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61.11% Mythical Paramecia Fruit "Olympian" [Dropped] / Chapter 21: Germa Arrive... Answered Questions

Chapter 21: Germa Arrive... Answered Questions

Nova POV


The last 3 days have SUCKED!! I think he took the double fart bomb personally... I got a sandle hit the back of my head as I was laughing at my hard work. For the first day, after the first few hours and him falling for our trap, we were stressed but doing well. After he fell for the master plan, he didnt stop chasing us. The girls slept on my back 1 at a time and Astro and I have yet to sleep. I've had to use the Black Stone sword from camp to repel the bullets he threw. On Cozia, the tallest mountain is actually a volcano. On the second day... we made it explode by having Monet make a HUGE snowball and dropping it in the magma. That sucker shook the entire island...


Rayleigh instantly showed up next to us looking pale. He grabbed us and next thing we knew... we were at base. The 4 of us passed out from the instant movement...


We woke up 10ish hours later with green faces. The 4 of us were sick to our stomachs. Shakky laughed from her friends ship that we got the island on high alert early so we kinda helped them out with getting ready for the invasion. Once our stomachs stopped doing flips, we ran away again. I left another fart nuke for him before we ran. "Take that Rayleigh... the Dark King will be defeated by my mighty flatulence."


Little did I know that that thought would bring us 4 such misery... Rayleigh upped his game. His rock gun throw became a Rock Mini-gun. I dont think Zoro using his Asura technique would have had enough blades to block them all. I ended up looking 50 different shades of purple after he calmed down. Milk took away all the Dials and "Sealed" them until further notice.


The last day we tried hit and run tactics. Astro took off his shirt and Monet stuck to his back shooting snow comets at Rayleigh. I held Milk across my chest so she could snipe over my shoulder. Shes growing up nicely. We continued shooting Rayleigh and dodging the stones he threw.


We finished the survival practice and we reunited at our base.


Rayleigh was sitting down drinking at the base when we entered.


Rayleigh: Welcome back kids. I've heard from Shakky, The Germa will be here by tomorrow. You 4 need a good nights rest... the next few days will be eventful.


The 4 of us gave Rayleigh dirty looks before looking at eachother and laughing. We look like hell. Our clothes are a mess, dirt is caked onto our bodies, I lost my shoes at some point, in other words... bath time. The girls went first.


Nova: So pops, the last 3 days have sucked. We havent been able to eat anything cooked so I'll go make something for us.


Rayleigh: I hunted a boar as I was chasing you 4. It's out back by the forge.


Nova: Cool, that works for me.


I used the boar and cooked it over a split. This might be the first time I make "Anime Meat"... i hope it's as good as it looked back home. Once i finished setting the meat to slowly cook, the girls finished up and came back in bathrobes... I might have a fetish for bathrobes...


After Astro and I bathed, The 5 of us ate and we directly went to bed. I set my Hammock bed back up and the second my back touched it... I was out like a light.




I thought that Astro flipping me out of bed was the worse way to be woken up... turns out that an explosion in your backyard is 200 times worse. At some point, the girls snuck into my bed and were using me like a body pillow. This is a good habit for them to have i guess... lucky encounters COME MY WAY!!


The girls are in night robes... Ok so it looks like any robe does the trick... and woke up as quickly as I did.



Milk: No... that was real cannon fire... the Germa are here.

Nova: When did you girls get in here?


My door got kicked open 2 seconds before another explosion went off. Astro got tossed onto my bed by Rayleigh and the force made my bed start doing complete swings. I got launched straight down to the floor, Milk landed on me, Monet was tossed completely across the room and Astro face planted onto the roof where he stuck to it. Rayleigh calmly watched us before opening his mouth.


Rayleigh: Germa are here and they are bombing the entire island. Get ready now.


The girls and I started getting dressed while Rayleigh tried to peel Astro off the roof. I'm rocking my invincible black shorts, Grey Samurai band, Purple Golden Robe and my 3 blades. My Curley black hair is pulled in a ponytail and I'm barefoot.


