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46.15% Poseidonn / Chapter 6: five

Chapter 6: five

Poseidon could only be described as a rather magnetic puzzle of a man who constantly leaves a lot to the imagination. My first encounter with the otherwise private god didn't fare as well as I'd hoped, but it did give me a glance of how he was brought up. His people pride themselves in their rare abilities and their mysterious origin. While he couldn't reveal much about his kind it was evident that they were near and dear to him. At first glance, he's a pretty closed off person who offers very little conversation to be said. But I've come to notice that when he's passionate about something there's a gleam in his eyes reminiscent of a child on Christmas morning.

I've talked to many people, I've traveled near and far for articles, and I can say I've never quite found a subject quite like him...

"Careful there. The last bit almost makes it sound like you like him." Alex hummed into Theo's ear.

"I'm being kind. Please get your lunatic mind out of the gutter. Other than that unnecessary comment, what do you think so far?"

She leaned aside to allow Alex to peruse the entire article she'd written thus far. Besides Joan, she was one of the first to beta read her works. Her opinion may hardly ever be serious the majority of the time but she valued her every thought.

"It sounds like a great start. Are you having a change of heart about him? Last time I checked he was a jerk. What's changed?"

"He's acting differently. I can't explain it but with each encounter, he seems to be opening up and letting me in a little more each time."

"So on your date tonight, he should be a real treat then eh?"

"It's not a date. We're going to talk to Cassandra and that is it."

"In my stories, this is the event that speeds things up a bit. You initially arrive for professional duty, but then you get to drinking and dancing and suddenly the two of you wind up in a sticky situation where it's become clear that there's something more brewing beneath the surface. But just when things begin to heat up, the moment is ruined by a third party and both potential lovers attempt to forget that it ever happened."

"But," she dramatically paused, "they can't stop the warmth beneath their cheeks whenever they look at each other. Or the sudden flare of irritation when they notice the many admirers."

"Alex, I need you to get out more and I should really confiscate all of your books. You sound insane."

"I can't wait to say I told you so. Remember this day as the day you were warned. Ooh, when is he picking you up? Perhaps if I explained it to him, things would really get exciting."

"If you speak even a word to him, you will come up missing."


"Concerned for your mental health."

"Whatever. I came to have a good time and I'm feeling very attacked right now."

"You came to help pick an outfit for the party, idiot. It's either the fit and flare dress or the plain slacks and blouse."

"The fit and flare dress with off the shoulder sleeves?"


"The black one that also gives you magnificent cleavage and makes your thighs look to die for?"

"I guess?"

"Is that even a question? You will be the belle of the ball in that dress. "

And she was right. It was her go-to first date outfit that didn't get her too far, unfortunately. But when she did wear it, she found that she was often the center of attention. The sweetheart neckline was designed with a flattering push up cups that left no need for a supportive bra and the all too soft material of the wide skirt fell just below the middle of her thighs. With every spin, she felt giddy at the sight of the flare of the skirt.

Theo didn't want to admit it aloud but a slim part of her also wondered just what Poseidon would think if she wore the impressive dress for this night.

"So have you decided?"

"I'm gonna rock that damn dress."

"That's what I'm talking about."

"Would it be weird to ask to see him before the party?"

"Nope. By all means, get your man."

"For the article. I have more questions. But I don't want to get too attached. We're already working on finding out who tried to hurt me and I don't want to become too dependent upon him, you know?"

"Honestly, forget everything else. Don't worry about any of that. The man has never been one to tell anything but the truth so it doesn't hurt to just ask. Plus I'm sure he enjoys your company just as much."


Theo - Are you free right now?

R. Ross - I can be.

Theo - Meet me at the park in 10?

R. Ross - Will do.

"Alright. I should be on my way."

"In your pajamas?" Alex pointed out.


Theo quickly ditched the all too comfortable sleep set and grabbed a light sundress from the closet. After stepping into a pair of strappy sandals, she tossed her notepad and other necessary essentials into her satchel.

"Have fun."

"We'll see. I should be back soon, but if you decide to leave before then remember to lock the door behind you."

