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72.72% An Empire Divided / Chapter 40: Rooftops

Chapter 40: Rooftops

"That should be enough" Frey said to herself as she placed the quill next on the table, she stretched and blushed as she looked at her room. There were layers of parchments and book on her desk and dresser, the other two chairs were also holding some books. She had three maps nailed to one of her walls. One was from Loire, one covered the northern part of the continent, the last one Siv had given it to her, it was an updated map of the Empire.

The three maps had scribbles, notes, and drawings, she had drawn the new territory divisions Aedrik had told her about. The new division would still share a small border with Loire. She had never spent much time thinking on where she would live, she always guessed she would leave the Lunebleau demesne. She had given thought about it when Aedrik proposed, and she had felt reassured when they have talked at the library, but the wedding date was so close.

She looked at the map, the north of the Empire, the northmost part of the continent, part of her felt homesick as she looked at it, other, hopeful. The border was shared with the territory of marquess Alaire, lady Alaire the marquess mother had already confirmed her attendance a week before the wedding, Frey wished to create a more direct relationship between both countries.

Frey loved her home; she had not known had much until now. She cared for the kingdom, but the lands of the Lunebleau demesne, the people of Lune de Neige, she truly wanted to help them. Her going to the Empire would not change that, she was worried about how she felt about the empire. The empire had many ideas she liked, she felt compelled about it, it's multiple races and cultures were an opportunity, one she wished she could participate in.

"I need to speak with Aedrik" Frey admitted, she was going to see him a few hours. She turned and saw the dress than Noelle and Danielle had suggested she wore for the evening. It had been too early to dress up, but they would come back to finish the job.

"Frey, are you inside?" Lea's voice startled Frey

"Come in"

"Frey… you should use the bag of holding and let the maids work inside your room" Lea said after a quick glance at the room "You have not considered using the bag of holding…"

"I… no I haven't" Frey admitted, Lea moved some documents to clear some space on the bed for her to sit.

"Do you think you might be asking yourself too much?"

"No, but I am trying to take on too many things at once"


"I am now, thanks to you" Lea was right, she had been trying to cover to many things, she should need to prioritize them "I will address things differently"

"Can I help you with some of them?" Lea asked as she eyed with curiosity at the things spread on the bed. Frey wanted to hug her friend.

"You can, Lea, you already are, I would not like to trouble you"

"You know you have people at your disposal, right? You are lady Frey Lunebleau, and you will be married to a prince, you need to be able to order people around Frey, I won't be there to offer my help, you know" Frey turned and saw that Lea was looking straight at her.

"Thank you" Frey wanted to say so many things to her friend, but in the way, Lea was looking at her, they understood "for everything"

"Don't you tell me you've just realized how incredible I am as a friend?" Lea said half offended, but her eyes were swollen.

"I already know you are the best, it's just that I will miss you…"

"We are not having this conversation now Frey, your fiancé will be arriving shortly. I came to tell you, the preparations are ready" Lea said upset, she went for the door.

"You are right, thank you Lea"

"If you are wearing that dress for the evening, you should have lady Siv keep a close watch, I don't know how your fiancé will react once he sees you in it"

"I'll consider it… I'll come to talk with you" Lea stopped at the door, by Frey's words. Her friend did not turn, she just nodded and left Frey alone on her room.

"I would also have asked you to marry me if you dressed like this more often, you know" Noelle said smiling as she and Danielle walked a few steps from Frey, and contemplated their work.

Frey was dressed in a silver uncomplicated dress, a daily dress you could say but it had a décolletage that just melded with Frey's body. Frey was red to the ears as she felt like being look at as if she were a piece of meat.

"Please stop" she said it without much conviction, she was embarrassed, but she had seen herself in the mirror, and she had liked what she had seen.

"Noelle is right, good thing you only decided to dress this way after you got engaged, otherwise, we would have had a hard time grabbing any attention" Danielle grinned at Frey.

