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56.36% An Empire Divided / Chapter 31: The Enemy of my Enemy

Chapter 31: The Enemy of my Enemy

"Are you heading out, Kirn?"

"I am"

Kirn had been waking to early every morning, ever since the Sleeping Thunder tribe had made the Book Reader tribe part of their group. It had been almost a week since things had changed, but at dawn Kirn was awake. Next to her bunk two young orcs were waiting.

Several bunks were spread inside the large tent, the Book Reader tribe was waking. Kirn saw the change, they all would have been awake by now, the young were sleeping placidly, they would HAVE to be woken soon, but not yet.

"Keep quiet, try to not wake everyone else" the two orcs nodded.

Kirn grabbed the hunting spear next to the bunk and set outside the tent. The first rays of the sun slowly covered the large number of tents spread out. The two young orcs moved behind, they were supposed to be Kirn's guards, but there was little they could do if they ran into any trouble. The Book Reader tribe tents were the closest to those of the Fey Danan empire easter army. They needed to learn and understand these Feydans quickly, the Book Reader tribe had decided their fate intertwined with that of the empire, with the imperial prince, their great shaman had said.

"Keep your eyes and ears open, learn as much as you can. Understand how they work and move, instead of looking around like lost pups" the young orcs nodded embarrassed.

As they walked around the camp, the soldiers on guard duty eyed them with caution, Kirn had seen some of the empire soldiers wore heavier clothing, they were men from the north. They seemed to be at ease next to the orcs, the Book Reader's tents were next to theirs, and from what Kirn had seen, they were the imperial prince direct soldiers.

The two young orcs were even more wary of these northern men, for all they acted naturally around the orcs, they had seen them in battle. They knew how to fight and kill their kind, there was no doubt about it, that is what intrigued Kirn so much, how could they be so at ease with orcs if they were so used to fight them? Their great shaman said it was the prince doing.

The fourth imperial prince, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, as he introduced himself after the battle. He had kept his word with the orcs, once the battle had ended speakers had been sent to talk with him. A temporary truce, before they decided on how to continue the prince wanted to interrogate the Sleeping Thunder prisoners, the tribes were invited to witness the results.

Kirn still felt the taste of bile as rage overtook everything. The Sleeping Thunder tribe was a pawn in the Storm's Fury tribe, a well-known tribe and of the biggest in the warring hills. They had taken over an iron mine at the Auvernier mountains, the tribe intended to take over the warring hills, they had feared an intervention by Loire or the empire, they armed and convinced the Sleeping Thunder tribe to form another group, they were supposed to become a single tribe, in the end they had been fooled, the rest of the tribes used as pawns.

After the interrogation had finished the prince kept his word. There was no survivor from the Sleeping Thunder tribe, or any other orc who had fought against them. He offered the remaining tribes with three choices. They could return to their lands, the Empire and Loire would respect them, and they if they wanted to, he wished to start trade with them, to recognize as neighbors, recognized borders.

They could also become allies of the Empire; he would see that they had safe passage back to their lands and would work a treaty with them. Protection and recognition from the Empire, trade, and free passage. He could not guarantee how Loire would perceive them, but the Empire would respond for them.

The last was an invitation to become part of the Empire. They would be recognized as citizens of the empire, they would be given land withing the empire for them to settle and use, they would have to pledge allegiance to the imperial laws.

"The empire will march on the Storm's Fury tribe; they will pay for what they have done. Think over the choices I present to you; we will depart tomorrow at dawn. I'll be waiting for your response, if you do not come to meet me, I'll understand you have decided to walk on your own, you are free to do so" those were the choices the prince had given them.

The remaining orc tribes convened. The Book Reader tribe had added a few young and mothers to their numbers, they were grieving, but they had to assist their meeting, it would decide their fate. They tribe had not chosen a new leader, Kirn and the elder shaman acted as the tribe's leaders.

"We have taken you inside the Book Reader tribe, if you accept our tribe, you will have to renounce vengeance on the empire, only then will you become part of the tribe" Kirn grimaced at the words spoken at their meeting, but the shaman and the rest of the tribe agreed. The young and mothers swore by blood to renounce of any vengeance, it had died with their past tribe.

"The practice is starting" Kirn stopped as they reached an open space where several soldiers where gathering. Most of them were northern men, they rose with dawn and trained for a while before the camp began moving, the imperial prince was among them.

"There's people this time" the young orcs following Kirn, were happily taking as they watched the practice. Kirn had stumbled upon the practice by chance, and each day more people joined in. It was an individual practice, some of the northern men sparred with each other, but most of them practiced alone. Someone always asked to spar with the prince, but only after he had finished his practice.

Like Kirn, many orcs came to see the practice, most were not convinced about it. This time however, Kirn saw a couple of orcs joining the practice. They were hesitant, but bothered them, so they joined in.

"You will join, the practice tomorrow. See, that you are well rested" the young orcs looked with mixed feelings at Kirn and nodded.

