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50% Kuroko’s Basketball / Chapter 2: Episode 2

Chapter 2: Episode 2

Kuroko Episode 2 The Teiko Middle School basketball club.

An incredibly strong team with over one hundred members and three consecutive championship wins.

Amongst their brilliant record, the generation of five prodigies was known as the "Generation of Miracles.

" However, there was a strange rumor concerning the Generation of Miracles.

Despite being relatively unknown and lacking a game record, there was one more member recognized by the five prodigies.

A phantom sixth man.

Is this the basketball club? I'm Kuroko.

What? How long have you been there? I'm not looking to play basketball for fun.

I want to play a more serious game that really gets me going.

He's the invisible regular of Teiko who excelled at passing.

The sixth phantom member of the Generation of Miracles! That's why I hate the weak! You have to make the shot, dumbass! Just how strong is the Generation of Miracles? If I played them now, how would I do? You'd be destroyed instantly.

The five prodigies have each gone on to play for their own schools.

I've decided.

I'll crush all of them and become Japan's best player.

I've also decided.

I will be the shadow to your light and make you the best player in Japan.

Oh, man.

I'm so excited I can't sit still.

I don't care if it's not an official match.

I just wanna play them! I'm Serious A game? You can't play yet.

Wha- What? Why, Captain? How am I not good enough? You're still a trial member.

You're not an official member yet.

Huh? I knew you had potential.

Nothing beats cultivating talent.

Coach! Coach, give me an official club membership form.

What is it with today? You, too? Too? I'd like an official club membership form.

That bastard.

Just how impatient are you rascals? What'd you call me? Well, you both have potential, and we've got room on the bench, so we'd be happy to have you.

Now I can play in a game, right? Hold it right there.

I'll only accept your form on Monday at 8:40 on the roof.

Men's Basketball Rookie Game "Kanto Tournament Debut!!" He wasn't kidding.

Yes, they're strong.

Why can't you show up normally?! Stop coming out of nowhere! Library You making fun of me? You're making fun of me, aren't you?! No.

That hurt.

I don't believe it.

How could anyone call an invisible guy like him the sixth phantom member? How did that happen, anyway? The rest of the Generation of Miracles all went on to play for strong schools.

Why didn't he go with them? Hey, Kuroko.

You're doing it again this year? In order to reach their full potential with all eyes on them, they've got to show at least that much courage.

Are you sure it wasn't a ploy to get you? I want them to get me again this year.

You're so reckless.

I'm glad you're passionate, but it's not good for your skin.

You should get some rest.

Just a little longer.

I still need to finish the second years' individual programs.

Don't push yourself too hard.

Nothing beats cultivating talent.

I've been waiting for you.

Are you stupid? Is this a duel? I forgot all about it, but Monday The morning assembly is in five minutes! Hurry up and take it.

Before that, I have something to tell you.

I made a promise when the captain asked me to be his coach last year.

I promised to focus solely on pushing the team towards the national championship.

If you don't think you're ready for that, there are other clubs better suited to you.

What? Of course I'm— I know you're strong.

But I need to know you have something even more important.

No matter how hard you practice, "someday" and "maybe" aren't good enough.

I need to know you have ambitious goals and the will to accomplish them.

Give me your year, class, and name.

Announce your goals here and now.

If you fail to achieve them, you'll come back up here, strip naked, and confess your feelings for the girl you love.

All the second years did it last year.

What? No one told me about this.

I heard about it when they recruited me.

But I didn't think they'd actually Like I said before, I'm looking for something concrete and reasonably ambitious.

You'll have to do better than "play my first game" or "do my best.

" This'll be easy.

This isn't even a test.

Class 1-B, number 5, Kagami Taiga.

I will defeat the Generation of Miracles and become the best player in Japan! Is she doing that again this year? Who's next? If you don't hurry up, the teachers will get here.

Excuse me.

Could I say I want a girlfriend? No.

What else do you have? I I've got one.


You can do it.

Class 1-A, Kawahara Koichi, from Chuo-ku, Tokyo.

I was a sickly kid, so I couldn't play sports.

Things started to change for me in kindergarten I'll never forget the all star game I saw at school in fifth grade.

It was the first time I ever thought basketball was cool I joined my school's basketball club in middle school, but I wasn't very good.

I was always dragging my team down, and I was miserable.

But Next.

Um, I want a girlfriend.

I told you, no.

Class 1-D, Fukuda Hiroshi.

I like helping others, so when I heard an upperclassman asking for help, I immediately offered my assistance.

Who knew he'd take my joke seriously? He must not have understood your joke.

Class 1-D, Furihata Koki.

The girl I like said she'd go out with me if I became the best at something.

I joined the basketball team to become number one.

Doing this really helped us focus last year.

This could be a good tradition.

If that's not good enough, I don't mind if I can't join the team.

I guess I'm moved.

Who's next? Excuse me.

I'm not good at speaking loudly, so could I use this? Where did you get that? Hey! The basketball club, again?! Crap, we were almost finished.

I warned you last year.

Didn't you say you'd never do this again? You should know what's right and wrong at your age! Thank you very much.

I can't believe he got so mad over a little shouting.

