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50% vampire asylum: Book two / Chapter 3: chapter three

Chapter 3: chapter three

Rick was astounded by what the doctor had just said.He honestly did not know what to say, so he said nothing. The idea that Winnmire would become one of the undead for the sake of helping Sara and win the upcoming battle with Matteo and his hordes not knowing if there was even an antidote caused him to shake his head.

He had been human once a long, long time ago and hated being one of the fiens he hunted and killed every chance he got. A strange oddity was his twin Victor had been born undead, a vampire from birth something that intrigued Rick but he did not dwell on it because those were annals of the created universe which no one could attain knowledge of or try to understand, a mystery.

Rick was turned by the ancient evil old now exterminated king of the ghouls Joe when he was twenty five. So what Winnmire suggested was way too incomprehensible to contemplate just now.

Victor on the other hand saw merit in the idea of turning the doctor but was reluctant to do so untill it was thought out a little more and discussed.

Sara was no way , no how, not gonna happen, and threw a fit everytime it was brought up so even were it decided to be done she would have to be brought around and in favor of it. There was inside her a much deeper darker reason. One that had caused her and her missing husband mark a lot of problems in the early months of their marraige.

Sara's mother had been a very insecure woman whos fear that no one could love her and every everybody would abandon her caused her to try and buy love with gifts she couldn't afford and made every effort to control the ones lives closest to her who meant the most to her.

Her mother accomplished this by making sure to tear down every possible talent or skill or opportunity Sara might have or need to survive and thrive without her convincing her daughter that she owed anything she did accomplish to her.In her mind any child Sara would have , any type possesion of a material gain was not Sara's but hers.

She had tried when Sara and Mark first married to convince them both that Mark was to share joint custody of Sara.. with her. Sara had been the type from early on not to submit to such abuse by anyone and had ran away when she turned seventeen. Her will power and strength just as potent as her damaged mothers.

The end result of the constant battle between the two had left Sara feeling completetly worthless and her mother hurt and abandoned. The very thing she had tried to avoid ,sadly she could never break the vicious cycle that was implanted in her own psych that landed her there.

Sara and Mark had talked her dark inner convictions over to the point of exhaustion which helped her to overcome the worst part of the emotional damage to her being and self awareness. Untill he dissapeared.

There had always been a source of strength that she locked onto from early childhood. She could not explain it or describe it . It was just there and in her darkest moment when the pain and anguish seemed too much to bear she went there and rode it out. She had learned early there was more things she could not change than things she could and excepting that gave her a lot of stamina at times.

Mark use to like saying "Just do your best, let the rough end drag ,and hang on to whats left of your dreams. The one who owns all things owns you too."

All of this cotributed to the resistance to Winnmire being turned and led to her unyielding position.

"Sara it may..." The doctor tried to start a new aproach on her wall of resistance

" No!!.. I will not lose my dearest friend, my most respected mentor to become a mere shadow of what you are now!.. she glanced over to Rick and Victor whose expressions showed that they knew how she meant it... Everytime I find someone to look up to to put my trust in when it comes to every area of my life, who can make me feel good about things when I fall down and help me get back up something happens to them they leave me.. Her voice had become more and more shrill.. I need you and you are not going to do this to me!"

Face red with anger close to rage Sara picked Jason up from a mat , who had a startled and if the mood had not been so dark, comical look as he stared up at his mother and fled to her room.

Winnmire , Rick , and Victor sat in an uncomfotable silence not looking at each other.

Much later on after Winnmire had retired to his room for some solitude a knock at the door roused him from his inner sojourne.

Sara stood there a contrite expression on her tear streaked face.

"I,m so sorry David , I have been being so selfish and.." Tears ran down her face and she looked terribly upset he shushed her .

"Its okay Sara , I have decided to hold off from that for now untill I know for sure thats the only option...He looked into her eyes... Deal?"

"Yes." She ran into his arms like a child to her father who had just came home from a long business trip.

After a long embrace she pulled back smiling up into his kind grey eyes she turned and went back to her room.

Winnmire was down in the lab early the next morning once more combining different types of dna but not for an antedote now he was attempting to find if he could extract the essence needed to keep Rick and Victor alive without the use of a machine. A far mor complex daunting process than anything he had tried before.

Complications above all else was the rarities in finding the right set of dna nucleotides which are made up with three parts, a phosphate group, a sugar group, and one of four types of nitrogen bases. these together form a strand of Dna,

Nucleotites are linked into chains, with the phosphate and sugar groups alternating.

