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51.72% The World of Pokemon 2.0 / Chapter 15: Sixteenth Day/ I Kinda Don't Like You

Chapter 15: Sixteenth Day/ I Kinda Don't Like You

"Well, I guess its too late to say that I don't have it, huh?" Eric slowly stepped back, but then he realized something. 'I can crush metal with my bare hands. Why am I afraid of people?' He thought as he showed a confident grin.

"Oh, so you're gonna be a tough guy? Let's see how you fight tough guy! Go get him and take his Pokemon!" The bulky guy commanded as the five thugs lunged at Eric at the same time.


"Grrr...Huh? He's not falling down." The first guy noticed that they weren't moving. It was as if they tackled a wall.

"What the- You're right!"

The five thugs gripped Eric even harder and even started to punch him. However, neither would affect him.

"If I learned anything from the blue hedgehog, that would be that I don't know you, you're touching me, and that's no good!!" Eric shouted and shook every last one of the thugs off of him like they were infants, flinging them quite a distance away.

(A/N: Use your head! Don't end up dead!)

"How can you let a kid fling you around?!" The bulky guy shouted in anger as he kicked one of the thugs hard in the gut before turning to Eric. "Do you have any idea who you're messing with?"

"No, and I'm pretty sure you're messing with me..." Eric said as held his fist up in front of his face like a boxer. He never learned how to fight, so it was the typical position for someone like him. However, his confidence was at an all-time high.

He felt invincible!

" seems like I need to act." The bulky guy said, reaching into his pockets to pull out a pair of brass knuckles, putting them on as he spoke, "You're a lucky kid... If this were our own territory, then I'd shoot you and be done with it!" He charged towards Eric with his right hand, ready to strike first.

Eric closed his eyes and watched the guy's fist aim for his face, "Heh... Do you worst. It's not going to w-"


A strong right hook slammed against his face, managing to silence him and even injure him as Eric found himself tasting his own blood.


The bulky guy didn't let up and sent a devastating blow towards Eric's gut, causing him to lose the ability to breathe momentarily.

Eric clutched his stomach from the pain. He still couldn't believe that he was being injured. 'Yo-"

But the bulky guy wasn't going to let Eric speak and suddenly sent an uppercut to Eric's chin so hard that it lifted him up into the air."Oi! Where did that tough side go, Huh?! HUH?!" He mocked with a laugh as he watched Eric groan in pain on the ground while holding his face.

"You must be one of those weak trainers who think they're hot shit! Oh, yeah, let's see what kind of Pokemon you have. Probably trash like a Pikachu..." The bulky guy casually bent over to grab Eric's belt. However, the bulky guy didn't expect Eric to get a hold of himself.

"Fuck you! Stay away from my Pokemon!" Eric shouted, grabbing hold of the bulky guy's right hand, and squeezed it with all his might.


"Aaaaah!!" The bulky guy yanked his hand back, and saw that all his fingers were disfigured!

The brat broke his hand!

"Grrr...You bastard!"

Eric grinned as he spat out the blood from his mouth and quickly stood up on his feet. 'You're fucking stupid, Eric! Not all people are the same! Shit, that hurts! But not as bad as when that Primeape hit me...'

"You're fucking dead!" The bulky guy said as he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a knife.

Eric prepared himself to dodge it, but the fight was interrupted by a loud howl.

[Growl!] A small Growlithe howled loudly, alerting everyone in the vicinity.

Everyone knew that if you saw a Growlithe around in the city then...

"Put the weapon down and put your hand where I can see them!" A blue-haired lady wearing a police outfit said while pointing at the bulky guy with a pistol.

An Officer Jenny was close behind!

"I thought you paid off the police officers to ignore the area for a bit!" The bulky guy said to one of the thugs.

"That's Officer Jenny! You can't pay any of them off!"

"That's correct, so drop the weapon, and I'll be as nice as I can!" Officer Jenny said while keeping her pistol aimed at the bulky guy.

"You'll regret this." The bulky guy said as he dropped the knife, and raised his arms into the air.

"This is Officer Jenny. I need a vehicle to bring back the seven unidentified fugitives." Officer Jenny said into her walkie.

"Wait seven?!... One...Three... You're including me?!" Eric shouted.


"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Officer Jenny asked Eric, who was now handcuffed in an investigation room at the Vermilion Police Department.

"The big guy approached me asking for my Pokemon, and they didn't take that I refused." Eric sighed.

"Were you the one that crushed his hand?

" I was..."

