunebleau would never allow her voice to not be heard, and she is not afraid to act, and I am sure you agree with this?" Aedrik eyes were burning as he saw her, Noelle nodded.

"I feel kind of silly now" she admitted embarrassed, how short sighted, how… small they all had been about Frey. They liked Aedrik, and they felt he was good with Frey, he was, but they were wrong on what. She now understood, and she liked him even more.

"Don't be, you loved her deeply, we always try to protect our younger siblings, I feel the same about mine. You came here because you care for her, and I assure you, lady Noelle, I love your sister" there was no doubt for her, he did "I will care for her, and I will protect her, I promise you" he stood and made an elaborate bow, she smiled at him.

After a moment of him standing, she started laughing, she had spent too much time thinking on this talk, she had been on the edge on how he would react, in the end, he had reassured her, and shown her a side of her sister she had dismissed.

"Is there something else I can do for you, lady Noelle?" Aedrik asked a bit worried, she was aware once more they were alone on his room past midnight, and as she laughed, the robe had loose just a tad more, she blushed and covered herself. 'What had she been thinking?'

"No, thank you Aedrik, that would be all" she stood, smiled, and left as fast as she could, laughing, leaving a confused Aedrik at the door. Noelle was about to go to her room, but instead, went to the one next door.

The room was empty, a bag of dark blue silk on top of the dresses, on the bed Frey slept without knowing what had occurred that night. Noelle smiled, and laid next to her baby sister, soon Frey would leave. She was at ease of what her sister had decided, but that did not change the fact that she would missed her dearly.

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