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76.92% Poseidonn / Chapter 10: nine

Chapter 10: nine

Not too far from the couple in bliss stood a person growing irritated by the second. They couldn't remember how long they stood there watching but at this point they were miserable.

"How long do I have to watch this man devour her face? I have the shot and I'm taking it." They said into the phone.

"No," came the second voice, "your task was to keep updates on them. We still have a plan and we don't have time for your flair for the dramatic."

"Me? Dramatic?" They gasped.

"Yes. It's like you watched every bad action flick from the 80s. Must you try to kill her during every moment she spends with him? You're supposed to scare her, not traumatize her." The more rational one replied.

"Am I not allowed to have fun? Why do I get the boring tasks anyways?"

"Because you're already in the loop. Let her keep trusting you and the job will become much easier. Besides, my job is happening as we speak. In just days we'll show the world who these monsters truly are and then we'll break them."

They then shivered uncontrollably at the sometimes frightening conviction in their tone. It was evident that this was no more than a chilling act of revenge for them.

"Good. I'm out."

And with one last glance at the happy couple, they vanished as if they were never there.


"You might be the god of the sea, but damn that was one electric kiss," Theo muttered against his lips.

"That was the corniest thing I've ever heard," Ryan chuckled, already leaving a trail of aforementioned kisses up her jawline up until she shivered under his touch.

"It made you laugh. Worth it."

Stuck in a world of their own, the two finally took a step back and gazed at each other just to soak in what had actually happened. For him, it was something he'd been dreaming of ever since he first laid eyes on her. And for her, it was a bit complicated in a way she couldn't put into words. But she couldn't deny the pull that kept her drawn to him so she pushed the thoughts aside and focused solely on him.

"Do you have plans tomorrow?" He asked.

For a second her stomach dropped at the reminder of her own plans made behind his back.

"A few. I have a lunch date with a friend and uh, I should be free soon after." She vaguely answered.

"And tonight?"

"I'm free and I could be swayed if someone were to make a tempting offer."

"Then I formally invite you to my home for our first official date. I've been told I make a killer fettuccine alfredo."

"I'd love nothing more." She smiled.

And so the two finally parted with Theo following closely behind his car in hers carefully making their way to a home that proved to be quite as secluded as his secret spot. It was no surprise that the home sat before a vast beach privately owned by him.

Not long after they parked in front of the home did she hurry to rejoin his side and walk into the manor already impressed by the modern architecture.

They had only made a few steps in when she heard two distinct voices, one more familiar than the other not from where they stood. And while she was curious, Ryan's shoulders slightly sagged and he noticeably deflated at the sound of his forever disruptive brothers.

He took a few sharp turns eventually finding them moving around the kitchen surprised to see a small female sheltering herself behind his domineering figure.

"What are you doing here?" Is all he could say.

"Hello to you too, brother." The first one said, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Sorry to intrude, but we had urgent news to speak of. But if we're interrupting, we can come back at a better time." The one she recognized as Henry rationally responded.

"Please le-"

"I can go, it's fine." Theo offered instead, already spinning on her heels to escape the awkward situation.

A hand had then desperately found its way around her wrist, stopping her dead in her track.

"Stay. I'll be no more than a few minutes. I'll have them out in no time and then I'm cooking for you, okay? Just don't leave." He insisted.

"I could eat." The other brother added in.

"Shut up, Zane."

"Okay. I'll just keep myself busy." Theo answered before slipping out of the room.

She'd only made it back into the spotless living room area before she stopped to listen in for what she could. Although the situation seemed rather urgent and clearly personal, the investigator in her couldn't help but overhear the conversation as their voices began to raise over one another.

"What does that even mean?!" Zane had said.

"Nothing...danger...her." She barely gathered from Ryan.

"Careful...return...destruction." Henry cautiously warned his brothers.

It was then that Theo decided to step closer and stop just outside the door.

"We don't know that for sure. Let's not make a big deal out of a few coincidences."

"And if I'm right? You'd rather we sit back and watch it happen? That's dangerous and foolish. We can't think like that, not when the world is at stake." Henry replied.

"You both make great points. Henry, why don't you investigate the wreckage and be discreet as possible. If what you say is true, just the sight of you in the area could prove to be a disadvantage. We must always be two steps ahead. While he's gone I need you, Zane, to run the company as if nothing's changed. It's business as usual. In fact, it's doing better than ever." Ryan carefully advised them.

"And what will you do?"

