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52.72% An Empire Divided / Chapter 29: Einvingil

Chapter 29: Einvingil

Two battle banners had been placed not far from each other, and orc and a human stood in front of them, the white and blue colors of the Sleeping Thunder tribe, the black and silver one had the emblem of the Empire flags, but never had Kirn seen a battle banner.

Urkin was one of the largest orcs Kirn had ever seen, he had answered the human challenge. Einvingil, a challenge, it meant much for orcs, Kirn had despised the word after the leader of the Book Reader tribe had been killed by Urkin during their duel.

They knew they were about to face the human army, but no one had expected their numbers. The Book Reader tribe was small, they could not challenge the Sleeping Thunder tribe and their allies, they had been forced to become part of their group, there were several other tribes who wanted to get away, attacking the human towns had made them move inside the hills. The Sleeping Thunder talked about breaking their army at their lands, pushing past their walls, their tribe was well fed, and they had iron, enough to make armor and weapons for their entire tribe.

The Book Reader tribe was to be on the front line of their charge, every tribe that had challenged the Sleeping Thunder was placed at the front, Kirn only hoped that part of the tribe would last the battle, they were ready, but one could charge at the vast difference in numbers, they would die if they ran into the army, and too late did they noticed most would not be able to escape, they had marched too fast, and each tribe had their young and old.

Kirn had become enraged, the Sleeping Thunder had doomed them all, many other tribes had understood the same, but there was nothing else to do. The Book Reader warriors would fight and try to make time for the young to get away. Kirn was organizing the warriors, when the human had come forth with his battle banner and called for Einvingil.

Glorious unarmed single combat, a challenge of authority among a tribe, or between chiefs. Kirn had been aghast, would they answer the challenge? Did the Sleeping Thunder tribe understood they would die if they fought that army? Kirn had felt helpless after Urkin had denied the challenge, how stupid was he, how small were the tribes that they would die because of a fool.

But the human had retaliated, he had called Urkin a coward, in front of them, he had called on his honor as chief, and the human had a reputation, orcbane. Never mind the drums and horns that hit your soul, his name weighted, his presence grew. The human who had killed Rurk the bone eater of the Boreal Glades, their northern cousins had given the human the name, a tale that came from the cold north.

Kirn remembered how many had laughed and spat at the tale, a lie made up by humans, even some orc warriors had traveled north, looking for this orcbane, none had come back. The man was rather tall for a human, he had a nice build, wide frame, it made him look bigger than he was, but he was short, too much against Urkin.

They both were stripping of their armor, Rurk had a complete set of plate, a rarity among the hill orcs, the human was placing his armor in an orderly manner next to his banner, contrary to Urkin display o might as he tossed his. The human even removed his shirt and placed with his great sword and waited for Urkin.

Urkin placed his axe carefully near his banner, Kirn hated the large orc deeply, it was him who had challenged most of the other chiefs or leaders. The Book Reader tribe had fought the Sleeping Thunder, they knew they could not win, but still they fought, they had stopped only because Virn their leader had order them too, "The tribe will endure" he said, before he had been cut apart by Urkin. Even though their tribe was small they were fierce, and only because of that had they avoided becoming slaves.

Kirn was nervous, everyone was. What did the human expect from the Einvingil? For all that Kirn hated Urkin, the orc was a fierce and vicious warrior, there was little chance the human could best him. The Sleeping Thunder orcs, were laughing at the human, grinning from ear to ear, they were even making bets about how long would the human last. Other tribes did not care for the duel, the Ruin Builders were desperately looking in every direction, after a moment Kirn understood, they were searching for an opportunity, to break from the group and try to escape, but they would not get far from the cavalry.

The orc group had originally thought they would fight the humans the next day, but then the scouts had gone missing, and they had all reached the same conclusion. The group was tired, outnumbered and split. They needed to gain something for this Einvingil.

"Tell your worms to surrender once I have broken your spine" Urkin spoke almost shouting so every orc could hear him. How could Urkin not understand that they were at a disadvantage, he surely understood that it was always the challenger who placed conditions "They will toss their weapons and armor and leave" the massive orc said with a wicked grin on his face, he had almost a meter on the human, but Kirn noted the man had not even flinched.


"NO? you asked for Einvingil, and now dare refuse my terms? Didn't you call me a coward, worm? Have you changed your mind?" Urkin bellowed at the human, but he did not move.

"I challenged you, orc Urkin, I make the demands and you answer, you will hear me" The human voice rang like thunder surprising Urkin and the orcs "Or don't you understand how Einvingil works?" Kirn saw Urkin muscles tensing up and his jaws distorting, the man was right.

"Einvingil is called upon, because it is better to lose one life instead of hundreds, the Empire has come to the hills because of what some orcs had been doing, so has Loire. I know not all the tribes had been part of this, it is for them that I asked an Eivingil" Kirn saw Urkin rage building up on him "I know the Ruin Builders, Howling Tusks, Roaring Gorge, Fire Eaters and Book Readers, had no intention of being part of this group, and they had not taken part in any of the attacks on the Empire or Loire, for that I will give you two choices" the human continued and Kirn was surprised by much he knew.

