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Truths and Lies

"So where are we going?" Saint asked from the passenger seat of Perth's car.

One hand on the wheel, Perth glanced at Saint and smiled. "You'll see."

Saint raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any further.

They ended up in front of a really fancy restaurant. Saint recognized it from the brochures some of his classmates were looking at a few days ago. From what he heard, it just recently opened but it's really difficult to get a a seat because it is strictly by reservation and a lot of the seats are booked months in advanced.

Personally, he didn't really understand the fuzz about it. It's just a restaurant, right? But he knew at least that Perth must have gone through a lot of trouble to get them a reservation so even though he didn't really like extravagant stuff like these, he kept his opinions to himself and just smiled as they were led to their table.

Throughout dinner, Saint was uncomfortable. He kept thinking that in a place as fancy as this, surely, the prices of the food are expensive. He wondered how many offerings he could have made at the temple with the amount Perth was spending here.

"How's the food?" Perth asked, holding Saint's hand.

Saint smiled. "Good." He wasn't lying. That food IS good.

Perth beamed. "I'm glad."

'I guess it's fine. Perth looks so happy so I guess it's not that bad to enjoy this just this time.'

After desserts, Perth asked for the bill and while he was getting his credit card, Saint happened to see the receipt. And was shocked at just how much the price was.

'This could have fed a whole village...'

Upset, Saint was quiet as they left the restaurant.

"Is something wrong?" Perth asked when they were at the car park.

Saint stilled. " your parents not say anything with you spending this much money?"

Perth looked confused at the sudden question but answered nonetheless. "They don't really ask. I'm earning from my band gigs so I'm spending my own money. I guess that's why my parents let me decide how to spend it. Why?"

"I just think..." Saint bit his lip, in conflict with himself. What if Perth takes his words in a wrong way and gets mad?

Perth reached for Saint's face and gently turned him to look at him. "Hey. What's wrong? You can tell me anything, my omega."

"It's just so expensive," Saint blurted out. "We could've fed a lot of people with the amount you spent tonight. I mean, I know it's your money and you worked hard for it so you should be able to spend it the way you want but it's precisely because you worked hard for it that you shouldn't waste it like that. I would've been happy with simple food. I didn't need to eat food that I can't even pronounce the name of."

Saint looked down, too scared of seeing Perth's reaction. He's sure that Perth is angry and that the alpha won't want anything to do with him now that he had basically nagged him about spending his own money. What alpha would like an omega telling him what to do with his life?

'You've done it now, Saint. You've driven away the best alpha there is just because you couldn't shut up for one minute about stupid finances. Way to go, you idiot omega.'


The omega kept his head down.

"Saint, look at me." Perth lifted Saint's chin.

Saint carefully glanced at Perth. The alpha was smiling. "Y-you're not mad at me?"

Perth shook his head. "Of course not. I've always known you have a good heart, Saint. But you still surprise me time and time again. I'm not mad, my omega. Truth be told, I don't really like fancy restaurants. But I heard a lot of omegas wanted to eat here. I should have known you were different." He cupped Saint's face and kissed him. "And that's a good thing."

Saint embraced Perth, hiding his eyes that were filling up with tears. 'Stupid pregnancy hormones.'

Perth rubbed Saint's back. "Hmm, and you're right. The names are really hard to pronounce. That's why I just pointed at the menu to avoid making a fool of myself."

Saint giggled and playfully pushed Perth away. "You're such a dork."

Perth laughed. He then held Saint's hand and looked into his eyes. Even in the poorly lit car park, Saint could clearly see Perth's eyes. The alpha really had the most beautiful eyes.

"Thank you for telling me what you felt, my omega. I don't want you hiding things from me because you're scared of how I'll react. I want you to always be honest with me."

Saint nodded but deep inside he felt guilty. He had one big secret he had yet to tell Perth after all.

He resisted the urge to rest his hand on his still flat stomach.

Oblivious of Saint's internal struggle, Perth smiled and opened the car door for the omega. "I'll take you home. It's late."

'I'm sorry, Perth.'

Saint mentally shook off that thought and talked to Perth as usual. He had always liked chatting with Perth because he can feel that the alpha is actually listening to him and is interested in what he has to say. In fact, sometimes, Perth would even encourage him to expound on certain topics.

Tonight, they passed the time during the drive from the restaurant to Saint's condo by Saint telling Perth about his freshman year.

When the car stopped in front of the building where Saint's place is, the omega was almost disappointed. He wanted to spend more time with Perth. Until he remembered that he CAN spend more time with him. He lives alone, after all. So he can invite Perth to go inside his condo unit.

