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Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Playing the Devil (+18)

I portaled close to Ayaka's home via Yamato. She had an small apartment at a poor neighborhood.

She should be home now, so I just rang the doorbell.

Few moments later she opened the door and was shocked, well I have gotten used to the usual reaction at my godly looks.

Vergil: "Hello, my name is Vergil Dante, may I come in and discuss about few things with you


Ayaka: "Uhm… What do you want to talk about Dante-san?"

Vergil: "Your debt and life, it might be very useful for you."

Ayaka: "Oh… Well… Sure come in then."

Vergil: "Thank you."

I walked into her home, it was just a small room with table, bed, bathroom and small kitchen.

She indicated me to sit on a pillow next to a table and I did so.

Ayaka: "So Dante-san please say what you have to say, I am tired and in need of a sleep."

Vergil: "Well it is understandable life has been hard for you. Promising future with your late husband, when suddenly everything turns upside down and your life is in complete ruin. By the looks of it, it won't get any better in the future if you continue on like this. However I have a solution for your problems."

Ayaka: "Haha… Good joke solution to this hell you say. Like what sell my organs to you?"

Vergil: "Haha! Not only them, but everything else as well."

Ayaka: "Either you are joking or really part of some human trafficking ring, not sure which."

Vergil: "Could you take my hand for a moment please. I will show you something that will shock you."

Ayaka: "I doubt it will be as shocking as your looks, but fine."

Ayaka takes my hand then. I start using my magic on her. I revitalise her body completely, as if malnourishment, stress and everything else never happened to her.

I have to say, she is quite good looking now. Nice body and boobs, she also looks so much healthier now.

Ayaka: "What did you do to me? All the pain and tiredness is gone."

Vergil: "Look for yourself."

She just runs to her bathroom for mirror.

I hear her yell from the surprise and she comes back to me few minutes later.

Ayaka:" Are you the Devil here to make offerings for my souls or something like that. That would be the only explanation for this."

Vergil: "You are about half right. Other half of me is god and I want your body along with the soul."

Ayaka: "Humph! So funny… Are you for real though?"

I just summon golden jug full of wine and two cups to the table. I pour wine to the cups.

Vergil: "Come and take a drink, we shall discuss the deal after."

Ayaka is still pretty dazed about all of this, so she exactly does what I ask of her.

She takes a sip from the cup and is pleasantly surprised by the taste.

I let her gather herself for few minutes.

Vergil: "Now let's begin again. I will offer to pay your debt, grant you eternal youth and give you power in exchange you will forever serve me with your body and soul for all of eternity."

Ayaka: "You are fully serious?"

Vergil: "I am indeed, so what will it be?"

Ayaka: "Let me think."

Vergil: "Sure, but don't take too long."

She began pondering and it took ten minutes, but she finally came to a conclusion.

Ayaka: "Well… Like you said my life won't get better any time soon if ever.

This seems like the only solution I will ever get and what you just did with my body already half convinced me. I will accept your deal, so what do I do."

Vergil: "Kneel before me, swear to serve me as your god and master with your body and soul for all of eternity."

I stood up at that and Ayaka just did what. I made masochistic slave piece for her and turned her into a celestial human along the usual body modifications.

The piece does what it as it's called, increases the receiver's pleasure gained from pain and her willingness to be in servitude. Ayako stayed at her position, but clearly understood what she had just become.

Vergil: "You may stop the kneeling and from now own address me as Vergil-sama or master."

Ayako: "Thank you Vergil-sama, so what now?"

Vergil: "Take everything essential aside from clothes you need from here, as you are never coming back."

Ayako: "I understand."

She started going through her stuff, she took the usual identification stuff, her phone, wallet and a small bag with essential stuff.

Ayako: "I am ready Vergil-sama."

Vergil: You don't want to take anything else, like photos or something remind you of your life.

Ayako: "No, I want a new start, whatever it may be. I have had enough of this."

Vergil: "Well let's go then."

I portaled us to home via Yamato.

We appeared to a small meeting room in the second floor where Mitsuo was waiting.

Mitsuo: "Welcome back Vergil-sama and this must be Ayako Kuno."

Vergil: "Thanks and yes that's her. Ayako from now own you will be serving my women. Just do what Mitsuo or the others you meet soon tell you."

Ayako: "Sure, I understand Vergil-sama."