"Yes, mother."

And with that being said she hurried out the door and started the quick drive to the city's public park. It was a fairly busy place this time of year since only the most vibrant flowers would grow there. Theo often visited the park alone whenever her mind was in a rut.

Once she laid eyes on the garden, she felt like she could do anything. She was a renowned writer and yet she failed to find the words to describe the vivacious garden.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the busy, but quiet park. But she wasn't one to complain about a little peace and quiet. With her bag in hand, she walked through the gated entrance and for just a moment stopped at the sight of the park.

Once inside there's a long concrete path where the small baby's breaths grew on either side. And just over her head stood the long arbor decorated with a variety of colors far and wide. What stood out to her the most was always the tall cherry blossom tree which often leaned just through the gated surface of the top of the arbor.

"Theo?" A voice cut through her trance.



"You all set?"

"Of course! Let's take a seat. Follow me."

She didn't wait for an answer before quietly leading him towards the center of it all where the most entertainment sat. Her stomach grumbled just a bit when she started to smell the food trucks parked nearby. Hopefully, she could finish this bit fast just so she could grab a bite.

But she was focused on something else entirely. Soon they arrived at a clean picnic table and for the first time, Theo caught sight of an unusually casual Poseidon.

"You're not wearing a suit."

"Should I be?" He asked.

"No, it's just odd. You don't seem like the type of person to relax--ever."

He currently fashioned a pretty blue button up top and a flattering pair of jeans. She couldn't lie, he looked great and much more at ease.

"I hope I didn't drag you away from anything important. It just dawned on me that I was slacking a bit on the article and I want to be out of your way as soon as possible. Speaking of, have you spoken to my replacement? I could get caught up to speed if you two have worked together so far."

"No. I've been a bit busier than usual. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the time to sit and chat with them."

"But you're here now." Theo thought aloud.

"You're different."

"O-Oh, okay. Let me just get my pad out."

"Of course."

Once her hands had finally stopped trembling like she was a silly schoolgirl, she grabbed what she needed and while her hand was in the bag she gently brushed her hand along a forgotten gem. Her tape recorder.

"Also, do you mind being recorded today? I forgot how useful it can be whenever I'm asking questions. Sometimes I get too distracted to write everything I hear and it can be pretty annoying."

"I don't mind. Whatever makes your job easier."

"Awesome. Let's get this started then. How exactly do your powers work? Are all of your kind given the same powers or is it different?"

"In a way, it's different. Some are given what we call a specialty, which means that the skill will come to them naturally."

"So your specialty would be water."

"Yes. Zeus is lightning and Hades is fire."

"So does that mean no one else could master it?"

"Of course."

And to further prove his point, he snapped his fingers and in an instant, a spark of fire lit upon his hand.

"It would just require anyone else more years of practice and exertion. What I just did may seem small, but it can wear me out a bit since it's not mine to practice. So we tend to stick to what we know most of the time."

"That's pretty cool. So there's no limit to what you can do, is there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there anything you can't do?"

"We can't alter life or death. It's not permitted for lower level gods."

"Wait, there are levels?"

"Yes. Tier one consists of titans. They then create the next tier, which would be me, a god. Then the next tier is the demigods. There are things that one tier can do that the others can not."

"And where are these titans you speak of?"

"Most have died off or just ceased to exist in this world."

"They can die? Can you die?" She asked.

"Everyone dies. We may be immortal but we can be killed. Or at least locked away."

"Wow. And is there a tier above the titans? Who created them?"

"They can't be explained, to be honest. Titans are created by beings that don't really have a form to look at or interact with. Uranus is the personification of the sky and heavens. He is everywhere and nowhere at once. Gaia is the personification of the earth. Without them, everything would cease to exist. And without each other, the world would be off-balanced."

"How so?"

"They are the exact opposite of each other. I read about them as a child because I found them interesting. She's said to be more grounded. The realist of the two and she created the world with no high expectations. In fact, she treated it like it was nothing. Whereas Uranus was ever the optimist. He tirelessly tried to convince her that one-day the world would be filled with the greatest minds. All she'd have to do was wait and see."

