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37.5% MudBlood Prince[HP Fanfiction] / Chapter 8: Ch 8- Meeting Salazar.

Chapter 8: Ch 8- Meeting Salazar.

I started firing hexes and turned around to see my hexes have hit a wall.

"Who's there?" I asked

"Good job firing first and asking questions later, just what i expect from a snake" came the voice from the portrait.

"Salazar Slytherin I presume?" I asked.

"In Ink" he said.

"So how long you been down here alone?"

"Must have been centuries child, you don't feel the passage of time in a dark room." the portrait replied.

"So how much what they say about you is true?" I asked while taking a seat on the group.

"What do they say about me?" Salazar asked chuckling, "And don't sit on the ground, transfigure the table and sit on it."

" I can't, i am not good at Transfiguration." I told him.

"Horseshit, no descendant of mine can be bad at Transfiguration."

"In case you haven't noticed, I am not you descendant."

"Being blood related to me doesn't matter, As long as you are a Slytherin you are related to me." Salazar said clearly not bothered with any blood relations.

"But everyone says that you promoted Pure Blood and were against the Muggles." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's only half true, I never promoted those idiotic pure blood ideology that people had, magic is a gift, a gift that anyone can have, birth doesn't play any part in it, lots of magical family have seen their members not be blessed by magic and lots of muggles" he spoke that word with venom, " have had wizards."

"And your hatred of Muggles?" i asked.

"I hated them to my very core." he said unflinchingly, "You may not know but a lot of good wizards, witch and kids were killed by Muggles only because they were afraid of them. I saw plenty of kids killed and stuck at a stake just cause they were different. The muggle thought of it as a game, called it the "Witch Hunt", banded together to kill a single person who didn't even mean them any harm. I fought and killed many Muggles, saved the lives of various wizards in the process and there is no part of it which I regret." He said resolutely.

"So it doesn't matter to you that i am a muggleborn."

"No, Hogwarts was made of the ideal of education for all, it doesn't matter who, as long as they want to learn, Hogwarts will provide them with education. Hogwarts never will discriminate amongst student, in no matter especially birth." He said.

"What about the Basillisk? Wasn't she there to deal with muggleborn problem?" I said.

"Uh, Bela, i found her when she was just an egg, and took care of her throughout my life, ultimately even at my deathbed she refused to leave my side, so i gave her a task, a task she willl have to spend her whole life for and she didn't hesitate accepting it. She was meant to be a defence, a final defence for Hogwart, if in any case all the defences of Hogwart had fallen then she would have gone out, fought to protect the students, pureblood and muggleborn alike, its job was only to defend and lay down its life if needed. She would have attacked muggles ofcourse those who would have attacked Hogwarts only."

"Doesn't explain why she was attacking and petrifing students last year, including me." I said.

With anger Salazar said,"Its the fault of that Riddle kid, he befriended her and then corrupted her slowly changing her nature , charming her with spells and finally using her for his own use when she forgot herself, I screamed a lot of profanities at that kid but he never listened, he was too fixated with power. I am happy for my friend Bela, at least she now rest peacefully." Salazar said sorrowfully.

"Who's this Riddle?"

"Tom Marvolo Riddle opened the chamber last time. He was my heir. Could even speak Parseltongue, he was cunning, smart and ruthless if i have to say. All good qualities in a Slyhterin except he just took it too far." Salazar replied.

"So The Basillisk was supposed to protect students, you didn't hate muggleborns, How much history of the wizarding world is wrong." I said while throwing my hands in the air and laying down on the ground.

"History is always written by the Victors, if you believe that all the piece of history is right then you are an Idiot. History is controlled by the Powerful, probably someone after my death wanted to use my influence for power and so changed my ideals and motive and spread these lies." said Salazar unbothered by it.

"Hmm, so why keep parseltongue as the password you should know that it's almost impossible to learn it?" I asked.

"In my time most Slytherin had snake pets, the person himself doesn't need to speak parseltongue, as long as the snake spoke it will provide the person with entrance to the chamber. And I kept parseltongue as the way to come in cause i wanted to leave something behind for my Slytherin just like Rowena had left behind for her's"

"There are more secret rooms in Hogwarts?" I asked surprised.

"Oh yes, even i can't say i know whole of Hogwarts even though i participated in its construction, Hogwarts is an amalgamation of the ideas of all four of us." said Salazar with pride."Even i can get lost in it." he said chuckling.

"I need to leave, its going to be morning soon, any way I can key in Pip in the wards, so that he can apparate me in and out of here?" I asked

"You don't even know apparation yet? What has Hogwarts come to. The key for the wards are behind the third shelf books, just key Pip in it. And the next time you come here be prepared, we have a lot of work to do, Can't have my descendant be weak."

"Ok, I'll come back tomorrow,, I behave like a zombie if i don't get enough sleep. " I told him.

"What's a zombie?"asked Salazar.

I keyed Pip in the wards and then asked him to apparate me back to the Dungeons hoping to get some little sleep.

"Pip do me a favour and don't tell anyone, not even Dumbeldore about last night okay?"

"Okay, Mister Blake."Pip repied and apparated.

"Wake up Rivers, we have classes" I heard Notts voice.

"Five more minutess" I told him in sleepy voice not bothered about waking up.

"Thats what you told me half an hour ago, what were you doing last night?"

"Meeting Salazar Slytherin in the Chamber of Secret." I said groggily.

"Yeah well I was in the Girls Dormitory last night, looks like we both enjoyed our night" said Notts sarcastically.

"Now get up before you miss DADA class."

Ultimately, Notts had to drag a very sleepy Blake through the classes that day.

"Why is he so drowsy today?He didn't even fight with Granger for points today in classes?" Millicent asked Notts.

"I have no idea what he is upto at Night. And i don't even want to know."said Notts.

A/N:No chapter tomorrow, have an exam. Need to study.Give me comments not powerstones.

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