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Chapter 4 - My quirk

~4 Years Later~

Trapped in a booster seat, I'm currently on my way to the quirk doctor to find out what my new quirk would be. Obviously i refuse to show them my innate abilities (my power granted by my wishes). During these four years I have managed to gain some competency with my bending. I am able to control the wind enabling me to lighten my body and increase my agility, create fireballs as well as increase my immunity to high temperatures (up to 65 °C); control the three states of water and manipulate it to form weapons (durability varies, depends on concentration) and manipulate the Earth, creating crush sand to earth walls and even earth weapons (durability depends on rock type as well as concentration). I'm in reception (ages 4-5), surrounded by kids busy picking their noses and being so annoying. The curse of being an adult in a child's body. I managed to gain they're some of their friendship due to my intellect. Seriously, impressing them is hurting my ego. Most of them are annoying however two of the simpletons have a very interesting quirk. James Scott (surname Scott) has the quirk attraction. This ability is a dangerous one, it causes the opposition to feel attracted toward James. It ranges from infatuation to friendly closeness. He doesn't seem to in control 100% of the time. I almost got caught up in his quirk, however thanks to my discipline and concentration as well as will power, I was able to resist. However, this is troublesome as he already has some fan-crazed followers. The other is Alma Fisher. She is, unfortunately, quirkless however what surprises me is her ability to learn. She will have a very high IQ rating in the future, she's already able to understand and speak English that would put a 10-year-old to shame as well as understand complex practices. This is most likely due to her parents being engineer that work on hero gear. However, she tends to hide her intellect. Mostly, to avoid gaining further attention from bullying who see a quirkless child as an easy target. I'll deal with them. I already befriended the both James and Alma. They'll be useful allies in the future, especially Alma, who'll build me gadgets and equipment with resources provided by me. James' will be able to help me gather information as well as help in crowd control. An excellent target. The classes are boring, and I don't intend to befriend anyone else.

Finally, the Clinic. Can't wait to see what quirk I'll get. Hopeful, it's useful. I want something that's has only one limitation, my imagination. If i can't imagine it's uses, then I can't be expected to use it. I swear to the Goddess if it's a useless ability… Well that's not going to happen, mostly cause I'm the MC in this world, not that Deku.

"Mother, I can walk by myself." I say, throwing my arms in the air, "I was able to walk around weeks after I was born. At least carry me in a less cringy way."

Currently I'm being carried in a princess carry. God the Shame

"My, my Kawa are you trying to break my heart. I carried you for 9 months." My mother says, crying crocodile tears, "Do you really hate me that much. You want to break my, don't you."

Do not give in, she's manipulating you. This is blackmail. Mizu no kokoro. Maximum Effort. Crap, people are staring at me, these hurtful looks. I'm just a child, a confused child.

"Sorry Mother carry me please," I sigh. Already regretting my words.

We wait 10 minutes, even though we arrive precisely on time. Probably cause some guy can't measure time. I'm so eager. Wow. That face. He looks like Klaus Nomi. How did he become a doctor, more specifically, someone who works with children. Why's he just staring at me. I feel like he's undressing me with his eyes. Creepy clown doctor,

The doctor waves before saying "Hello Ms Shiro, today we'll be going through some tests I order to determine what your adorable little girl's quirk is. My name is Doctor Steven Wright. We will give you a complete check over, and as we already received your x-rays and results, I'll then tell you what your new quirk is."

God-damn-it I'm a boy and it knows it. Why call me a girl. When he gives me a basic check over. It turns out that my quirk is 'Infusion'. The ability to infuse an object with a property depending. Well that's the basic description. However, combined with my bending abilities, I could use it to store an element and release the element on command. I could also infuse properties to increase my agility(wind) , flexibility and water movement(water), defense and offence(rock). Fire I'm sure will just raise my physical abilities. Without my bending, this would be useless. I would only be able to input lifeforce(Ki) into a rock to strengthen It before throwing it. Guess I should do some testing. All-in-all a great support ability. Why is my mother looking at me in pity.

Mother's POV

Poor Kawa, she'll never become a pro hero. She still has a smile on her face. Such a trooper. She probably got her quirk from her father side of the family. I try so hard for my Kawa and he still manages to ruin everything. What am I going to tell Kawa. It'll break her tiny heart. I know.

"Little Kawa don't worry about your quirk. If you try hard enough you could still become a hero. Who knows if your quirk will evolve. But you'll always be my number one pro hero in my heart" I say smiling to my fullest.


Oh god it's smiling at me.

I return home at 6:00 p.m. Mother puts me in the bath while she goes to 'play' with father. Hopefully she relieves her stress without breaking him too much. Thinking right now all i have to do is pass my time training and solidifying my friendship with James and Alma. By securing those future assets I'll have a engineer creating my gear and a target, for which the media as well as potential enemies will focus their attention on. Leaving me to focus on world dominat... becoming the worlds number one pro hero. Domination is if i get screwed over and unable to be a hero. However there's on thing bothering me. The goddess didn't specify if she's checking in on me. I mean why did she reincarnate me. For entertainment, a bet or some sadistic ploy. I refuse to believe that that dopey goddess act was real.

Goddess POV

"LGBT Knight, what's next on my agenda, chop chop, I do not have all day" Says the goddess with a haughty attitude.

LGBT knight, hilarious. Why didn't i think of that. No I did think of that. That mortal was created by me and therefore i created this nickname. I'm soooo cool.

"My Goddess, please call me rainbow, or better yet my name Mitigale the captain of the knights. It is unbecoming of you to find this nickname hilarious after 4 years." Say Rainbow knight

"You name is now LGBT, no further discussions" - Goddess of Stupidity


That goddess definitely seems like the cunning type. Carefully articulating my every conceivable move. I won't be playing into your hand. My first goal is to save that kids parents. Hopefully I'm able to and there are no fixed points that will always remain as it should.

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