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8.33% Mythical Paramecia Fruit "Olympian" [Dropped] / Chapter 2: Donquixote Doflamingo

Chapter 2: Donquixote Doflamingo

I'm on a pirate ship I think. Last thing I remember is having a bag put over my head, my hands were cuffed together behind my back. On the plus side, I learned I can poke my system buttons with my mind as well as my hands. To (Scan) something... I need to be touching it with my hands though.


I've got no clue how long I was hand cuffed and blinded but when my stomach started hurting in hunger, someone came in and exchanged my bag with a blind fold. The blind fold was impossibly slippery to the point that I was scared of what it actually was.


???: My name is Diamante. I ate the Hira Hira no Mi. I am a Flag Human. My powers let me turn anything into a flag. I made the skin of a poisonous fish into a thin flag and used it to cover your eyes. If you touch the blindfold, you will die of poison. The side covering your eyes is non - poisonous so you will be ok as long as you dont try taking it off. Do you understand?


Dont touch the insta kill poison on my FACE? Yeah, I understand asshole. I slowly shrug to him as I'm keeping my "Cant Talk" persona for now.


Diamante: What's with that shrug? Speak up kid! I'm talking to you!!


No fucks for you either tapeworm. Secret Skill... Silence!! Oh wait...


Nova: "Toot"


Enjoy a fart.



Diamonte POV


What Virgo said is true, the kid doesnt talk. I just told him I put a poisonous blindfold on his face and not a single word came from him.


MC: "Toot"






He shrugged again


Diamonte: IT STINKS!!! My Eyes! What's up with your stomach!?!? What died in there!!


He shrugged once more. His responses piss me off...


Diamonte: I'll cuff your hands infront so you can eat. We will arrive in a few hours. Dont get any smart ideas. The Young Masters wants to meet you.


I adjusted his cuffs and left the room. I hope that brat kills himself trying to take that blindfold off.




Nova POV

Ok... so I'm on a ship heading to Doflamingo's base to see him, I've got a death sentence on my face, I ate a Devil Fruit I've never heard of, and im in posession of 2 priceless stolen swords...


Isnt this difficulty level too high? The food that tapeworm left vanished almost instantly. I need to figure out what my Fruit does. After putting my trey infront of where I heard the door close, I sat as far away from it as I could. Sitting cross legged, I tried to feel any change in me. I slowly moved every inch of my body to see if anything was hurt or different.


Conclusion... I've got no clue what I'm doing. I can tell I've got 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers and toes, I'm definitely a boy, and I can still smell my fart. Damn that thing was nasty.


What do I know of Olympians? They were the children of Titans, Gods of Greak Mythology, Zues slept with anything that had a pulse, Percy Jackson wasnt the lightning theif, Kratos killed Ares, ... I might have some of that wrong but Oh well.


My Fruit is a Paramecia so it either turns me into something, Lets me control something, or let's me make something. That's roughly what the Paramecia class holds. I dont think I can turn someone into an Olympian... I dont think there are Olympians in One Piece... so maybe I became an Olympian? If my Father IS Rayleigh... I can see him counting as a Titan among men.


This is getting me nowhere. For all I know, I'm being watched without knowing so I cant store the cuffs or bring out a Sword. I'll just wait I guess... not much else to do.




The door is being unlocked. I dont feel rocking or movement. I hear people unloading stuff and ah...


It worked.


I hear a loud crash as someone slipped on my tray. The person who fell didnt make a sound except for the crash.




I smiled. No use lying. That's what you get for putting poison on my face. I have no regrets... other then the fact that I didnt get to meet Robin...

Or my future crew...

I also didnt find out what my powers are...

Or meet Luffy...

Or joke with Brook...

Or design my own Snail Transponder...

Ok. I have lots of regrets.


What's up with me? I've changed sense coming to this world... I've never been the kind of guy who did petty things. Is it the whole "Will of D" thing that comes with my new middle initial...


