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80.55% Mythical Paramecia Fruit "Olympian" [Dropped] / Chapter 28: Ope Ope Shows its powers

Chapter 28: Ope Ope Shows its powers

How did this happen. I went through the trouble of telling Sengoku, Rosinante, and Garp that Vergo was a mole to save Rosinante's life but it still turned out with him on the floor, bloody and damn near dead on Minion, and Law balling his heart out. I couldnt change the outcome?!


FUCK THAT!! I REFUSE TO FAIL!! I ran as fast as I could to Rosinante and Law. Monet and Reiju followed me but they looked sick to their stomachs.


Nova: We havent lost yet. The human body is both incredibly fragile and incredibly resistant. Law, I need you to stop crying and help me save him.


Reiju: But Nova... hes already dead. No one has a Devil Feuit that revives the dead...


Nova: First off, I dont think theres a Devil Fruit that does that for other people. Second, we dont need such a Devil Fruit... hes only a little dead. Law, use your Devil Fruit to remove all the foreign matter from his body. you have a poison that makes your heart beat faster?


Law was hysterical and couldnt hear me. His eyes were rolled back and he looked like he was loosing it. I gave him a mega headbutt to snap him out of it... it worked better then I expected. He instantly stopped crying and started to curse like a sailor. I let him vent for 2 seconds before I headbutted him again.




Nova: Then help me save him!! Use your Room and remove the foreign stuff in his body!! Once it's out, we can restart his heart!


Law: But, I dont know how to use my powers! Plus hes already dead!!! You cant revive a dead person!!


Nova: Says who? We CAN and WILL save him!! Stop arguing with me and do what I say! Use Room to see in his body and remove what doesnt belong!!


Law looked at his hands and then at Rosinante's body. From his hands came the bubble like room from the anime. It covered all of us and Law's eyes glazed over. His hands started making a picking motion and bullets started coming out of Rosinante's body.


I pulled out a knife, Plastic bottle, some bandages, a small shot glass and alcohol.


Nova: Here Reiju, put the poison in the shot glass. I need to make a makeshift air pump.


Law: Scalpel.


I poured the Alcohol on the knife and handed it to law. He made a cutting motion and the bamboo came out without any effort. I started to crush the plastic bottle to try to get it use to changing shape. My hope is that I can use it like a breathing bag so I dont have to kiss Rosinante... this lips are ment for my ladies.


Law: Ok, I've done what you said... his corpse is now free from foreign materials. How are you going to revive the dead?


Nova: Not me but We. The poison Reiju has should act like adrenaline and jump start his heart. He has only been dead for about a minute and a half... the cold weather should help with protecting his brain so let's do this. Reiju... poison him.


She poured the poison in the hole in his chest and we waited a few seconds. His hole started to fill up with blood and I smiled. If hes bleeding this much then his heart is moving his blood. Now I need to get air into his lungs.


Nova: Lae, dont let him lose anymore blood. Try to use your fruit to put the blood back into his body when it escapes. I'll pump his lungs with air.


Law: His heart... ITS BEATING!! HES ALIVE!!


Nova: Hes KINDA alive. The poison is making his heart beat but hes not breathing yet so let's try to wake him up...


Rosinante's eyes flew open and he puked out an unhealthy amount of blood. He sat up and then fell back down grabbing the ground.


Nova: Or not... Rosinante! Dont try to get up, it's taking all of Laws concentration to keep your blood in your body. We have barely brought you back... dont waste our hard work! Just focus on breathing. Law will take care of you.


Law: We need to close the wounds... but I cant do it if I'm focusing on keeping his blood in his body.


Reiju: Then I guess it's his good luck that Nova wanted 2 doctors. Nova, I need something to sew stitches.


I pulled out some thread and a sewing needle. We cleaned them with the alcohol and she got to work. She was having a hard time with her broken arm but she pulled through. The stitches wernt pretty by any stretch of the imagination but they did the job. Once she finished with the stabs and bullet holes... she started to work on the branch hole.


Nova: Were any major organs destroyed?


Law: A lung was a little hurt and a kidney was destroyed but other then that no, his organs are alright.