Vergil: "Well I am off, see ya later."

Mitsuo: "Bye and good luck."

I once again portaled via Yamato, but this time where Emina Terauchi lives. It was almost complete opposite to Ayaka.

Good sized apartment in a good living area, web designers job has pretty solid pay after all.

I rang the doorbell, a minute went by and nothing happened. I did again, but still nothing.

On the third time the door flung open and from it came out angry looking Emina.

Emina: "What do you!....."

She stopped her yelling midway and just stared at me. Girl like her must have many wet dreams about prince charming coming to her and now it was happening. I gave her my most charming smile and spoke.

Vergil: "Hello Emina-chan, my name is Vergil Dante and I wish to a conversation with you, may I come in."

Emina: "Uhm… Y-Y-Yes of course."

Emina was still complete daze and just guided me to her living room where I too a seat on her sofa.

Emina: "Wo-Wo-Would You like something to drink?"

Vergil: "No thanks and take a seat."

Emina: "O-O-Okay."

Vergil: "I have heard that you have a problem with how you look, but fret not I have a solution for it and that's why I am here."

Emina: "Really!"

Vergil: Of course. If I can turn you into a pretty girl, would you serve me for the rest of your life?

Emina: "Yes yes yes! I would do anything to be pretty."

Vergil: "Touch my hand then."

Emina probably was thinking this was some kind of dream at this points, so she went along with everything. Emina took my hand and I started morphing her body. I made her good looking, big boobs and ass, but still left a bit fat on her. Honestly doing something like this to someone who is insecure about her appearance and easily charmed is like taking candy from a baby.

Emina felt her body changing and I could see the surprise on her face.

Vergil: "Well go and take a look at yourself."

Emina just ran to her bathroom like Ayaka did and once again I could hear yell of surprise, but what followed it was her crying of happiness. I awaited few minutes and she came back.

Emina: "H-H-How… Did you do that?"

Vergil: Power of a god of course, so ready to swear your servitude?

Emina: "Gladly! You granted me my wish."

Vergil: "Then kneel before me and swear to serve me as your god and master with your body and soul for all of eternity."

Emina did so and I did exactly what I did to Ayaka. Gave her masochistic slave piece, that made her celestial human along with body upgrades.

Emina: "WOW! What will happen to me from now on?"

Vergil: "You will move to my home, so pack all the essential things you need aside from clothes."

Emina: "Okay, you just have to wait a bit as I pack."

Emina started packing, twenty minutes later she had a big back on her, that was full of things she needed.

Emina: "I am ready, how should I address you from now and and what will you do with this place?"

Vergil: "Call me Vergil-sama or master. As for this place, not sure yet. Now take my hand and I will lead us to your new home."

Emina took my hand and I portaled to us to the same room as before, but this time Mittlet was waiting there.

Mittelt: "Oh, Hi master, so this is the girl I get to train."

Vergil: Yep. Emina, This is Mittelt, from now on do as she tells you.

Emina: "O-O-Okay Vergil-sama, but who is she?"

Vergil: "She and the others will explain everything to you. Now be a good girl, okay?"

Emina: "Yes I will! You made me pretty after all."

Mittelt. "Hahaha! Well follow me Emina, master has other business to take care of."

I left for my wardrobe, there I enhanced my outfit with expensive gold watch and gold ring with diamonds on it. All of this would be bait for my next target Rinako Yano.

The girl had made up a clear schedule for everything, Rinako had just broken up with her latest boyfriend a week ago. She should be arriving shortly to a expensive club.

Getting to the club through the entrance would be problematic, so I just portaled to

a empty bathroom, Yamato is so useful. I came out of the bathroom the the club.

It was fairly empty at the moment, but in few hours it should be full of people.

DJ was playing your typical club music. I just went to the bar and ordered whisky with ice.

I then waited there drinking whisky, until the pink haired gold digger came in and immediately started scouting for prey.

I stretched my hands to show off my expensive watch and ring, it seemed to work as few moments later she sat next to me.

She tried to speak, but was taken back by my appearance, it seems even experienced gold digger is affected by it, to be fair she was really hot as well.

She composed herself and started out her act, I of course would play easy prey.

Rinako: " Hey there, haven't seen you here before, first time clubbing or just new to the city?"

Vergil: "Yeah, just moved here, because of work."

Rinako: "Oh, I am Rinako btw and what kind of work?"