The Book Reader tribe agreed in becoming allies with the empire, but some of them wanted to join the empire. Kirn was one of them, the loss of their leader had showed how fragile their tribe was, they argued and discussed for a while, but surprisingly the elder shaman agreed as well. The old shaman was certain that for the Book Reader tribe to endure and grow, this was needed, the older shaman's words weighted heavily, the Book Reader tribe would become part of the Empire, they only had one demand, retribution.

It was dark when Kirn left the tribe to talk with the imperial prince, a torch and the Book Reader banner, nothing else. The prince tent had been placed at the edge of their camp, waiting for the tribes. His battle banner was placed outside of his tent, the prince waited for Kirn, accompanied by two others, a human, taller than the prince but too slim, with blue hair. The other had very feminine features, a fey, elves of the wild, most orcs called them, it was the first Kirn had ever seen.

The human was a lord of Loire, the fey, a mage and advisor from the empire. The prince spoke orcish fluently, and he knew the rules of hospitality, food and drink were given. The other two would serve as witness to their words, they would know if he forswore his words, Kirn wanted to bring witness for the Book Reader's words, but the prince understood this was a tribe call, he needed nothing else.

"The Book Reader tribe will take on your offer, we will join the Empire" as Kirn's words ended, the prince expression changed completely. His eyes shone, Kirn had never seen something like it, it pained to finish them "Once the Storm's Fury tribe has been bled dry"

The fey man, Pan, frowned immediately, he understood orcish, Kirn knew it was presumptuous of them. The empire could kill them all, they had the strength for it, they could have made them slaves, instead, they had invited them, kept their word. Kirn wanted retribution, more than most in the tribe, but felt it was an abuse, still it was the tribe's will.

"By my right as the fourth imperial prince of the Fey Danan Empire, I, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, here by pledge the empire will take the Book Reader tribe as its own. They will recognize the imperial reign and abide by its law; they will no longer be a tribe but part of the empire. Know that your blood will be the blood of the empire, and the blood of the imperial family will be yours as well. This promise I pledge, a deal made with honor and word, a promise fulfilled when the blood of the Storm's Fury has run dry" the prince eyes were locked on Kirn, his hand extended, a promise, Kirn took it.

"From this moment, the Book Reader tribe in under the protection of the empire, they will be treated with the position they deserve, let all know, anyone who crosses them, crosses the empire"

"I, Kirn of the Book Reader tribe, take on your word and promise prince Aedrik, let the blood of our enemies seal this promise" Kirn could still feel the intensity of the prince on that moment.

"Why did you decided to join the Empire?" Kirn remembrance was interrupted by an unnatural slim orc, he sat on top of a crate next to Kirn.

"Why did the Fire Eaters, decided to become allies of the empire?" the slim orc smiled at Kirn.

"We looked deep into the fire, the Fire Eaters will grow from our alliance, the warring hills are about to change, the fire burns hotter with the empire"

"You want their favor"

"You could have gain much from allying with them Kirn, your tribe has always appealed to some orcs, you could have grown much beneath the empire shadow, why did you decide to join them, I know you are proud" Kirn eyed the slim orc, a powerful shaman of the Fire Eaters.

"Was the prince not proud? I saw our pride fell with our leader, how fragile we are Raz, the Book Reader tribe will endure, and we will have our vengeance. You have seen them, you want their favor because it is a rare opportunity, I understand your choice, for us, we will place our trust in the prince's words"

"Fair enough Kirn, the man word is valuable"

They both stared at the prince wielding a great sword with so much ease, larger orcs would have trouble swinging it as he was. It was not a matter of strength; the man knew how to use the weapon. Every orc had seen him.

"I did not expect the Ruin Builders to ask to become their allies as well, their tribe was in the best position of those who had avoided the fight, they would occupy the space left by the death tribes, and still they chose to become allies of the empire… things are in motion" Raz the shaman, said before he went back with his tribe, leaving Kirn to watch the morning practice.

"Why aren't your shamans painting everyone? I thought you wanted to earn the empire's favor?" Kirn asked curious, the Fire Eaters had exceptional shamans, they could accelerate the march of an army with their war paints.

"Those damned drums have taken the chance from us, no matter, we will find another way to earn their favor" Raz spat at those words and left.

The drums and horns of the empire make the march easier, they moved with rhythm. Kirn had seen the instruments, the elder shaman was certain they were enchanted, complicated enchantments, tied to someone. Most shamans were upset about them, Kirn's elder shaman was not, the drums could not force them the way some of their shamans could, they encouraged and urged you.

The camp was in full motion as the sun raised, everyone was starting to pack their tents, the guards were changing their shifts. The empire understood how tribes moved, the prince had given his word, their young, woman and elderly were being moved in wagons, they would accompany the empire until the Storm's Fury had been dealt with.

The other two tribes had accepted the first choice and left the next morning, that night the eastern army made a small celebration over their victory. They had suffered almost no casualties, they were ready and prepared, after the duel the orcs were at a lost, Kirn admired the strategy, they had understood the orc group and picked them apart.