"Hmm, are you sure? You don't look like the type. Was there anyone else at the scene before I arrived?" Office Jenny couldn't believe that the young boy in front of her could do such a feat.


Suddenly a middle-aged man wearing black penny loafers, black suit pants, a white shirt with a blue tie, black vest, and an investigator coat walked in the room. The man then whispered to Officer Jenny, and she saluted him before leaving.

"Hey, son. How's it going?" The middle-aged man asked with a warm smile as he sat down on the opposite side of Eric, staring him down with his dark blue eyes.

"I'm not your son?" Eric said while staring back at the man. The middle-aged man looked quite feeble, but somehow Eric believed that he would lose to the guy within seconds.

"Hahaha. No, I suppose you're not." The middle-aged man laughed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair. It was neat and tied into a traditional ponytail that was uncommon in the Pokemon world for a guy.

The two would then sit in silence for a few moments before Eric started to get annoyed and spoke up.

"So? Am I free to go?"

"Oh! Yeah, you're free to go..."

"Finally... Handcuffs?"

"Oh! Yeah, you could probably just break them." The middle-aged man said, standing up from his chair.

"You... Want me to break them?" Eric asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, you could have this entire time, couldn't you?" The middle-aged man smirked.

"Who are you?.."

"Just call me Mr.Taylor for now. I'll let you know that we'll be keeping our eyes on you now. Also..."

"Also?..." Eric leaned in thinking the guy was going to say something important.

" You need to learn how to fight because what I saw? Well, that was just hot garbage." Mr.Taylor bluntly said, and whistled a soft tune as he left the room.

Soon after, Eric was released by the Police, and Officer Jenny asked if he wanted her to escort him back to the hotel on her police motorcycle. However, it was more like she was informing him of what she was going to do because she had already pushed him into the sidecar.

"Uh... I'm pretty sure I can walk just fine It's just a couple of blooocks!!" Eric didn't manage to convince Officer Jenny in time as she was already speeding down the street, disobeying several driving laws, and even almost caused a crash!

The trip that would have taken ten minutes only took one, but the result was Eric swearing to himself that he'd never get on a motorcycle with an Officer Jenny ever again!

Eventually, Eric would reach his room and jump right into bed after locking the door behind him. "Ugh...Well, there goes my simple life as a Pokemon Trainer... What did I get myself into?"

"Something that could probably get you killed." A familiar voice said.

Eric quickly turned around, "What the-How did you get in here?!!"

It was that odd guy from earlier, Mr.Taylor!

"You left the door unlocked, so I thought I'd visit." Mr.Taylor grinned, leaning up against the wall as he looked around the room.

Eric glared at the man as he knew he clearly locked the door behind him.

He broke inside!

"So, son, do you know who those people were?"

"No? But if I had to take a guess, then it would be Team Rocket."

"Wow! And do you know what I am?"

"Probably the International Police..."

"Huh? Smart. I kinda don't like you." Mr.Taylor said with a laugh. "Well, since that is out of the way. I came to ask for that, Eevee."

"Eh... I think I'll refuse."

"Hmm...Ok." Mr. Taylor quickly said as he walked out of the room and into the hallway.

"Wait! You're going just like that?" Eric jumped off the bed and followed after him.

Mr.Taylor turned around, "What? Do you change your mind?"


"Well, then there's nothing I can do. I'll tell my boss I did my best and maybe get fired."

Eric stared at the middle-aged man for several moments before choosing to walk back to his room. "You go do that. I kinda don't like you either." He said as this man was just messing with him, trying to get different reactions out of him.

Mr.Taylor smiled, watching the receding figure of the boy until he was out of sight. "So...Eric from Pallet Town... Why were your parents saying that you were kidnapped?" He said as his face turned serious.

"Questions... That can be answered after dinner and a bubble bath~" Mr.Taylor cheerfully said before walking out of the hotel and disappearing into the night.

Eric wanted to get far away from here, so he decided he was going to challenge Lt.Surge tomorrow. "Damn it..." He sighed into his soft pillow before he drifted off to sleep.

The next day would be filled with people getting in the way, but something good happened that day.

Something that Eric would never forget...


"I'm sorry boss they weren't able to retrieve the Eevee." A team rocket grunt said as he walked into a dark office.

"Still? No matter. I already have what I truly desire." A middle-aged man with dark brown hair said. He was wearing a light purple undershirt, black pants, and a black suit with red letter "R" embroidered on the front.


RebornJayR RebornJayR

Chaptteeeeerr! Another short one.

So even I kinda don't like Mr.Taylor... Haha!

So Third Badge here we come!

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