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38.46% Poseidonn / Chapter 5: four

Chapter 5: four

The last thing that crossed Theo's mind before what felt like the end was Ryan. In all her frustration she couldn't help but think of him in her final moments of consciousness. From the comfort of his worried eyes to the gentle hand that caressed her messy wound. Like a virus, he singlehandedly infiltrated every inch of her mind and she'd be lying if she said she didn't like it. It made no sense, but it just felt right.

Which is why waking up in her bedroom wrapped in her best blanket felt the furthest from okay.

"Theo!" A sudden voice spoke from the doorway.

She welcomed the sight of her frantic friend bursting into her room.

"What happened?" Theo asked.

With the little strength she had so far, she pushed herself up against the headboard as Alex rushed to her side. She gently took her hand in hers but from the look of her face, Alex was far from happy to see her. For the first time, Theo saw a vulnerability in her eyes that almost broke her. She'd never seen Alex so down.

"I thought I'd lost you. There was so much blood and you wouldn't open your eyes and I was so scared." Alex began.

"All I remember is getting to the restaurant and somehow winding up in Ryan's arms. Everything else feels like some distant dream I can't recollect."

"Someone attacked you guys last night. Poseidon had to heal your wound and you lost so much blood we weren't sure you'd ever wake up. While we waited, I just couldn't sit still. "


"He never left your side last night. I was surprised to see him stay. He's a difficult man to read so I mainly stayed out of his way while he watched over you. He was like a statuesque watchdog."

"Wow. Where is he now?"

"Making his rounds and doubling down on the investigation. It's normal for him to be attacked since he's a powerful figure, but it's strange that someone would go so far as to harm you as well."

"I know. All these years I've done nothing but spread the truth, maybe it came back to bite me in the ass. I just never expected it to be so severe."

"You okay?"

"I think so. For now, I'm just in shock. Everything happened so fast. One minute we were standing there in the middle of yet another argument, then I was lying there bleeding out. It was terrifying. The only reason I'm not crying is that I can barely believe it happened."

"Joan called and wanted to let you know to take off all the time you need. Actually, she said you don't have a choice."

"What about the article?"

"She assigned someone to take over in your absence. When you're ready, the job is still yours but you'll have an extra hand."

"Did she say who?"

"I believe she hired a freelance writer. Some guy named Michael. Rachel will email his information to keep in touch while you're resting."

She didn't feel like resting when it felt like she was never harmed in the first place. When she ran a hand over her side she felt not a thing out of place. If anything, she felt better than ever despite still grappling with the shock of it all.

"Do I really need to? I feel great. It's like nothing ever happened."

"At least take a few days off for me. I'd feel much better if you just relaxed for a while. The article will still be there, the world will still revolve if you just took a break. Or are you just gonna be missing a certain someone?"

"Who?" She asked without a beat.

"You know who. Your little hero."

"If I agree to rest, will you shut up?"

"Fine. Ignore your feelings. Not my fault I caught you saying his name in your sleep. Must have been one good dream, eh?" Alex winked and nudged her side.

"I'm supposed to be having a stress free period of relaxation. That means none of your delusions."

"The only reason I'm quitting is that I have to check on the food really quick."

"What are you making?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and pork sausages. Your all-time favorite breakfast."

"I'm practically drooling already. Thanks, Alex. You're far too kind."

"I'm your best friend. There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

"What if Chris Hemsworth offered you a night out?"

"I'd painfully decline and spend the night with you. I'd choose you over anyone."


"Without a doubt. Be right back. I'll get the food and then you and I are going to compile a list of all the possible suspects. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect."

It didn't long for her to return with a long tray in hand filled with their meals. Theo didn't wait to scarf down the still steaming food which was okay given the fact that she didn't get to eat last night.

"Alright, who have you upset the most in your career? I'm talking bitter coworkers, violent lovers, maybe some clients who weren't happy with your work. Give me anything."

"Aiden Stein," Theo said without thinking.

The infamously invasive celebrity blogger she encountered when she was an up and coming journalist.

"Tell me more."

From out of nowhere whipped out a notepad and furiously wrote down the first name.

"I interviewed him back when he was still relevant for his clickbait articles. He was a pushy pap that would dig for any kind of story so I dug for one of my own to shut him up."

"How so?"

"There was a big story of his that ruined lives. It was awards season and one major actress who shall remain unnamed was missing from the scene despite starring in one of the biggest films to hit the silver screen. He practically stalked her and uncovered a secret family of hers. She was married and had a sweet kid that she wanted to keep out of the spotlight. But he didn't care. All that he saw was the chance for a breaking story that he knew would make him rich."

"What happened?"

"She lost every privacy she ever had. She knew no peace afterward and her husband left her and she lost custody of her child due to the hectic lifestyle that followed her. She could barely even check the mail without being hounded by Stein's crew heckling for details on everything. A few months later when it felt like it all died down, she took her own life and left a note in which she named him as the reason why. He wanted it covered it up to save tail but I couldn't let that happen. She deserved better."