I didn't even finish, and I got in trouble, too.

You again? Maybe I should start going somewhere else.

We aren't allowed on the roof anymore.

What will we do if we can't join the basketball team? That's not gonna happen.

We'll see.

By the way, why didn't you go to some big name school like the other five guys? You were good enough to be known as the phantom sixth member.

Is there some reason you play basketball? My middle school's basketball team had one core principle.

Winning is everything.

Instead of teamwork, we needed to push the individual talents of the Generation of Miracles to win.

Nothing could beat us, but we weren't a team.

The five of them approved, but I felt we lacked something important.

So, what? Are you gonna beat the Generation of Miracles your own way? That's what I was thinking.

Seriously? Your words and the coach's words really struck me.

Now my biggest reason to play is trying to make you and our team the best in Japan.

We're not gonna try.

We're gonna be the best.

What's all the commotion? We Will Be the Best in Japan This could be interesting enough to work.

Basketball Club Huh? Is this Monthly Basketball Magazine Didn't this issue come out when Kuroko was at Teiko? All the players are featured.

Kuroko doesn't have an article.

Even though he's the sixth guy.

Didn't they come to interview you? They did, but they forgot about me.

So sad.

Besides, I'm nothing like the other five.

They're true prodigies.

She's back! The coach is back! We're gonna play a practice game.

I wonder who we're playing? Who knows? She was skipping for some reason though.

She was skipping?! Be ready, everyone.

If she's skipping, our next opponent's gonna be real tough.

Seirin Private High School This is Seirin? New and pristine, just like I expected.

Isn't he hot? And tall.

Wait, is he The model! Not yet! He's so fast! Nice shot! He's amazing.

Such a quick turn at full speed! He's no ordinary human.

He might even beat the Generation of Miracles.

He might really be able to beat them with that.

That's not an easy maneuver.

Maybe he's better than them already.

From what I've seen, you wouldn't even reach their feet.

That's what I said, but Gather round, everyone! Yes, ma'am! A practice game against Kaijou High School? That's right.

They won't disappoint us.

We'll put plenty of first years on the court.

Disappoint us? They're way better than us.

Are they really that good? They're strong at the national level.

They play in the Inter-High every year.

And this year, Kaijou got their hands on one of the Generation of Miracles, Kise Ryota.

What? Him? The Generation of Miracles? I never thought I'd get to play them so soon.

What a blessing.

I'm getting excited.

Apparently, Kise works as a model.

Seriously? Amazing.

Good looking and good at basketball? That's brutal.


Huh? What? What are all these people doing here? Uh, I didn't mean for this to happen.

That's What is the Generation of Miracles' Kise Ryota doing here? It's good to see you again.

Good to see you.

Kise Ryota.

Sorry, really.

Um Do you think you could wait five minutes? There.

Wh-What are you doing here? When I heard our next opponent was Seirin, I remembered Kurokocchi went here, so I thought I'd come say hi.

We were the best of friends in middle school.

Not any more than anyone else.

You're so mean! Kise Ryota.

Though he started basketball his second year of middle school, his exceptional physical ability and sense got him on the Teiko team as a regular in a heartbeat.

Rapidly Improving All-Arounder Kise Ryota While he has less experience than the other four, he's a rapidly improving all-arounder.

Since your second year? That article exaggerated quite a bit.

I'm glad to be called part of the Generation of Miracles, but I'm the worst of the bunch.

They bullied me and Kurokocchi for it all the time.

That never happened to me.

What? It was just me? Ow! What was that for? -Kagami! -Kagami-kun! Sorry for interrupting your little reunion.

Don't tell me you came all the way here just to greet us.

Why don't you play with me a little, pretty boy? What? I don't know if I'm ready.

But I just Fine, let's do it.

I have to thank you for that display.


This could be bad.

Huh? He learns plays as soon as he sees them and makes them his own.

This isn't simple imitation.

This is ridiculous! I just did that, but You've gotta be kidding! Kagami's on fire, too.

He's quicker than me.

Stronger, too.

This is the Generation of Miracles.

Kuroko, your friend's way too good.

I don't know that person.

Huh? To be honest, I may have underestimated him until just now.

It's only been a few months since I left them, but the Generation of Miracles has improved far more quickly than I expected.

I don't know about this.

After something so disappointing, I can't just leave now.

Give us Kurokocchi.

Come join us.

Let's play basketball together again.

I seriously respect you, Kurokocchi.

It's a waste of your talent to stay here.

What do you say? I am honored to hear you say that.

I must respectfully decline your offer.

That doesn't make any sense.

Besides, this isn't like you.

Winning was everything.

Why didn't you go somewhere better? My thinking has changed since then.

More importantly, I made a promise to Kagami-kun.

I told him we'd beat you, the Generation of Miracles.

It really isn't like you to joke around like that.

This is the Generation of Miracles.

They really are amazing! And there's four more guys stronger than him.

I can't help but smile.

What are you doing? I was gonna say that, Kuroko.

I still have no sense of humor.

I'm serious.

Kise Ryota's a monster.

I'll kick the crap out of the Generation of Miracles.

Crunch time already? You can do it, Kagami! Shouldn't it be you?! It's Better if I Can't Win

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