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Lightning-Kun is that you?

Izzy was a very strange child from birth he slept much more than ordinary children and his appearance much like that of a neko.

His parents raised him not paying him much attention his younger sister who was quite smart was the center of their attention but Izzy didnt care he would rather sleep.

He grew up getting average grades nothing remarkable and healthy by no means an athlete tho he wasn't fat either.

He graduated and made a small business making enough cash to support him and pay his workers well nothing to major.

His sister grew into a major company but then she was arrested for fraud and grand larceny her funds seized she couldnt hire a lawyer to help her parents poured everything of their retirement fund into helping but the evidence was overwhelming.

Izzy's parents begged him to help but he didn't after all would you help a person who you destroyed?

Izzy was doign fine and living quietly but his sister came after his company and tried blackmailing him so he exposed her.

He may not have appeared it but when he was serious he was an extraordinary hacker he brought all of this to light.

After severing ties with his family and paying them the exact cost it was to raise him as a child

[about 370,000 they didnt put him threw college and kicked him out when he was odl enough]He moved to the quiet countryside where it was peaceful.

After things cooled down he made an A.I. that would run his company using his knowledge of problems that had happened in his company,anything new that wasnt in the system he had to solve himself then add it into the A.I. but things like that were few and far between.

He liked sleeping but he naturally couldnt spend 24 hours a day sleeping his other way of passing time was watching anime he didnt really have a favorite if he had to say it would be Bnha just becauze of the concept of things.

He wasnt a hardcore fan and by no means purchased merch.

His favorites just swapped as he watched them and he often fell asleep in the middle of them so he had to rewatch and fell the cycle continues.

one day after finishing episode 20 of Bnha its mostly blurry since he falls asleep and doesnt remember much off the anime except major events til now but he liked the concept.

He was in a tree napping if you saw him the first thought acroos your mind would be cat!?!

As if out of nowhere a cloud appeared and white lightning fell on him and the tree.

and he was gone as if he vanished out of existence nothing was left only his name and memory.

<1st person pov>


[strange man]wake up...


[strange man suddenly hit me with a cane making me wake up]

[strange man]Welcome and im truly sorry you're dead

...can i go back to sleep then?

[Man]Not until we sort this out you may call me as you know me Gaia or God whatever floats your boat as you kids say

...noone says that anymore except old people[no offense to everyone im just messing around]

[Gaia]...apologies i haven't talked to a mortal soul in about 20 years

ok lets get this sorted out so i can sleep whats gonna happen to me Gaia

[Gaia]you are going to reincarnate into a world of your choice with a system and 2 wishes

why 2?

[Gaia]Cuz 3 would be obvious and you were gonna want a system anyway right?

maybe...anyway i want the quirk of sleep able to put myself or anyone else to sleep instantly no drawbacks

[Gaia]isnt that a bit op dont yo ucare about the balnce of the world?

Nope thats your problem get rekt


next i wish i had cat ears and looked like in my imagination [the cover picture]

[Gaia]ok thats your wish o i forgot to mention that customizing yourself was a free option but that first wish was almost 2 wishes so im not giving it back lul 10000 years to young to rekt me son

Why do i feel like were gangsters or hipsters now?

[Gaia]...well off to the world of Bnha you go and its a parralel universe to the parts up to chapter 20 may happen give or take a few details then your on your own and things will change i hope you have a good life.

Yeh thanks Gaia ima sleep now...

[And that was the end of that we all died in the universe imploding the end jk tell me momo or harem in the comments]

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