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60% An Empire Divided / Chapter 33: Waiting

Chapter 33: Waiting

"You have all been briefed about our enemy numbers. Their force is compromise of heavy orc infantry and shamans" Aedrik paused, he waited for soldier Knute translation to the orc leaders "Our biggest asset is our cavalry and we have the number advantage, we should be able to use the mines somehow"

There was an old map on the table, it had been copied at the Ciel Rouge library by Aedrik's request, it had scribbles as the scouts had reported back. They had taken the mines at dawn; they had found no resistance.

The Storm's Fury tribe in charge of the mines had left them to meet with their tribesmen. The mines had been worked by slaves; they were the ones who received them. The Storm's Fury tribe had left a couple of trap spells on the slaves, Raz and Pan cancelled a couple, but one triggered before they could stop it.

No one from the empire, Loire or the orcs had been hurt, just the slaves. They had enslaved two tribes, Aedrik ordered to tend to them, they had been starving and sick. The Fire Eater orcs, insisted on watching them, they would not have any other traitors around, Aedrik let them, he had paid costly for being too trusting before.

"Cavalry does not excel at defensive battles" Percy said frowning.

"There is no space to deploy the cavalry, we could reinforce the mines, the knights would have to fight on foot though" Sir Remy added with a worried look.

They were inside Aedrik's tent, after they had taken the mines, they had prepared a makeshift camp. The scouts had confirmed the Storm's Fury tribe would arrive by morning. Aedrik set up his tent on a platform, it was used a makeshift command post. The eastern army two generals, a couple of captains, the mage commander, Pan, Luka, Percy, Sir Remy, Kirn, Raz and Erkal were spread around the table, Aedrik had solider Knute as translator for the orcs.

"Neither do we have enough numbers to face them outside the mines, and as Sir Remy said, it is a bad place for cavalry. We can reinforce the mines, dig in and prepare" General Bretik intervened, he had been in command of Svet Cilar, he was probably the most experienced in a defensive battle.

The mines were carved at the foot of the mountain, they had been part of the kingdom of Durn, it fell to orc raids, its last remnants merged with Loire. From the look of the mines, the orcs have had to dug them out, Durnites had probably buried them before they left to the west. Apart from the mine entrance, there were several ruins around, the remains of a city, general Bretik was considering using them to prepare their defense.

"We could try to lure them, we would have the cavalry waiting and then flank them or take on their rear" general Svein commented, most Loirians and Feydans liked the idea, but the orcs did not, Raz laughed.

"They will be waiting with lancers, they have enough strength to knock down your knights, they know about your cavalry, they are expecting it, lancers hidden at the flanks or the rear" Svein sighed at Erkal explanation.

"We have cavalry but can use it, we should have brought archers instead" Percy said annoyed at the situation.

"We have to defend; we still have a slight number advantage. We could hold them here and prepare some palisades, the archers will have a vantage point" general Bretik continued his idea and he pointed at the map.

"Yes and no, general Bretik" Aedrik interrupted the general "We should use every advantage we have; and our cavalry is one of them" everyone turned their attention to Aedrik, the general waited, frowning.

"You are right, there is little space for maneuver, but all we need is for them to charge through our enemies, as Erkal said, our enemy is going to be waiting for our cavalry we will have a detachment as a decoy, it will pressure them, they will have to remain wary of them, and we hide the rest of the cavalry" everyone around table looked at Aedrik with mixed reactions.

"We will make an opportunity for our cavalry, general Svein said so, we will lure them in. We prepare our defense, we give them enough room to contest us, here" Aedrik took a piece of wood used to represent the infantry and placed it near the middle of the mine "We create a choke point, we made a pit next to these ruins, and we make a pass, we reinforce with palisades and dig in, our archers and mages spread out on the high ground" Aedrik was slowly arranging the pieces.

"If they take over the pass, they will run over us, we lose the position and our archers and mages will have to shoot on top of their allies, prince, there is no pit to create the pass, we should consider a better location" general Bretik interrupted Aedrik, he had been as respectful as possible, Sir Remy and two more captain seemed to agree with the general.

