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95.23% Starting Life From Another Choice Than Zero / Chapter 20: Chapter 17 - A Task Beset

Chapter 20: Chapter 17 - A Task Beset

Time was a stagnant flow. What little light that slithered through the curtains made guesswork an unreliability. Audible sounds of the outside, an increase in volume of wheels treading paved stones. Evermore constant was also the stops and turns taken by the carriage, signs of a path diverted - but where he was he couldn't feasibly pinpoint.

Subaru drew a curtain slight, light overwhelming his eyes already accustomed to the dark, and saw slivers of familiarity. This was the same road Kris had traveled. Already, relief began coursing through him. This afternoon of strange encounters was drawing to a close.

"I'd close the curtains if I were you," said Irma, watching a small smile form on Subaru's face, "Unless you'd like to die of course."

His hand slackened, and the carriage was plunged to darkness once more. "How come?"

She jutted her head to a figure still in slumber. "Not very fond of sunlight. The way her eyes are, it'd be too much for her."

He recalled back. The pure murky white where her pupils should be, her stare absent of recognition. He realized she never actually once met his eyes.

"Wait, she's blind?" He said before he could stop himself.

"Not much for being delicate, are you now Subaru?" said Irma, her smile taking it all in stride, "She can still see... though what constitutes as seeing for her only she knows. Foggy, cloudy, blurry - that's all she ever spouts out whenever she tries to focus on something. Oh, and the sun basically causes her agonizing pain as if her eyes are on fire, so..."

They both stared at Ilma, her eyes obstructed by the black strands of her hair.

"Is it cause of her blessing?" asked Subaru, feeling a tinge of sympathy.

Irma sighed. "That's one answer. In that case, it's rather more of a curse than it is a blessing."

"But you don't have any downsides to yours, do you?"

"Not really," She said, thoughtlessly entangling a finger in the white threads of her hair, "Unless you count freaking people out at the sight of it as one. Then again, I've never shown it to anyone else, so I might get a more favorable reaction than yours."

Shortly after, finally, with a wheel's final creak and a gravelly huff expelling out the dragon's snout, the carriage heaved to a stop.

"This is you," said Irma, reaching a slender hand for the carriage handle.

The wallowing in darkness only exacerbated the glare of the scorching sun, as the doorway parted open, revealing a small crowd of citizens gathering to ogle distantly by the carriage side.

"Ilma would have loved to say goodbye," she continued, "But unfortunately she's a bit... preoccupied at the moment."

Vanquished darkness provoked Ilma's slumbering state, tossing to the side most dimly lit, and grasping numerous pillows to shelter herself with.

Subaru flung himself to the concrete below, mustering an ignorance to the bystanders increasing in numbers, and turned back to the carriage.

"I'd appreciate it if you told no one about me..." Subaru said, wearing a departing smile, "Honestly, I prefer a life where I won't be stared at wherever I go."

"You mean apart from the dozen or so people standing behind you?" Irma returned his smile and bid a wave, "Secret's safe with us. Hope to see you around, Subaru."

The carriage door swung closed, and off it went galloping to the swarms littering the streets, sight obscured by the masses.

Subaru felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Kid… were you riding with the princesses? I thought no one's allowed within five meters of their carriage. Who exactly are you?"

Piercing stares surrounded him. Burning curiosity a harmonious whisper shared among them. It was almost suffocating. He pushed past them all, staggering through to the fountain within sight, and answered only half-heartedly as he did.

"They… I got lost. They just offered to bring me back to where I was. That's all."

Many were convinced, others still took a dubious glance at his direction, yet he barely paid notice, scouring rapidly his eyes for a glimpse of Kris.

A distant eruption of sound strayed his focus to the far-off structure always looming. The clock tower chimed once more into the cloudless sky, blaring an hour's end.

A bubbly panic emerged from the pit of his stomach.

I've been gone for two hours now.

Possibilities flooded his mine one after another, each worsening in scope than the last.

Too long he had gone. Had Kris abandoned him, having waited too long? Perhaps he had left without him?

