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Two Months

It's been two months after school started.

We've been hanging out with TNT (Merwin's group, the boys) a lot but mostly, me and Merwin. I didn't know he was the leader of the group. We hang out a lot, mostly at the library.

TNT became the hottest boygroup in our school. They are so popular, and they have a huge fandom in school, thr most numerous, actually. But even though they're popular, they always go with us.

Now, Merwin and I are sitting back-to-back at the library. We're reading the same book, but different copies. The title was 'Detective MJ on The Case!' I'm just starting, and I bet Merwin is finishing it already.

"Ha! I'm done!" He exclaimed, closing his book. "What a good one."

I knew it! Now he's done reading. So I scooted in front of him and asked, "Ya, Choi Merwin, can you tell me the whole story?"

He waves me off. "No. Read it on your own. It's better."

"But... I did you a favor! Don't forget the things I did!" Now I feel like a bratly friend.

"Brat," he muttered as he shakes his head.

"Hey, who's the one who almost got caught by his fans?" I ask. "If I didn't help you, you'll end up with sasaengs. Probably."

"Okay, okay," he said. Then he told me the story.

// Flashback//

"Choi Merwin!" The TNT fans from other buildings shouted as they chased Merwin at the junior building. Mostly were freshman and sophomore girls.

'I wish these girls would leave me alone.' Merwin thought.

The fans continued on chasing Merwin until Merwin got tired. 'These girls would just get crazy if I stop,' he thought, so he kept on running.

When turned right, the fans are still far, someone pulled him in a room and locked it. It was Christal.

"God, those fans are so crazy!" Christal said. "Don't ever fall for them."

"What if you are my fan? Can't I fall for you?" Merwin asked.

"I'm not your fan," Christal said.

Until now, both of them are thinking what each other said.

//End of Flashback//

"That detective is really intellegent!"

I exclaimed.

"She is," he agreed with me. " I bet you could make a good detective."

"And you can too," I told him.

"Oh, it's almost lunch time," Merwin said, looking at his watch. " Let's go?"

"Let's go," I said as I stood up with him.

"The others are coming?"

"Of course they are!" Merwin said as we grabbed our bags and left the library.

"We might run out of tables."

"I'm sure the others saved us two seats," I said. "They won't eat without us."

We walked and walked until we reached the cafeteria. We were right. The others are waiting for us.

"It took you guys long enough," Chae Moon said to us. " Where have you been?"

"We're from the library," I answered before Merwin does.

"You're from the library? Why didn't you tell me so I should've gone with you?" Sohyun overreacted. "Nevermind. Don't wanna bother you two."

" I wanted to see how sweer they are," Chae Yoo said, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I mean, how close you two are."

Merwin and I sat down and began to eat our food. The others were talking about Christmas stuff, since there's only one more month before December.

"I bet Merwin will give a present to Christal on Christmas Day," Daniel said while eating his food.

"And vice versa," Sohyun added and they giggled.

I do know.

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