"I know, general Bretik, and so will the orcs. This is the bait, we have to give them enough space, if we fortified and entrenched ourselves, they could collapse part of the mines on us, they had dug them once, they would do so again if needed. Once they are inside the pass, they will still have to be war of our calvary detachment, while they wait the rest will cut through their lines"

"That is true, prince, but there is no pit to form a pass" Sir Remy added

"I believe the Fire Eater shamans can take care of it" Aedrik turned to Raz, the orc was still unconvinced, but he nodded at him.

"Were would we hide the cavalry?" Erkal asked worried, Aedrik was calm, he turned to look at Pan and the mage commander, the fey noticed his gaze immediately.

"We cannot hide the cavalry at plain sight, there is no way their shamans would not notice our spell, and even if we used illusions and mirages, a single arrow would break the spell" Pan intervened.

"I know, but we could hide them along the ruins, your spells will complete the illusion" that was the one thing Aedrik was still considering on his idea,

"Why not hide them along the tunnel from the side entrance?" Luka asked as he pointed at the original entrance which formed a large tunnel. Aedrik, had not consider it because, he intended to collapse the tunnel, their enemy could use it, but Luka was right…

"Because it was a liability in a defense" general Bretik answered before Aedrik, his frown slowly disappearing.

"We should collapse it, and we will still do it" Aedrik was grinning, his idea was truly taking form "We hide the calvary inside, we collapse the entrance partially, even behind the cavalry and then we disguise it with magic, if we do not close it, it would be too suspicious"

"We hold them inside the pass long enough, then the calvary ran over them, and we break their ranks" general Svein continued the idea. Aedrik looked around, no one objected, they were all considering the idea.

"There is too little time, we need to prepare, and explain our strategy to men. We will make use of every advantage at our disposal. Does anyone have another opinion or objection, or should we proceed with the details?" Aedrik looked around grinning, no one said anything "Good, now let's spread our numbers"

After discussing for almost two hours, the command tent was left alone. Everyone knew what needed to be done, the defense preparations were against the clock. Too little time, too much work, but a solid plan, that was enough for Aedrik.

He took the fey wooden board, from bag of holding. He wanted to talk with Frey, we would not have time later. "I hope explaining our strategy will make her feel less nervous" Aedrik smiled like a little kid by the idea of Frey worrying about him. He had been discussing wedding details every night with her, and telling her about the orcs.

Aedrik hated his strategy involved placing too much pressure on his men, but he had not seen any other possibility. He would be at the vanguard with them, that was the least he should do. He felt weird, he knew too well how fast things could go wrong, still, right now all he had in his mind was, Frey.

He had never felt something so strong, how strange, inside his chest he was certain nothing would keep him from her. It puzzled him, how his mind knew he could die tomorrow, and yet, something burned inside him, a resolve, more intense than anything he had ever felt.

He sighed; he had lost himself in though in a moment. He grabbed the special pen, and waited, he was never sure how to start. "I love you, Frey" that was always his first thought, but he would not use it, until he said it again, to her face. How he missed her enamoring smile, the lovely freckles on her cheeks, he exhaled.

"Good evening, my sweet lady Frey" that wasn't half bad, all he needed to do was keep going, he smiled and continued, a simple conversation, would she know how much his hand missed hers…


"Your father never wrote however whenever he left, he always came back changed. When he came back home, he cared more for everything. He would spent more time with me, ask me more questions, I always felt, the idea of home, brough him back and every time he did, he worked harder for it" her mother words had eased her.

She had been concerned about her conversations with Aedrik. He always explained her how things were on his side, but she worried, she woken at night as she felt the ring on her hand pulsate. He had assure her she would know if he was trouble. She saw the fey board had changed, he had left her a message, what she had felt, it took her a moment to realize it was him, missing her.

She smiled, as she read the polite greeting. It did not matter he was marching with an army. She was too embarrassed to talk about it with Noelle, Danielle or Anne, and she felt Siv would have little advice on this matter. In the end she had talked with her mother, who had laughed for a while, and then shared a glimpse of her past. That had been enough.

Aedrik, Luka, Percy and Pan, would be fighting at dawn. He had told her the strategy, it calmed her, but it felt irreal. She had a meeting at launch with her mother and Mrs. Ferlin regarding the wedding, while her fiancé prepare for and orc raid.

