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Chapter 66: "Battle" against <Gorosei>

Red Line. Mary Geoise.

Pangaea Castle.

Throughout the Pangaea Castle, for the <World Government> there was one particularly important place... This is the Throne Room, in which the <Empty Throne> is located.

The Throne Room is a historic site located on Mary Geoise, inside Pangea Castle. It is alleged that it is located at the very center of the World.

<Empty Throne> is an extremely tall, ornamented red and gold throne that bears the symbol of the <World Government>.

The throne itself is kept on top of a three-level red and white platform, and has several swords and axes planted in the floor of the first and third levels, with the ones in the first being rusting relics of the twenty founding kingdoms.

The <Empty Throne> has existed since the <Void Century>, 800 years before the story's present time. Each of the twenty weapons placed around the throne are supposed to represent one of the twenty kingdoms that founded the <World Government>, symbolizing their protection over the seat.

No one is allowed to sit on this throne, not even the <Gorosei> or the World Nobles, as its vacancy symbolizes that the world is not ruled by a single figure, sending a message of peace by making all royals equal before it with none greater or lesser than the other. The kings and queens attending the Levely are required to pledge that they won't take the throne for themselves in greed, just like the original twenty founding kings once did.

Of course, it was a complete lie.

On the <Empty Throne> only one being is allowed to sit... the ruler of the <World Government> and all this World... Im.


At the beginning of a long staircase, covered with a red velvet carpet and leading directly to the <Empty Throne>, five of the most powerful old men in this World were on their knees.

Their heads were down and they looked at the floor.

"Speak," came a cold male voice.

"Im-sama, our spies told us that <Shirogami no Akuma> Ray was seen in Wano Country. There were three young women next to him: Former Shichibukai, Boa Hancock; Unknown woman who used the power of Whitebeard's fruit during the Battle of Marineford; And Kodzuki Hiyori, daughter of a former member of the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, Kozuki Oden," continuing to look at the floor, said a bald old man with glasses.

"Go to the Wano Country and capture these women. This mission should not be too complicated for the five of you," looking down at the five old men, Im ordered.

"As you wish, Im-sama," five old men said at the same time, and immediately disappeared from the Throne Room.

Im continued to look at the place where five old <Gorosei> were kneeling a second ago.

"He who poses a threat to my rule and my World... must be erased," Im said coldly.


New world. Wano Country. Udon.

The entire Udon region was destroyed and covered with numerous cracks. Such a man as Kaido never cared about the safety of the islands on which he fought, and his attacks were very destructive and inflicted huge damage on the area.

On the destroyed and cracked ground was a large white cloud on which a group of four sat.

They sat on a soft cloud, drank wine and talked on various topics.

"Darling, how much energy do you think the <Great Sage> can get if he absorbs four of the five <Gorosei>?" looking at Ray, Hancock asked.

Ray answered without hesitation,

"At least 44%. <Gorosei> should be a little stronger than Yonko. I made this conclusion based on the logic and balance of power of this World. The difference in power between <Gorosei> and Yonko should be equal to the difference in power between Yonko and Admirals, only in this case, some semblance of a "Balance" will be preserved. And the difference in power between <Gorosei> and their master Im should equal the difference in power between the Yonko's First Mates and Yonko themselves."

"This sounds logical. If the power of <Gorosei> is equal to the power of Yonko… No, this is impossible. Each new enemy is always stronger than the previous one," with a little thought, Hiyori said.

"Anime balance?" Shirahoshi asked.

"Mmm. Indeed. And I still can't believe that you so easily accepted the news of the existence of Manga and Anime about your World," looking at his wives, Ray said.

Did he always think about how they would respond to this information? The Girls from the World of Harry Potter and the World of Overlord took it very easily. They knew that there is only one World where you can find Manga, Anime, Books, and Games about most of the Worlds that exist in the entire Metaverse... and this is the World in which their husband was born.

"It does not matter. We are real and living people, and our life is not limited by any canon," Hiyori answered with a shrug.

"Mmm. Because of this, we met Ray-nii," Shirahoshi said with a smile.

"I think that these dirty men were able to see the existence of all these Worlds in their dreams. After that, they began to draw manga and write books about everything that happens in these Worlds," hugging Ray by the arm, Hancock said.

Ray smiled and nodded. What Hancock said is really possible.

"Ray-nii, what is the World Boss? Why did Bonney, Astoria and Zesshi get home so fast?" Shirahoshi asked.


Hearing this question, Ray could not help but sigh. He smiled wryly and answered,

"It would be better if you were not interested in their hobbies. They could turn Bonney into otaku... Three otakus in the family are too many. They even found a way to connect to DMMO-RPG servers in other Worlds directly from Avalon! Damn, they even were able to find the coordinates of the Worlds of Sword Art Online, Log Horizon and Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian," pulling Shirahoshi into his arms and pressing her to his chest, Ray said.

"Hehehe. Rei-nii, I promise you that I won't become a otaku," buried her face in his chest, Shirahoshi giggled.