"Afterwards, I never heard of him. His reputation was ruined and he couldn't find work anywhere. But I don't regret what I did."

"And you shouldn't. But did he say anything that made you believe he'd want to hurt you?" Alex asked.

"Not really. I know he hates me for ruining his career, so I wouldn't put it past him."

"Anyone else?"

"Cassandra Leon."

That was the name Theo would never forget.

"As in the investigative journalist?"

"Yup. We were up for the same position at Elite, but ultimately only one of us could win."

"Why her? What's she like?"

"She's catty and a bit of a competitive bitch. It started with a group of us and we went through so many tasks for the position and she was so manipulative that she made a guy actually leave the running."


"Yeah. Everyone either feared her or lusted after her. That's what she used for all her busts. I hate her methods, but I have to give her props because she's a talented writer."

"Where is she now?"

"She's freelance last I checked."

"And why is she a suspect?"

"We were the final two. She swore she'd take me down once I got the position as if I wronged her in some way."

"So how do we do this, Sherlock?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we can't exactly just question any of them without proof. I mean we may have seen Law and Order: SVU more that I can count, but we aren't that good now."

"You're right."

"I have an idea."

"Will I hate it?"


"Spit it out." She sighed.

"Poseidon could help. He was there and he has abilities that could prove very useful."

"But why would he do that? He has no reason to help me. Especially not after our last conversation. "

"It wouldn't hurt to ask, Theo. Would you please do it for me?"

"Fine. I'll ask him later today."

"You don't have to move around so soon. It can wait a day."

"But I can't. I feel a little restless and a bit off for some reason. Maybe I need this investigation to make me feel balanced again."

"How do you mean?"

"I feel like something is missing. Maybe it's the shock that's making me feel so out of place, but I won't know until I've accomplished something."

"Do you wonder why he healed you?"

"A little bit," Theo answered.

"He could've easily taken you to a hospital, which I'm glad he didn't, but at that moment he made such a big move and actually used his powers on you. I hate to say it but this is exactly like my stories."

Theo couldn't stand her fanatical theories but the oddness of it all just made her laugh.

"You're insufferable. Now please stop with your wild fantasies and eat your pancakes before they get soggy."


Later that day when she finally dragged herself out of bed, Theo found herself at Ross Inc headquarters silently willing herself to do anything but stand outside the entrance like an idiot. For what felt like the thousandth time, she wiped her sweaty hands against her jeans and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You can do this. It's just a small favor." She muttered under her breath before finally pushing through the glass doors.

She straightened her blouse once more as she arrived at the front desk.

"May I help you?"

"I need to see Ryan Ross, please."

"Name?" The receptionist asked.

"Theodora Watson."

A brief moment had passed while she seemed to scan a list on her desk.

"Alright, he's on the top floor. Elevators are down the hall on the first right. Have a great day!"

"Thank you."

With a bit of a pep in her step, she moved through the building and easily found the elevator. And after nearly a lifetime stuck on the elevator she eyed her new surroundings before a sudden familiar shout led her straight to an office left alone by the anxious workers.

Before she could so much as think of knocking, a frantic woman spread herself over the closed door and shook her head at Theo.

"You can't go in there right now." She all but pleaded.

"Why not?"

"It's been a bad day. Whenever he gets like this, it's best to leave him alone before the rain starts."

Theo incredulously turned to see that evidently all of the floor staff felt the same. Each one visibly frightened by what appeared to be a recurring outburst.

"Rain, what rain?"

As if on cue, a ripple of thunder nearly shook the floor before a flood of rain suddenly fell from the darkening sky.

"That's him?"

"Yes. For your own sake, you'd be much safer coming back at a later time."

"This will be very quick. Plus I don't plan on leaving in the middle of this weather now."


"I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine. Now if you'll excuse me."

She politely moved the small woman aside and with a knock, slid into the office.

The first thing she laid eyes on was a fuming Ryan who was hunched over his desk huffing like a raging bull. At that moment she wanted to pinch herself for finding it hot despite the situation.

It took a moment for him to notice her but when he did, he stilled as if his eyes were deceiving him. And outside his ceiling to floor window, she could see the weather calming while he was distracted from the issue at hand.

"Is this a bad time?"

"Why are you here?" He bluntly asked.

"I was coming to ask for help, but I see you really are in a mood." She said and turned to leave the room.

Soon she was followed by the god himself as he once again felt it necessary to grab her arm and pull her back inside.

"Who said it was okay for you to be moving around so soon?"

"I wasn't aware that I needed permission to live my life. I don't know who pissed in your cereal this morning but don't dish your shit out on everyone else."

"Excuse me?"

She nearly laughed at the ignorance of his own behavior.

"Your employees and the citizens of this entire city do not need to suffer because you can't properly control your emotions. I do not need to be spoken to like a child either. I'm a grown woman who came here after you extended an olive branch but you're still acting like some petulant caveman."

"Did you come to complain or do you actually need something?" He asked.

"My friend wanted to ask that you help her look into some suspects for the attack last night. She thought you could be useful."

