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Red Line. Mary Geoise.

One day has passed since the death of <Gorosei>. All this time, Im continued to sit on the <Empty Throne> and think about everything that had happened. He already knew that his most faithful servants had been killed. Im used on their souls the special ability of the Jotuns, with the help of which it was possible to create ties between the Master and the Servant. Thanks to these ties, he could read minds and feel the location of all his servants.

For Im, the loss of <Gorosei> was equal to the loss of his own hands. He had no contact with anyone except <Gorosei>. The old men were his ears, eyes, and hands. Because of the curse that the World Serpent placed on everyone in whom Ymir's blood flows, Im could not leave the Red Line and act on his own.


A thousand years ago, Im tried to get rid of the curse by becoming God. This is what caused the Great War between the Twenty Kingdoms and the <Ancient Kingdom>.

When people were first able to get to the top of the Red Line, they found there the Majestic Castle, in which an unknown creature lived. This creature posed to them as Im...

Im possessed huge mysterious powers and incredible knowledge. He could heal absolutely any wounds and cure any incurable disease. He was like Prometheus and taught people many knowledge and secrets that were previously inaccessible to them.

At this time, much knowledge was irretrievably lost. Most people lived in undeveloped societies and did not know so many things. The exception was only the <Ancient Kingdom> and its allies, who received all their knowledge from their Ancestors.

Over the long two hundred years, a lot has changed. Once undeveloped people were able to build dozens of cities and create their own kingdoms. They learned medicine, architecture, art, and many other useful skills. As at present, education has not become something special and popular. But... It is safe to say that there are many more educated people than before. Although people have become much smarter, but they never forgot the one thanks to whom their whole life has changed.

Im became a real messiah for these people and they began to deify him… Im achieved what he wanted... He achieved their Faith in him as in their God.

He knew that in order to become God, he needed the power of Faith. However, he could not become one.

Im was devastated by all of this. He spent a huge amount of time and effort on these stupid mortals, but could not succeed. He immediately found the reason why he could not become God.

It turned out that the curse of the World Serpent destroyed all divine energy and put an end to the Age of the Gods of this World...

Having learned all this, Im began to look for another way to get rid of his curse. Thinking over various options, he came to the conclusion that he needed to destroy the Red Line and completely rebuild this whole World. Only then will he get rid of the curse and finally be able to leave the Red Line.

Having made a decision, Im began to implement this plan. In order to destroy the Red Line, he needed the weapons of several Major Gods.

Im knew that the only known weapons of the Gods, including <Uranus>, were in the hands of the <Ancient Kingdom>.

<Ancient Kingdom>... Im always hated it, but he never had the opportunity to destroy it. However, now... Now he had faithful servants and a huge army who were ready to start the Great War against Heretics and Devils.

Im gathered all the Kings subject to him and ordered them to destroy the <Ancient Kingdom> and all their knowledge about the Age of the Gods.

He promised these Kings that if they execute his order and can destroy the <Ancient Kingdom> and their allies, Im will create a New World in which they and all their descendants will be new Gods, and he will allow them to live on the "Land of the Gods"...

Kings were happy to serve their God and began the Great War against the <Ancient Kingdom> and their allies.

The war was really long. The combined army of the Twenty Kingdoms was much larger than the army of the <Ancient Kingdom> and their allies. But... Their soldiers were weaker, and their technology was less developed than that of the <Ancient Kingdom>. Therefore, they could not carry out a blitzkrieg and the war dragged on for a long hundred years.

Over the past hundred years, a huge number of battles have occurred. The combined army of the Twenty Kingdoms began to gain more and more victories. This was due to the fact that Im had five very strong and incredibly loyal servants who were superior in strength to all enemy commanders.

The fall of the <Ancient Kingdom> was inevitable... It became a matter of time...

After a hundred years, the <Gorosei> were able to deceive and lure the King of the <Ancient Kingdom> in Mary Geoise. They said, they wanted to discuss with him an end to this long and bloody war.

The king agreed... thereby signing his own death warrant.

The king knew that behind the Twenty Kingdoms stood an unknown and powerful creature.

He guessed that he was not invited to Mary Geoise to talk and discuss the end of the war. But even knowing all this, he could not ignore this "invitation". His people died every day, the defeat of the <Ancient Kingdom> was inevitable... The king wanted to save as many of the lives of his subjects as possible.

Armed with one of the strongest divine weapons, he went to meet with "God"... The king did not believe that he could survive and defeat his enemy. He went to Mary Geoise with a willingness to give up his life and the intention to distract the enemy from his Kingdom for at least a short period of time.

