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33.33% Your jacket / Chapter 4: Jacket boy

Chapter 4: Jacket boy

Pov: ???

For as long as I can remember, a dark rusty blue jacket has sat in my closet. Everyday I'll slip it on. Left arm then right. It's quite comfy, almost too comfortable, It creeps me out. when I don't wear the jacket anxiety surrounds me and I feel as if I'm drowning, drowning in the deep deep blue sea, eyes staring as I sink deeper and deeper, never reaching the bottom, an endless cycle as the sea only gets deeper ( only in public. ) The first time I sliped the jacket on over my head, I was around 6, it was almost as big as me, I remember my dad chuckling as he rustled my hair, we laughed and laughed and... That feeling of warmth is something I haven't experienced since. These days I go out drinking with strangers, getting drunk and making a fuss, bothering innocent people. I'm a horrible person. I know that. I won't denie it. I'm only 17 and I've already broken the law.

I have a cat named yuki, she's cute as hell! Light brown fluffy fur, pastel yellow eyes, a cute pink nose, she looks a lot like me actually... If you take out the word "Cute". I truly think yuki's the only thing in the world that matters- Oh.. And that stupid jacket. I put yuki in my hood sometimes when going to school, she's very obedient and quite ( most of the time... ) So I never have to worry about getting caught by a teacher, well actually... There was this one time, I was in science or something and had fallen alseep on my desk, squishing my left cheek on my arm and drooling ( probraly snoring too... ) The teacher had came over to me and was trying to wake me up, which had caused everyone in class to chuckle as they watched. Me being the lazy guy I am did NOT wake up after 7 miniuts of the teacher shaking my arm softly and loud laughs from the students in the background. I guess yuki dosn't like to be shacked to much, well that's the impression I got when yuki jumped out of my hoodie ( ,I wear a hoodie with my jacket underneath in winter, ) and straight onto the teachers head!! The teacher screeched "MONSTERRR!!!" As everyone in the background snorted and giggled, me STILL not waking up just layed there, my right cheek drooling on my arm now. I got after school detention for 8 weeks along with some other punishments that I didn't hear, oh and I wasn't aloud to take yuki to school anymore... That's part of the reason I started skipping class. I don't blame yuki for jumping on that teachers head though, he was annoying as hell with all his sciencey stuff.

Oh. I haven't been outside for a few days. Ever since some party. Lost my jacket you see. Got drunk and can't remember where I put it, ahaha silly me.... ARGGGG and I've had like 50 anxiety attacks!! I NEED to find my jacket and fast!!!

By the way, the Damien pov, he sucks so I'm throwing him away. ( if you go back 2 chapters you'll see the pov, pretend it never existed. )

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