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Reincarnated?Well Ima sleep.

the [] is system speaking or me me just saying what i did yo ucan guess depending on the convo if you guys want it ask in chat and ill make the system speak like this [System]: but im my opinion it takes longer and it doesnt really matter mc cant speak yet so when hes talking its actually him talking in his head dont misunderstand and cause noone voted ima make him have a harem just to faq with you guys so vote momo or harem Now Onto The Chapter :3




I woke up and i tried looking around but my eyes wouldn't open so i stopped trying and felt around.

I was in a very strange place it was warm and constricted i didnt have much space to move around you guessed it im in a womb.

Knowing im safe and sound i fell asleep or i tried when all the sudden.

[Beep initiating System 1% 4% 10% 20% 100% system initiated]


[Would host like a quick tutorial?]

No i would like sleep

[Command overided initiating tutorial]

[their are 4 main functions of the system status,shop,lottery,and the last function is locked til you're 13 if you would like to view your status think status from there you can access the rest of the system functions.]

[First Mission]

[Open Status]

[Difficulty I:Rewards:starter pack,Faster quirk development:Failure:You Cant Nap For 24 Hours.]

SO CRUEL {reminder he isnt speaking his vocal cords arent developed yet hes talking is his head pretty much.}

[I immediatly said status in my head then its not like a status appeared in front of me its like its in my mind and i can feel it i dont know how to describe it so here it is.]






Luk:??? not increasible through ordinary means

Description:Useless what would you expect your a fetus.

[Average Humans Stat is 10]

...for some reason i felt like the system was making fun of me...

[Mission Complete recieved starter pack and quirk development sped up]

[would you like to open starter pack/quirk development.]


[opening...awarding you have been awarded 5 uncommon lottery tickets 1 small shop token and 10 stat points.]

woah woah woah hold the phone stat points?

[To answer host this system has no levels or experience point this is so host doesnt feel forced to defeat villians/heros to gain exp and to live freely missions will award stat points or yo ucan buy them in the shop.]

okay...spend them on Agi







Luk:??? not increasible through ordinary means

Description: still Useless what would you expect your a fetus.

[Mission Alert]

[Open The Lottery and use your tickets.]

[Reward:1 small shop token 1 unique lottery ticket 5 stat points]

[lottery tickets rank from common-uncommon-rare-unique-exotic-legendary-mythical-godly]

[I was stunned at how many ranks their was but I simply thought of lottery in my head and a huge wheel appeared in my mind like it stretched across vast galaxies i was stunned once again but nonetheless i said spend all lottery tickets and it started rolling.]

[...obtained quirk speed up x2 , spirit spear chastiefol pillow form , 10 stat points]

...thats it? i thought it was 5 uncommon lottery tickets

[quirk speed up x2 so 2 times the wheel spun spirit spear was once and 10 stat points was 5 stat points twice to andswer the host]

before i could continue i was cut off by the sound of a ding

[Mission complete]

[i rolled the lottery again sorta excited about what i'd get]

[you have recieved ear disguiser usable til your quirk is developed to appear natural]

it was kinda sad i didn't get anything really cool but happy my parents wouldnt think something weird was happening so i activated the ear hider and my quirk speed ups and divided my points into Agi End.






Luk:??? not increasible through ordinary means

Description: slightly less Useless what would you expect your a fetus.

[4 or more stats reached 10 in the fetus state hidden mission complete]

[rewards 50 stat points 1 exotic lottery ticket and 1 medium shop token]

[I immediatly started the lottery this may be addicting]

[...obtained power limiter]

what good is this...

[To answer host as your becoming stronger inside your mothers womb what do you think would happen think shes invincible?]

[I was mad at myself for not thinking about this and mad cause i feel like the system is mocking me none the less I asked how to use the power limiter]

[well if you would open your lottery inventory]

wait if i have an inventory [I started to say getting my hopes up]

[No you cannot use it on outside objects it is hte lottery inventory not the store all your shit in it inventory]

...ok how do i have the lottery inventory if theres only 4 main functions?

[this is a sub function]

...ok whats your name anyway?

[System doesnt have a name it has a title]

ok whats your title?

[Lazy System]

[I cried internally i feel like the system was making fun of me]

to take my mind off it i started using my stat points






Luk:??? not increasible through ordinary means

Description: nothing to say

[after i was through investign my points a new mission popped up]

[Mission Alert Open Shop]

[Rewards:none you got enough host:Failure:HOW CAN YOU FAIL]

[i was kinda mad i couldnt get more free stuff with easy missions where i didnt have to exhaust myself but it was fair so i opened the shop]

[mission completed]

[in the shop it was blank except for a single search bar]

what can a small st-[shop token]get me and what can a medium st get me

[1 small st = 100 sp-[shop points]1 medium st = 1000 sp]

show me how much it is to buy stat points

[1 stp =10 sp]stp-stat points]

spend both small shop tokens on stats

[confirmed 20 stat points gained]

what can i buy for 1000 sp

[100 stp , 1 unique lt-[lottery ticket]

is that it?...

[the shop is to assist the host in getting stronger not getting more abilities you will have to learn them on your own it will become a skill after you learn it though]

fair enough purchase 100 stp with medium st

[confirmed 100 stp bought]



Free Stp:120





Luk:??? not increasible through ordinary means

Description: nothing to say

[investing 60 in agi and End i looked again]






Luk:??? <not increasible through ordinary means

[i noticed the description was gone]

whats the matter got nothing bad to say system?

[as i said that the status changed]






Luk:??? not increasible through ordinary means

Description: weaker than midoriya but he can run away

Fuck yourself system

[Reverse card]

...whatever ima sleep now

[and then the universe imploded in on itself cuz a he finally got to sleep....jk cya guys next time]

NekoNeko_Boi NekoNeko_Boi

To me this is a unique experience i read a lot of novels and fan fics but this is my first time making my own so im not doing anything to fancy and i see why its so long to make chapters

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