Nova: Then once Reiju closes the hole... we need to go. I dont know where Vergo is and I dont want to push our luck.


Law: We cant move him! Hes barely alive!!


Nova: We dont have a choice. If Vergo and Dingos crew come to this island... we will all die. No if, and, or buts about it. Once we are trapped here... its game over. We need to get off this island... NOW.


Rosinante looked at Law and nodded. He started to flex his hands a little. Reiju finished patching up both holes and Law stopped holding the blood back. I brought a door I grabbed from one of the houses I ransacked out of my (Storage). I tied some rope to the the ends of the door and made a makeshift stretcher. I made sure I could tie the rope straps over my head. I then made another set of straps and a pair to act as seat belts. Once I was done, we got ready to move Rosinante.


We slowly moved him onto the stretcher and strapped him in. I took the front straps and Reiju took the back. She only needed 1 arm to hold the door up but Law stood on the side and kept the door from flipping.


Nova: So Law, we just brought someone from the dead without really using a Devil Fruit to do it. True, your fruit helped but if we had the proper equipment... this would have been no problem.


Law: I guess but I still dont understand how we pulled it off... I look forward to learning how it worked though.


Nova: Well, once we make it off this island... oh crap.


Everyone: huh?


Nova: That's a Deathflag... I'll apologize in advance...


I just continued moving without making a noise. The others just looked at me with my head down and a look of dread on my face.


Nova: Dont say anything for now... I tempted fate already... let's not try its patience.


We ran in silence. Monet covered our tracks with her own snow so we couldnt be followed. I kept my mind focused on running so I didnt think of anymore Deathflags. We climbed over a few hills and ran through ghost towns. About an hour later, we made it to the beach and started running up it looking for our boat.


We finally made it to where we jumped off our boat when Law opened his big mouth...


Law: Were safe now right?


Nova: Damn it. So close...


My boat exploded. Nothing else to call it but exploded. The ship is in pieces and my heart ran cold.


Garp: Wow... the ship went up rather nicely dont you agree?


Garp came out of nowhere with Milk and Astro in his arms. Dot the snake and Mellow the fox were in their arms. When I saw that Milk and Astro were ok... I released the held breath I didnt know I was holding. I looked at Garp who had his hair and some of his face covered by a bandana like a robber...


Nova: Garp... why did my boat just sink to the ocean floor?


Garp: Well... someone blew it up. I'm lucky I had time to grab these two before I escaped. I can safely say that no one saw me so my identity is safe. So Marine... how are you doing?


Nova: I'm not a Marine! ... you were talking to Rosinante, wernt you...


Rosinante: Garp... I've been better but thanks for the backup. I'm ready to go home.


Nova: You know what? That's a great idea... oh wait... MY SHIP IS FLAKES ON THE OCEAN FLOOR!! WHAT HAPPENED?!


Garp: A kid with an X shaped scar hopped on and tried to take the ship. Once he saw my disguise, he screamed and ran away. He somehow had an explosive ready to detonate incase and you can guess the rest...


Nova: ... so it's your fault?! YOU OWE ME A BOAT!!


Garp: Meh, I'll help you get another one but that's not our main problem right now... We need to get off this island. I'm not supposed to be here without proof that Vergo is here. I cant touch Doflamingo because hes a Warlord...


Rosinante: Vergo is on this island. He did this to my chest, broke the little Princess's arm and almost killed Monet.


Garp: And that changes the entire deal... Understood Commander Rosinante. please wait a moment...


Garp put Milk and Astro down then pulled out a basic Marine snail and started to call someone. After half a ring, it was picked up and Garp spoke...


Garp: Asset recovered. Hes alive but badly injured. Conformation of primary target as well. Requesting backup.


Sengoku: Acknowledged. Tsuru and her fleet are near by and will arrive within the hour. Your primary goal is to extract the Asset and escaping Minion. Understood?


Garp: Understood but our boat was shipwrecked and has sunk.


Sengoku: ... Acknowledged. I'll get you a ride. Hold out till it gets there.


Garp hung up and took the door with Rosinante from us. He then tied our rope straps to Rosinante and used them to secure him better before he started to walk toward a nice hill.