"I will tell Siv to watch your door this night, otherwise Aedrik might want to sneak inside after seeing this way" Frey sighed, Noelle and Danielle were enjoying teasing her, but she would not complain, she had accepted their help.

"I can't wait to see the look on Aedrik's face at dinner, he already can't keep his eyes of you, but tonight he might not be able to do anything else" Danielle added, and Noelle agreed, Frey smiled timidly in return.

"We are not going to dinning with everyone" Frey wanted to spend the evening alone with him, she told him about the idea, he did not want to offend Frey's parents or her family, but he was thrilled by the idea. They had too many unresolved things about the wedding, but she wished to talk with him, and show him part of the Lune de Neige. Frey saw both Noelle and Danielle eyes wide with surprise.

"People always look at us and most think you would not be able to harm a soul, but it is you who they should be worried about" Danielle said grinning at her cousin, she had played them.

"Does mother know about this?" Noelle asked with and inquisitive look, Frey raised her shoulders as a response "Oh no, you want ME to tell mother? No, no way Frey, she will freak out, she is probably more interested in Aedrik coming than you" Noelle was moving her head in denial frantically, Frey knew how her mother would be about this.

"I have always covered for you Noelle, you owe me, you know it" Frey said with a mischievous smile, Noelle looked at her younger sister upset, but after a moment she sighed "Danielle is right, it is you who people should worry about. You would never throw a punch, but when you do, you make sure it will knock out your opponent"

"Please" Frey said with her beast pleading face.

"Fine, but after this you and I are even, Frey" Noelle said reluctantly, but it was true Frey had always covered for her. She had sneaked from the estate or the castle, and Frey had always watched out for her, and even bared the blame for some of their outings.

"What are you planning to do with him?" Danielle asked curious

"I won't tell you, otherwise you might follow us" Frey smiled again, and felt her ring tingling "He should be on his way already. If you have too much trouble with mother, have Mrs. Ferlin help you with her, she knows already" Frey did not wait for the other two ladies answer, she dashed out of the room in the direction of the bright room, it was a space built with magic markers so people could teleport to the castle, it was close to the barracks.

"FREY YOU FOX, YOU PLANNED THIS IN ADVANCE" Frey heard Noelle's shout as she passed the corridor, but she kept laughing as she ran all the way to the bright room.


"We need to organize the rest, we have at least a month until the prince gets back. We can waist this chance to earn his favor, but we need everyone working hard" the elder shaman Yara said to Kirn, they were alone in a tent.

They had seen the prince the part the camp. He was going to Loire, he was going to marry the sister of lord Luka, their marriage was the knot that tied the alliance between Loire and the Empire. Kirn nodded at Yara's words, the prince had told them he would see how they were adapting to the Empire, Yara was right, it was a chance.

"What a curious thing, to see the prince in a completely different manner. The human lord's sister must be a real looker to have the prince so compelled on her" they had seen him as he was being teleported by advisor Pan and several other mages. The prince was carrying a flower, a pink plains flower. It grew in the plans and slopes of the warring hills. The prince had walked early in the morning looking for one, a gift for his wife to be.

Orcs courted in various ways, most warriors and shamans boasted about their deeds and abilities. Crafters were sure their work spoke for them, but there were also those who did what humans categorized as romantic. Kirn remembered being courted by warriors, but she was better than most. The only time she had almost accepted a mate, he had brought her flowers, she refused him in the end, but she had loved the detail.

"I do not know if his wife to be is good looking, but it does not matter, she could be hideous and still he would marry her" Kirn's words surprised Yara, and even Kirn. The elder shaman knew Kirn had been rejected by the prince, they had discussed and agreed Kirn should offer herself. Kirn had done it for the tribe and for herself.

Yara had been surprised to learn Kirn had been rejected, Kirn was probably the most beautiful orc Yara had ever seen. A warrior's body, an alluring face, a fierce motivation, a gentle heart, and a smart mind. Orc and man always turned to see Kirn whenever she passed by them, but not the prince. Yara had not noticed before.

