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41.55% In One Piece as a Marine [BL] / Chapter 30: 30 Lucifer's Fan Club

Chapter 30: 30 Lucifer's Fan Club

"Cough... Testing.... Testing... 1, 2, 1, 2,... Okay. This is the first offical joint meeting between the male community and female community Lucifer fan club. To keep you up to date, Lucifer is sick...."



"Its a lie!"

"Shh.... Lucifer has not been spotted for two and a half days. As I'm sure many of you are worried or just too shocked to hear he is sick but we must stay strong and wish him well from a distance..... This just in... Lucifer is out of his apartment! Wearing his black and red suit, a matching fedora, black scarf and a trench coat. Even when sick, he dresses his best, ladies and gentlemen."

"I have to see him!"

"I'll buy any picture you get!"

"All pictures captured are to be sent to the community so we can make a calendar and other beloved things... Okay onto the play by play... Lucifer has exited the building and is keeping distance from Sengoku. Did they fight? Akainu seems closer than ever to him. Something happened and the familial bonds grew closer! Oh! Akainu is even keeping distance from Sengoku!"


"Down with Sengoku!"

"Kick his ass Akainu!"

"Oh my god! What if Akainu and Lucifer... kyah!"

"They passed the tea shop... And didnt stop? Something is really wrong! Lucifer seems so mad, his face scrunched in anger, nose twitching slightly. He triple looked at the tea shop! Akainu bumped shoulders with him..... He smiled and silently sneezed in his scarf.... Did anyone get a picture of that?"


"10k for the video... Lucifer has entered the building! I repeat, he has entered the building!"


"Can I bring him tea?"

"Shut up newb, nobody can get close to Lucifer."

"Let's be nice and explain properly! Okay... Back to lucifer... Hes very angry again... We have a report from the scene of the frown!"

"H-hello... He entered the building and sniffled before his brows slowly furrowed and his lips curved into a frown. Akainu lightly rubbed Lucifers arm then fixed his scarf."

"And there you have it. Akainu deeply cares for Lucifer like we do. For those of you first time listeners, In past meetings, we discussed how Akainu seemed to be doing bare minimum of parental care!.... Gasp! We have another surprise report!"

"Hello! Hello! Lucifer just entered Sengokus office. Akainu split off and continued on. Akainu has a worried look on his face and seems distracted. Lucifer was reluctant but.... shit... 'You! Do you work in that office?' Yessir! 'Good. Send word to the admirals and Garp to leave Lucifer alone today. Got it?' Yessir! Right away sir! ..... Hey, Ryu, send her to tell them 'uh...What?' Fuck! Nevermind..... -beep beeps beep-"

"And we lost connection!"

"Holy shit!"


"I saw that! Akainu is seriously worried and also reluctant to leave."

"This just in!"

"Hello? As Sengoku was passing my desk, he mumbled about how when he was lucifers age he worked even when sick and he plans to kick Akainu for keeping Lucifer home. Lucifer is so mad you can feel the anger rolling off of him!"

"I'd be mad too... I am mad too! Down with Sengoku!"

"Alright, I'll be temporarily taking over... Ryu has entered the office. A small scuffle seems to have happened. Ryu came out with an odd look on his face... 'He wants to split the put off work... should I give Lucifer less because hes sick?' Yes stupid, do you want him to feel better or work to death?"

"I can see between the blinds... Dont worry! I'm outside the accepted position and using a sco... Oh holy shit!"


"Say something!"

"Hey come on!"

"He... He did it... Ryu... he.... I cant read lips that well but Ryu said something and Lucifer had Ryu go to him... Sengoku seemed worried about something.... Lucifer pulled Ryu in his lap!! I repeat, he pulled Ryu in his lap!... Ryu tried to move away.... And is now firmly pressed against Lucifers chest, Lucifers left arm around Ryu's waist!"

"Oh my god!"

"Somebody help! I'm bleeding to death!"

"My husband!"



"Say some thing!"

"Sengoku said something, probably stupid, and Lucifer went from smiles to angry in a slip second! He argued with Sengoku! Sengoku seems to try to be understanding.... Oh My God.... Lucifer has cat ears!!! -pant pant pant- Lucifer and Ryu are talking now. Lucifer is explaining something.... He frowned.... Ryu is staying quiet.... OH MY GOD HE TURNED AROUND! Ryu has turned to face Lucifer! Lucifer pulled Ryu against him... Hes glaring at Sengoku... He gave Ryu a book... Ryu put his arms around Lucifers neck and has started reading the book.... Lucifer put his head on Ryus shoulder and is doing paperwork."

