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70% Danger / Chapter 7: Unexpected Danger

Chapter 7: Unexpected Danger

I sat outside Zama Cartor's office. It had been 20 minutes since she'd told me she'd meet me as soon as possible. She was a busy lady who was usually good on her word so I kept waiting.

After I showed my sister the two versions of my report she also agreed that the version with Danger was the better one. I'd almost changed my mind last second about which version to turn in. I justified my actions by telling myself that it was okay because I made Danger seem like a hero in my report.

Before he shoved me he mentioned something about me spinning the story in some way. And although I was tempted at some points, I didn't make him out to be the bad guy. But ultimately I figured if he did come after me it'd be best if at the very least I could deny using him for my report.

"Gladys," a voice called out to me. I turned my head to see Zama heading my way. I stood and put on the brightest smile I could.

"Ms. Cartor! Good Afternoon!" I said. She gave me a pleasant smile in return.

Zama Cartor was a tall slender woman who was always dressed in some type of flowy colorful dress. She had darker skin, similar to my complexion and she always wore her hair in a long braid with gold glitter weaved in it. Because you couldn't see her feet because of the length of her dress it always looked like she was floating over the ground. Or at least it would if she wasn't know for being dangerously clumsy. Based on her personality you would never guess that she was in charge of training teens and young adults on how to use their dangerous, and sometimes life threatening, powers. Being an elite trainer wasn't easy, and considering that Zama was one of the worlds most sought after trainers, she definitely had a target on her back more often than not.

"Is that your report my sweet?" She asked in a low soft voice.

I nodded eagerly. Despite all the bad things people said about Zama, she'd always been nothing but kind and empathetic to my sister and I. I always felt like she was a genuinely sweet woman. She was easy to be nice to but I still usually laid it on thick when I was around her. Just in case.

"Ah, I bet it's wonderful! I've seen how hard you've been working, I'm so proud of you." She said as she cupped my face in her hands and squeezed my cheeks. "Did you manage to charm Danger?" She asked.

I told her the truth... minus the part where I burned him. "I got an interview with him but he didn't agree with all of my questions so in the end I decided to leave his parts out," I explained as I handed her the small square digifile that held my report.

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that my sweet. Just as well I'm sure the report is still marvelous." She said and she promised to read it and hand it off to the council by the next morning.

After I got the weight of the report off my shoulders I was in a great mood the rest of the day. I didn't realize how much the report had cast a shadow over everything I did. It was all I could think about since I learned I had to do it.

But now all I could think about was eating. I'd skipped more meals than I could count in order to research and write and interview and cry. But since it was all over I headed straight to the dining area.

Living in the castle had a lot of cons. But one pro was I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. The chefs at the castle were said to be some of the best in the country and I believed that one hundred percent. I often told myself that I'd never had a true meal before I came to the castle, I didn't know what it meant to enjoy food. Maybe I was exaggerating a bit, but that's how amazing every meal I'd had since I got here had been.

Once I entered the dining area I wanted to turn right back around. Barta Maysen was headed in my direction and I was no longer in a mood to deal with her.

To put it in black and white terms, if Zama was good Barta was evil. Pure Evil. She was against me and my sister being welcomed into Domivia since the first day we got here. And every time she saw one of us she wasn't afraid to remind us of that fact.

She was also tall like Zama, she had pale skin, light blue eyes and deep red hair. She only ever wore all black or all white. Today was a white day. She had on a all white suit.

"Ah look who it is. Why is it that I always run into you in the dining area Ms. Tade?"

"I guess we both get hungry at the same time" I replied dryly. She widened her eyes at me.

"Have you gotten so comfortable around here that you think it is okay to be fresh with me?" She said, as she raised her voice.

'"With all due respect Ms. Barta I wasn't trying to be "fresh", just like you, I also noticed we both meet here a lot, I was just trying to make conversation."' That was a terrible excuse but I never was a good liar.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Hmph, I'll excuse you this time." She said sharply, and she stormed out of the dining area, taking my appetite with her.

I decided to go back to my bedroom. As I passed the entrance to get back to the grand staircase I heard someone call out to me. I turned around to see one of the men who guarded the door waving me over.

"Yes?" I asked cautiously. He sighed and gave me an exasperated look.

"Ms. Tade please, you know you're not supposed to have guests, you put me in a very awkward situation. This is only my first week, if anyone finds out I could lose my position here." He said. I just stared at him.

"I haven't had any guests...I was just meeting with Ms. Cartor." I said.

He frowned. "Then what about the young man that went up to your room." I felt my blood run cold.

"Young man!? What was his name? How did he even know how to find my room?" I asked trying to keep the panic out of my voice and hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.

"He didn't give me his name he just said he was looking for you...He was tall, dark hair, tan, grayish eyes? He said he was a friend of I showed him...he seemed so desperate" he trailed off, suddenly looking as panicked as I felt. "Please tell me you know who I'm talking about. Please tell me I didn't send a stranger to your room." He added.

"No it's okay, it's okay." I assured him, even though I knew it wasn't. "He IS a friend of mine, but I promise you I didn't invite him here, don't worry I'll make sure this never happens again." I added and I bolted upstairs to my room.

I nearly fell to the ground as I tripped over my own feet barging into my room. But I steadied myself and froze in my tracks. Sitting on my bed with his right hand bandaged was Danger.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Did you finish your report?"

Gtee Gtee

If I were Glad I would've thrown up and never went back to my room again.

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