"Um Perth? You wanna go up for some coffee?"

The alpha hesitated. "I'd love to but are you sure it's okay? You're an omega who lives alone, wouldn't people talk?"

Saint shrugged. "They always do, regardless of what I do. I figure it's time to stop caring about what strangers think about me."

Perth's eyes were fond as they look at Saint. "You never cease to amaze me, my omega."

Encouraged by his alpha's admiration, Saint reached for Perth's lips and kissed him ardently. "There are only a few people whose opinion I value. You, my alpha, are one of them. So I'll listen to you. Do you want to go inside my home?"

Perth chased Saint's lips and kissed him back. When he pulled away, his eyes were full of smoldering desire for the omega in his arms. "If I do, I'll want something more than kisses..."

Saint stared at Perth's eyes. "I want that as well."

And so the two of them ended inside Saint's unit, messily kissing right after the door closed behind them. Saint giggled as he broke their kiss to lock the door, Perth's lips trailing down the omega's neck.

For a second, Perth got distracted by Saint's scent. It had undertones of milk for some reason. 'Was his scent always like this?'

Curious, Perth licked Saint's skin, but of course the scent doesn't translate to taste and his instincts just ended up detouring to 'Omega. Mine. Fuck.'

Not one to ignore his primal instincts when it's like this, Perth decided to let go of the scent issue and continued to lick and kiss along Saint's neck as he lifted the omega up and guided him to wrap his legs around him.

"Ahhh Perth," Saint moaned. He tilted his head, exposing his neck, forgetting about the fact that unlike their first time, he has no protection choker now.

But Perth had the presence of mind not to bite Saint's bonding gland, no matter how tempting. He kissed it however - making the omega moan again - and then simply went lower, his mouth sucking at the omega's collarbone.

"Bedroom," Saint demanded.

Perth didn't say anything but carried the omega to his room. Once there, Perth carefully lowered Saint to the bed and started undressing. The omega did the same, unbuttoning his shirt hurriedly and then tossing it aside.

Perth was already about to unzip his pants when Saint stopped him.

"Let me."

Perth nodded eagerly and watched as the omega took over the task of unzipping the alpha's pants, revealing the bulge of his cock restricted by his black briefs. He wanted so badly to react, to urge his omega to touch and taste, but he kept still and let Saint control the pace.

It seems tonight, Saint wanted to explore because the omega carefully buried his nose against Perth's clothed erection, sniffing daintily.

'Oh. He's scenting.'

Perth took a deep breath and then tilted his head, confused. "Saint, you aren't in heat, are you? I can't smell any heat scent."

Scenting - the act of taking in and memorizing a person's scent where it is most prominent - is a primal instinct. Usually, omegas do scenting when they're in heat because it is at this time that their hormones bring out their primal instincts.

Saint looked up at Perth and shook his head. "I'm not. Is that...don't you want me if I'm not in heat?" He looked away. Some alphas prefer heat sex because it's more intense.

Perth guided Saint's hand to his crotch. "My omega, do you feel this? This is for you. I'm hard already and you haven't done anything much yet. Do you still need proof of how much I desire you?"

"Then why are you asking about my heat?" Saint pouted.

Perth smiled at Saint, finding his omega's pout adorable. "Nevermind."

Saint huffed but then the fire returned to his eyes and Perth knew it was play time once again. He groaned when the omega leaned forward once again, slowly pulled down his briefs, and then gave an almost chaste kiss to the tip of his cock. Unsatisfied with just that, Saint's lips wrapped around his alpha's cock, tasting and sucking. The obscene slurping sounds mixed with the groans and moans the alpha was making.

Saint blushed. The last time they had sex, he at least had alcohol in his system so his inhibitions were nonexistent. This time however, he is completely sober and was getting shy at the things he was doing and the things he wanted to do. He wanted - needed - his alpha to guide him.

Perth felt Saint hesitate so he gently pushed at Saint's shoulder and then reversed their position - Perth was now sitting on the edge of the bed and Saint was standing on unsteady legs in front of him.

The alpha raised a hand and tenderly cupped Saint's cheek. "There's plenty of time for that next time, my omega. You need familiar territory, don't you?"

Saint smiled at Perth gratefully. His alpha knew him so well.

Perth helped Saint remove his pants and briefs. Once they were both naked, Perth motioned for Saint to straddle his lap. The omega did so, eagerly capturing his alpha's mouth in a heated kiss. Perth could taste himself. On Saint's lips, it wasn't so bad.