Paranoia fanned the desperation in his search, increasing in pace.

Then he caught sight of a figure walking towards him, and all worries ceased to be. Kris looked at him in awe, his fingers ruffling his already disheveled hair, and piped up an astonish whistle.

"Here I am wondering where the heck you've been for the past hour," He began, exhaling heavily, "Seriously, your social skills aren't to be underestimated. The royal princesses of Kararagi, really? What's next, you're best buds with the King as well?"

Relief left with the breath that escaped him. A smile formed, in spite of himself.

"Kris, oh buddy o' mine, honestly… I would rather not discuss it right now. I. Am. Tired."

"The hell happened to you? You look as if you just ran a marathon."

Subaru merely shook his head. "Trust me. You're better off not knowing. Let's just go home."


In the distant horizon gradually shortening, a simple sanctum of solace came into view - a modest house, with roof tiles battered and discolored with age, slight crevices and cracks lining the architecture. Signs of a home resided, of life in simplicity, an amicable radiance even from afar.

A figure emerged, stepping out the doorway left wide open, and stood by the porch-side of the house, a warm bright smile visible as they drew ever closer.

"And here come the men of the hour, finally!" exclaimed Stephanie, her stained hands smearing the apron tied around her waist, "Started getting lunch ready since you were taking forever. Lucky you, you're just in time."

Kris hopped off the carriage and began unfastening the clasps around Kron's beak, "You want to hear our excuse, go ask Subaru. Got friends in high places, this one. Left me melting in the heat as he mingled around with royalty."

"Aw come on, it's not like that," Subaru said, a rueful simper on display, "I just got lost. They were just generous enough to give me a ride back."

"That's another thing too," said Kris, his expression scrunched, "You got lost? How many times have you wandered around the place already, how the heck did you get lost?"

"I took a wrong turn. Got lost in thought. There's really nothing much else to it."

A dubious shake of his head. "Something's off, I know it. I mean, how can you-"

Stephanie clapped her hands, a gesture done thrice. "Okay, okay. If you want to play interrogation, please kindly do so only after lunch is done. We'd be here forever if you had your way, dear."

"Oh, actually, we had sushi a while back. So not really feeling it at the moment," said Kris, gently patting his stomach.

She maintained her smile. "A small snack compared to what I have prepared inside. You'll be hungry in a flash. Come, try some! I've outdone myself this time."

"Nah, really. Appetite's gone already. I had seconds while waiting for Subaru to show up. I'm all good."

Kris, in the midst of uncoupling the hooks that bound an irritant Kron to the carriage, had in his rush, failed to notice the twitch in the corner of Stephanie's lips.

"Dear," She uttered firmly, still retaining that same smile, "I wasn't asking."

Firmness in her voice sounded aloud. Kris perked upwards, realization cruising rapidly past his expression, and relented at once.

Glancing at Subaru, a silent compliance was shared between them and he replied in haste, "Yes! Starving! I could practically eat my arm right now."

Glowing approval rivaling the rays of the sun was a radiant glimmer in Stephanie's bright green eyes.

"You too, Subaru?"

Unwilling to object, despite a loss of appetite, Subaru smiled his way onto a feast he had no desire of savoring, at least, without the burden of the day's afternoon adventure weighing heavily on his mind.

Once in, he was immediately bombarded by the sound of cheering, followed by the small warm embrace of open arms, Helen, who had pounced on his leg and was clinging tight, greeted Subaru with a wide toothy grin.

"What, no hug for dad?" said Kris, stumbling along after him with a pout. "I get lonely too."

"Mmmm," Helen appeared to be deep in thought. "But mummy hugs you everyday anyway. You don't need me!"

"Ahh, but that's where the differences lie. You see, mummy is good and all, but a daughter's hug? Now that's the most important. You hug me and I'm all set for anything."

"Oh, I see… I guess Mummy isn't needed after all," A shuffle of feet whizzed past Kris, breezing by with a bitter coldness of no equal. "Mommy is not needed at all."

