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Chapter 7

"This is him?" I asked, looking at the unconscious middle-aged man strapped to the board, blindfolded. He looked plain, a forgettable face in a sea of people, maybe that's how he got the job, his looks.

Will nodded, "Yeah, Colonel Richard Blöcher, a high-ranking officer in the Special Manoeuvres Task Force. The CIA Farbanti desk just sent over his file." He said, passing the manila coloured folder to me.

"And what is a spook, the Royal Family's personal dogs of all people meeting with the leaders of the GLA?" I said aloud, flipping through the pages, quickly scanning through the information given, it was mostly general information and a summary of his biography, nothing of significance.

Passing the file back to Will, I turned to one of the masked CIA men leaning against the concrete wall.

"Wake him," I ordered.

The men nodded, walking up to the unconscious man.

*Crack! Crack!

The sound of slaps rebounded off the walls, making me flinch a little. But they had the intended effect.


Richard shot up from his board, straining against his bonds for a brief second before falling back.

"What the fuck!" he cursed, struggling against his bindings, his head thrashing about. He was already panicking, a good sign.

"Richard Blöcher. I must say your presence is most unwelcomed." I spoke softly.

The struggling stopped, and he turned his head towards my direction, still blindfolded.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Just a nobody," I replied dismissively. "One with a few questions I need answers to, however."

"This is a Joke right. Don't you know who I am?"

"Regrettably I do, Colonel Richard Blöcher, of the 12th Royal Knights Signals Corp," I leaned in closer to his left ear and whispered, "And a member of the Erusean Special Manoeuvres Task Force."

Richard visibly tensed up at the mention of the task force.

"This is a joke, right?" his voice trembling slightly despite his best efforts to suppress it. "Come on, guys, there is no need for this. We had an agreement. The Royal Family is willing to work with the GLA."

"By sending a spy?" I asked.

Looks like he still thinks we are the GLA

"Look. The royal family wants the Lord gone too, and in a way, it does not connect back to us. You need resources; I can give you that. Can you let me go now?"

So, the Royal family is involved. And they want to kill me, eh?

"Evidently not good enough," I muttered to myself, standing back up, dusting myself off before taking a step back, indicating to the other men to start their own interrogation.

"Who else is part of this little scheme?" Will now asked.

Richard took a moment, but I could see he was getting suspicious.

"Let me go and then I will tell you." He shouted.

"Now, Mr Richard, you are in no place to make demands. Now answer the question." One of the CIA interrogators barked.

"You're not the GLA!" Richard began thrashing around all over again, as realisation sets in.

"Who the hell are you guys?"

"Gunther State Security," I replied, the state security agency was a secret police force, directly controlled by the lord, every fief had one, and mine had been purged of everyone from the old administration, filling them with the agents and officers from Earth's best spy agencies, the CIA, MI6/SIS, Mossad, NSA, etc.

"What!? I'm a royal official! You state security goons have no authority over me!"

"This is not the Royal Capital anymore, Mr Blöcher. You would do well to remember that, for the rest of your stay here."

"Fuck you! I ain't tell you shits anymore. The Queen hears about this."

"Oh, I doubt she would, but you can certainly try." I sneered, turning to one of the interrogators standing beside me, "Le Castle Vania - LED Spirals."

Will's face paled slightly. "Kalden, you can't be actually thinking of actually-"

"What? I like the music." I replied in my most innocent voice, which Will replied with a complainant sigh.

The man nodded and signalled to his partner, whom in turn indicated to the rest of the interrogators.

One of them walked over to a stereo system placed directly over Richard's head, punching in a few buttons before hitting play.

The hard-hitting beats of the electronic dance music filled the small room instantaneously, deafening everyone, I can see Richard's mouth moving, but his voice had been drowned out by the music, such was its purpose.

Not like I cared much about what he was trying to say anyway, probably about how loud the music was I would assume. Two of the speakers are just directly overhead him after all. The other officers by now had put on their noise-cancelling headsets and were now getting to work.

Two stood on both sides of Blöcher, pinning him down tightly. Another two more stood by his head, placing two towels over his head, securing it tightly, while the last one, opened a jug full of water, and proceed to pour it all over the cloth.

It took a few seconds, and Blöcher started to thrash about all over again, this time with more violence and intensity. If Blöcher was shouting anything, it was drowned out by the music, in which my head was bobbing up and down to the beat of, while watching the man struggle for breath.

This lasted for thirty seconds before the man holding onto the tablet monitoring Blöcher's heart rate tapped the shoulder of the man pouring the water, who quickly tore off the towels, finally letting him breathe again.

I pulled one of the men aside, tearing off his headphones.

"I want to know the names of the people and information of the people working on this little plan of his." I shouted into the agent's ears, whom calmly nodded, put back his headphone and went back to waterboarding the man.

I slapped Will's back, who had turned away, facing the blank wall when the water started to be dumped over the man, "Let's go. Don't want to be late for my meeting." I said, though I doubt he heard me, he understood the slap.

We walked down the rows and rows of cells, all of them filled with prisoners, people found guilty of corruption or some other major crime. This used to be a fort, built during the 15th century, on the island of Lavonia, the largest of the many small islands in Gunther bay to protect the sea lanes from piracy, now converted into a detention centre housing everyone arrested during the anti-corruption crackdown.

One inmate in particular, always gave me an immense sense of joy when I see him. Clementon Sielsia. The ex-brigadier general, head of the Gunther Nation Guards and the man who had the guts to try to bribe me and pay me to let him have sex with Ken.

His list of offences was so long, the judge simply gave him a life sentence, with no hope parole. Was it because the Judge is also one of my summoned men? Yes. Was it also because I asked the judge to and despite how ethical he is, he cannot refuse me? Yes again. Is it unethical of me to do so? Very much so. Did he deserve it? Hell yes.

Seeing the defeated look on his face always fills me with a proud feeling in my chest. Like right now, him sitting on his bed, staring at me with glassy eyes. He had lost a lot of weight since his first day here.

"What do you want?" Clementon growled.

"Sorry, General. Your pitiful expression is just too amusing to not stop and stare." I laughed, purposefully calling him General just to spite him.

He was about to reply, but a guard interrupted him, "Time for your lunch Clementon, you perverted bitch."

"No. No more." Clementon whimpered, quickly retreating to a corner.

I looked down at the food tray the guard was holding, and an evil smile has begun to spread across my face. Pasta with tomato sauce, that's what the prison serves on Mondays, for Clementon however, it comes in puréed form. The warden really took my 'give Clementon a hard time.' To heart.

"Enjoy your lunch, General." I sneered, taking my leave, the ensuing screech could be heard all the way down the corridor. Making me feel all the happier.

"Visiting Camp Green can be rather therapeutic don't you agree Will?" I asked, climbing onboard my personal black AW109 Grand New helicopter.

"Whatever you say, boss." Will sighed back, shaking his head as he slid the door closed behind him, just as the helicopter begins to lift off the concrete helipad.

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