Ray smiled and stroked her head.

Suddenly his hand froze and he turned his head in a certain direction.

Shirahoshi, Hancock, and Hiyori also felt that their enemy was approaching and would be here in a few minutes.

"They are coming. Do you want to return to Avalon?" looking at his wives, Ray asked.

"Yes. We need to prepare for the final battle. While you fight against Im, we will rob Mary Geoise," Hiyori said with a smile.

"Renner said Princess Tenryuubito fulfilled her mission. Of all the Tenryuubitos, only Donquixote Mjosgard and some of Princess Shalria's friends deserve life... The rest of them are rotten to the core," Hancock added.


"I am not at all surprised by this. Tell Demiurge to be ready to steal <Uranus>. I am sure that Im will want to use his trump card... Uranus... Ymir... Uranus... Ymir. I would never have thought that <Uranus> would be Ymir's weapon," Ray answered with a sigh.

Hancock, Shirahoshi, and Hiyori got up from the cloud and looked at Ray.

"In mythology books, the story of Uranus and Ymir is very similar. Both were the ancestors of the Titans or Jotuns. Both sprinkled the earth with their blood and created life on it. But... I also thought that in this World, Uranus is a simple weapon which created the <Ancient Kingdom>," Shirahoshi whispered.

"Hubby, be careful," Hiyori said.

"We will be waiting for you at home," Hancock said.

Ray nodded and snapped his fingers.

<Gates> appeared next to the girls and they returned to Avalon.

Ray got up from his seat and put the cloud in his spatial storage. He closed his eyes and waited for the five old men.


Ten minutes later.

A spatial tear appeared in the sky above Udon, from which five old men flew out.

The old men began to look around and saw Ray standing on the ground with his eyes closed.

They looked at each other and nodded.

Ray certainly felt their presence, but he continued to stand still with his eyes closed. Using Observation Haki, he realized that the bald swordsman is a clone. Most likely they planned to distract Ray's attention while a real bald swordsman sneaks up to him from the back.

It was a good plan, so they could capture his wives... But... <Gorosei> did not even realize that Ray already knew about all their plans, and that his wives had already left Wano Country. Even if they were still here, these old men would never be able to capture them, because Ray's wives are a little stronger than each of them.

Ray opened his eyes and looked at the old people.

"You finally made your move. It seems that your master can no longer ignore my existence. Well, this is not surprising. After all, he is a cowardly and treacherous Yotun who is afraid of the Gods and any living creatures that could pose a threat to him," Ray said calmly.

"Pathetic mortal, how dare you to insult our God?" the bald old man with a birthmark on his forehead said coldly.

"Pathetic mortal? These words sound too arrogant. Especially from the lips of a person who continues to live only through the regular use of the power of one special devil fruit. I feel that your life is coming to an end. Hahaha. You did not expect me to become a protector and husband the girl who got the power of this special devil fruit? I'm sure it ruined all your plans and in the last few years, you have been desperately looking for a way to extend your life. You can relax... I am a very generous and kind "man", so I will help you..." with a blank expression on his face, Ray said.

Hearing his words, the old men got angry and began to turn into their Zoan forms.

Ray did not bother them, he wanted to see how they would look in their bestial forms.

The bald old man with a birthmark on his forehead began to grow bigger and taller, his hands turned into dragon paws, black wings appeared from his back, and his face turned into the face of a black dragon.

The old man completely turned into his Zoan form, the Black Dragon. He was one of the Five Guardians of the <World Government> and the Guardian of the East... Eight hundred years ago, he was known as the <Black King> Kokuryu.

Another old man was wearing a hat, and there was a scar on his left side of his face. He was the calmest and quietest of all <Gorosei>. He began to grow much larger, an earthen platform appeared under his feet. His hands turned into claws, and his neck began to stretch and become longer. A black shell appeared on the back of the old man. After a few seconds, he completely turned into his Zoan form, the Black Turtle.

He was the Guardian of the <World Government> and the Guardian of the North... Eight hundred years ago, he was known as the <Calm Sage> Kame.

Next to him stood a tall old man with a long mustache.

His body began to cover with white feathers. His arms turned into large white wings, and his legs began to become much longer and thinner. The old man's neck began to stretch and become longer, and a long beak appeared on his face. He turned into the White Crane.

This old man was another Guardian of the <World Government> and Guardian of the South... Eight hundred years ago, he was known as the <White Wind> Shirotsuru.

The last one was a tall blond. He was considered the youngest among the <Gorosei>, but this was not so.

The blond began to be covered with white striped fur, his arms and legs turned into massive paws, and his head turned into the head of a white tiger. He turned into his Zoan form, the White Tiger.

Blond was the Guardian of the West and the last Guardian who possesses the power of the mythical zoan. Eight hundred years ago, he was known as the <King of Lightning> Raiko.

Ray was looking at the four mythical creatures in surprise. Each of them was stronger than Kaido, not much, but stronger.


"Fine. I saw what I wanted. Now you can die," raising his right hand to the sky, Ray said.