Stephanie rounded a corner and disappeared from sight, leaving behind a scene of a distraught-looking Kris and Helen in mild confusion.

"Subaru, if Stephanie poisoned my food, can I trust you to keep Helen safe?" muttered Kris, hiding his expression beneath an open palm.

"Can you not make me a part of this, please?"


Lunch had come, and by the luckiest of fortunes, no one fell victim to any sort of malicious intent. Stepahnie had crafted a meal befitting a king and a passion-filled feast it was, indeed, prepped with a passion and care that showed through the savory aroma that continuously wafted past everyone's nostrils.

All had partaken on the dining table, yet only Subaru sat with meager portions atop his plate. When inevitably inquired for it, excuses were only customary by now to manifest as the short simple answers he'll give to hide the truth he couldn't tell.

Excuses with a strained smile forcing through a troubled mind. Excuses shifting his eyes elsewhere to veil the guilt harboring beneath them.

The little he did consume, struck him dearly with remorse like no other.

Delicious, mouth-watering… a desire for more.

A mother's cooking, it seems, remained how it is in all worlds.

"I'm stuffed."

"You barely ate," Stepahie frowned. "Are you okay, Subaru?"

"I'm okay… it's just, I barely slept last night… I need… I need time, you know?"

Stephanie caught his eye and instantly understood. Last night's occurrence was still a large imprint in both of their minds. No words, as he left the table, no questions, as he made his way upstairs, she only nodded, bidding him with a smile.

"Don't let the bedbugs bite!" said Kris through big ravenous munches.

"G'night!" squeaked Helen through bulging cheeks.

Away to the quiet, away to isolation once more, he breathed a sigh that felt all too suffocating. He felt drained of strength, feeble and weak. He leaned his weight against the wall, fingertips caressing the creases on his forehead as fatigue crept at him with a throbbing headache that wouldn't cease.

"Steal from the princesses…"

Even out loud, the statement was dripping with ridicule. It was a laughable notion…

But it was reality.

His reality.

A little purr and a flutter of snowy white, small delicate paws clumsily pattering down the hallway, meowing, it caressed itself against Subaru's legs.

He smiled.


The soft sensation of fur pressed lightly the skin of his palms, in his hands, together, they made for his room, seeking some reprieve… a little rest, perhaps. A time away from all the stress and worry riddling his mind.

He needed it.

But the clack of the door handle, the squeaking of rusted hinges swinging the door wide open would not allow it.

Subaru stared into his room. Furbished, spotless, the bed without folds or creases. He hadn't bothered to clean when he left in the morning. Yet there stared at him a pristine space.

Stephanie took extra care to make everything as immaculate as possible.

If that was all there was, Subaru would have only smiled… appreciated silently the warm gesture. Instead, he stood frozen by the doorway, horror-stricken and speechless.

There, lurking silently, in the darkness of the room, stood a tall slim figure basked in the deepest shade of violet. Her eyes were almost illustrious, contrasting well with the pitch dark, doing unsettling well at highlighting the wickedness gleaming in its purple hue.

Then there was that smile again. Forming, spreading wide at the sight of Subaru.

Subaru opened his mouth.

Elsa raised a finger to her lips.


He gritted his teeth, stifling a yell. Glancing back at the hallway, he heaved breath, seeing there was not a soul in sight. No one to intervene, no one to disturb… no one must know, none of them must know.

Subaru turned to her gaze once more, provocative, threatening, and stepped through the wooden threshold and slammed the door shut.

"How did you find me?" Confidently, he spoke, presented no fear… he mustn't be intimidated, he mustn't show.

Elsa stepped out of the shadows, to herself, she chuckled softly. "I never lost you."

"But I never saw - "

"You rather you did?" interrupted Elsa. "Every waking moment… you rather I always be in your sights, lurking around somewhere from the corner of your eyes… is that something you want?"

Subaru glared at her. "Like hell I do."

"So, then what seems to be the problem, Subaru-kun?"

