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The Baba Yaga Dvoynyashki (1)

Before the Irish thug realized, Winston grabbed the man hand by the trigger, blocking it. Then he twisted it, dropping the revolver. Then he twisted both of his hand behind with his superior *human-level* strength and technique in second. Before he realized, *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* his head got bashed against the counter for 10 times after which he lost consciousness.

-Good lord, what have you done? (Mrs. Cassandra)

-Is there any problem Mrs Cassandra? (Winston)

-He is a part of the Irish gang. (Mrs. Cassandra)

-Yes, that is I am aware of. (Winston)

-You are aware of? Then why did you do it? While you did protect my dignity today and which was very nice of you, you won't be here to protect me 24 hours 7 days, even if you are capable of that. They would come and demolish my place now that you hit one of their men. Do you realize that?

(Mrs. Cassandra)

-I do indeed realize that. After tonight, there won't be any Irish gang in hell's kitchen. (Winston)

-Wait what are you...

-Don't worry Mrs Cassandra. I have some friend in the right places, I would just make some call and they would clean up the trashes. (Winston)

-I am sorry. For me, you got pulled into this mess. (Mrs. Cassandra)

-Don't worry, I would have done this eventually. (Winston in low voice)

-Did you say something? (Mrs. Cassandra)

-Nothing, I am gonna make a call.

Saying that Winston grabbed the thug by the neck from behind and dragged him off through the back door. But right after few seconds when Mrs Cassandra ran out to ask him is his friend in police or military, no soul was found there.




Having his face slapped hardly for a few times, the Irish thug woke up. They were at a rooftop, a few building away from the shop he was originally was. He felt scared, very scared when he saw the same kid he pointed his gun at. He didn't bring any underling as he thought it was unnecessary to bring more man to collect the fee from a run-down shop. Now see where that got him. He swears to never go alone if he can get out here alive.

-Now look who is up? You took your sweet time waking up.

-Please don't kill, don't kill me. I have 20 grand in my pocket. Take it but don't kill me. Please...

-Now, that's some nice song you singing there. But I don't need your filthy money, which is smeared with blood and tears of the innocent. What I want is located.

-Location! What location? Whose location?

-Of your base of operation, the Irish gang.

-What! No, they will kill me if they find out.... *crack* uhhhhhhhhh oh please don't, don't, oh god help me...

-Don't you have any shame, crying out to god when you stand for everything he forbade! How funny! Now, that was only one finger, you have 19 more. If they don't suffice you have 206 bones in your body plus the third leg in your pant. And I, fortunately, have all night long. Do you want to find out who runs out of patience first?

-No, oh god, no no no... I shall talk, I shall talk... not my dick...

-That's more like it...




-Now, you shall go down the stairs and then head straight to the police station, confessing every crime you did in your life. If you do otherwise, I shall know. And then I shall find you and tear your dick and feed it to your wife's dog. Do you understand?

-Yes, yes, I understand.

-Now go.

The man scurried through the roof door and then through the stairs, already have his 5 fingers broken and a cut mark just at thigh near his penis by his own knife. After getting out of the building the man took a taxi directly to the police station seemingly running for dear life from the nightmare soon to be known as Baba Yaga.




*beep* *beep* (Picks up the phone)

-What in the world happened Win, why are you not back yet?

-Why are you worrying Marc? It's not like anyone can harm me.

-We are not invincible Win. I do worry, a lot of being is capable of harming us.

-No one "present on earth" capable of harming us. That said, I do make a blunder.

-You got into a fight, haven't you?

-Hear me out first okay, there is that lady who gives me a lot of discounts, at her place.... *blah* *blah* *blah* .... so I have the address now of their base of operation. We could have just scoured the whole hell's kitchen, without knowing what we looking for, it would have taken about whole 2 nights of searching, I think. So, are you in Marc?

-Even if I don't come, you would go alone, right?

-You know me the best.

-Then better join in the fun.




Today was just another evening, people having fun at the night club, cash flowing in at the casino, junkies buying out their usual junk, their hookers reeling in customers. This day couldn't be any more different for Daniel O'Sullivan. Everything changed for the little gang boss when some nut job blew up their cocaine reserve at the back. And all hell broke loose from there. By the time, when boys got the toys ready 10 of them was already down. People running haphazardly, throwing everything everywhere.

By the time, everyone got out, O'Sullivan caught on to something odd. He lost eleven men, but not a single bystander lost life. First, he thought it was the Mexicans, but now at the thought of an FBI sweep up sent a shiver through his spine. He decisively told the boys to throw everything they got at the attackers.

They didn't get the chance though. Some shot from unknown place took out the lights one by one. Next heard the sound of blade stabbing flesh and blood-curdling scream of their brothers, they couldn't shoot in case hitting one of their own, they couldn't shoot the killer not being able to see them. More of his brother started to drop. Seeing no way, he gave the order to go out and regroup. The killer can't take out all the light outside.

When the gather outside only 15 of them remained of about 40 brothers present. A lot of their brothers were murdered in cold blood, he didn't know who these people are, but he sure gonna pay them hell.

Just as he was thinking along the line, a belt full of a live grenade dropped behind them, as if waiting for the last few to gather.

A loud chain explosion of the grenade was heard and the branch of the Irish gang was no more.





1 month later

Helicarrier, S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarter.

Director Fury was observing some documents. Lately, HYDRA had been steering up some troubles inducing political unrest and funding terrorist activities in the middle east. Now cleaning up these messes isn't an easy task, not after they start using chemical bombs and bombs that shouldn't be used on civilians starts to make a random appearance in a civil war in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Right at that time, agent Maria Hill handed him some new documents in a file,

-Sir, you should take a look at this.

-What do we have here now, agent Hill?

-Well, sir, one month ago, In hell's kitchen 42 Irish Gang thug was murdered cold-blooded, following that week 3 more Bases including their main base of operation got destroyed and thus making them effectively taken out of the picture.

-Isn't this those gangs in fighting over territory?

-The police thought so too. But they got spooked when the forensics came in.

-What's the deal now?

-Every single one of them either killed by two shots, one at heart and one at the brain, or by a stab at the heart and carotid artery or lastly by a chain grenade blast. But the bullets are fired from there own guns and the knife was also there own. Only the grenade was bought from the black market and..... they are products from stark industries.

-Holy mother of Jesus, have you found out who this group is? Is it another HYDRA work?

-That's the spooky part sir, the only things we got are pair of boot marks around the compound. No fingerprint, no visual, nothing sir. The cameras are all static at the right moments. As if two-man did all these.

-Why there is more file?

-Because there is more sir.

-*sigh* go on.

-After finishing off the Irish Gang they went for Mexican. In the span of the next 10 days, Mexicans became history from hell's kitchen. Right after that, in the next 2 days, 2 Russian Bratva hideout was destroyed and the rest just simply left the neighbourhood. For the next week, they kept quiet. But last week they made their move against the Hand. And at last, we got our first visual on them.

-They made their move against the Hand?!!!!

-Yes sir, according to the footage we got.

-Bring up the footage... (By the time the footage was loading) So who are these group?

-They are not a group sir. They are just two people, just like the boot mark suggested.





[*to be continued*]

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