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Please Send Me Back Kami-sama Please Send Me Back Kami-sama original

Please Send Me Back Kami-sama

Author: SomeRandom

© WebNovel

Screw You Alarm-san

Why do alarms exist?

If people really didn't want to wake up should we really be using a machine to force us to?

Of course not!

Yet here I am, getting awoken from my favorite dream of fantasy harem life by an incessant ringing noise telling me to get up for school.

Right when I was at the good part too. Do you think it does it on purpose?

Well, screw you Alarm-san. I shan't conform. I will dream happily of my harem fil-


"Turn that damn alarm off it's been ringing for an hour!!!"

"Well, it's not my fault I can't get up without the stupid thing."

"What was that!?"

"Alright, it's off."

"And get ready or you're going to be late for school." She slams the door and stomps off.

Ah yes, school. The place my little sister Kuse Shiori so 'lovingly' reminded me I have to attend five days a week.

My sis has been riding my ass about 'being more presentable' and 'less embarrassing' since she started her first year at my school.

I haven't missed a day since the new term started.

I mean, it's not like I'm scared of her or anything... it's just... she's really scary when she's mad.

I look at the clock and see it is 7:30...

"Ahem, Alexa play 'Late for School Montage'."

As I finish up and leave the house, I take a few steps and stop...

For what? But of course, my childhood friend to come pro NFL football tackle me as a greeting.

What? She doesn't exist? This is not a manga? I'll carry on then.

"Made it..." I exclaim out of breathe.

"Umm, Kuse-kun, you do realize you are twenty minutes late, right?"

"But at least it's not thirty," I say with thumbs up and big grin honestly proud of myself.

Suzuki-sensei shakes her head.

"Just, please... have a seat."

I walk to my seat next to the window and lay my head down to rest.

Why? Because I don't need these lessons. I complete all my studying for the year during break and am way ahead of the class. For instance...

"Kuse-kun, perhaps you have the ans-"


"You didn't even glance at the board how could you possibly know!?"

"I recognized the problem by the sounds of the chalk strokes."

I heard my classmates talking about the problem and guessed what the correct answer was.


"...You are correct."


"School was worse than normal today, everyone was on my as- Oww! Son of a..."

"~Sup Aki"

"H-Hey senpai..."

This person who just tripped me is my 'favorite' senpai, Hasegawa Chiaki. She's an ass who makes me the butt of all her jokes.

"Watch it there kohai, can't have you falling for me."

"H-Ha... funny..."

This bitch, if you're gonna use me for comic relief at least make it funny!

"Where you headed. Nowhere because you're an antisocial mob character? Worry not, your favorite senpai shall accompany you. Praise me~!"

"Chiaki-sama, I thank you for your benevolence." I say showing as much sarcasm as I could muster "However, I do have plans with Misaki and Daikkun so I'll have to pass."

"It's been a while since we all hung out, I will join you on your quest to appearing like a functioning member of society. Onward!"

If you're what 'functioning' looks like society must be broken.

We meet the others on the roof of the second building.

"Hey Misaki, Daikkun"



"You brought senpai along too."

"Well since everyone's here, let's eat!"

These two are my best friends, Kasai Misaki and Yamamoto Daiko. They are what keep me from being a borderline weirdo.

"Hey Aki, I made my own lunch today I might let you try some if you beg on your knees for it like a puppy~"

"Tempting offer but I don't think I'm in the mood for begging with a side of food poisoning."

"Is that any way to treat your childhood friend~"

"I've only known you since middle school!"

"But that isn't what you really want to hear from Aki-kun now is it~ I ship it," Daikkun says flashing a big thumbs up."But then again senpai-kohai routes are also good, I ship it as well!"

These two are my best friends, Kasai Misaki and Yamamoto Daiko. They are what make me consider murder.

"Ah man, so exhausted!" I yell into my pillow. "Dream-chan please take me away."

I drift away and regain consciousness in a land of fantasy. Magic, monsters, and mythical beings surround my senses as I explore.

"I wish I could stay here forever. That's it I'm never waking up, Alarm-san explode!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs while proceeding to take off my clothes and run around.


Ringing begins to fill my ears, a sound I know all too well, as everything fades to black I await the movie credits. Instead, a tremendous figure appears... Alarm-san!

"You won't take me alive!!!"

"Do you wish to never return?" A thunderous voice shakes through the air.

"What the hell, it talks?!" I try my best to regain composure, "A-Anyway I'm not going back! I win this time Alarm-san!"

"Very well, you have decided to abandon your world and in turn, I shall abandon you." The voice speaks in the same pressuring manner as before "With that said, you may never come back as you are to the world that has given all it is."

Ringing revives in my surroundings, not the same but familiar none the less.

The only thing I can think is one word-



"Turn that damn alarm off it's been ringing for an hour!!!"

"Alright, alrig- huh"

"What is it did I hit you too hard or something?"

Is this...

I show the biggest grin I could ever make splashed with something you would report to the cops.

Fantasy harem life.

"Hurry up and get ready for school before I call the soldiers on you! Disgusting."

Fantasy harem life.

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