Perth's lips travelled lower, kissing and then nipping at the underside of Saint's jaw and then soothing it with a lick when the omega yelped. He kissed up to his ear and lavished attention to the shell of the omega's ear. His hands were touching all over Saint's body, stopping to tease the omega's hardening nipples. He pinched and rubbed the pink nubs, delighted at the whimpers his omega was making.

Panting, Saint held both of their cocks and pumped them together. The friction was eased by the precum leaking generously from their members.

"Ahh Perth!" Saint moaned as he continued jerking them off, loving the feel of their cocks rubbing against each other. He was fast approaching his heights but he wanted more. He grabbed Perth's hands and guided it to his ass. "Perth, alpha, here too please."

Perth obliged him. He parted Saint's butt and exposed his puckered hole. He rubbed a finger around the hole, encouraging the omega to release more slick to ease his way later.

Saint moaned louder and clung tighter to Perth, embracing him and burying his face in the alpha's hair.

"Hmm, you're dripping already." Perth easily inserted two of his fingers in the omega's pliable hole and started to scissor them.

"I'm an omega, Perth," Saint reminded him. "I'm ready, I can take it." He said the words in a whimper, excited to get on with it.

"Doesn't mean I won't be careful with you." Perth returned to kissing Saint deeply while continuing to prepare the omega. But then he remembered something. "Oh shit."

"What? What is it?" Saint mumbled, displeased at the interruption.

"I don't have a condom," Perth sighed.

"You don't need one." Saint pouted. At Perth's confused look, he continued, "I trust you when you said I'm the only one you had sex with. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you. But are you sure you're okay with me not using a condom? Last time, I didn't ask you." Perth bit his lips guiltily.

And because Saint is just that much gone for his alpha, he just found the lip-biting sexy as hell. "Yes, I'm sure." He eyed Perth's lips. Tired of waiting, he captured them with his own, tilting his head for a better angle.

Getting the hint, Perth kissed back and carefully positioned Saint on top of his raging erection and slowly sat him down, resisting the urge to just thrust up.

Saint moaned and panted as he sunk down on Perth's cock until all of it was in him. He paused. He missed feeling this full. Even for an alpha, Perth is well-endowed and so he was a snug fit inside him.

"Are you okay?" Perth asked worriedly. He gave butterfly kisses all over Saint's face.

Instead of answering, Saint began to move. He lifted himself up and then sat back down. He started with a slow rhythm to adjust to Perth's size but then he started to go faster. His grip on Perth's shoulder tightened, his fingers leaving indents in the alpha's skin as he threw his head back and practically bounced on Perth's lap. He was lost in the throes of passion, moaning wantonly, sweat forming at his temples despite the airconditioned room. It was at moments like this that he was fully omega - sexuality at its peak as his body was only focused on getting off.

Perth was just as aroused. He was rock hard inside the omega and he met him thrust by thrust, pushing up at Saint's every downward move, reaching so deep inside the omega. He held on to Saint's waist but let the omega control the pace. With one hand, he stroked Saint's cock, pleasuring him from the front and back.

The room was filled with their moans and groans as Saint continued to fuck himself on Perth's cock, whimpering in pleasure everytime Perth would hit his sweet spot.

"Close, so close!" Saint moaned.

Perth moved his hand faster on Saint's cock. He licked the omega's chest and lightly bit his nipple.

"Ahhh!" Just like that, Saint came all over Perth's stomach.

"Good boy." Perth kissed Saint lightly but got cut off with a groan when Saint tightened around him. "Saint!"

Saint began to move again. He was a little bit oversensitive since he just came but he wanted Perth's cum inside of him and omegas are capable of multiple orgasms anyway. In fact, he was already half-hard again.

Perth lifted Saint and lay him down on the bed, just admiring him for a few seconds. Saint made an impatient sound.


Perth smiled. "You're so beautiful, my omega." He leaned over Saint, his lips close to the omega's bonding gland. He was so tempted to bite, to make Saint his forever. Bonding was irreversible after all. He looked up at Saint's eyes that was full of trust.

'No. Not until I'm sure this is what he wants.'

Perth captured Saint's lips instead, drowning in the sweet taste of his omega's mouth as he entered him in one strong thrust. He pounded into the omega, swallowing his moans of pleasure as he fucked him in earnest. Still winded from earlier, it only took a few more thrusts before Perth's knot formed and was starting to catch at Saint's rim. Perth really meant to pull out, to cum outside Saint but then Saint himself clutched at Perth's back and then pushed himself onto Perth's cock and knot just before Perth came, making the alpha spill inside him. The alpha's release triggered Saint's orgasm and he came for the second time that night, calling out his alpha's name.