"She has to be, humans like their woman to be pretty and delicate, they respect power and ability, but they are vain regarding their mates" the older orc said with conviction, she had seen it before.

"But he is half fey" Kirn responded, that paused Yara. True fey were different, the elder shaman did not know fey that much, perhaps it was his fey half who had rejected Kirn, but why? Kirn had offered herself with no attachments, the prince had kept his words, the Book Reader tribe vengeance was settled.

"Perhaps you are right, but don't be upset about it, you may still have a chance" Yara patted Kirn on the arm, she had noticed how Kirn had been looking at the prince after he had rejected her, Yara could not blame Kirn for it.

"I am not upset Yara, I am ashamed" Yara finally turned to look straight at Kirn "The last days are enough proof for that man's worth. He used magic to create an illusion, so he could ask for Einvingil, and beat the scum Urkin in it. He never left the front line in every battle, his sword could not be stopped and yet… he brings his wife to be a simple flower, a small and gentle gift, a token of caring, he looked for it himself. I am ashamed Yara, not because I was not worthy, but because I believe my prowess and looks were enough to entice him, but he showed me something else" Kirn's eyes were fierce, they had not spoken other than saying the prince had refused. Yara had though Kirn's pride had been hurt, but it was not the case.

"He somehow show me a glimpse of what he feels for her, Yara, and I envy it. I do not know her, but I hope she can handle it. I won't say I am not interested in the human prince anymore, but after what he showed me, I am ashamed, I wanted his touch when I should have cared for his heart. I did not know anyone could feel something like it and now that I do, I am afraid, I won't be able to obtain something like that" Yara stood there looking at Kirn, the proud huntress was at the verge of tears and rage. What had she seen? What was inside the prince's heart? Love perhaps? true love was too rare, but it was deep, unrelenting, and yet gentle. Yara sighed, she took Kirn's hands on her own.

"Come, we have work to do" Kirn, calmed and nodded.


A bright light suddenly covered the entire room, it expanded from the runes engraved at the center of the open space, it lasted for a few seconds before it dimmed down, a figure had appeared at the open space at the center. The room had been called the bright room for the effect any teleportation did as it reacted with the location runes on the floor. A tall broad man wearing pale green shirt and dark trousers, a short sword rested on its hilt in a loose belt, he had a small pink flower on his hands, and an enchanting smile on his face.

If anyone had paid attention, they would have seen how his eyes had lit up, the bright pink star shaped ring on them, burning as he saw a young girl in front of him. His face was nothing special and yet, his eyes and smile more than make up for it. The girl in front of him had a slight pink shape on her pale cheeks as she saw those eyes on her.

If anyone noticed, his eyes had lit up literally, a bright pink start shaped ring had appeared on them. His face was nothing special, but his eyes and smile, more than make up for it. The small girl in front of him, was blushing as she noticed him looking at her.

"Good evening, lady Frey, how have you been?"

"I've been fine, prince Aedrik, you?"

"To be honest, a bit overworked, but more than anything, missing you terribly, Frey" the young couple stood there staring at each other, after a second Aedrik was on Frey, he leaned in and kissed her, a gentle and short kiss "I am sorry it took so long Frey, here, I brought these for you" as they parted, Aedrik offered the flower to ger, she smiled and took it, her face now a bright pink color, and he loved it.

"Thank you, it is beautiful, I have not seen it before, what is it?" she asked while she looked at the small pink flower on her hand.

"The orcs called it a plains flower, the fey called it bloomfel. They tend to grow at the plains and slopes of the warring hills" Aedrik answered, his eyes not moving from her, his smile as wide as could be.

"I like it, thank you" she smiled surprised by the small flower "You already answered me, but I have to ask again, are you alright?" Frey was worried, he had been in a battle just two days ago, she saw that his smile grew wild at her concern, and she almost regretted asking.

"I am now, Frey" his smile did not lie "I like this bright room" he said so, but his eyes had not moved from her, she grew conscious about how close they were, and that there were a couple of guards standing at the edges of the room, she felt the blood rushing to her face.