"Down with Ryu!"

"Ryu is untouchable... He has been friends with Lucifer for well over 10 years..."

"Then.... what do we do?"

. . .

"We cant kill Sengoku! Or Ryu! Stop asking about it!"

. . .

"He finished his paperwork.... Ryu is asleep... Lucifer is making an angry and amused face.... Lucifer slowly licked Ryus neck and bit him.... Ryu woke up and seems to have apologized."

"We have trouble... Garp is on his way to the office..."

"Ryu is talking with Lucifer...."

"Garps in the hall."

"Ryu is standing... He left."

"Ryu ran from Garp!"

"Sengoku said something stupid. Lucifer is mad."

"Garps in the office."

"Garp knocked my lamp off my desk..."

"Lucifer noticed the noise and put his hat back on. Garp is yelling. Lucifer is angry!"

"Ryu is sprinting with two tea cups and not spilling them..."

"Ryu ignored Garp and Sengoku, Lucifer offered a chair... where did it come from? Who knows!... Ryu sat down and is having tea with Lucifer... Garp and Sengoku are arguing... Garp turned on Lucifer and is touching his desk... Ryu is avoiding Garp and Sengokus gaze... Lucifer is so mad, if looks could kill... A fights about to happen! Garp tried to talk to Ryu, Lucifer intercepted and made a threatening pose.. Sengoku is talking to Garp... Lucifer is about to fight both of them...."

"What's happening?!"

"Uh... I'm not sure... But Sengoku surrendered. Lucifer turned on Ryu. Ryu said something and Garps now leaving.... hats off... If ears are an indication, hes pissed."

"A-are they flat or f-flat and t-twitching?"

"Flat and twitching. What's that mean?"

"Hes about to kill someone..."

"Ryu noticed the foul mood... He leaned on Lucifer... Fuck! Oh god, Rest in peace Ryu.... Eh? But... when Ryu's head touched Lucifer's shoulder, Lucifer looked like he was going to snap... Sengoku is on the edge of his seat... Ryu!"

"I dont hear anything from here..."

"Not dead..."

"Ryu just voluntarily climbed into his lap... Facing him... Lucifer is glaring at Sengoku... Oh damn, get it Lucifer! He put his hands in Ryus butt pockets and pulled him tight.... Biting Ryu's neck again... He has let go and seems so content with the world, a look of satisfaction."

"Garp brought Aokiji and Kizaru!"

"Lucifer put his chin on top of Ryu's head and seems to be purring."

"I hear purring!"

"They are in the office!"

"They are in... Lucifer seems pissed again... Ryu for the save! Damn, I need to try that move. Chest forward, butt back, and hands around his waist... Lucifer is feeling up Ryu's butt, I repeat, Lucifer is feeling up Ryu's butt!.... Okay, the three are questioning Sengoku... Sengoku ignored them and called someone..."

"He called Akainu... word for word, Sengoku said, Those three came. Ryu is barely keeping him still. Come deal with this."

"Sengoku is looking out the window at the ground with a grim look."

"Akainu left the office."

"The trio are looking at Lucifer, Ryu and Sengoku. Mostly Ryu... Lucifer doesnt like that.."

"Akainu is jogging..."

"Lucifer is about to pounce.... Ryu for the save! Ryu said something and Lucifer covered him with a... blanket from nowhere... The angry look is slightly lifted... Ryu said something and Lucifer seems so pleased...."

"Akainu is near the office!"

"Lucifer smelled Ryu and happily said something.... Must have been funny or dirty because Sengoku is choking on air...."

"Akainu in the office... Hes very discretely going into the office."

"The door has closed and Lucifer is frozen. Akainu seems pissed, more than normal. A three way glaring contest is taking place. Akainu glared at Lucifer. Lucifer looked down, went wide eyed and isnt moving. Aokiji just glared at Akainu. Lucifer hissed at Aokiji. Akainu glared at Lucifer. Lucifer is looking at the floor again... A green film covered the room for a second... Akainu is going on a rant to Garp, Sengoku, Aokiji, and Kizaru. Lucifer flinched. Akainu spoke to him. Lucifer is staring at the floor and speaking. Akainu spoke to the group. Sengoku argued. Akainu snapped at Lucifer. Lucifer is rambling and seems mad..."

"Sorry needed a drink... Okay. Akainu said something to the group before saying something to Lucifer. Lucifer angrily scoffed. Akainu threatened. Lucifer argued. Akainu is making an 'I got you where I want you' face. Lucifer.... pulled up his shirt and raised his hands in surrender... Akainu is leaving...."