"I'll do my own research and deal with the threats at hand. While there may be something bigger on the rise, I don't believe that it's a coincidence that all this is happening at once."

Hearing all she needed to hear, she then carefully returned to safer distance moments before Henry stepped out of the doorway. Zane was close on his tail as the two approached the girl for the first time.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. I'm-"

"The guy who set me up with Ryan," Theo added.

"True." He laughed.

"While I do apologize for being dishonest, I would say that it was a much-needed push in the right direction." Henry surmised.


"Hi, I'm the devilishly handsome brother, Zane." He boldly introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you both." Theo politely greeted the two.

"You're so gorgeous and kind. How did he get so lucky?" Zane wondered aloud.

"Careful.." A warning tone said not far from where they stood.

"Sorry. What I meant to say was I hope that you're a good influence on our dear Ryan. After all we've seen, he could use a light like you in his life." Zane then corrected himself.

"Thank you. He's extremely lucky to have such support in his life. I've always been envious of those blessed enough to have siblings. You're born with your very own best friends."

"I take it you're an only child?" Zane asked.

"Yup. My parents were satisfied with one, especially after a difficult experience during labor so it's always just been me and my books."

"Well consider us your honorary brothers, if you'll have us." Henry offered.

"That'd be perfect. You guys are so much more normal than I thought you'd be. It's refreshing. And I know that right now is probably not the most ideal timing, but we should definitely hang out sometime." Theo chattered away with her newfound brothers.

"Of course. And this time I'll actually show up." Henry said, making her laugh harder than Ryan liked.

"Okay. Lovely chat, but don't you have somewhere to be?" Ryan asked.

"Not really." Henry shrugged.

"Especially not with the house smelling so good. What is that, alfredo? You're making her alfredo? You never cook for me!" Zane all but whined.

"And I never will. See you later." Ryan retorted, roughly shoving the two towards the door.

"But we only just got here!" Henry protested.

"Don't care. Get out." He finalized and hurriedly shut the door in their faces.

"Now, where were we?"

"I really like them."

"Try saying that after having spent an eternity by their side." He threw over his shoulder as she followed him back to the kitchen.

"I'm assuming you were the straight-laced sibling who kept everyone in line."

"Someone had to. Despite being the oldest, Zane can be very immature. But it's one of his best qualities and I can't imagine ever changing anything about him. The way he can light up a room in seconds is a gift. And Henry's always been so passionate and kind in times where I've failed to do so. He has a true heart of gold and loves with his entire being." Ryan said with a warm smile.

"And you?"

"I'm the self-proclaimed parent sibling. I take the reins and handle the tough situations they can not."

The light that had once found a home in his eyes during their conversation had slowly vanished and the god all but hurried to busy himself with the food that was nearly complete.

"I can't imagine what it must be like to shoulder so much responsibility on your own. Who's there for you when it gets to be too much to handle?" She tentatively asked.

"No one."

"Ryan, I-"

"How'd you like some dessert after we eat? I have some cheesecake in the fridge that I've been waiting for someone to try." He commented instead.

"Sounds perfect," Theo said, politely reading the room.

"Did I ever tell you how I got into journalism?" She then asked.

"No, but I'm all ears."

"Like I said earlier, I was an only child raised by busy parents that didn't really devote time out of their days for me. I was fine with it though. I know that they did everything in their power to ensure I had a stable roof over my head and to this day I don't resent them for it."

"But?" Ryan added.

"But it was a lonely childhood, nonetheless. And as sad as it sounds, the highlight of my day was reading the newspaper and weekly magazines that made me feel like I had a place in this world. It must be true if people paid to read every little story about every citizen it seemed like."

"It only made sense that I wanted to be the one telling those stories and making someone else feel a little less alone."

"And did it work?" Ryan questioned.

"It worked well enough. It did play its part but ultimately it was still up to me to control my own narrative and be the person I've always dreamed of being. Just because I had no control over my past doesn't mean I can't determine my future."

"I have a feeling we're no longer talking about just you here." Ryan assumed.

"Perhaps. If so, it wasn't my intention."

"Then maybe we're more alike than I imagined."

"I wish. You're ten times stronger than I could ever hope to be. You and your brothers have changed the world. I'm just a chick who tells stories." Theo shrugged.

"Stories that will live on long after this world dies. Don't ever doubt your abilities or the effect you have with what you were brought into this world to do. I may have changed this world, but you're going to save it."

And little did she know how right he would be.

tjsmith tjsmith

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Thoughts and/or theories? :)

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