Before that, he gave the order to hide all their knowledge and other divine weapons on their sacred island. Also, the King asked his most faithful comrades-in-arms and friends to write a story about the war and everything that happened on indestructible divine stones. Thus, even if he perishes in the coming battle, his Will will continue to live and flare up in the next generations. And someday, someone will be able to finish what he himself could not finish...


The king of the <Ancient Kingdom> died, and his body was sealed in a tomb under the Pangaea Castle...

The <Ancient Kingdom> was destroyed, and the whole story of the Great War was completely destroyed by the order of the future <Gorosei>.

Im was able to receive one of the Divine Weapons, but this was not enough to remove his curse. He ordered his servants to search all the <Ancient Kingdom> and find all their knowledge and Divine Weapons.

His servants spent several years on this, but could not find anything.

Im did not despair, he gave the order to look for any leads around the world. He even sent his Army to Elbaf, but it failed and was completely destroyed by the army of Elbaf.

Years passed... decades... centuries.

Im could not find another Divine Weapon and began to regret that he had killed the King of the <Ancient Kingdom> too early.

But years of searching yielded results. He was able to learn that the King of the <Ancient Kingdom> left his knowledge and Will on the Divine Stones, Poneglyphs.

Having learned about this, He decided to erase his existence from the history of the whole World and patiently wait for the next person who dares to challenge him.

He left all power in the hands of his most faithful servants and simply disappeared from the life of the newly created <World Government>...

The descendants of the first Kings of the Twenty Kingdoms very quickly forgot his existence and began to enjoy their carefree and vicious life on the "Land of the Gods".

Along with this, a long plan began and a carefully crafted mechanism was launched that Im created to achieve all his goals...


"He killed my servants and became a threat to my ideal plan! I have been patiently waiting for hundreds of years, and now, some random mortal dares to destroy all this!? Unforgivable! I need to find new servants and order them to destroy this mortal! I can't let him live on. He is too much a threat to my World and my plan!" releasing the incredibly powerful Conqueror's Haki, Im shouted loudly.

His Conqueror's Haki was at a peak level and could affect any physical objects. Since Im was a Jotun, his Haki looked like a wave of icy energy. It spread throughout the Throne Room and completely turned it into an ice room.


Im took a deep breath and began to calm down.

"I urgently need to find new servants. Before their death, five servants spoke about the achievements and successes of that child with a strange name. What was his name? Draugriurg? It doesn't matter. I need to meet him and make him my new servant. His power is at the level of Admirals and his personality is ideally suited to be my servant," continuing to sit on his throne, Im reasoned aloud.

Five minutes later, Im rose from his throne and headed towards the secret corridor that leads into the dungeons of Pangaea Castle.

He had a strange feeling of an approaching threat, so he wanted to check his treasury and pick up <Uranus> from there.

He was sure that no living soul could find out the location of his treasury. But that was not so. Demiurge knew very well exactly where the treasury was located... and he had already taken everything that was possible from there... <Uranus> and other artifacts are now in the treasury of Avalon.


In the sky above Mary Geoise.

High in the sky above Red Line, a man with white hair floated. He stood in the air, as if on a hard surface.

The man was looking at the magnificent mansions and palaces in which the "Gods" of this World lived.

Each of these palaces was incredibly large and looked very rich and luxurious. The construction price of each of them is many times higher than the construction price of an ordinary Royal Palace. This was due to the fact that the "Gods" living in the palaces believed that they should live in houses that correspond to their status of the Gods.

"Tch. I'm in Marie Joa for the second time, but I still wonder at the extravagance of the so-called gods. Why do they need fountains of pure gold? Okay, gold fountains are not so surprising... But. Why do they need sewer pipes of pure gold?" clicking his tongue and shaking his head, the man said.

{Ray-sama, it's all ready. Shalria and the people she approved of had already left Mary Geoise. I also took all the artifacts, gold and <Uranus> from Im's treasury. You can begin your plan.} Demiurge sent a mental message.

Hearing such good news, Ray smiled and nodded.

Ray: {Good job, Demiurge. You can return to Avalon.}

Demiurge: {As you wish, Ray-sama.}

"Finally. Soon we can leave this World," Ray whispered.

He closed his eyes and extended his right hand.


Ray whispered softly and in his hand materialized his faithful partner, two-handed Great Sword Armageddon.

Ray raised his sword above his head and was about to swing it towards Mary Geoise...

{Ray, wait !!!} he heard the scream of one of his wives, namely Renner.