"Akainu has left."

"Garp, Aokiji, and Kizaru are leaving."

"They have left."

"Lucifer is touching up Ryu's butt again.... Paperwork...."

"Well shit. I wonder what's going on."

"I know right?"

"Why do you think Lucifer is so mad?"

"I can answer that.... He is territorial. It must be hard... Not having an alpha keep him in his place may get someone killed... And it seems he has chosen his mark... I feel bad for Ryu though.."

"Eh? You feel bad for the guy who is probably going to sleep with Lucifer?"

"Yup... Do not sleep with a cat person when they are territorial...."


"Pft... Cats like the fight and hate it. If Ryu fights too much, he will be bit and forced to mate. If Ryu fights too little, he gets killed. Even if he does it right, thanks to the male community, we know how big it is when he isnt rearing to go. Ryu could die just from having that in him."

"Ryu tapped Lucifer."

"Shhh... What's happening?"

"....Lucifer is handing Ryu all types of trinkets from out of nowhere. The blanket disappeared..... Ryu picked up a braclet and gave everything back with a smile... Ryu isnt greedy. Good. Ryu is getting up... and leaving."

"Office.. 'Fleet admiral and Admiral Akainu are having a serious fight... Garp picked sides and the other two admirals are trying to figure it out. I'll tell you more when I learn more. By the way... does anyone know anything about cats?' I-i do. 'My cat is having territorial issues. What do I do?' I-is it angry about it o-or acting tired? 'Anger is a very... hmm.. soft? word for it' ... Ah... Probably a male then... It needs peace of mind that its territory stays its territory. hehe... If it gets aggressive with everything near it, save select few, dont let it near others or it's just a matter of time before it kills. 'Thanks, that's very helpful.' ....Poor guy."

"Ryu is on the move absentminded."

"Lucifer is fidgeting."

"Ryu is walking slowly.... Geez dude.."

"Lucifer is glancing at the clock, the door, and papers in repeat while pacing..."

"Ryu met two newbs."

"Hey, uh, do you know where the bathroom is? And the fleet admirals office? We're lost and were told to report there for work."

"Akainu is running..."

" 'Yeah no problem, I was going to the bathroom. First day in the building?' Yeah, its confusing."

"Akaimu is in the office."

"Sengoku left the office.

"Ryu is walking too fast, someone delay him... Akainu just got to Lucifer."

"Ah. Leg cramp! Sorry, one minute."

"Nice save newb."

"Lucifer has his head on Akainus shoulder. He seems frustrated."

"Ryu has slowed down for our leg cramped friend... They are in the bathroom."

"Sengoku is loo..."

"Akainu just! he! Oh!"

"Tell us!"

"Tell us!"

"Okay so Lucifer leaned on Akainu. Akainu said something as if growling like he does. Lucifer responded. Akainu lifted Lucifers head and roughly bit lucifers throat! ... Akainu is now undoing his shirt... He took Lucifers scarf and is wiping his body with it... Akainu said something and Lucifer said something back.... Akainu just tried to bite Lucifers throat out. or thats just how it looked with how rough he was... His shirts fixed.... Akainu is leaving..."

"Ryu and company left the bathroom."

"Lucifer put his scarf back on and is telling Sengoku something."

"Akainu has ran into Ryu."

" -heavy breathing- 'Your not with Lucifer.' 'Bathroom..... New recruits..... Going....' 'hmm.' ..... 'Lucifer is going to kill me...' .....What just happened? 'Nothing...' ....Really? 'Ugh.... That was Admiral Akainu. I dont know the details but he is having a fight with the fleet admiral... Vice admiral Garp sided with the fleet admiral. Admiral Akainu's son, my best friend, is sick and Admiral would prefer I help Lucifer over the fleet admiral.' ....Well shit."

"Lucifer is leaving..."

"Out of the office..."

"Hes in the hall. He seems antsy, he is pacing, looking at the door and the clock again..."

"-cough- 'Hey Luc, sorry it took so long. These two new recruits were lost. I ran into your father on the way back.' "

"He threw Akainu under the bus..."

"-heavy breath- 'I'm getting tea. Come with me.' 'Of course. Let me get someone to settle these two.' "

" 'Hey, can anyone show these two the ropes?' Of course I can, come come."

"Lucifer is checking out Ryu's butt and day dreaming..."

" 'Ready to go.' 'Hmm...' 'I heard that the place you like has milk tea now.' "

"Ryu is leading the way... The distance between them is but a few feet. Lucifer is checking out Ryus butt with a fantasizing look."

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