Milk put on a Light red Virgin Killer Sweater she bought from Karen... I love One Piece... and grey shorts. Her long black and white hair got put into a bun with 2 chopsticks she used. Her rifle on her back and 2 pistols on her hips. She made an ammo belt at some point too. Looks hot.


Monet put a light green dress and a white belt over her hips that held her Hollow Pole. She has her glasses holding her hair back and sandals on.


Astro has dark blue shorts on and a white shirt with a shark fin logo on it. His black gauntlets on and wooden clogs too.


Rayleigh: About 2 minutes... could be worse. Let's ... MOVE!!


He dove and tackled the 4 of us through the window. My room exploded right as we hit the floor. We picked ourselves up but I realized a horrible truth...


Nova: My bed... Its toast...


Rayleigh: Better it then us.


Nova: My bed...


Monet: What's the plan? Just stay alive till we can take action?


Nova: My bed...


Milk: Well... home base is trashed now.


Nova: My bed...


Rayleigh: Will he be ok?




I jumped up to the roof and jumped again to the top of a tree. In the distance, giant snails were slowly coming towards us blasting cannons off like it going out of style.


I jumped down with conflicted feelings. The others were looking at me and Rayleigh had a confused face...


Nova: ... Ok so heres the plan.

1. Save Reiju

2. Revenge on Judge

3. Get the Science data...



Nova: Number Star is a must. That's the best way to avenge My Bed/ Monet/ My Bed/ Reiju/ and My Bed!!


Rayleigh: Uhhh... What is happening?


Monet face palmed and groaned...


Monet: He loves Den Den Mushi Snails... and the Germa ride giant ones...


Rayleigh: He cant be serious...


Astro/Monet/Milk: He is...


Nova: The snail. We need the snail.


Rayleigh: Its physically impossible to steal their snails... The snails are not completely alive anymore. Their minds are cracked when they are forced to grow so large. They can only go forward according to whomever is driving them...


Nova: ...


I drew Kitetsu and Hibakiri. No need to use Calm Ocean... its hunting time.





Astro POV


Oh man... Nova is more worked up then I've ever seen him. He likes to use Calm Ocean when hes not out for blood... but when he is, the other 2 swords come out to play.


He started making a b-line straight towards the beach the snails are coming from. Hes cutting down every tree, boulder, and bush in his path. The girls, Rayleigh and I started chasing him.


Rayleigh: His mother was just as hot headed... She once dragged me across her island after a friend of hers told her about this haunted ship that crashed on the coastline. She loved ghosts and spooky stories.


Astro: ... Nova inherited too much from his mom. Must have been hard on you.


He started laughing as he watched Nova go nuts. His eyes glassed over and he looked to be day dreaming for a second before he snapped back to reality.


Rayleigh: For most of my life, I've followed people who are just like that. Free spirits who dont know how to not enjoy themselves. You 3 will have your hands full... just like I did.


Astro: Do you regret it?


Rayleigh: Not one bit. People like Nova and his mom... They make this world enjoyable. Just wait and see.


Milk: Astro, do you regret following Nova?


Astro: Haha. Nope, I just wanted to get confirmation on my choice and to prove that my Shyarly was right. She told me to follow the caged bull... The only caged bull Ive found after leaving home was you. Following you led me to Nova.


Rayleigh: Well your about to see one of the most amusing parts of following people like Nova... their lack of forethought. How will he get to the giant Snail thats swimming in the water when hes eaten a Devil Fruit? He cant fly and any ship will get sunk...


Monet: Nova can swim. Hes actually really good at it too. Astro beats him every time they race though...


Rayleigh: Huh? I thought hes eaten a Devil Fruit...


Milk: He did. It makes him glow when hes mad, let's him heal a little faster in water... that's about all we know about it...


Rayleigh closed his mouth and started in the direction Nova was charging. Rayleigh started to sweat some before...


Rayleigh: Does he train harder then normal but his body recovers quickly?


Astro: Hmmm... I guess you could say it does. His arm recovered from being shot and returned to normal within a week.


Rayleigh: Does he glow 1 color or more then 1?


