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22.22% Magi Fanfiction: Takes you on an Adventure who knows what's next / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Welcome to Balbadd, Stranger Danger, Trouble Maker

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Welcome to Balbadd, Stranger Danger, Trouble Maker

Five hours before Ugo sent you to the new world.

"Ah before I send you on your journey, I have to tell you some other things. You see since you came from a totally different world, I am giving you a new form so you can fit in. Though you are going to have to learn the language they speak on your own. It may be tough but after a few years you will fit right in. I also may tamper with your memory." Ugo informed.

You let out a gasp "Learn a new language?! Seriously, it was hard enough learning Japanese and English combined. Hold it ...tamper with my memory? Why?" you said a bit furious.

"Why you say. Well you hold knowledge that this world isn't ready for yet and it would be far easier if you forgot your past life and start anew. Don't worry I won't mess with the memories of your brothers. Also, this may change your personality a lot." Ugo addressed.

You sighed then held your head up and looked at Ugo "Well it is what it is. Might as well get this over with. Besides during the journey I bet I will get my memories back and who knows I might have fun here" you concluded.

"It's time to go" Ugo said.

Ugo blew a gust of wind that was mixed with the Passiflora flower which put you into a deep deep sleep. As you were sleeping Ugo made the changes to your body and modified it to look like a fifteen year old. He then rearranged your memories and made sure not to tamper with any memories of your brothers. "That should do it" Ugo said then teleported you away. Which happened to be midway up in the air.

You opened your eyes slowly. It took you about 40 seconds to realize you were falling. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" you screamed as you fluttered your arms like a butterfly desperately trying to land safely. Luckily there was a forest full of trees underneath you that stopped you from taking serious damage. You landed on a tree then fell safely into a bush full of thorns. "DAAAAAAAAAMN ITTTTTT" you howled in pain as you rolled out the thorn bush. You laid there for a few seconds picking the thorns out of your naked body. You noticed that your wounds you got healed really quickly.

"He could have at least put clothes on me" you thought.

After resting, you got up to explore the area. You went up hills, down hills, through thick bushes and this time none was covered in thorns and you were surrounded by many trees. You just kept walking until you smelled the salty sea which was the same smell back in the other world but much fresher. You raced to the direction of the smell which was at the top of a hill. The trees became less dense and you could see what looked like a city. "Finally, I found civilization!" you said throwing your hands up into the air with joy. Then you heard an ARGH! and froze. You slowly turned your head around and saw three people. A midget with blue hair, Some masculine macho man with purple hair dressed up all ratchet, and a red headed girl with red eyes. You could not help but burst out laughing. "HaHa! Nice my first encounter with people is with a bunch of weirdos. Great, just great." you said holding your stomach. They just looked at you oddly. The red headed girl was shielding her eyes.

"Another naked guy?!" the blue headed guy said in another language.

"Grrrawr! I have had enough with the naked guys today" the redhead said and got into a fighting stance. Then she started charging towards you full of the fighting spirit. You stopped laughing and began running away. "Are you kidding me?!" you yelled running for your life. You were chased until you lost her in a huge crowd of people in the city. You also found clothes that looked like what a thief would wear to put on. They weren't the best but they would have to do.

"So not cool. Ever since I got here I have been injured, clothless, and chased by psychopaths. I guess Magi's aren't so cool. The only difference is that we're able to see these rukh things" you complained.

Your stomach began to growl

"I suppose I still need to eat. Great, and I do not even have money. Desperate times call for desperate measures." you said with a grin slowly appearing on your face. You searched for a shop that was selling food but it was kind of hard since the Fog Troupe and a very selfish king was on the land making life difficult for the citizens. You went to go take a break before searching again. You were sitting by the water way and decided to see what you looked like through the reflection of the water. You had medium length white hair and red and silver cat eyes. You were 5"2' and looked like a very childish boy.

"Oh hell no. Maybe I should have told him what I wanted to look like. So this is the reason everyone has been staring at me strangely" you assumed.

Everyone staring at you was all in your head you were just worrying about that psychopathic redhead coming after you again. The sun was starting the set and you grew hungrier. You spotted a crowd of people near a huge gate crying and they seemed to be begging by the sound of their voices. The guards were trying to keep them away by pushing them back with full force. That kind of pissed you off and the fact that you were hungry made it worse. Beyond the gate was a palace and on that balcony was the most greedy and ugly king you have ever laid eyes on. He was eating the most expensive feast in front of all those starving people. You watched as he greedily stuffed his fat cheeks with mouthwatering chicken. You could smell how great the food was. All you knew was that he was rich and greedy and that made you angry because you were out here and starving like the rest. There was a great fog approaching and made it hard to see anything. The guards and the citizens started to struggle with sight but you could see just clearly and took this opportunity to sneak into the palace. You heard the guards yelling though you did not understand why. Somehow you made it over the wall through all this chaos and snuck into the palace. It was well lit inside and everything was covered in gold and silver. It smelled like a thanksgiving feast inside there. You saw that the guards were running to the entrance leaving the inside vulnerable.

"They are making this very easy. Anyways I must find the kitchen" you thought. You used your strong sense of smell to bring you right to the food. The kitchen was empty and there were some dishes still unserved. You did not wait to see if anyone was coming you just started eating till your hearts content.

"D...De..Delicoussssssssss!" you cried. You were finally full of goodness and decided to give that rich guy a fist to the face. You made it out of the kitchen unnoticed but you could hear the cook and the servers complaining in the background. You did not need to know the language you knew they wanted to know who ate all those servings. You kept high alert as you made it to a set of stairs that was leading to that greedy king. You ran up the stairs but since you were barefoot it was easy for you to run up the stairs silently without making one sound. You followed the smell of food the lead to the balcony. What was funny is the king was still eating while the guards were heavily guarding the gate from Fog Troupe. You just casually walked up to the king. Who had noticed your presence and stopped eating.

"HEY HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE? GUARDS GET RID OF THIS LOW CLASS SCOUNDREL!" he yelled at the top of his lungs with food flying out of his mouth. Before the guards could catch you. You charged at the king and wrapped your arm around his neck and started choking him. You did not understand anything they were saying but you knew they would stop if you threatened this rich man's life. The guards put their staffs and spears down.

"You must be part of the fog troupe!" the hostage managed to get out. You just sighed and punched the king hard into the head knocking him out cold. Then you threw him to the guards. You saw someone else rush to him and figured it could be his brother just taller and skinnier.

"How dare you hurt the king. Ki..Kill him!" the brother of the fat and short king said. You jumped on to the edge of the balcony and looked at the guards slowly making there way to you with their weapons.

"Are you all stupid serving a lame guy like this. I mean look at that thing. He look like . You should be serving me not some stupid rich boy who can't even take a blow to the head" you said and started to laugh.

You began to twirl around. The rukh started to gather around you and gave you a vast amount of power. You spread your arms and jumped back off the balcony. This time you did not fall like last time you were floating in the air. You believed that the rukh could help you get away and it did. You successfully escaped leaving the guards astonished. Some members of the fog troupe witnessed what happened and now they were searching for you. You landed east away from the palace and there happened to be an abandoned house there. So you went in, sat in a wooden chair and fell asleep with your head against the wall. You were dreaming soundly until you were woken up by two bandits who tied you up and brought you to the troupe hide out.

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