"Thank you, I like it as well, but come. I have everything ready; we need to move if we want to avoid being stopped, and I really want to show you Lune de Neige" Frey grabbed his hand and Aedrik let her pull him away from the bright room. The guards who had been closer to the couple were in awe at the prince, not once had he peeled at lady Frey's chest area.

Frey was pulling Aedrik as fast as she could along the corridors of the castle, she wanted to avoid meeting anyone who could stop them or anyone who would follow them. They were on the western part of the castle, climbing stairs, Frey was taking him to the highest tower.

The castle had been built on a hill; it had a natural lookout over the city below. The Horizon Lookout was the tallest building in the Lune de Neige, it was not a defensive tower and it had been made by Frey's great grandfather. Aedrik noticed how there were almost no guards where they were walking, and none once they started climbing the stairs to the tower.

Aedrik was delighted as they walked while holding hands, Frey have asked Lea to see that there were no guards along the way, but there could always been a servant, so she was trying her best to be as stealthy as possible, she was upset about Aedrik's smile as he followed behind her.

They stopped once they reached the end of the stairs, Siv was waiting for them at the entrance of the tower top. Frey saw Aedrik waving at Siv like a kid showing the greatest discovery ever made to anyone who would pay attention.

"Hi, I see you are helping Frey in this" Aedrik said as happily, Frey was out of breath, Siv smiled back at Aedrik.

"I was a fine idea, I am glad to see you in one piece" Aedrik gave Siv a deep bow, and she returned the gesture.

"I'll leave the door to you Siv" Frey said after she caught her breath.

"Don't worry, just… behave" Siv winked at Frey, and she felt her ears turning red, she pulled Aedrik as she opened the door.

"We will talk later" Aedrik said to Siv, as Frey had him pass inside the Horizon Lookout. It had been a long way to reach the top, but it was worthy. The lookout was a very large room, it's walls were made for the most part of enchanted glass, the entire city extended below the castle for them to see. At the center of the room was a couple of tables, and several chairs, and Aedrik spotted a large basket resting on one of the tables.

The two suns were setting on the distance, the last rays bathed the room with warm light, an orange and red color enveloped everything inside. The enchant on the windows, let the light entered the room without letting it hurt your eyes, her great grandfather had spent a fortune on them, but she believed it was worth it. Frey brought Aedrik to the center next to the table with the basket, she was delighted as she looked around the room and she felt his hand hold her by the waist, she turned, and he kissed her again, longer, they stood there alone.

"I am truly sorry Frey, I wanted to plan the wedding with you" his eyes were on hers, and they say so much more than his words. Frey nodded, and they both sat at the table and Frey started serving the dinner that had been prepared inside the basket.

Madame Dumont had made an apple salad and a slowly cooked fish caught this morning covered with cranberry sauce. She had also sent a sweet tea that had been cooled with magic. Siv had told Frey about it, and the cooked had liked the idea, it had become a trend in the castle.

"Now, will you tell how the battle went?" Frey asked after she served the dinner for them. They had talked about the battle with the fey board, but it had been too shallow, Frey wanted to know what had truly happened.

"There is no nice way to retell a battle Frey, you know the result, and to be honest I am more interested in your idea of clothing orcs?" Aedrik enchanting smile made Frey sighed.

"Siv is supposed to be my keeper is she not?" Frey raised her left eyebrow

"She is, and she thought telling me about it might make you happy, I think that is a fine job for a keeper, don't you agree" Frey rolled her eyes and nodded.

"I was thinking on trade opportunity with orcs, and then it occurred to me that clothing would probably be left out, I asked Siv and she said they do place importance in clothing but it is not a main concern for tribes, so I figured it was worth a try, I talked with Noelle and Danielle, and we ended visiting a couple of seamstress and weavers, and some apprentices were interested in the idea, they will have some pieces in a couple of days, Siv said orcs like colorful things, so that is what theu are working on" Frey explained a bit embarrassed, she wanted for the people of the Lunebleau demesne to have a way to take advantage of the trade opportunity presented by the orcs, they could trade with the tribes of the warring hills or even with those that had joined the Empire.

