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Job Gacha System in a World of Anime Job Gacha System in a World of Anime original

Job Gacha System in a World of Anime

Author: Champion_Leon

© WebNovel

Unlocking the Gacha System and Picking a Job


Hello there, my name is Tsuyo Kurosawa. I'm 184cm tall and I have light brown skin, black hair, and ice blue eyes. I'm actually pretty handsome, but there's one bad thing...


I'm incredibly skinny and weak.

I'm incredibly underweight. I'm 6'0" tall and yet I only weigh 60kg. I'm practically skin and bones. I also have a terrible immune system, so I always get ill during winter, and this was only exemplified by the fact that I have an overprotective aunt who always wants to protect me from the world.

Luckily she's away, otherwise I'd never be able to do what I'm doing now.



Push-ups to be specific.

You see, I'm not the original Tsuyo Kurosawa. I'm one of those transmigrators you read about all the time. I came here from the year 2019, and it's currently 2018 right now, and I was born in England, London, in 1999. But right now I'm in Japan.


Just like any transmigrator, I came with a cheat; A Gacha System.

I've had the Gacha System for over 2 weeks now. That should have been enough time to get some decent skills and prizes and take over any ordinary world, right?


But no. Apparently this Gacha System can only be used by--

[The Gacha System can only be used by those who can do at least 20 Push-Ups, 10 Sit-ups, and 20 Squats! Only the 'strong' get to take the prizes, Host!]


Complete bullshit, right?

Well it wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for the fact that I'd been transmigrated into an ABSOLUTE WEAKLING!



As I internally called, a blue screen with white text appeared in front of me, showing me how dreadfully weak and meager I was.

[Name: Tsuyo Kurosawa}

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human]

[Physical Ability: 3 (Average Human: 5)]

[Vitality: 2 (Average Human: 5)]

[Essence: 2/2 (1 Essence = 1 Vitality)]

...See what I mean?


I was pretty much half a normal human. And that's why my name was so ironic. 'Tsuyo' means strength, and I'm everything but strong right now. I'm pretty sure some 12-year-olds could beat me up right now. But I'd be damned if I didn't try to do something about this.


I'd already done the sit-ups and squats, they were easy enough, even for this weak body.

But push-ups?


They were a real hassle for such weak arms and shoulders. I was doing them right now, actually. For the last two weeks, I'd been pushing myself to complete the challenge. Why? Because it was currently the summer holiday for high schoolers like myself and I needed to change myself before I get back to school because any changes in my appearance can be explained off as growth spurts or exercise.

Why was I so sure about my appearance changing when I gain access to the Gacha System? Well, I'm not. It's just blind hope at this point.

And secondly, working out couldn't be a bad thing for this weak body, so I decided to do it consistently from when I got here and onward anyway.

"1...9...! Haah!"

I felt my arms lock up and the muscles scream in pain, the joints creaking and cracking like they were about to break. It hurt and the exhaustion was exactly that; exhausting.

But I carried on and pushed through it, doing the last push-up.


With one final exertion, I collapsed to the ground, practically paralyzed if it was anything to do with my arms or shoulders. The pain was gone now, but the exhaustion was even worse. I wanted to go to sleep. But one thing kept my eyes open, while forcing a smile to spread across my face.

[Congratulations, Host! You've completed the quest to gain access to the Gacha System!]

"Thank...god..." I huffed, feeling elation alongside my exhaustion.

[You have 10 free Gacha Tickets, do you wish to use them? Or do you wish to trade in the 10 Gacha Tickets for 5 prizes that are guaranteed to help you in this world you're in? Pick (Option 1) for the former, or (Option 2) for the latter.]

[(Option 1)/(Option 2)]

While I was lying there, on the cold floor of my apartment, I thought about the cons and pros of each of the options.

Option 1 gave me more potential prizes, and I bet if I was really lucky I could get some really good stuff. Even then, 10 decently rare things are better than 5 rare things, right? But along that same line of thought, I realized that if I had terrible luck, I'd get some terrible Gacha prizes.

Option 2, however, would give me 5 Gacha prizes that are guaranteed to help me. Allegedly, anyway.

Option 2 is obviously the safer route, and after getting reincarnated as such a poor soul as the previous Tsuyo Kurosawa, I don't exactly trust my luck enough to pick Option 1.