Ray stopped immediately and answered,

{Renner, did something happen?}

Renner: {No. The girls and I talked and decided that all the inhabitants of this World should see this battle. Therefore, we need a few minutes to prepare all the broadcast equipment.}

Ray: {Do you want them to understand that in this World there are persons who are much stronger than any Yonko and Admirals? Thus, they will not do stupid things and will not destroy the World when we leave it.}

Renner: {Mmm. Right. The best deterrent is fear.}

Ray: {Good. Tell me when you are done.}

Renner: {Everything is ready, you can start... and be careful.}

Having said this, Renner broke the connection and Ray prepared for battle.

This time he was without his wives. Ray believed that he could protect them, but he did not want to risk their safety, even in the least.

Im was stronger than his every wife. Of course, they can defeat him if they fight against him all together. But in this case, Im will act like a cornered beast, and this will increase the chances of his wives getting serious injuries.

Ray did not want this to happen. He could allow them to fight against enemies that are a little weaker than them, but he could not let them fight against enemies that are much stronger than each of them.

Ray raised his sword above his head and swing it towards Mary Geoise.

<Third dance. PLAGUE>

A huge sickle of green energy burst from the black blade of Armageddon, which at high speed hit the white palaces of Mary Geoise. The sickle did not cause any visible damage to the palaces, and all the energy turned into a thick green fog and began to spread across Mary Geoise.

Within seconds, a green fog covered Mary Geoise and the whole sky above it. The once rich and beautiful Mary Geoise turned into a real plague city from the World of Warcraft.

Using his Observation Haki, Ray saw the auras of living things disappear one after another.


"Plague and disease are the best abilities for the massacre of weak enemies. Really terrible and dangerous power. Hmm. Yukino said that she could destroy all life in this World in a few days... Now I begin to believe that she can do it in a few hours," continuing to look at Mary Geoise, Ray said.




Suddenly, the city of the "gods" began to become covered with a thick layer of ice. The temperature instantly dropped by several tens of degrees. All fog gradually condensed into large green ice crystals.

Numerous gray clouds appeared in the sky and it began to snow.

The whole Red Line began to turn into a snowy mountain peak. It was an amazing and beautiful sight.

Even the sea at the foot of the Red Line began to freeze and become covered with a thick layer of ice. People located on the Sabaody Archipelago felt incredible cold and hurried to leave the Archipelago.

The pirates and the Marines who were on the Archipelago were no exception and left the island with other people, they were also not able to resist such a strong cold, although among them were Vice-Admirals who had strong and hardy bodies.

A strong snowstorm began at the top of the Red Line.

Ray come down to the frozen ground, closed his eyes and began to wait for his opponent.

[His Conqueror's Haki is very strong. It is not surprising that he is the ruler of this World. His Haki alone can freeze this whole World. But... He is limited by the curse that the serpent cast upon him. Hmm. Otherwise, he would have already found and devoured the remains of the gods. By devouring them, he could receive a small amount of divine energy that would help him become a god, a very weak, but a god.] Ray pondered.

[The Jotuns have always been considered creators of natural disasters and skilled users of elemental magic. Judging by his Conqueror's Haki, the main element of Im is ice and cold. It turns out that he is a frost giant and a direct descendant of Ymir. Moreover, he has a very pure bloodline, which is very surprising.] continuing to stand with his eyes closed, Ray thought.

"Mortal, you had the courage to come here and kill all my pets. But now... you will die. I feel a small amount of divine energy in you, that's very good. I finally could find the source of that loud roar. I will kill you and devour your body, then I will finally become a god! Having become a god, I will get rid of my curse and begin the revival of the Jotun race!

The women who were next to you looked very strong and beautiful. I will find them and turn them into my slaves. I will use them as breeding cattle and they will help me revive the great Jotun race!!!

I have been looking for suitable women for a very long time, but all of them were weak and could not accept my huge vital energy. Ordinary mortal women were dying immediately after the first night of intercourse... For all my long life, only one woman was able to survive this and die only after she gave birth to my first and only child. And this woman was Nefertari Nefertiti. It is unfortunate that after this incident, the Nefertari Family renounced all the privileges and title of Tenryuubito... Members of this family fled the Mary Geoise and returned to the Alabasta Kingdom.

I am sure that the women who were next to you will be different and will be able to give birth to my children. Thanks for gathered them for me. As a thank you, I will kill you very quickly and painlessly."

Ray continued to stand still with his eyes closed and silently listen to Im...

But. It was calm before the storm… Im said something he shouldn't have said… Now he will die a terrible and painful death.

PerfyX PerfyX

Enjoy reading ✌️

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