Vergil: "Father's company opened an office here, so I was placed in charge of it.

My name is Vergil,so nice to meet you Rinako."

Rinako: " Likewise, could you be a gentleman and order a lady drink."

Vergil: " Certainly, I was just gonna order a new drink myself anyway."

I ordered a new class of whisky and Rinako ordered gin & tonic.

Vergil: "So, do you come here often."

Rinako: "I used to with my boyfriend, but we had a messy breakup recently, so now

I just come here sometimes to drink and look for company."

Vergil: "Well that's sad to hear, but don't worry I will keep you company."

Rinako:" Thanks, tell me about yourself."

We continued chatting I pretended to be little drunk already and Rinako started her seduction.

This went on like this until we decided to dance, when we got to the dance floor it didn't take long for Rinako to kiss me. I responded to it and we started our lip-lock.

After awhile of that Rinako told me she had room at a hotel close by, she started dragging me along with her. I pretended to be drunk and went along with it all.

She ordered a taxi to the hotel, made me pay for it as expected.

Once we got to the hotel, we went to her room and started to make out.

She was really pleased and surprised by my size.

Rinako started riding me, without using condom, probably wanted to do some kind of pregnancy scam. That way she can get a shit load of money.

Fucking her was nice, she had a very bouncy ass after all and pounding her pussy as her ass went up and down felt damn good.

After I came twice in her, it seemed that she was done with the sex.

Well time to begin. I teleport us to my dimension, while holding her and it seems she is too tired to notice anything.

I summon Vimana, sit upon my throne and revitalize her body, so she is completely awake.

Rinako finally notices what was going on, she pinches herself to see if she is sleeping, but as nothing happens from it she is shocked.

Then she looks at me, I smile and throw her to the ground, but not hard.

Rinako: "Iik! ouch, why did you do that and what's going on?"

Vergil: "Rinako Yano a true gold digger, has had countless boyfriends, always drying up them of their money and then breaking up. Woman scared of becoming old, as her source of income will greatly suffer from it along with her self image."

Rinako: "What! How do you know all of this!."

Vergil: " Shut your mouth mongrel and listen to me."

I used very commanding voice on her, she shut her mouth instantly after that and got scared.

Vergil: " I can solve your aging problem and give much more, your body could only handle two rounds of my drunk fucking. Now imagine if you could do that for hours on end."

Rinako: " R-R-Really! You want something from it though, don't you."

Vergil: " Duh, You will serve me from now on and your gold digging career will end.

I will grant you eternal youth, power and many other things. I am a god after all, you should feel honored of having sex with me."

Rinako: " Hahaha, never in my life would I have imagined getting an opportunity like this, you got me on that eternal youth part already. What do I need to do?"

I explained her the same things as I did those two before her. Rinako did that and

I did to her the exact time I did to Emina and Ayaka. My cock was still wet from our sex so her first order was to clean it.

I took us back to the hotel room after it. I told her to dress and take her things.

We portaled to the same room once again and Raynare was there waiting.

Woman who has been playing and manipulating others her whole life is now getting to be Raynare's toy, this could even be called justice.

Raynare: " Finally you are back master and with my new toy nonetheless."

Rinako: " New toy? Who is she?"

Vergil: " Her name is Raynare and from now on you will take orders from her."

Raynare: " Ahahaha! That's right now follow me pet, we have many things to do and our master has his own things to take care of."

Rinako: " I-I-I understand, I swore to serve him after all."

Raynare" Good girl, already learning."

I left to take a shower and put on fresh clothes. It was about 1 am and Vivian Hale would start her prostitution work at 2 am at earliest. I decided to take a small nap because of it. Waking up at 1.55 right on time. I portaled near the area where she was usually looking for customers.

It was a place full of bars and clubs in Tokyo. I had to wait for about ten minutes before Vivian showed up. I walked past her and got exactly what I wanted.

Vivian: " Hey pretty boy want to spend some good time, only 100 dollars for blowjob and 200 for sex, how about it?"

I fully turned to look her in the eyes and smiled.

Vergil: "How about this, if you can truly satisfy me with that mouth of yours I pay double."

Vivian was taken a back by my looks, but the chance to make more money than usual made forget about it almost instantly.

Vivian:"Deal! I shall lead us to my usual hotel, follow me pretty boy."