"You sure show how we are dumb as rocks; it is a great idea Frey. Orcs are simple but they are proud, and they want to show it in anything, clothes are an incredible option, and an interesting trade opportunity, some tribes would even pay for exclusive designs just to make themselves different, and once they see the quality of your weavers they would also take pride in them. You should also consider glacial orcs, you should consider making winter clothes" Frey was relieved about his genuine response.

"Thank you, I was enthusiastic about the idea after talking with Siv, but I am glad you also think it would work" Frey admitted radiant.

"You have more ideas, right?" Aedrik asked and smiled as he noticed how Frey went quiet "Tell me about them..."

They continued talking about what they could do with the orcs, as allies of Loire and the Empire, and those who had joined the Empire. They talked as they ate dinner, Aedrik explained how the interrogation had pointed to the involvement of humans. It was not clear who they were or their motifs, but they had confirmed someone else was involved.

Their talk ease up as they finished dinner, and as the last rays of sun disappeared. The city, Lune de Niege was covered in the gentle light of the moons. They talked about what they did the days they had been apart, and then they sat together at the windowsill facing the city.

"See how roof colors mark a district, since the city takes part of a hill, there are several places to gaze at the city, many people like to sit at the roofs, each district chose a color so they would mark the city from the top" as Frey explained, she saw Aedrik looking at to what she told him, but he kept turning to look at her "I always liked the light blue roofs of the starry bazaar"

"What is that dark green place?" Aedrik asked at a crooked street

"That's the cooper's terrace"

"Where does the river come from?"

"The source is inside the mountain behind the castle, it is incredibly beautiful place, it's the namesake of our house, the moons reflect on the water with a bright blue color, hence the name"

"Can I see it?"

"We will visit it, I love it, I wanted to show it to you"

"You love the city, I'm envious of you, and it is beautiful, Frey. Thank you showing me how you see it, I like the way you see it"

"How did you see it?" Frey asked curious, Aedrik smiled sadly.

"The city was well thought, it was constructed in layers, using most of the hill, it is well prepared for an attack or siege, the river is an incredibly valuable resource. The farm fields and the watch towers spread around it, give a vantage and rally points. I've seen several silos spread around the city, and even choke points to during a defense" Aedrik smiled bitterly at Frey's frowning "I like your view better, Frey. This beautiful sight it's what I will always think of Lune de Neige, thank you" They look at each other for a while before Frey found her answer.

"You know, I always felt well defended in the city…" Aedrik laughed wholeheartedly, and Frey did as well.

"I've been looking at a map from the north that Siv gave to me lately"

"Frey, I'm sorry I…"

"It is not your fault, even I did not know how much I liked the city before I thought about living elsewhere, but I am attracted by the idea of making a home with you" Frey went completely red but before she continued, she felt Aedrik embracing her, covering her gently.

"I love that idea" Aedrik kissed her forehead, and they stood hugged for a while "Will you show me more of your city" he asked without parting from her. Frey held him tightly.

"See that tower, there used to be a bookstore before. I used to visit it every day, the owner and his wife always treated me with something to drink or to eat" Aedrik was listening attentively at Frey, not parting from her, she kept looking at the distance "The bookstore was old, the owner and his wife had been considering selling it and try something else, they had inherit it from the owner's parent, and yet they haven't because I went there every day…"

Frey turned and saw Aedrik's eyes on hers, she rested her head on his arms, it was warm inside his hug. He caressed her hair gently, as she waited for her to continue.

"My father somehow found out about it, he talked with the owner and his wife. He bought everything, and they've been working at the castle ever since"

"I imagine you asked your father to open the castle library to the city" Frey turned and saw him smiling at her enchanted, she blushed "Tell me more, please"

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