<Patronus: Four Divine Guardians>

As soon as Ray said these words, a huge amount of energy burst from his body and absolutely all living beings of this World felt his presence.

The dominant energy began to put pressure on all <Gorosei> and pressed all of them to the ground. The bald bespectacled man's clone immediately dispersed, and the original fell to his knees and tried to resist this enormous pressure.

"I will not kill you right away since you consider yourself the Guardians of this World and the Four Divine Guards, then you will fight against my Four Divine Guardians," looking at the old men kneeling, Ray said coldly.

<God of the North: Genbu>


The whole Wano Country began to shake, the sky was covering with black thunderclouds, and a huge black turtle appeared next to Ray.


The turtle raised its head and roared loudly. Its roar was heard all over the world.

Ray waved his hand and removed pressure from the old man, who turned into a turtle. He snapped his fingers and both turtles disappeared from Wano Country. Ray teleported them to a special arena on Avalon. He could not risk the lives of the inhabitants of Wano and allow Genbu to fight against its opponent on such a limited battlefield.

<God of the South: Suzaku>


A majestic fire bird appeared next to Ray. He snapped his fingers again and teleported another old man to the arena.

<God of the East: Seiryu>

<God of the West: Byakko>


Ray summoned the two remaining Divine Guardians at the same time. Seiryu and Byakko were the most impatient, they immediately ran to their enemies and teleported with them to the arena.


"It was fast," Ray said with a sigh.

He went to the bald old man and looked into his eyes.


Ray attacked his mind with all his mental power. He used all his Will and Conqueror's Haki to destroy the old man's identity and leave him only the knowledge of swordplay.

The will of the old man was incredibly strong, but Ray's <Legilimency> was much stronger. Ray managed to break his mental barriers with a few precise attacks. It took him only two seconds to completely erase the old man's entire memory, excluding only his memory of swordplay.

The eyes of the old man lost all their color and became completely empty and lifeless.

Ray waved his hand and teleported the old man to Avalon. He will serve as a good training dummy to improve Ray's wives fencing skills. In the end, this old man trained in the swordsmanship for many centuries...

Ray looked around and realized that the entire Udon Region was no longer liveable. He pulled a small bottle filled with gold liquid from his spatial storage and poured a little liquid directly onto the destroyed earth.

As soon as the liquid was absorbed into the soil, small green plants began to grow from it.

Ray nodded and returned the bottle in his spatial storage

[The dew of Nordrassil will give this dead land a second chance.]

Ray snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash of flame.


Avalon. Meeting room.


Ray appeared in the meeting room on Avalon. He looked at the large table, and saw that all his wives had gathered for a long time and were waiting only for him.

"Welcome home," came the gentle voices of his wives.

Ray smiled and nodded.

"I'm at home".

He went to the only free seat and sat on his chair. Next to him were sitting Daphne and Bella. Daphne was sitting to Ray's left, and Bella was sitting to his right.

"Darling. You finally showed us the magic that you and Fleur have been working on for several years. Your Patronuses have already defeated and devoured their enemies. Well, I think you already know that," looking at Ray, Bella said with a smile.

"That was so cool! Now you have your own Pokémon!" rising from her seat, Astoria shouted.


"Digimons!" hitting the table, Zesshi shouted.





"Bakugans?" Bonney asked softly.

"Eeeeehhhhhhhh!?"Astoria and Zesshi were shocked by what they heard and turned their eyes to Bonney.

"These are not Pokémon... Ray's Patronuses are Shikigami, but they can also be used as Spirits from the World of Shaman King," putting her hand on her cheek, Fleur replied.

"They were created from my soul. My soul became the core from which the Patronuses were born. But this does not mean that they are part of me. The soul was the core and the catalyst through which they were able to create their own souls. So these are full-fledged souls, which are inextricably bonded with me. You can think of them as improved Zanpakuto Spirits," Ray added.

"Oooh. Now you can become the Shaman King!" Bonney shouted joyfully.


"Mmm. This Empress of Flame thinks the same," Astoria nodded.

"Amidamaru into the sword! Into the antiquity!" raising her hands up, shouted Zesshi.

"Ufufufu," covering her mouth with her hand, Bella giggled.

"Ray, we've already prepared everything," interrupting the fun, Renner said seriously.

"Have you given teleportation scrolls to Princess Tenryuubito?" looking at Renner, Ray asked.

"Yes. Demiurge has already handed her a few scrolls," Renner nodded.

"Fine. When I start my battle against Im, you will begin to rob Mary Geoise."

"Now let's talk about what will we do after defeating Im," Daphne said.

"I think that after defeating the main boss, we can leave this World and leave all the problems of this World to its inhabitants," looking at her sisters and husband, Yukino said.


Ray and his wives continued their conversation for several more hours. After that, they went to bed. After all, tomorrow will be a very long and difficult day. Tomorrow will be the day of the final battle against the King of this World.

PerfyX PerfyX

Enjoy reading ✌️

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