He was glad, tomorrow's battle meant he could probably return sooner with her. Perhaps it was the probability of death that allowed anyone to look at things in a simpler manner, or it was just Aedrik, she did not care, she was holding unto the idea, he will soon be back, that was all she needed.

"Lady Frey, several messages came in for you" an castle attendant voice came from behind her room's door.

"Come in"

"Master Kelan sent them mu lady" a young attendant said as he passed the parchments "This one is from lord Finean, this is from lady Liliane and this one from lady Alarie"

"Thank you" the young attendant bowed and left the room.

Two days after returning at Lune de Neige, she had felt out of place. The work with the Fey Danan delegation, the trade conference and the wedding preparations had kept her occupied. Once they had gotten back, her days changed. She liked working on the wedding, she discussed things with Aedrik with the fey board, but for a moment it seemed as if the work she had done had suddenly vanish. The trade agreement was done, the details were not her thing, but still, she had been there.

For two days she felt out of place, that was how long it took her to react. She started paying more attention to the wedding, and she also continued the research she was doing on the Empire and Loire.

By the fifth day since their return, message started coming to her. Lord Finean sent a report much like the ones he did for Aedrik, she believed Aedrik had asked him too, but both lord Finean and Siv would confirm, he had not. The lord wanted her opinion, she noticed he was hoping for her support.

"Your wedding is the event of the year my dear, an invitation to it, is a commodity, by all means use them" that was what her mother had said when she asked if they could have some additional invitations, she could use to speed with the trade agreement.

"I've always told you; you were no using all your resources my dear Frey; I am glad you are finally considering all" Mrs. Ferlin added at that same conversation.

She placed the messages on her table, lord Finean had probably sent another report by the length of the parchment, her aunt had sent the measures for dresses. The last piece of parchment was the one she had been waiting.

She did not know lady Alaire, but she had met with marquise Alaire, lady Alaire's son at the trade conference. Their lands share a border with the empire, the northmost part of Loire. She had hoped to talk with lord Alaire, but the man had seemed uninterested in entertain her at the conference. Luckily, Frey learned from Danielle none less, that lord Alaire's mother kept the management of their lands.

She sent a letter to lady Alaire a week ago, since them, they traded messages regularly. Lady Alaire was coming a to Lune de Neige a week before the wedding date. She opened the message and smiled. Everything was in order; she could continue with the other projects she had in mind. She had been wondering about having orcs as allies, or as countrymen, what do they need? What can they offer them?

From there an idea began, she left the messages on the table and went outside her room. Her sister should probably be having a nap, she walked down the hall towards Noelle's room. Noelle knew many tailors and seamstress, she hoped to get her sister on her idea, orcs needed clothes like everyone else, and her sister knew most tailors and seamstress from Lune de Neige. Out of all the things, clothes would surely not be considered first when thinking about trade with orcs, but everyone needed them.

She hoped to talk about the idea with some tailors or seamstress, sell clothes to orcs, there should be someone interested in trying it. She did not know what kind of clothes orcs liked, but there was someone else who could give the insight necessary for the task, she intended to recreuit this person as well, just after Noelle.

The rooms in Lune de Neige were large, too much compared the Lunebleau estate at Meury. Lune de Neige was old, the bastion of house Lunebleau, it was considered a city but it was the smallest in Loire. Chateau Lunebleau was made with white stone, built on hill, it towered over the city close to the northern wall. Frey saw the city on the window outside Noelle's room, she loved the city.

She sighed at the sight of her home, the argent river crossing the city, spread in channels along the city, the river was born on a mountain not too far west. Noelle had an habit of napping around noon. She stood outside the door and placed her head against the door.

Noelle snore like a fat drunk, according to their mother. She had never heard a fat drunk snoring before, so she had to take her mother's word for it, but her sister snore were definitely not what you would expect from a lady. After she a few moments of hearing her sister snore, she opened the door and entered the room as quiet as she could.

Noelle was sleeping like a statue, both hands resting on her chest, the image of what a sleeping lady should look like, that was until a loud snore came from her, and shattered the image, she could not hold longer and started laughing.