Garp started to dig a cave for us using his hands and finished in about 3 minutes. I've never seen earth moved so fast with only hands...


Milk: Woh... are you a Mole Mink?

Reiju: Gramps... are you sure your a human?


Garp: Just get in you brats. Snow girly, cover the entrance with snow but leave a few holes for us to breathe.


He walked in and we followed. He put Rosinante down and covered him with his Marine coat. Law went to Rosinante and checked on his condition while I checked on Reiju and Monet. Reiju was sitting on the ground holding a Light green and pink fruit in her non broken hand.


Nova: Hey, hows the arm?


Reiju: Its broken. This is the first time I've ever been really hurt. That taco faced guy actually broke me armor and then broke my arm... It should heal soon but its uncomfortable for now.


Nova: Dont worry, you poisoned him so you get the last laugh. What's a broken arm when you took his life?


Reiju: Hes not going to die from my poison though... I lied to him about the poisons strength. It will make him cough up blood for a few days at most... it was all I could think of in the moment.


I watched her in amazement and then started laughing. Tears were streaming down my face as I imagined Vergo realizing that he was tricked by an 11 year old girl. I hugged her... or atleast tried to but with my arms still jacked...


Reiju: Oh, here... let me get rid of the poison.


She placed her lips on mine and went to town. She put her 1 working arm behind my head so when I tried pulling back... it wasnt going to happen. After she started to make the same sounds kirby does when hes trying to eat something... my arms started to regain feeling. About 5 seconds later, she released me and my arms were normal again.


Nova: Uhh... please dont take this the wrong way but let's not do that again unless it's an emergency. Were both too young to get cought up in that... for now.


Garp: Lolicon...

Rosinante: Cradle Robber...

Law: Playboy...

Astro: I'll call the Marines...


Nova: Fight me you 4. Who's a Cradle Robbing Lolicon Playboy?!


Monet/Milk: You are Turtle/Thief


Nova: My soul hurts. Screw you all! Reiju... what will you do with that Devil Fruit? Do you want to eat it?


Reiju: I'm not sure. From what hole in one said earlier... maybe.


Rosinante started to cough up blood as the girls started to laugh. Garp took a second to get it but he joined in the laughing. Only Law was angry but he was busy trying to help Rosinante so he couldnt yell.


I held my hand out to Reiju and she put the Fruit in it. I stored it then used (Scan) on the Devil Fruit...


{[Scan Complete

Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Jellyfish - Jellyfish model Slime

~ Let's the User turn into a Slime}


I told her what my scan told me but it wasnt anything more then we knew. She then decided that she would eat it so I tried to bring it out but a new notification popped up...


{Cleansing of Devil Fruit is not finished. Would you still like to withdraw? Time till cleansed - 20 minutes}


Nova: That's new... my fruit is telling me that its cleaning the Slime Fruit and that it will be finished in 20 minutes. Do you want to wait or would you like it now?


Reiju: Oh? Then I guess I'll wait? Maybe that's why Laws Fruit didnt taste bad...


Nova: That would explain Monets being tasty as well... I wonder if Judges tasted good too...


I then checked on Monet. She was getting wrapped like a mummy by Milk who was being nice to her for a change.


Milk: Good job coming back alive snowball. You did well for someone so flat.


Or not... how does ones bust determine your preformence in fighting for your life?


Monet: Its a good thing we didnt have all that useless fat weighing us down...


And there they go... I started to smile as they bickered. Milk was almost finished turning Monet into a mummy when Law walked up to me.


Law: I'm going to start getting rid of the Amber Lead in my body... do you have a container and clean knife?


I looked in my (Storage) and pulled out a glass beaker with a glass stopper and a fancy pocket knife I stole from the shop on the Redline.


Nova: This should work as a container nicely and this is a virgin knife that has never cut anything. Is this good enough?


Law: This is perfect. I cant ever repay you... you've saved my life and helped revive Cora-san.


Nova: Repay? What nonsense are you saying? Your part of my crew, that makes us family in my book. You dont owe me a damn thing.