Astro: Uhh... after Garp punched him into the ocean the last time, he came out glowing blue for a few seconds but it's mostly Purple with a Gold outline...


Rayleigh: So hes only got 1... What the hell kind of fate does he have?


The girls and I looked at Rayleigh confused.


Rayleigh: Girls... you will have your hands full later on. History states that the thing that eats that fruit will have many romantic partners... the last thing that ate his Fruit... was the female ancestor of all sea kings.


Milk: You know what his Fruit is and what it does?! How?!


Monet: He said that after he ate the Fruit, he didnt learn a thing about it or its abilities. I found that strange because the same minute I ate mine... I knew how to use it and what it did.


Rayleigh: That's because your Yuki Yuki no Mi is a proper Devil Fruit... His Fruit isnt.





Nova POV


Astro just yelled something ridiculous... how can Rayleigh know about a Devil Fruit that didnt exist? I stopped making my straight line to the snail savages and ran back to the 4 of them.


Nova: What are you talking about? Pops... how do you know about my Fruit? Even after I ate it... I still have no idea what it can do.


Rayleigh: That's because your Fruit is not natural. Your fruit is a man made ancient weapon that gets reincarnated as a Devil Fruit. Natural Devil Fruits come with instructions... but yours doesnt because its usage changes from reincarnation to reincarnation. There are 3 things that dont change though...

1) The user will glow when its power is being used...

2) The user will be prolific with the opposite sex...

3) The user will have a body that has no physical limitations...


Nova: And how do you know of my Fruit? I've never said its name...


Rayleigh: Its name changes after each user. The mother of all Sea Kings was the first suspected user... it was called Leviathan back then... After her was a Giant that called it Titan... What do you call it?


Nova: ... Olympian.

Mythical Paramecia Fruit Model Olympian.


Rayleigh: Good name. I know of it because it was written down on the Wall Poneglyph located on Laugh Tale.


Oh damn... this got real Spoilery real fast...


Nova: Wait... so my Fruit will make me a playboy?


Rayleigh looked at both Milk and Monet as we continued running to the Germa.


Rayleigh: You have 2 here... and were only on this island to save a Princess... wanna ask that question again?


Damn... good point. I've been in this world for about a year and a half... but I've tried to recruit Robin, Bonney, I'm going for Reiju... I got Monet and found Milk.


I think my Fruit made me a playboy... Fine by me. I doubt a Fruit that MAKES you a playboy would let you be a 1 pump chump... Devil Fruit dont fail me later on.


Rayleigh: The downside of not having a manual for your Fruit is that it's got the potential to be the greatest fruit. All Devil Fruits are in some way limited but yours is only limited my the amount of work you put into it.


We continued running as I thought. The 1 spark I have is the Spark of Poseidon... I've put lots of miles on my body with swimming since I've gotten to this world. If I follow Rayleigh's logic... getting a Spark that helps me in water makes sense.


We made it to the hill overseeing the coast. Milk jumped on my back, Monet jumped onto Astros and the 5 of us dove into the sea.


I wanted Monet with Astro seeing as hes a better swimmer then I am and shes a proper DF user. The 4 of us blinked in bright color for a second... I was my Purple Gold, Monet her Pale Green, Astro a bright Pink and Milk a Vibrant Orange.


Rayleigh: Oh my God!!


Nova: Oh yeah, my Fruit blessed them too. Astros blessing makes him a lucky pervert. Not exactly sure what the blessings do for the girls though...


Rayleigh: That... makes no sense. How can your fruit bless them?


Nova: If you ask me... who should I ask? I have no clue.


Rayleigh: ... be careful. Here we go. Stay under as long as you can and get to the side of the shell. We will climb up and enter the castle on top.


We swam and made it to the side of the colossal snail. This thing would be awesome to call someone from. Just imagining its giant face mocking someone fills me with joy...


Nova: Hey Pops... do any snails grow that huge normally?


Rayleigh: Well... rumors say that they grow large on the island of the Giants Elbaf. I remember seeing snails there but I have no clue if they were Transponder Snails or not.


Nova: Ok so keep a look out for Elbaf... Gotcha.