"Wha.. what is going on?" Noelle said as she was getting up, and saw Frey laughing, halfway across her room "Frey you jerk, I was snoring right?" Noelle said as she connected the dots.

"You truly snore like it's no one's business" Frey said laughing still

"It is no one's business but tell me why you have come to my chambers, speak now, feeble mortal, for my time is precious" Noelle said with a loud voice, as if she was trying to impersonate a djinn of the children's stories, Frey smiled.

"I want you to help me, I need to talk with some weavers, but we need to get Siv as well" Frey said and Noelle smiled. She had seen Frey worried about what was happening with the orcs, René had been worried as well, but she was better at hiding her nervousness, she liked that Frey was more animated.

"Fine, give me a moment, I have to freshen up" and Noelle went to the bathroom, to wash her face, and to put on a simple dress. Noelle wore very elegant dresses while they were on Meury, but once they were back home, she wore simple but still gorgeous dresses, like the ones Frey wore, when they were on Meury.

After a few minutes both sisters, where on their way to the chambers on the second floor, Siv, had taken a room there, she had wanted to have a place in the barracks, but Frey would not have it. Siv tried to be close to Frey whenever she went, but inside the castle, she gave her a lot of freedom, and the north woman, often spent the time in her room, or she had been on the last 2 days.

They went downstairs and before they knocked on the door, Siv opened it up, and bowed a bit, Noelle was surprised, but Frey had been getting used to it.

"Lady Frey, lady Noelle, how may I be of service? are you going somewhere?" The north woman, asked right away, Frey noticed, she always had her short sword near her, and on her belt a dagger was forever by her side.

"Yes Siv, we are, and we need you" Frey smiled and Siv, grabbed the short sword and place it on her belt, nodding she was ready "We are going to meet with some weavers, but I need you to help me" both Noelle and Siv, was curious about what Frey wanted, and they were already walking, heading for the stables.

"I was thinking, that after the incursion on orc territory, we will end up with orcs as allies, and with that comes trade. This presents a chance, I am sure traders will look past our differences quickly when there is coin to gain" Siv was nodding, at Frey's words but Noelle was confused, what did that had to do with her "But I don't think anyone is considering, clothing, I am no expert on orc customs, hence why I need your opinion and knowledge Siv, and Noelle, could direct us to some weavers who could in turn benefit from this"

Siv was surprised, Frey was correct, no one would think about trading clothes with orcs, when Aedrik managed to establish new trades with them on the north, they had focused on tools, runes, pelts, weapons, but no one had thought about clothes, and orcs, did like them, woman and shamans liked to wear very colorful clothing, as dyes were something not many orcs care to make.

"It might be a good idea, lady Frey, from what I've seen, orcs woman, shaman and even some leaders, indeed care a lot from what they were, especially different dyes. They sometimes wore mismatching clothes, just because they are made from different colors" Siv answered and Frey was happy, Noelle was again, amazed by her sister idea, and now, she understood why they needed both.

"Do they like complicated or more complex clothes, like laces, or something of the sort?" Noelle asked Siv curious.

"No, they like simple and practical clothes, nor they care for embroidery, but they like patterns on them, they either have baggy clothes, or well-cut so that they could move around a lot on it" Siv answered thinking on what she had seen orcs wear.

"Then we should go talk with apprentices, the best tailors and weavers, would not care for simple designs, but apprentices, could make money from them, and practice, it is indeed a great idea Frey, come I know where we should go" Noelle said excited and they followed her for the stables.

They took a simple carriage, and the three girls rode on it, two more man, were escorting them. Siv really did not like being inside, for she felt, she could do more as an escort, but she was a keeper now, and part of her job, was to bond with Frey, and truth be told, it was not difficult.

The three ladies were on their way inside the carriage, and Noelle kept asking questions at Siv, about what kind of clothing orcs liked, if she had an idea of their sizes, and if they changed them when seasons changed. Frey smiled at her sister questions, she was indeed the right person to help her, she was already thinking on what else they could do. She sighed, today this was what she could think off, but she wanted to do more, much more, and curios as it was, she wanted to talk with Aedrik about her ideas, she could not think about what Aedrik would soon face, all she wanted was a message on the fey board telling her, he would be coming soon.

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