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chapter two☠️☠️☠️

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"Annabelle was thinking that what to do,she can't understood why his CEO killed her and what is his plan but she can't even imagine. Even though she was a ghost she was like a baby in cradle that means ghosts have some external powers than humans but she don't know how to use that type of powers .Now she only thinking one thing that is ,first she must know why he killed her. Then she started following John. John went to one place.That place was sooo dark ,he went and he called one person.their conversation was

John ~.hey Sam,come out, where you kept that body.

Sam ~. hello sir,body is safe inside in ice box .

John ~. what ! in ice box, are you mad, I said to destroy that body. If anyone sees that body or anyone get to know about that then we all will be killed by him.

Sam ~. sir,I already destroyed that no problem in that.

I just joked but sir who is that you are saying.

John ~. hooo, you just joked that's nice.Now say where is that body and then I will who is that man.

Sam ~. ok sir, follow me ,I will show the place where I destroyed her body.

John~. ok,that's nice my dear.

"Then John and Sam went to place where Sam destroyed that dead body.Annabelle watching all this happening here. she was very curious to know what will happen next.

John. ~. show me Sam , where you destroyed.

Sam~ yes sir ,this is place where I destroyed her body.

John. ~ oh! really here it is that's nice,now I have one question,shall I...

Sam ~. yes sir, you can.

John~. Now say why you killed her..

Sam ~ sir what ,,are you joking??

John ~. (seriously) what's the joke it is, iam asking why you killed her.

Sam ~. (with fearful sweat) sir, what are you talking?

John ~. what an acting,wait here, I will call police.

"John started this type of acting,he completely pushing that whole crime to Sam. John called police and he said that Sam killed a girl and he destroyed her dead body toooo. Then Sam listened all this and started running away from that place.But Annabelle was in shock by seeing that type of acting in John. But she can't really understand why this type of criminal acting done by John. Any how,John beaten Sam and Sam fell down their. In this mean while polices came and asked John what happened.

Police~. what happened man,by the way what is your name?

John~. myself John sir ,I usually go to home in this way everyday sir but today I saw that man was doing something in this dark place.

Police ~. really, what he was doing?

John ~. yaa sir,I came to this place and I just listened what he was talking himself .

Police~. what he was?

John~. he was talking himself that "ok I killed her and I destroyed her body ,now iam relief ,there is no problem with any one now"that's what he talked sir.

Police~. ok gentlemen John , nice to Meet you I will arrest him and I will do enquiry in this case.go to home safe.

John ~. ok sir , is there any problem more about this case.

Police~. we will get to Know after Sam opened his truth mouth. ok John if any problem I will call you,give your number .

John ~. ok sir, my number is 1**********8 .if any problem call to me sir.

Then John came and sat in his car and police man and Sam sat in police man car. Annabelle watching that what will happen now. And a big car crash sound came and that is a truck crashed police man's car ,and truck went out of that place . Annabelle was shocked ,she's brain dead means she can't even understand about the plan of John,. Annabelle saw police man's car ,she found that both were dead and John's car, he is still alive because truck slightly crashed his car. This was the whole criminal plan of John and CEO .Now Annabelle came to know that there were no proofs of her death because of John's criminal mind plan. Now the story is like Sam killed Annabelle,John found that Sam killed her and police and Sam were died because of car crash and John was still alive because of his side Annabelle amazed with criminal plan of John and another side she can't understand why this plan was.she started talking her self that

ANNABELLE~. what a plan , now I came to know that why my CEO called me to his house . He had a plan to kill me so,he called me but when I rejected he sketched this lengthy plan. but why this was done by him.what was the intention of him.oh my god! and(sad) how my love Patrick was in that world ,how he was. (seriously) I must have to do something and I must have to go to that world ,I promised to my love .I just want to go to him..

"In this way she recalled her thoughts ,mean while ambulance came and took out that people from their.Now Annabelle recalled the address of her CEO and she just started her travelling to her CEO's house .

She went to CEO house and she went inside of that house.CEO was sleeping,no one is there in his house.

She searched all over his house, while he was searching CEO Woken up . she saw and she left because she thought that CEO can't see her but the main amazing thing is that CEO can visible her.

CEO ~. Who is there here ,I can see you lady. Are you thief .hey , I will kill you wait .

"Annabelle shocked by his words then automatically she used her powers means with the support of that fear,she used her powers by fastly disappeared from that place( ghosts can change, move and even they can disappear automatically and fastly and that what Annabelle did here) CEO shocked and he started sweating. He is praying 🙏 God . Annabelle took his fear as a chance to get the truth from his mouth. She started slowly moving towards him by doing horrific sounds. CEO sweating like hell, his heart beat was increasing .

CEO~. (fearful)Who are you lady, who are you,what you want from me.

Annabelle~. (with loud voice) do you Know me ,you killed me by the truck...

CEO ~. oh! you ,how you are here now,you must be in another world.

Annabelle~. (with horrible sounds)oh, you know everything,now say what is your mission.

" CEO's heart beat was increasing more and more (lub dud ,lub dub within seconds) . When Annabelle came very close towards to him he saw her ghost face. Her face was like red eyes, blood lips, long tongue ,long hair one side half and another side full. CEO shocked and his increasing heart beat was stopped means he died.

Annabelle really shocked by his death ,now there was no truth that she can get from anyone . she started crying about what happened their. She was crying about her love Patrick .

ANNABELLE ~. (crying sad) Now what can I do, one and only main person was died .now I can't get truth about his mission .And I can't go to my love Patrick.

"while she was crying,she found one book down the pillow of CEO . she saw the title on that book .Book

title.....THE UNTOLD MISSION...(3rd chapter)

just comment if you like. BY SS_SUMANTH_WAN


suspense thriller might be suspence .Just read

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