Lifting my hand with great difficulty, I pressed Option 2, only for another screen to pop-up in front of me.

[Good choice picking Option 2! Now, what kind of Gacha Prizes do you want? Pick a Job from the list below to focus the Gacha prizes you'll gain!]

[List of Jobs:





-Martial Artist




The list went on and on and on, but I already had my answer and pressed the Job that interested me the most.

[You've picked the Job 'Cultivator', is this correct? Y/N]

Pressing the 'Y', another screen popped up.

[Good! Then are you ready to undergo the preliminary alterations to your body to allow you to become a cultivator?]

"Eh? What?" I asked to no one in particular. I was thoroughly shocked by this information, yet honestly, I should have expected it. Systems love to put their Hosts through a lot of pain. It's the way of the world, or system, I guess.

I closed my eyes shut, awaiting the pain...yet it never came.

All I felt was a warm buzzing traveling alongside my limbs and internal organs. It actually felt pretty comfortable. The warmth kept getting hotter but it was never painful. It was like having a hot bath; it was soothing and that was it.

My earlier exhaustion was washed away like it didn't even exist, as I felt some sort of energy appear in my lower stomach where I'd guess my Dantian was.

[Host, before the System continues further, System has a serious question for you, so pay attention.]

A screen brought me out of my reverie, and I focused on the text box as it emptied and re-filled itself with words.

[You have to choose whether you wish to be a Qi Cultivator or a Body Cultivator. What do you wish to pick? This will change both the energy given to you, the body restructuring process, and the Gacha prizes you gain. Pick wisely.]

[Body Cultivator (sub-Job)/Qi Cultivator (sub-Job)]

Once again, I went deep into thought and tried to remember every Xianxia and Chinese webnovel I'd ever read, trying to come up with reasonable pros and cons to both of the sub-Jobs offered to me. I'd say that Body Cultivation is harder and longer, though it probably requires much less talent than Qi Cultivation. Or at least that's how ti usually goes in the novels. It also takes rarer and rarer herbs to supplement the cultivation of the body, but they usually end up stronger than Qi Cultivators, and they usually end up being extremely hard to kill.

Qi Cultivators, however, train quicker, and they can train easier. They sit down and meditate while absorbing Qi - it's much easier than pushing your body to the peak every time you wanna have a break through.

But...I already know what I'm gonna pick seeing as it was my favorite Cultivation to read about.

[Host has picked the sub-Job 'Body Cultivator'! You gain +3 Physical Ability due to this job, alongside the +2 from the Job 'Cultivator'! 'Cultivator' also gives +2 to Vitality. Prepare yourself for the increase in parameters!]

This time it was a little painful.

Like ants crawling and adjusting my muscles, bones, and organs, while injecting them with a sort of energy. I closed my eyes and tried to think of other things as the uncomfortable and slightly painful sensation kept going. I continued to do this until the pain and whatnot died down. Unfortunately, this took a while.

Which is to be expected, it was restructuring my body.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the sensation stopped and I opened my eyes again, only to roll them as soon as I looked down at myself. Covered in black goo. Impurities.

Anyone who's read even a few Chinese Cultivation webnovels knows what this is.

Somehow this shit slipped my mind when I picked the Cultivator job...

Getting up, I jogged to my shower, being careful not to flick any of the stinky black slime onto any of the walls in the apartment. That'd be annoying to clean, after all.

Stripping myself of the ruined clothes, and resolving myself to burn them after my shower, I practically jumped into the shower before turning on the water at full blast, and as hot as I could take it. Which was damn near boiling right now because I wanted the goo off of my body and down the drain where it belongs.

As I scrubbed away, I saw that my skinny and practically malnourished body, was now toned and full of a decent amount of muscle. I wasn't ripped or however you want to put it, but it was leaps and bounds ahead of what I used to look like. Now I bet I weighed enough to not count as underweight.

Hell yeah.

Even my little brother had grown after the cleansing of impurities.

Hell yeah x2.

My brown skin hadn't lightened and I didn't want it to, but it had taken on a nicer complexion, and any acne or blemishes on my body had disappeared.

Overall, I looked decently athletic, and very handsome, if I do say so myself.

[Is Host ready for his Gacha prizes? Y/N]

Shocking me out of my vanity, I quickly turned the shower off and dried myself off before sprinting to my room where I quickly pressed yes, wanting my prizes as soon as possible.

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