Perth gathered Saint close to his chest, worried. They were still locked together. His knot wouldn't go down for a few minutes or so - evolutions way of ensuring better chances for an omega to conceive. "Saint, you shouldn't have let me knot you. What if...what if I get you pregnant?"

Saint stiffened but he forced himself to relax. "Would that be so bad?" He said softly.

Perth kissed Saint's forehead. "Of course not. I would love to have kids with you. In the future. Not now. We're both still studying and-" He noticed that Saint was strangely quiet. "Saint? What's wrong?"

Saint snuggled against Perth. "I'm just tired. Don't worry, I'm on contraceptive pills," he lied.

He could feel Perth's relief and it hurt. Because how was he supposed to tell him about his pregnancy if Perth was so against it? Saint wanted to cry but he held it in, focusing on the fact that for now, his alpha was here, cuddling him.

Later that night, Saint was sleeping soundly on the bed when Perth remembered that he had to charge his phone in case someone important calls him. He quietly got off the bed and checked his bag. His hunch was correct - he wasn't able to bring his charger. He sighed and looked around. Maybe Saint has an extra charger he could borrow.

Sure enough, he found one on Saint's desk. As he grabbed the charger, he accidentally knocked over an envelope that was beside it. It fell on the floor and the contents scattered on the floor. He glanced over at Saint but the omega was still sleeping soundly.

Perth shook his head at his own clumsiness and started to clean up the mess, putting back everything that fell back to the envelope. One picture fell out. It looked like a medical image but he's not sure what it is. Shrugging, he placed it back in the envelope together with the other papers and then placed the envelope back on the desk. He charged his phone and went back to the bed, embracing his omega once again. Saint stirred but didn't wake up.

A few days later, Perth was hanging out with his classmates just outside the COSCI building when Nanon suddenly plopped down next to Perth and showed everyone a picture. It looked the same as the one Perth saw in Saint's room.

"What's that?" Perth asked curiously.

Nanon grinned. "My cousin's having her first baby. I borrowed the ultrasound."

The curious students gathered around.

"Dude, where?"

"Is that really a baby?"

"Do you know the gender?"

"It's so tiny!"

While the boys crowded over the picture, Perth was putting the pieces together in his head. Saint's scent did have undertones of milk. He wasn't imagining it. His scent did change. He remembered the way Saint was scenting when they had sex - it wasn't because he was in heat but because of another change in his hormones. And also, that picture he saw in the omega's room wasn't just any medical picture - it was an ultrasound.

Best glanced at Perth, worried because the alpha was so quiet. "Hey, you okay?" He elbowed Perth.

The alpha looked at his friend with a smile. He looked excited. "Best, I think-"

The chattering of the students around Nanon became louder. Best shook his head and motioned for Perth to follow him a few steps away from the noise.

"So what were you gonna say?" Best asked.

Perth beamed. "I think I'm about to be a father."

Best frowned, confused. "What?"

"A few days ago, I saw an ultrasound picture just like what Nanon showed us. I didn't know what it was then. But now that I know what it is...Best, I'm gonna be a father!" Perth waved his hands excitedly. "I gotta call my parents. This will be a shock but I'm sure-"

"Perth slow down." Best grabbed the alpha's hands. "I don't understand. You saw an ultrasound image? Where?"

"At Saint's room." Perth looked at him like that should be obvious.

Well perhaps it should. After all, Perth has been dating P'Saint for weeks now, almost a month, and Best also knew the alpha has liked their senior even before. He ignored the twinge at his chest at the thought. Now is not the time for those pesky emotions.

"Perth, I don't want to burst your bubble but a lot of ultrasounds look alike. What if what you saw wasn't for a pregnancy? Or what if...what if the baby isn't yours?" Best asked tentatively.

Perth looked at him sharply. "Saint would never cheat on me."

Best raised his hands placatingly. "I'm not saying he did. But you've only been together for less than a month right? If he's already far along in his pregnancy to get a clear ultrasound, the father could have been someone else."

Perth shook his head. "No. Saint was a virgin the first time something happened between the two of us. And since then, I haven't seen any alpha around him aside from P'Mean and P'Mean is already bonded to someone else." He smiled excitedly. "Best, I'm gonna be a father. Aren't you happy for me?"

"Perth I-"

"I should propose to Saint. I'll ask him to bond with me. I think it's good for our child if Saint and I are already bonded before he or she is born. Oh I wonder what gender our baby is..."

Best looked at Perth worriedly. He looked so excited but the omega can't help but be scared that Perth is getting ahead of himself.

'I don't want you to get hurt, Perth.'

For Perth's sake, he hopes that the ominous feeling in his gut is just that - a bad feeling.

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