My blindfold was removed and I got to look at my captors. I see Diamonte and... Donquixote Rosinante. Rosinante has a nice anime bump on the back of his head. I'm lucky that it wasnt dingo who fell for my trap. I stare at the tall as hell Rosinante and smile.




I look at Diamonte with a deadpan face. As far as he knows... I cant talk. How can I apologize as a mute? This guy... is he an idiot?




Ultimate move... Shrugs in Silence. Super effective.


Tapeworm has actual steam raising from his head and shooting out of his ears. I wish I could take a picture... maybe throw darts at it. I shake my cuffs and look at Rosinante's face


He looks at Tapeworm and starts playing charades. After a couple of minutes of them "Talking", Tapeworm unlocked and removed my cuffs.


Diamonte: Dont get any funny ideas. This is Young Master Corazon. He is the bosses younger brother and if anyone harms even a single hair of his... they will be killed.


... ok so I just pranked him with a food tray and hes got a huge lump un his head. Does that count as hurting him if he took the blow for you? Does it count as YOU hurting him?


Rosinante walked up to me and knelt down. He looked me dead in my eyes and... punched me right out a window.


Holy crap am I flying. As I majestically soar through the air, I see a huge junkyard with a building that looks like it's ready to fall in the center. As my flight reached its end, I crashed into the scrapyard head first. I left a nice trench as I skidded to a halt. Weirdly enough, my fall didnt hurt much. I've got a little blood coming down my head but it's nothing but a scratch.


I picked myself up and started walking to the shack. On my way, I found 2 pipes about the same length. Holding them in my hands felt awkward at the beginning but as I started swinging them and hitting the garbage around me, they started to hurt my hands. I dont think I'm supposed to hit everything with 100% power all the time. I started trying to tap everything with rust once with each pipe.


I reached the shack after playing in the garbage for a few hours. I've poked lots of garbage with both pipes. I climbed the stairs and opened the door like I lived there. Inside was everyone. ... Let's play this cool...




Doflamingo's POV


My entire crew minus Virgo is sitting around a large table eating when someone just enters out base. It's the kid Rosinante punched from the boat into the junk yard. He looks fine to me. He takes a second to look at the room and everyone inside... then he goes to the back and starts washing his hands and face in the sink. I cant believe what I'm seeing.


Dingo: Hey, kid... what are you doing?


The kid looks at me and raises his hand that's covered in soap. He then turns back around and continues to clean himself off. Once his face and hands are clean, he walks to the table and takes a seat. Everyone of awestruck at what they are seeing. The brat begins to fill a plate up with food. Once his plate is overflowing with food... as if he was a bottomless pit, his food vanished from sight.


Dingo: Kid, you have some nerve. Do you have any idea where you are?


The kid shook his head. Then he clapped his hands, picked up his plate, and washed it in the sink. Will... atleast he has table manners?


Rosinante is laughing at the brat, Diamante is turning purple... Trebol, Pica, Giolla, Lao G, Senor Pink, Gladius, Baby 5 and Buffalo are all slack jawed at the show. He then walks to each person at the table and shakes their hands. When he walked by Diamonte and Rosinante, he stuck his middle finger up. Diamonte almost fainted in anger. Right as I was going to say something else... I heard Purururu Pururu Pururu...


The kids eyes turned into stars as he raced to Senor Pinks side.



Nova's POV


After my grand show of giving no fucks and bumming a free meal out of these fools, The guy in a suit's suit made the snail sound. He was glaring at me but again... No fucks jutsu in full effect. His snail was dressed like a doctor. it had a lab coat and scrubs on. The talk was brief but the gist of it was his wife's condition hasnt improved. He thanked the doctor for his hard work and put the snail away.


Senor Pink: Hey brat, dont make that face. My wife will be fine.


Huh?... I'm not making this face for your wife. You put the snail away... You know what, I'll let this misunderstanding go. Your wife is the victim and your fight with Franky was funny. You get a pass.


Dingo: Can someone bring me a pen and paper. I've got questions for the brat.