Rayleigh: So Nova... the 5 of us are now boarding an enemy ship and need to stay abord for 3 days... get the help from Shakky... save the Princess... get the data... get payback someway for the miss here and the princess... then escape alive. How do you want to do this UNDETECTED?


Nova: Great question... this is a stealth mission... We should become..... NINJAS!!


Milk/Monet: Ehh?


Astro/Rayleigh: Great idea.


Nova: So first... we need disguises. Let's steal them from the patrollers. We need a cardboard box too. Cardboard boxes are the ultimate hiding tool.


Rayleigh/Milk/Astro/Monet: It is?


Nova: We need fake beards too... not you Pops...


Rayleigh: Well, let's just get to the top for now before we start making a shopping list.


Astro, Rayleigh, and I climbed. The girls were on our back. Astro had no problems climbing... he stuck to the shell like he belonged on it. Damn Starfish powers... Monet was back to back with him with her hands behind her head watching the 3 of us. Rayleigh went up like a damn pro but I'm having trouble...


Nova: Heavy...


That earned me a zap on my ass... Milk pulled my ear and brought her face next to mine...


Milk: I'm sorry... can you repeat that for me? I think i misheard you the first time...


Fukkkk!!!! Shes going to make me fall!! A belly flop from this hight will hurt like hell!!


Monet: He said the useless fat on your body is heavy...




Rayleigh: Let me stop you two before you kill Nova. We're doing a ninja mission... that means being unseen and unheard.





Oioioioi!!! Unheard!!! Stop yelling you two crazy girls!! Uhh... why are they both looking at me?


Monet/Milk: Did you just think something rude?!




Rayleigh: Nova... I'll give you the greatest advice you will EVER get... Dont underestimate Womans Intuition. They are normally right for no reason.


Nova: I will take your lesson to heart...


We climbed in silence but the girls were making faces at eachother and threatening to end the other. We finally made it to the top but with the troops running around... we couldnt just jump up. They made no noises as they moved around... kinda creepy


Milk: They're too quiet...

Monet: Its really creepy...

Astro: They dont have any lust...?


Well... that came out of nowhere.


Astro: I told you I could feel desire right? Well, I dont feel anything from them... They feel empty to me... it feels wrong.


Rayleigh: Take a good look at them. What do you 4 see?


We looked at the soundless army run... they all look alike...


Milk: Uhh... is it just me or do they ALL look alike?

Monet: Woh... is their mom ok having so many kids?

Astro: Are they someones shadow clone?! The Germa Double 6 are ninjas?!

Nova: I think your right... and wrong Astro. Maybe just clones...


Rayleigh: Correct Nova... The Germa Double 6 use Human Clones as their army.


I kinda remember that from the manga... but not really... I remember Judge is a jerk... the other 3 Vinsmoke brothers are pieces of work too...


Nova: We cant just stay on the edge for 3 days...


Rayleigh: We could... try finding a way up Nova. Let's see what you do.


As I started to think, Cannon fire hit the opposite side of the snail and the patrollers started moving to fight back. On the back of this snail is a huge castle... with the soldiers now returning fire on the other side, the 5 of us jumped up and ran safely into the first door we could.


We got inside and looked around... living quarters? Tens of 5 stack bunk beds reaching the roof with what looks like 2 bathrooms...


Rayleigh: You see you 3? For some reason... fate loves people like Nova...


Hearing Rayleigh whisper... I cursed in my mind. Fuck you Fate...


Nova: Change of clothing found... We need to get somewhere we wont be found... Do snail castles have sewers?


Rayleigh: I'll assume they do. They have running water... You want to hide in the sewers for 3 days?


Nova: Have any of you ever heard of... the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


The 4 of them: Ninja... Turtles? No...


Nova: Exactly...


Monet: ... so you ARE a Turtle...


Fakkk... mental damage... IM NOT A TURTLE DAMN IT!!!

Bevis Bevis

ch 21. Enjoy the chap.

Before you bitch at me that this isnt Canon... Momo's dragon Zoan. Artificial Fruit that doesnt come with instructions. Now you know WHY Nova doesnt have a manual for his Fruit

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