"You can leave this field and return to your lands unharmed and alive, or you could stay and discuss and opportunity with me, a chance to reach an agreement, together" the human words made Kirn nervousness raise, was he telling the truth? Would he truly honor his words? Urkin laughter interrupted the questions on Kirn's head.

"You are speaking to the tribes inside my group worm, talking about giving them a choice, ha ha ha ha ha, did you hurt your head worm? For all you say you know orcs, you don't seem to understand this is the Sleeping Thunder group, we decide the fate of it" the orc grin was wicked, his oversized tusk curved towards the sky menacing.

"No, Urkin. It is you who does not understand. Orcs do not bring their young to war, a war group is strong by its unity, it needs a warlord to command it, I've seen it, I've fought warlords before, you on the other, you are stupid, and I have not finished telling my demands" the human said and continued before Urkin could interrupt him again "The rest of you, will submit your young to on of the tribes I mentioned before, only they would be allowed to leave" Kirn could feel the pressure and confidence the man exuded but before he carried on, Urkin jumped on him.

The massive orc launched itself to grab the human, but before he could catch the human, his right arm was caught by the man and somehow, he threw the large orc to his side.


"SHUT UP, YOU PIECE OF SHIT" Urkin roared as he got up and went for the man once more, this time he punched at the smaller figure, a surprisingly fast swing packed with the orc power, but the human was faster, he deflected the orc punch with the back of his hand and retaliated with a fast hit to the orc ribs, followed by a fast step to close their distance.

The human attack was fast and from the orc response, hard. The orc endured the blow and turned for the human, the orc continued punching with speed and power, but the human kept parrying or dodging the orc's attacks. Orcs were resilient, it was their main advantage more so than their size and strength, the human had chosen correctly to avid or stop Urkin's attacks, but between them he kept finding openings to hit Urkin, hard and fast, as he parried or dodged.

The human moved in small and fast steps, too fast for the large orc, whenever the man dodged or parried, he retaliated with might, each one of his punches hit Urkin hard. Orcbane the Boreal Glades had called him, the man was used to fighting bigger opponents, the human moved inside and away from the reach of his opponent, a complicated sight, despite the size difference, the human was giving Urkin a beating, the large orc was hurt, retreating, gasping for air, as the human punches fell on the orc, his robs probably broken. Kirn was anxious, the man had never taken the initiative, he responded to Urkin, he was waiting for the orc, who was clearly not a match for the human.

Urkin tried another punch, after he managed to breath in, the human advanced passing over him and counterattacked with force. Urkin fell to his knees clutching desperately his left side, he was struggling to breath, they were almost the same height at that moment, Kirn felt the chill of fear.

The human was waiting on Urkin, it was hard to believe. The man was faster and better fighter than Urkin, and contrary to his size he had enough strength to parry the attacks of his enemy. The large orc pounced, the man leaned forward and tossed Urkin behind him. There was no doubt about the result of the duel, Urkin groveled in pain, and the man waited, Kirn saw the orc buried his claws in the dirt, he tried to toss to the human, but he backhanded the orc's hand before he could toss it.

Urkin was in a sorry state, blood was dripping from his mouth, his eyes bulging out with rage impotent at the human in front of him, the Sleeping Thunder tribe howls had stopped. The orc on the ground looked around desperately, a few meters behind him lay his axe, Kirn saw the hesitation in the orc, Urkin tossed his pride, he stumbled towards the weapon.

"COWARD" the shout came from different tribes, Urkin was not only dismissing his pride, but the orcs as well, the Sleeping Thunder tribe was restless and desperate as they saw their leader crawl for his weapon.

Urkin picked his axe and charged the human, who had remained in place. Urkin was a terrifying warrior, but he was badly hurt, his posture was wrong, he could not properly carry his axe, much less swing it, he had only a chance, the massive orc managed to take the axe on top of him and brought it down towards the human, but he was too slow.

Kirn thought the human would have no trouble dodging the axe, but he did not. Before the axe could fell on him, the small human punched Urkin at his chest with enough strength that the orc was sent backwards, the grip on the axe lost as the orc stumbled on the ground. Urkin clutched his chest with desperation coughing blood and fighting to breath, a sad spectacle. The human looked at the orc upset, irritated.

"I will not held his actions on you, Urkin is no orc" the human spoke loud enough for his voice to reach them, Kirn heard disappointment on his voice "This was no Einvingil, and I will not ask for it again, I gave you a choice, I will honor it for those who would take it, just lay down your weapons" his voice was calm, but it was commanding, Kirn knew there was no other chance.

"Lower your weapons" Kirn had been scared to death when Urkin had gone for the axe, worried the man would offer would be canceled, no one in the tribe hesitated, their weapons placed on the ground, the young brought to the center, shielded by what was left of the tribe.

"YOU TRAITORS, PICK YOUR WEAPONS" one of the warriors form the Sleeping Thunder roared to them, his eyes red from rage, but close to Kirn's tribe the Ruin Builders also placed their weapons on the ground, so were the Fire Eaters, the orc looked around but even some of the Sleeping Thunder orcs were dismayed, ashamed of the performance Urkin had showed.