Law: Would you and Reiju follow me and help me with extracting the poison?


Nova: I'm down.

Reiju: Sure.


The three of us went outside and up the hill to a rundown shack. We entered it and once we found it to be perfect... Law stripped into his undies... and his hat. He needs his hat I guess. I withdrew 3 face masks and gave one to Reiju. I offered one to Law but he rejected it.


Law: Ok... here I go.


The next 30 minutes were hell for Reiju and I. Law made his body become over a million tiny bits as he filled the beaker with chalk white sludge. He first cleaned his right arm, then the rest of his body. When I say that we saw everything in 4k graphic detail...


Once he was done, he put the knife in the beaker and got dressed. All the white spots on him were gone, the bags under his eyes were gone as well.


Law: I feel so much better now that I dont believe it. I cant remember the last time taking a regular breath didnt hurt or taste like metal... My first act as someone who's got a life without death breathing on my neck is to ask you formally... can I join you in your adventures?


Nova: Again... what crap are you saying? You have been a part of my crew from the second you were born... you just didnt know it.


Reiju: He said something similar to me when he rescued me from my dad. Welcome to the group Law.


Law: Nova... the day I betray you is the day I drink this beaker and kill my...


I grabbed the beaker and stored it in my (Storage). I then grabbed his face and headbutted him a little.


Nova: You will NEVER see that beaker again. You're not my lacky or my subordinate... your my teammate. You cover my back and I cover yours. You are one of my crews doctors so I'll be depending on you.


Law looked at me and soaked in my words. He didnt make a noise but he started to cry. He brought up his hands and covered his face with his hat.


Nova: Now go thank the guy who was tearing the North Blue apart to find a doctor for you. He might be the only other person who's as relieved as you are to see the Amber Lead gone.


Law didnt say anything but he ran outside and sprinted to Rosinante. I turned to Reiju and took out the Slime Fruit.


Nova: Are you sure about this Fruit?


Reiju: Yeah. I feel that it would fit me well.


Nova: Good, as long as your sure.


She took the Fruit and put the entire thing in her mouth. After a few seconds, she started crying like Law was a little while ago. She continued chewing for a minute and I was thinking that the fruit must be liquid by now when she finaly swallowed.


Reiju: My moms dinner... it tasted like the last meal my mother made me...


She then shook a little bit and her body line wiggled a bit like a pool. Then her body turned light pink with light green borders. She looked at her hands and feet then walked around. I expected to hear squishing noises but she was gentle footed so no noise could be heard. She walked to the wall... then walked UP the wall for a few steps. She fell off the wall and hit the floor with a satisfying squishing noise. Her body became flat for a few seconds then bounced back to normal.


Reiju: That... was different. This will take some getting use to... I think my arms fixed?!


Nova: ... That's kinda to be expected. Slimes dont have bones to break so maybe turning full Slime healed it?


Reiju: I'm already loving this fruit...


Nova: Let's go see how much longer we need to be here... I know we have Garp now but I'll feel better after were safely away from Dingo.


We walked back to the Garp cave and asked him what's taking Tsuru so long. He told us to relax and to just wait. Then Rosinante started to panic that we were making too much noise so he used his Fruit to make our noise inaudible to the outside world... or not?


Rosinante: ... my Devil Fruit isnt working. I think I've lost it...


Nova: Well... you WERE dead for about 2 minutes or so...


Garp: Now we can claim you've died after we find the Calm Calm Fruit again... no one would say otherwise.


Nova: Well... we are keeping the Slime Fruit so heres one to replace it.


I took out the Goru Goru no Mi Devil Fruit and gave it to Rosinante. He looked at it in confusion.


Nova: This is the Paramecia Devil Fruit that let's you control gold with your mind. It should be useful on greedy pirates who have stolen treasure. It's not as valuable as a Mythical Zoan but it's the best your going to get from me.


He gave the Fruit to Garp and thanked me. I guess he will have someone run tests on it before making his choice.


I went and sat with my crew who were playing with Mellow the fox and laughing at Dot the snake who refused to get off Astro. Guess Astro was the warmest of us.

Bevis Bevis

ch 28 enjoy.

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