"And, do you think he was right?"


"Sounds like quite the pair."

"But as I said, they couldn't exist without each other. She kept his head on straight and he reminded her to be positive sometimes. He taught her that she shouldn't be afraid to dream. And whenever his many hopes had failed him, it was her that reminded him that each failure is just a lesson towards the next success."

"That's sweet. It's stories like those that kinda makes me miss having someone, you know? Not to get too deep, but to have that one person who gets you unlike any other is just amazing."

"You mean like a soulmate."

"Precisely. Do they even exist?"

"Yes. There are different signs for us. We know for sure whereas humans are stuck wondering if it's real or not. Most brush it off as their imagination."

"That's unfair. What are the signs for you?"

"Well, there is a magnetic pull. It grows stronger the closer they are and when one tries to resist it, the pull becomes unbearable until the point where there is in actual need to be near them at all times. Then after that, there's a constant longing that won't rest until the two have each other. They feel like an incomplete puzzle and it's like the world just doesn't feel right without them."

"Wow. Have you met yours yet?"

And just when the questions were getting good, the deafening silence was interrupted by the all too loud grumbling of her empty stomach. While Theo was internally dying at the sound, Poseidon felt it appropriate to quietly laugh at her pain.

"Want something from the food truck?"


"What would you like?"

"Surprise me."

And while he briefly stepped away for a moment, she took the time to jot down some extra notes and even more questions that had risen with every bit of information she gained.

Soon he returned with two mouth-watering plates of shrimp fried rice that she smelled before he could even sit down.

"Thank you. How much was it? I'll pay you back."

"No worries. I offered." He brushed the gesture aside.

"Just like I offered to return the favor. It's the least I could do."

"No need. I promise."

That was all that needed to be said before she tentatively dug into the fresh meal. It took everything in her not to moan at the first taste of the familiar flavors.

"Fine. Now back to my last question, if you feel comfortable answering. This could also be off the record. Have you met your soulmate?"

"I don't know."

"Have you ever been in a relationship?"

"I have. It was great and she was everything that I thought a soulmate was supposed to be for someone like me."


"But I'm also learning that I might have been wrong."

"Why is that?"

"Too early to tell."

"Sounds ominous, but I'll take it."

"Can I ask you something?" He retorted out of the blue.


"Do you believe that you've met yours?"

"I don't think so. I wouldn't even know if I did, to be honest. It's something I've dreamed of since I was a kid though."

"How so?" He inquired.

"This is going to sound corny, but I always imagined some element of dancing. It's the most romantic thing in the world to be close to another person and in that moment nothing matters but the person in your arms."

"And then what?"

"I can't tell you all my secrets," Theo said.

She felt stupid enough having already spilled such an embarrassing fantasy.

"But I believe this should be enough for today. The next set of questions should be conducted by the other person. I feel like it's unfair for me to monopolize all of your time especially since I'm not supposed to be working at the moment."

"I don't suppose I have a say in the matter, do I?"

"Sorry. Thanks for the lunch but I should probably get in touch with him as soon as I can to catch him up."

After gathering her items she slowly stood to leave only to be followed by Poseidon.

"So soon? I was hoping I could ask for your help."

"Oh, with what?"

She wished she had a camera to document the utter anxiety that was etched across his face at that moment.

"I don't have a suit for tonight. I thought it would be best if you would assist me and choose something that would coordinate with what you're wearing." He all but stammered.

"Um, it doesn't matter. It's just one night and I'm wearing black. Any old suit will do."

"Oh okay."

And for just a brief moment she swore she could see the slight fall in his shoulders as he spoke with what sounded like disappointment.

"You'll look great no matter what. See you tonight?"

"I'll pick you up?"

"That'd be great. See you then."

And with that, the two reluctantly parted ways both with a task of their own to complete.


Later that night when she was finally dressed to kill, Theo looked over her final look in the mirror and found herself all too happy with the results. And she didn't know how but she could somehow sense the arrival of her ride and after a quick touchup of her hair, she hurried outside with her purse in hand.