The Roaring Gorge and the Howling Tusks tribe also lowered their weapons, the rest of the tribes were panicking, they looked towards the Sleeping Thunder but there was no response.

"PICK YOUR WEAPONS, DON'T YOU HAVE PRIDE?" another orc from the Sleeping Thunder roared.

"YOUR TRIBE HAS NO PRIDE, NO HONOR, LOOK AT YOUR LEADER HE COULD NOT EVEN ACCEPT HIS DEFEAT" a large warrior from the Ruin Builders answered, Urkin was still struggling, he could not move barely breathing.

"To the rest of the tribes, let your young join one of the tribes I mentioned, we will spare them, but that is all, you have a debt to pay to the Empire and Loire" the human spoke once more, Kirn was astounded, the man voice was cold and at the same time sad.

The tribes began to move, like ants when you smoked their anthills, fear, and desperation. Some tribes were arguing with the Sleeping Thunder orcs, they had brought them here, they had followed them. Two tribe leaders spoked the Ruin Builders, after a moment they handed their banners to them, their young urged to go with them. Kirn eyed nervously at the human army, waiting.

Another tribe leader spoke with the Fire Eaters, but their shamans rejected them, they would not take on their young. The orc group was broken, each tribe was arguing with one of the four tribes the human had offered to spare.

"Let your young join us" Kirn said to one of the Windy Claws shamans near them.

"You would take them, after how we treated you?" a female orc answered before the shaman could. Kirn nodded, the female orc, spoke with the mothers of her tribe. They spoke with their young, many mothers brought their young to the Book Reader tribe, Kirn's tribe took them in, shielding them at the center, some mother refused. Kirn felt enraged about the stupidity of the Sleeping Thunder, orcs would die because of it.

The human had given them time, the tribes were still uncertain on what to do when Kirn saw him move to where Urkin was "You do not deserve a warriors death Urkin" the orc wanted to say something, plead perhaps, but before he could do anything, the human stomped down the orcs throat, his boot was away from Urkin before he drowned on his blood, clawing desperately at the air.

"Those of you had taken my offer, stand back and still, do not pick your weapons" the human spoke to the tribes again, the four tribes who had been given the chance moved away from the rest were it was possible, Kirn's tribe had to move forwards to distance themselves from the rest.

The Sleeping Thunder orcs were panicking, they knew there was no way they could run away from the battlefield, they could not outrun cavalry, Kirn saw how there was a single idea forming in their minds, they would take the live of the human who had bested their leader at least. The orcs of the Sleeping Thunder charged straight for the man standing near his battle banner, he had taken of his armor, his sword laid beneath the banner, he saw the orcs charging him, and raised his fist in response.

The drums and horns rang, deafening, before any of the other tribes could react, the human army was marching at full speed. The Sleeping Thunder orcs were taken aback by the sudden response, but they started sprinting towards their objective.

The other tribes were still considering what to do, screams and cries spread as they saw the human army coming at them, they had even left part of their numbers behind, they would not need them.

"Those of you who would surrender, throw down your weapons, we will see pay a price for your tribe's actions, but you will be spared, at least let your young go" the human spoke again as the drums, horns, howls, and shouts filled everything, but his voice carried trough.

Many mothers threw their weapons and clung to their young, shielding them, even some male orcs threw their weapons. For the rest of the orcs, there would be no more chance, they knew it, they started charging behind the Sleeping Thunder tribe, towards death, Kirn rage grew, this was not necessary.

The drums and horns were growing in intensity and speed, Kirn was sure the humans were speeding up. The lone man had gone for his sword, he would not have time to put back his armor, he waited his sword at the ready beneath his battle banner, Kirn was not sure if the rest of the human army could arrive before the man was overrun by the charging orcs.

Kirn was startled as the sound of hoofs came from behind, the drums and horns had taken over the rest, a large group of cavalry was coming for them, the Book Reader tribe prepared for the worst, but true to the human words, they ran past them, ignoring any orc who had no weapon and close on the charging orcs ahead.

Kirn saw a group of humans had managed to reach the man beneath the battle banner before the orcs had reach him, they formed with him, spears at the ready, the Sleeping Thunder was about the clash with them, the first deaths of the battlefield were from the orcs, arrows rained down on them before they could even reach the battle banner.

The arrows fell and brought blood and fire with them. The Sleeping Thunder tribe met their end on the battlefield. Kirn saw the human army end them, and so did the orcs who had followed them. Once the battle was over, the human army formed to face the tribes who had stand down from the fight. Kirn dare not move, that was when the drums and horns of war finally stopped, only then did Kirn dared breath out, slowly.

From the human army came the man called orcbane, he was covered in blood, Kirn guessed none was his. He had fought without his armor, he had been the target of rage of the Sleeping Thunder tribe, but they could not cut him. He was carrying the battle banner he had used to request the einvingil.

"Send your speakers, the Fey Danan empire invites you for a meeting, I am the fourth imperial prince, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, I will serve as the empire speaker"

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