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While Rex and Kia were busy making out with each other the robbers were doing there job efficiently..

(note: what do you expect from them they are robbers obviously they are being professional or they will get caught)

but soon they heard a voice on the loudspeakers.. "POLICE"

the inspector said that on the mic.


hearing this the robbers didn't get scared one of them even smile and he shot at the leg of the inspector "BANG"

after shooting the robber shouted

"who do you think you fxcxer are dealing with we are the terminators"

hearing this the police inspector got shocked because terminators are high level criminal gang who deal in weapons and are ruthless maniacs who kills because they enjoy killing.

terminators Is a crime syndicate which deals in every criminal activity whether it is murder, assassination, human trafficking, drugs rape, prostitution you name a crime they do it they are the most feared syndicate in the Asia.

when the robbers saw the unsightly look on the cop face he laugh out loud and said "this is the shitty police thingy hmm you the head of these armatures I will kill anyone here if you move a step and I will rape a women if you make any suspicious movement and let me tell you I am a lollicon I like breaking the small dolls filling there small pussy and ass with my cum and chocking them with my cock deep-throating until they die so you better make no movements otherwise there are lol of small dolls here hmm" the robber gave an evil smile while his eyes moved all over the small girls and his eyes landed on the little girl who was covering her eyes with her small hands the robber licked his lips and his eyes shine.

at the same time the police inspector informed the higher authorities with his intercom about the situation he get his reply to not make any move until the backup arrives just as he put his intercom down he saw that he got spotted by the robbers and the lewd robber who shot him on the legs said

"I told you but you didn't listen aahh now I have to keep my promise why are you people so stupid now I have to break another doll this makes me very sad" he said he was sad but the smile on his face said something else

he walks toward the little girl and as he reached the girl he extended his hand to grab the girl saying "come here little doll we will play some adult game you will feel good" smiling lewdly he was going to grab the little girl but at that time a leg hit him on the balls…..

rex was watching the situation turning worse he was thinking how to save the girl and escaping from here but when he saw that the man hands were approaching the girl he got furious he don't know why and he kicked the man on his balls


the man shouted like a pig being slaughter and was rolling on the ground you can see he was bleeding between the legs as his testicles were ruptured he was in so much agony that every men inside the bank or outside closed there legs by reflex saving their family jewels.

seeing one of them being reduced to this state other robbers got mad and pointed their guns at rex and were about to shoot him but suddenly they heard a voice saying "don't kill him so easily make him pray.. no make him curse his makers for giving him a life" anger was clearly shown on the faces of the robbers the surrounded rex and threw punches and kicks at him

at that time rex was guarding his head on the floor and covering the back of his head with his arms he was waiting for an opportunity waiting patiently while the robbers were beating him non stop at that time one of them pointed his sub-machine gun at rex face seeing this rex smiled and he caught the gun with both of his hand and pulled the gun from the robber's hand and said "now the party started fxxkxxrs"

saying that he started firing at the robbers who were beating him shooting 5 of them he turn toward the little girl threw the gun picked her up from the ground caught the hand of kia and ran toward the entry gate of the bank while pulling kia behind him as he was about to get out of the bank he open the door he pushed kia to get out and was about to go out too when a bullet was shot at his leg rex fall to the ground on his knees turned back to look he saw there were still 5 robbers present there who were aiming there guns at him seeing this rex pushed the little girl towards kia and said

"run fast run don't look back just run and survive"

hearing this kia shouted "no rex I am not going I won't go no"

seeing this rex shouted "kia please you have your daughter with you she will be killed too please go "

hearing this kia got blank and said "but I"

rex said "no buts kia please I want little girl to live her life to the fullest, smiling everyday brightly and kia I love you… I really do you are the only person ever I have felt that way pleas live long I will be waiting for you at the other side so take care and keep smiling " saying that rex smiled at her, tears were falling from the eyes of kia and she was trembling but when she saw the little girl in her hands she became determined and pick her up giving one last look at rex she said "you are mine in this life or in any other life I will only be yours in body, heart and soul I love you rex" saying that she turn around and ran towards the police rex saw that all the 5 robbers were running towards him he shouted "you bitches from the terminator are nothing I killed your guys and you can do nothing about it go to your mamma and ask them did the get fucked by some sissy"

rex was trying to make the robbers anger so that they won't target kia and the little girl and he successfully attract there attention by cursing at them as the members of terminators heard rex's cursing they got enraged and ran towards him they didn't shoot at him because they didn't want him to die easily in there rage they forget about the armed police outside the bank and ran toward him seeing that his plan was successful rex turned his head and looked at the inspector who was also looking back at him rex just nodded and the inspector understood what he meant at the next moment wheN the robbers arrived in front of rex and was about to beat him up the inspector shouted "fire"

~bang bang bang bang bang bang bnag bang bang~

the robbers were shot down and each one of them has multiple holes in there body their bodies fall next to rex seeing this rex 'sighs' and turn around and smiled at kia but suddenly he felt dizzy he shook his head then he felt something warm on his chest feeling this rex look down at his chest and saw blood and two holes at his chest and stomach only one word came into rex mind "fuck" and he plopped down breathing his last breath seeing rex fall down kia shouted here throat out "no rex noooooo" but the cops didn't let her go there she was trying so hard to reach him but she couldn't at the end one of the cop has to chop at her neck and she fainted.....












where am i….



what is this place

…. Wait am I dead ….

but how can I talk… no I am not talking but thinking…..

where is this place… I can't see anything...

hello anyone there….. please can someone help me….



rex waited in a endless space where only darkness exist he waited patiently for how long no one knows....

the when his mind was blank he heard some voices from behind his ears twitched a little and he became restless searching for the source of the noise ...

he saw light somewhere in the darkness he fallow the light and walked for a long time focusing on the source of light he reached the end or entry when he reached the source rex closed his eyes involuntarily when he opened them he saw 2 stunningly, breath taking beauties emitting the holly aura which was making rex so comfortable that his whole being was rejuvenating and he was at a bliss he looked at there bodies and was appreciating it very much and when he looked at there face their cherry lips snow white skin both of them has a unique charm one has brown hairs and blue eyes while other has black hairs and light brown eyes… their eyes were so clear like a new born but were giving a divine brilliance like a goddess…..

both of them looked at rex and smile and said together…

"welcome Rex we were waiting for you"

seeing that smile rex mind shot circuited and he said

"please marry me"...!!!!

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