Once outside she briefly greeted the polite driver and slid in beside the handsome god. It seemed like he didn't need her help after all. The dark suit wasn't all she noticed. He also stiffly sat against the door and didn't so much as acknowledge her presence.

So he's back to being in a mood, she thought.

The tense pair arrived at the jam-packed event held at Renatta's summer home later than they'd have liked but they were there. They certainly stood out both noticeably avoiding each other, stiffly walking side by side with a gap between them as if they were afraid to touch one another. Poseidon noticed the strange glances towards them and attempted to rectify it by gently tucking her hand in the nook of his elbow. While it did little to blend them in, it nearly killed an anxious Theo.

"Relax." She told him when she felt the tension in his arm.

It helped a bit as he'd finally released a heavy breath and calmly walked alongside her while she lit up the room with her winning smile. How he quietly wished she'd look at him like that.

It didn't take long for the woman of the hour to find the two and she looked all but shocked to see them together.

"Since when?" Renatta bluntly asked.

"Oh, we're not together. He's a friend of mine I decided to bring along as a plus one." Theo smoothly evaded the accusation.

"You're friends with a god? What an interesting life you lead."

"Ryan, this is Renatta. Renatta, Ryan." She quickly introduced the two.

"Oh, I know you. Didn't you cause a record-breaking hurricane when you first went public?"

It was then that Theo had finally laid eyes on their target. Cassandra Leon was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women in the world and she knew it. Few were blessed with a jawline as sharp as hers and smooth brown eyes that looked as though they held the world's secret in them. And she had a natural smirk that rested on her face like some kind of comic book villain. She was intimidating without even trying and it was the cut-throat reputation that sent shivers down Theo's spine when she quickly turned to make eye contact as if she knew they were after her.

And with an irritating wink, she simply turned and disappeared amidst the crowd just like that.

"If you'll excuse us," Theo said and dragged a grateful Ryan closer towards the dance floor.

"Dance with me."

He was all too happy for the save and eagerly swept her into his arms. Theo rested her arms upon his high shoulders and stepped a bit closer before stepping side to side in sync with him.

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Seems fair. Shoot."

"Why are you single? What's keeping you from your fantasy love?"

"The pain that comes with it." She easily answered.

"Nothing is promised and I don't think I'm strong enough to handle giving myself to a person that's supposed to love me only for them to let me down. I think I'd rather be alone."

She didn't know why she freely bared her soul to him but she did it anyway. It almost felt too easy.

"That's no way to live."

"What about you?"

"It's a choice for me as well. One that I've become accustomed to."


"I've loved before. It didn't end well and it still haunts me to this day. I doubt anyone would want to deal with my baggage and I don't think I'm fully prepared to put myself in a vulnerable position again."

"Seems we're more alike than we thought."

"But I have experienced something. You're scared of something you have never dealt with."

"And you're scared of something you've survived. You're still here, you're still fine, you're okay. I can't say that if I were in your shoes that I'd be the same."

"I don't believe that. You're strong."

"When I have to be. But I'm not strong enough for that. But you should put yourself out there. You deserve to love just as much as anyone else. Baggage or no baggage, you should be happy."

"With a past like mine, anyone who took the first glance at my skeletons would run for the hills."

"I got a peek and I'm still here."

"You're not like everyone else."

She took the rare compliment with a nod and found herself shocked to see the god actually smiling down at her. It was a welcome sight she'd love to see more often. But as always just when she felt something stirring, the moment was rudely interrupted.

"Theodora Watson. Why are you here?" A familiar voice blurted in.

"Cassandra. We need to talk."

Theo and Ryan were quick to part ways and focus on Cassandra's bold entrance.

"Is this about the recent attempt to take you out?"

"How'd you know?"

"I know everything. I also know that you think it was me that could have possibly done it. But I'll save you your little fake Sherlock moment and tell you who it is."

"What do you want in return? Surely you wouldn't do this for nothing." Theo cautiously asked.

"So you're smarter than you look. I have one condition that we can discuss at a later time. I have a feeling you'll be much too worried about the person who wants to kill you."

"And that person is?"

"Renatta Gilbert."

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