Ok, time to enforce my new role as someone extremely important to both brothers. I shook my head to Dingo and walked up to Diamonte. I brought both hands infront of my chest and shook them like they were in handcuffs.


Diamonte: What do you want you little brat? You dont have cuffs on... How can I take them off?!


Ah... a true idiot. I signaled that I wanted him to give me the cuffs. After a few more incorrect guess on his part, he gave me the cuffs. I placed them on the table and positioned my left arm over them so I could lock my arm in them just by dropping my arm.


Looking at Doflamingo, I took in a deep breath and mentally pressed (Scan). My right hand glowed faintly and I touched Diamontes skin.


Everyone got up and brandished their weapons ready to kill me... but the show starts now. For the first time in this world, I spoke outloud for all to hear.


Nova: Scan Complete.

Subject Name... Diamonte

Subject Fruit... Hira Hira no Mi

Subject General Info...

~Age (31)

~Birthday (5/29)

~Blood Type (S)

~Profession (Pirate)


I retracted my right arm and slammed my left arm into the cuffs. I started breathing heavily and fell to my knees.



Doflamingo's POV


The kid can talk. He just gave us info on Diamonte that he shouldnt know. Stuff I didnt know... But just to be sure...


Dingo: Diamonte, did you give the kid your information?


He was looking at the kid confused. He shook his head and replied.


Diamonte: I told the brat my name and fruit... but that's all. You can mostlikely guess we are pirates due to the fact that we attacked Marines... but I've never told anyone my birthday or real age. Even I'm not sure what my blood type was.


Looking at the kid again... something isnt right. How can he have DF powers and be relieved to have those cuffs on? The kid seems out of breath. I'll wait till he catches it and have him do it again.


Ok. Let's try this again.


Dingo: My turn kid. I know no one has told you a single thing about me. Let's see what you can really do. Give me all the information you can.


The kid sets up like before and takes a breath. His hand glows again and he touches my skin.


Nova: Scan Complete...

Subject Name... Donquixote Doflamingo

Subject Fruit... Ito Ito no Mi

Subject General Info...

~Age (25)

~Birthday (10/23)

~Blood type (X)

~Profession (Former World Nobel, Pirate)

Subject Advanced Info...

~Armament Haki

~Observation Haki

~Conqueror Haki


~Heavenly Yaksha



The kid fell flat on his face after saying Joker. He missed putting the cuffs back on so his hands still glowing... I wonder...


I use my strings to spin him over and control his hand to touch his chest.


Nova: Scan Complete...

Dirty Shirt


My smile sinks a little. So skin contact is necessary. I bring his hand to touch his face and bingo.


Nova: Scan Complete...

Subject Name... Project "Nova"

Fruit Name... Joho Joho no Mi (Info)

Fruit Name... Nagi Nagi no Mi (Calm)

General Info...

~Age (12)

~Birthday (10/23)

~Blood Type (RH-)

~Profession (None)


The kid started turning blue. I placed the cuffs on and he inhaled like he was being drowned and finally made it to the surface. Virgo outdid himself this time. This kid is priceless. He can gain information with his Joho Joho no Mi and hes quiet whenever hes not using it. He is worth keeping.



Nova POV


And the award for greatest performance goes tooooooo... SILVERS D. NOOOOOOOVAAAA.

I would like to accept this Golden Snail Award on behalf of all my fans and the saps that fell for my performance. I'm talking to you Dingo. Now, I hope Rosinante got my message.


After some talking among the adults, Dingo agreed to let me stay under Diamonte's watch. I instantly shook my head and flicked tapeworm off.


Diamonte: For the first time, I agree with the brat. His face pisses me off without cause.


I started walking around the room with my finger in my nose. As i make it look like I'm picking someone, I walk up to Rosinante and point to him. Coincidentally, I placed a nice sized bugger right on his pants. I've put the window to my back so hopefully...


Bingo. He sent me flying right out the window into the dark junkyard outside.

Bevis Bevis

chap 2 done. Hope you enjoy. I'm trying to stick to Canon timeline as much as I can.

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