The prince had invited the tribes to join their celebration, they had accepted but reluctantly, many feared the man of the empire could lash out to them, but that had not been the case. A large part of northerners knew a little orcish, they tried to make the orcs feel welcomed, the prince moved around the celebration making men and orc laugh. Kirn expected a disagreement might occur, even though the tribes that had decided to join them had bad blood with the Sleeping Thunder tribe, it was an uneasy feeling, orcs respected strength, the eastern army had earned theirs, the prince in particular, still, nothing happened.

The next morning the group started moving northeast, the celebration had not stopped the eastern army for setting early in the morning. They had made wagons for the elder, young, and injured, as the prince had promised. No one dare question the prince, who would? the prince had made short work of Urkin, the orc had never lost a battle before his bout with the prince. It had not only been a display for the orcs, but for the eastern army as well. Kirn feared some soldiers would give the orcs a hard time, but after the prince tent was moved close to the orcs, no one would dare. He had never left the vanguard during the battle, even though his forces had rallied on him, he had never stopped advancing.

"I am still upset about their illusion spell"

"Mirage spell" one of the orcs corrected his companion.

"My point is, they lied to us"

"We would not have accepted Einvingil if it were not for their numbers, you saw how the fight went down, had we not accepted, I don't think we would be here" Kirn was certain the orcs would have lost "We would have bled the Empire and Loire, we would have only served to give time for the Storm's Fury tribe to prepare for the empire" Kirn sighed.

After the day of the celebration the Fire Eater tribe had split, part of their warriors would accompany their woman and young back to their lands, their shamans would accompany the eastern army as they dealt with the Storm's Fury tribe.

The Ruin Builders tribe on the other hand, was going back to their lands, they allowed anyone who wished to join the fight against the Storm's Fury tribe. They were the largest of the tribes that had been left outside the battle, bit only a small number of their warriors decided to march with the eastern army.

The prince organized the orcs, he divided them with several of his men in what he called units, as they marched on, he had them training and practicing. Kirn's bodyguards, would soon have to go with their unit. The prince had taken his time understanding the orcs capabilities, Kirn for instance will move around near the frontline with a group of hunters.

These units seemed a little awkward at first, but after two days of practicing, they started to look like a good decision. The men from the eastern army on them had clearly worked with orcs before, it was the latter who had to adjust and learn, but it was done quickly.

"Most humans never consider orcs knowing common, use that advantage to gather as much information as you can while you are training. Listen careful and learn, you may be taller than the humans, but they are better fighters than you" Kirn told the other two orcs, who nodded immediately. The prince had earned the admiration in both troops.

This was the third day Kirn came and watched the training, or more correctly, to watch the prince train, but there were also others. The one in charge of the Loire army, Lord Luka, came as well, he did not train, but as Kirn, he came to watch. Many more people from the camp, came to watch as well, it did not last long, for the camp would be picked up, and the march would continue.

There were supposedly two days from reaching the iron mines, they were already moving around the Auvernier mountains. During a strategy meeting, they had decided it was more important to take over the mine, the Storm's Fury would have to take it over from them, the empire and Loire could have more reinforcements coming, the orcs would have lost their supply or armor and weapons, if they did nothing. From what the scouts had reported, the Storm's Fury had been actively increasing their numbers, they had not expected the Sleeping Thunder group to lose so badly, and much less that the mines would be targeted.

Kirn tensed up at the idea of their incoming conflict, the Book Reader tribe had lost half is numbers in their resistance against the Sleeping Thunder tribe, how many would be left after they had dealt with the Storm's Fury tribe.

Once the training ended, and the camp was being lift, the prince would usually come with the orc tribes, and talk with them as they prepare to move out. At first it was all about war, but the last day, he wanted to know what their tribes did to live, what were they good at, and he began offering them ideas, on how and what they could trade, after dealing with the Storm's Fury.

"Why did you decided to bow to a human"

Next to Kirn was Erkal, the warrior leader of the Ruin Builders tribe, he was a large orc, not as big as Urkin, but near his height. He had come for his personal glory, and the glory of his tribe.

"All orcs bow to someone, Erkal, it is in our nature. This time, the Book Reader will choose to whom we will bow, and that is something you sometimes don't have a chance" Erkal smiled wickedly

"True that, but is it the best choice?"

"That is an interesting question Erkal, but as our elder shaman said, we will work for it, and that is all there is to it" Kirn left Erkal. The training had ended, and the camp would march in a moment. Assuring the Book Readers were ready, was important.

"Get the others ready" Kirn said to the other two young orcs and returned to tents of the Book Reader tribe. The tribe was already packing and preparing to move out. Kirn was going to help when she noticed riders approaching the camp, they were carrying the flag of Loire, and the snowy mountain and three of house Beaumont.

The riders saw the orcs with curiosity but carried on heading directly to the heart of camp, where the prince tent was. The man riding in front seemed to be the same height as the prince, but with a much slender frame. His armor was enchanted and so was his silvery lance. The prince said they would link with more reinforcements, but they were expecting them from the north, and in a day, he had not mentioned these riders.

It did not matter to Kirn who they were, only that with every more soldier, the prince's promise of slipping the blood of the Storm's Fury tribe was closer. The Book Reader tribe was trying to learn as much as they could about the empire, they would become tribesmen with them, but before that happened, the empire had to honor their promise.

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