Vergil: "Sure, lead on."

I followed her to some cheap hotel, the room cost was 50 dollars. Getting her will be easy, but let's first enjoy her blowjob,

I wonder how much experienced prostitute can take in her throat.

We got to the room and I took a seat on the bed.

Vivian: "You will like this."

Then Vivian went to her knees before me and took my cock out. She started using her mouth and hands to get it erected.

Vivian: "Oh my! I've never seen such a big cock before and I have done this job for years."

Vergil: "Why thank you, but you have a job to do, remember double the pay if you do

a good job."

Vivian: "Certainly, get ready, you will love this."

Vivian started giving me head and damn she was good. All this time working as

a whore and giving her some extra encouragement does wonders.

She went on for about ten minutes, sometimes getting my cock fully in her throat, but she couldn't hold it there for long.

I was gonna cum soon, so I grabbed her head with both and started to face fuck her.

Vivian was in tears and tried to resist, but it was useless.

I made sure she wouldn't choke and loaded her throat with my seed.

After that I Iet go of her and she dropped to the ground breathing heavily.

It took her few minutes to recover.

Vivian: "Here I thought you were a nice young man, but I guess I was wrong.

For that I get double the money for sure."

Vergil: "I could do that Vivian Hale or I could do something much better."

Vivian: "How do you know my name and what do you mean by much better!?"

Vergil: "No need to yell woman. For over ten years you life has been full of regret and sex, ever since you cheated your boyfriend all those years ago. No need to be alarmed, I am here to help you."

Vivian: "Are you some kind of stalker? And what could you do for someone like me, only way out of this shit is death."

Vergil: "Hahaha, first time someone has ever called me stalker, well partly I am, but that's beside the point. I could grant you death if you really want it or I could give you a second chance at life."

Vivian: "Wow would you do that exactly?"

Vergil: "Take my hand and you'll see."

Vivian:" Humph fine, but if you are just playing with me you will pay triple."

Vivian took my hand and I did what I always do. I made her body healthy again, undid all the damage alcohol and drugs had done, restored some of her youth.

Vivian now looked to be in her late twenties with tall and sexy body along with good sized breasts.

The shock on her face was comical and she ran for the bathroom mirror.

She started laughing madly and it took her ten minutes to calm down, while she was posing in front of the mirror. She came back to me smiling.

Vivian: "The blowjob will be free of charge, but honestly what are you, the devil?

That would at least explain your looks."

Vergil: "Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not."

Vivian: "Well whatever you are, what is this second chance you were talking about?"

Vergil: "Becoming my servant of course."

Vivian: "What would something like that entail?"

Vergil: "For starters you would get to keep your current look forever, power beyond your belief and you wouldn't have to fuck some old men or creeps ever again."

Vivian:" Really! I would be young forever and get power? Not fucking those pigs will be kinda nice as well."

Vergil: "Yes really, so what will it be?"

Vivian: "Sign me up now! No matter what you have in order for me, it can't be any worse than this."

Vergil: "Haha, as you wish come and kneel before me, as I explain how things will go from now on."

Vivian kneeled eagerly before me and just listened what I had to say. She swore the usual oath and

I the same thing to her, as I did to others today.

Vivian: "I feel so fantastic and powerful. Thank you so much master."

Vergil: No problem, but we shall leave to your new home now. There you will meet someone who will be in charge of you and train you."

Vivian: "I am not gonna serve you directly?"

Vergil: "For now not, maybe someday. You will serve my dolls, they are my most direct subordinates."

Vivian: "I guess that's something, but given what I got from you it's fine. I am ready to leave."

We portaled back home and Kalawarner was waiting there. She bowed as soon as

I entered the room.

Kalawarner: "Welcome home master."

Vergil: "Thanks. Vivian this is Kalawarner, follow her orders from now on."

Vivian: "I shall master and thank you once more."

Kalawarner: "Follow me Vivian, we have many things to do."

It was already 3 am everyone aside from my dolls should be sleeping.

Well Viser was not interested in training her own pet, just watching the other do it was good enough for her. I left the room and Viser was waiting for me. Good no need to look for her.

I took Viser to my bed and fucked her few times, then we went to sleep. Tomorrow I will meet Rias's parents.

WinglessDevil WinglessDevil

Sorry I have things to take care of and can't up much at all, but after Christmas I should have more free time.

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