That alternating sequence was the problem. The four types of nitrogen bases are adenine{A} Thymine {T} Guanine {G} and Cytosine {C} The order of these bases is what determines dna's instructions or genetic codes.

Three types of Dna are double stranded and connected by interactions between complementary base pairs that are termed A-form, B-form, and Z-form dna.

The process he was using in searching for the life essence particals was separating or "unzipping" the double helix structure of the Dna molecule so the separated strands replicate themselves and create new strands.

Finding the right mixture of molecules for his desired affect was like hunting a needle in a haystack. But so much was at stake and so little time to find a vaccination to use instead of a machine.

He also had another motive ,a hope he would stumble across a key to an innoculation to protect him and Sara from being turned if they were ever bitten by a vamp. That is if he did not find it necessary to turn to help battle Matteo's forces.

The vampire envenomation is when the fangs enter into a humans veins a venom is injected that attacks the Dna destroying the human building blocks and replaces it with the vile undead , demonic Dna of the fiens .It also thinned out the blood of the ghouls victim making the sucking out process easier.

If he was able to find a way to reverse this for Rick and Victor and prevent He and Sara from being infected that would be the ultimte goal of the physician to solve all their undead problems.

"Another bite on this one ." Victor was looking at the two puncture holes on a black and white holstein milk cow.

"Ten so far ." Rick responded with no emotion

" Has to be a rouge band of vagabonds searching for food ..Victors eye's searched the horizen. Hungry vampires sneaking in and feeding, They can't turn these milk cows of course these are not like humans but one or two more bites will kill them."

Rick nodded agreement "Should be easy to lock on their frequencies and give them a little surprise next time they visit."

Victor smiled."Yeah"

Later that evening the two went to their room and locked into each others brain . A thing that had become easier each time it was performed and began to search frequency's and not to many moments went by before a mild but still bad oder came to them and they found a group of frequency's and followed them to several hungry bloodthirsty fiens hiding out underground in part of a devastated area of the blown to smitherines machine.

A much larger group than the brothers had found up until now.

Coming out of the inner dimension the twins strapped on their scabbards placing their swords in them.

Just as the two arrived at the location where the old Greymoore asylum had been they were attacked by a horde of well dressed and strong fiens. These were no vagabonds . It was a trap!

At the same instance the twins heard a rauncheous laughter inside their heads " No, not vagabonds meet some of my friends."


Rick and Victors minds seemed to join together as if a natural defense and together they sent out a long painful frequency blast into the horde of attackers sending some tumbling to the ground and causing others to cover their ears as if that would help.

The brothers charged the floundering vamps with a melee attack ,nothing but pure rage was powered into each stroke, each swing of their blades as heads of the enemy flew into the air, bodies split down he middle and cut in half to diappear onto the ground disintegrated.

The ghouls had no chance what -so -ever to regroup or even counter as the brothers sent blast after blast of frequencies to knock them back and onto the cold dirt of what was left of mire mountians debris. And soon there was no one left to fight.

"You win this time ...Matteo's voice came loudly into their heads..But this is not the last time."

The twins locked onto his wave just long enouh to find out he was still in Rome before Mateeo's frequency varnished.

"Bastard!" Victor spit on the ground showing his disgust.

Rick stood there a look of contempt was his only refrain.

Hose had summoned the lab supervisor to the control room being that Matteo was at his personal residence getting some things done there with his domestic servants preparing for the trip to Goldendale Washington.

The large somewhat tall quaint looking woman sat across from Hose nervous plain she thought she may have done something wrong. It didn't help her anxiety much that the hosptal had been in a state of chaos since the machine malfunction.

" I got this lab work this morning informing me that a new Dna donnor for the machine had been found."

Ignoring the womans affirmative nod he went on in an intense manner

" Has Matteo been informed about this?"

"No ..But I can tell him as soon as he returnds today." She said a relived tone now she knew she had not made any mistakes.

"No,no thats fine leave it to me I want to be the one to relay this wonderful news so even should you see director Matteo leave it to me to inform him."

"Sure " She answered relieved since no one at the various departments of the hospital had wanted to speak to the irate Matteo of late.

Hose watched the woman leave then smiled to himself .Matteo did not need to know anything as he hoped Victor and Rick would take care of him and if not then he would just say the lab work was found after he left.

Hose because he knew the working of the machine would become the new king of vampires.

Hose laughed quietly to himself.

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