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shin si gi come to the home

In club , wow oh sung its really funny to enjoy the party, orginshe listen to me you don't drinking any shapping ok , she had not come lets dance oh sung have fun ok , originshe I'm really nervous what he say to me , she tails everything him hey don't be panic oh sung relax , if she tails everything but he know she love himself ok (song , dicolight , music) , see orgin , where is she ? there ok, lets go meat her and boyfriend. hanson enter the club where is origin? I want findout, hi miss bae noo ri ,hi orgin hi oh sung ,so I want introduce my boyfriend mr zang he hi nice meat you too miss origin, hi oh sung , hi so what are you doing originshe ? I'm doing job in mda company nice and you I'm doctor which part neuronsurgeon oh you dont have much time to spent with bae noo ri, don't worry about me she also busy with study , oh sung so you decide what are you doing for future youe ofcourse I decide want to arcilogist and he support me , its really nice , if you don't mind I soory to say like these but your age difference long , bae noo ri said I know what you said , love is important for me he is first man to realise me what is love ? it feels good, I love him very much , so I want asked one more question what the mean of love , love is emotion , carring person , in any switchtuation if you need help he come with help you that time everybody not hear to come and help th, woory about him, that s the love you not say I atttracted you, I love you is not love , so you understand originshe, yes and you oh sung I also , so how to meat like each other its really interesting story i will tell you another day lets have fun enjoy the party , (they dancing have fun with shapping ) hanson find origin he see her dancing with one boy , oh sung said look out origin hanson ying what i do (hide somewhere ) I go washroom call you tail me he is gone are not ok excuse me (in washroom ) oh sung where us she ? she going in washroom ok 📲 one second please any one call me I want to recive the call , sure go, I will come back (in washroom ) hello oh sung its me I know you, tail me hes gone pr not no he is not go what i do oh sung I cant stay at bathroom (hey miss get out of the bathroom ) hold please, yes miss why are you getting late? everyone waiting for you ? soory, soory I really much drink , I cant handle drink, soory dont come back again ok , hello oh sung every girls get out of the washroom what I do ? in any how you comback outside but how it possible, I will tail janhan originshe hangover can you go washroom handle originshe what ? you said do you know I never drink any alcohol in my life , listen origin I know you never drink just do the acting ok , how can I acting ? waiter , yes what you like ? I want 🍸🍸🍸🍸 shapping ok mam have these ok I'm ready for acting , oh sung said mr janhan what happened? (bae noo ri said) if you dont mind I need to help mr janhan what help ? origin call me she tails me I really tired help me , can you help her ofcourse where is ? she outside ladies washroom what ? I can't go washroom it not allow the boys , dont be panic I will help her thanks bae noo ri its nothing now we are friends , hello origin hello bae noo ri and janhan comes are you ready I'm ready (she acting behave like drink girl ) bae noo ri hey orgin wake up help me janhan handle one hand ok fine hey orgin please try to stand up ok , lets go origin oh sung wait for you in club ,( in club ) hanson what i do ? if he see me he spoil the disscussion ( any how I dont want see him hide my face ) bae noo ri help me any one can see my face ok take my muffler hide face thanks where is he ? one second call him, soory janhan , be noo ri I will call the taxi , thanks for help lets go origin , (bae noo ri said ) take care her ok bhy see you then 🚕 (in taxi ) nice acting origin, what acting everyone say me the alcoholic girl, hey you I know you are not alcoholic girl, but why are he come to the club , I see him , he found someone , never mind , so how to acting janhan not realize are you doing acting , are you stupid ? I drink shapping what ? you drink yes I'm they dont belive me may i drink so much , thats right , one second I call hanson ying manager what? don't do these origin but why ? ok (origin home ) grandmaI'm coming,

(in club) where is she going ? I think she is gone home , oh its really gate late I off now in home, (manager 10 th miss call ) 📲in home sir dont miss the shooting , tomorrow ok bhy see you then . grandma I'm hungry have these🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 everyone come the lunch is ready , oh shin si gi what a present supperise? I thought you never come , so how was day ? my marriage arrangement in fixed congratulations shin si gi its really quickly you know oh sung she ya (lee min said ) that why you did not recive my call ? excuse me please (originshe room ) can I coming , come shin si gi how are do these to me ? you say you love me I know that s missunderstanding orgin I never love you that day you said to me , this day I say you right orgin this missunderstand us , congrats oh sung for marriage , (oh sung said ) I want asked one question? you think about me what I say ? no but really feel bad you never recive my call, why you certainly go home , I really get hurt you said to me that day , so you are not happy with marriage, no that not what I mean ok, ofcourse not happy but why ? its really quickly for me marriage, parents force me , they tail these is perfect girl of yours wife and you both perfect each other , so what's the problem? the problem is I meat only one day she not much talking to me, that day ring ceremony day so how to say yes ? she is very preety and nice girl , so I never do that to say no that girl , it should be hurt , do you have tri ,who she beautiful girl, miss kim so hyun so she is my fathers best friend daughter so you made each other before ,

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