"I'm staring right at it!" hissed Subaru, stomping his feet towards her. "You can't be here, you aren't supposed to be here - they… don't you dare touch them, they're innocent, they have nothing to do with us! You leave them alone."

For a moment, silence. Then she took a seat on the bed, hands folded neatly atop her lap. Staring in Subaru's ire, he demanded, he insisted… she found it all the more amusing.

"They're nice people, aren't they?"

"Do not," He heaved. "Touch them."

"What I do and who I choose to do it, Subaru-kun… that entirely depends on you." said Elsa casually. "I said 'stay put', you ran. I got you new clothes, and you weren't there. Subaru-kun… I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a tiny bit upset about it."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to listen."

He scoffed. "To you?"

"Yes, to me," she said sharply. "Hate it, revile it, Subaru-kun… but I'm with you until you fulfill your task. It would be nice to have some trust."

"Trust? You want trust? After everything that's happened… after what happened with Emilia, after putting this stupid mission on me, you want me to trust you?"

Elsa, as always, maintained her devilish smirk. "Trust isn't the same thing as forgiveness, Subaru-kun. You're getting them confused. I never asked you to forgive me, I just want to know if you'll ever listen to me when I tell you to do something."

Fury was blinding him, Subaru was seething with it. Perhaps Emilia could sense it as well, for she squirmed her way out from his arms and landed gracefully on the bed. Blissfully unaware of the hazard, she sniffed at the stranger beside her, tilted her head once, and finally curled herself and laid to rest.

This all under the watchful eyes of the one that was the danger to her most. Elsa's smile radiated with glee.

"Oh, such a precious little thing. So pure, so sweet," She turned an eye at Subaru. "It'd break my dear little heart to have to disembowel her."

"You lay even a finger on her and I'll…"

Instantly, Elsa shot upwards, towering over him with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Threats, Subaru-kun, threats? Someone like you... threatening me?"

Subaru cowered slightly back, but his resolve held firm, he confronted her stare.

"You can't kill me. You still need me."

"Oh, but not all of you, surely? A finger short never hindered anyone much. Much less, someone of your pathetic caliber."

"Now who's threatening who? If this is your way of making me trust you, you're doing a terrible job at - ACK!"

The pain came almost at an instant. Like a strike of a viper's fangs, her hand darted and seized at his throat, clutching agonizingly tight, at the brink of a crush.

Subaru's eyes bulged from their sockets, blood draining away from his face, skin paling to a sickly white, choking for a breath that wouldn't come. From his lips, frothed saliva, dribbling down his chin. He tried to resist, a hand, two hands, clutching hers, struggling to pry himself loose. All to no avail.

Elsa squeezed harder.

"There's a knife at your throat, Subaru. And every single second of every single day, that knife just creeps at you closer and closer. Now you think carefully about the things you do and the things you say because they could spare you from a world of hurt. But if you're not careful, and if you're not wise… then, unfortunately, I'll have to stop being so nice."

Before the very second he turned limp, Elsa finally released her hold. Subaru landed in a loud thud, gasping and coughing on the wooden floor, staring with eyes ever fearful at the sinister expression looming at him from above.

Elsa leaned at him closer, and spoke in words almost in a whisper. "So how about showing some little respect, hm?"

Subaru backed away towards the door, a hand caressing the aching sensation at his throat and heard a voice, muffled, sourcing from below and rife with concern.

"Everything all right up there, Subaru?"

Another voice, Elsa's, whispering into his ear. "Everything's fine."

An order.

Elsa drew back, eyeing him close. Footsteps sounded, drawing nearer and nearer with every second's silence.

Subaru's lips trembled… clenched his jaw, then he shouted out loud, feigning nonchalance.

"Everything's fine! I just tripped."

Elsa nodded at him.

Obedience gained.

"Good boy."

Brendanjoke Brendanjoke

Found this draft in a long-forgotten folder somewhere. Decided to finish it up because the guilt was killing me. Can't guarantee continuing, but I suppose I might if there's a demand for it. We'll see. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, everyone!

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