"No need. I've been on top of it myself and will close on them myself."


"Aidan Stein and Cassandra Leon." He then answered without fail.

"How the hell did you know that?"

"Super abilities. Cassandra just so happens to be attending the dinner party thrown by Renatta Gilbert tomorrow evening so it's an opening to speak to her. I'll handle it."

"I'm going as well. Give me the time and place."



"No, you're not going."

"I have every right to go. The person is after me, not you!"

"Which is exactly why it would be stupid for you to walk right into another possible attack."

"In a public party? Not likely. Besides, she's far more likely to speak to me since we have history."

"I don't need help."

"And I'm not asking. All I'll have to do is get in touch with Renatta and attend the party on my own."

"You wouldn't."

"I can and I will."

"As I said, I have abilities."

"Try me."

A swift knock on the door cut the heated debate short and once again Theo found that he had again kept ahold of her arm and she never once tried to escape it.

"Mr. Ross?" A timid voice asked.

"I'm busy!"

"Actually, I think we're done here. I expect the details of her party before the day is over."

"I'm not finished discussing this."

"Well, I am. Now let go of me and please get to work on some boundaries."


"You heard me. No more grabbing me like a maniac, no more stepping into my face, no more trying to control what I do, no more of being some twisted control freak with no regard for people's feelings. Something is wrong with you."

"Like what?"

"You're a grown man who still hasn't mastered the art of apologizing and fixing your bad behavior. We were supposed to have a fresh start as friends and you couldn't even make it one day without being an ass."


"Friends, acquaintances, you know what I mean. We don't have to be best buds, but aren't you tired of actively trying to argue all the damn time? Does it ever get exhausting to hold in so much anger and animosity? Like who hurt you?"

"You can go now. I'll email you everything you need to know and I'm happy to help with your investigation in any way I can."

"I-Fine. Thank you."

Somewhat satisfied with her new solution she was fully prepared to leave the building and think nothing of him until the following night, but she just couldn't leave without asking yet another imperative question.

So she slowly shut the door and turned to face him again. It was clear that he didn't notice her elongated presence being that he returned to sulking behind the desk with a gaze that looked like it could penetrate the surface of the floor.

"Why?" She finally coughed out.

"What?" He slightly jumped at the sound of her voice, his attention back on her once again.

And once his eyes locked with hers, it made her feel warm in the worst way. She hardly even liked him yet she inherently longed to just be around him.

It made her sick.

Or so she told herself.

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but why are you helping me? I'm clearly not your most favorite person in the world and we seem to butt heads on every little thing. You may be the biggest ass I've ever met and it just concerns me at this point. You saved my life and asked nothing in return. And now you're going out of your way to do it again. Am I missing something?"

"How did you get here?" He instead asked.

"A cab. I didn't want to risk being behind the wheel so soon after the attack."

"Allow me to give you a ride home."

Without waiting for a response, he smoothly stood and with a gentle hand on the small of her back started to lead her out of the office.


She didn't mind the free ride, but he acted as if she'd never said a word.

"After you."

All eyes fell on the pair as they calmly walked past the shocked staff who'd never seen their boss look so content. Theo did her best to ignore the prying eyes and hurry out to the awaiting car parked outside.

As soon as she spotted the driver standing beside the door, she quickly stated her address before sliding inside the luxury vehicle.

Poseidon followed soon after and quietly rested against the door for the short ride.

"So..." Theo began.

She could have sworn the corner of his lip had twitched in the formation of a smile before he just hummed in response.

"Thanks for the ride, but you didn't answer my question."

"Must I? Why can't you just take advantage of my kindness?"

"Because it's so out of character and very much unlike you."

"You hardly even know me."

"Then let me."

For the first time since they'd hopped in the car, he turned to face her with forehead high eyebrows.

"I mean like as friends, you know? You're always so cold and uptight but then you do these small things that make you seem like a decent person."

"What does that tell you?"

"That you might just be a nice guy who won't let the world know that for some reason."

He chuckled at that.

"And how do you know these small acts aren't a false pretense unlike who I truly am?"

"I don't know. Call it a hunch. And maybe I want it to be true. Am I crazy for wanting to believe that you're a good person?"

"Not crazy, just naive. You've done the research, you've seen what I've done."

"In the past, yeah. But it doesn't define who you are today."

"Agree to disagree." He retorted.


"Does it matter?"

"I guess not. Maybe I am wrong then. Perhaps you truly are the monster you think you are and.." She trailed off at the sight of him.

For the first time since they'd met, he was relaxed, legs spread, head turned, eyes fixed on her still waiting for a response.


"And I'd still try to see the good in you anyways."

And with that, the car finally slowed to a stop outside her home. She didn't wait for the apparently speechless god to reply before she opened the door to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Is all she said before finally walking up the path to her safe haven.

He watched her skip up the steps to her home, his mind still fixed on their earlier conversation and utterly unaware of the distant eyes that were currently doing the very same constantly waiting for yet another moment to strike the unknowing journalist.

And little did they know, the moment would arrive very soon.

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