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The Practical Ends

In each of the testing areas, a different building exploded. Hidden inside them were the "bosses" of the testing areas- the zero point "arena traps" that Present Mic had warned everyone about. Now that they were unleashed, similar scenes of chaos erupted in each of the testing areas as examinees scattered and hid from the giant robot which stood a few dozen meters tall.

Motivation indeed.

Kai grinned. Not a happy grin. More of a crazed, maniacal grin. An excited grin.

Even the three-point robots had fallen easily to a trio of zerglings attacking them. This, this could be a challenge. Pulling back some of his energy, one Zergling disappeared from each group. With four less zerglings to maintain and control, the strength of the migraine lessened, and Kai was freer to move and act himself.

Running against the tide of fleeing examinees, Kai pulled the remaining zerglings towards Zero Point. It was attracted to movement, or as Present Mic had put it, rampaging as it detected the crowds around it. Its deployment at this point in the test meant that most examinees were fighting relatively close when it emerged. This included the boy and girl that had caught Kai's attention before. Sphere boy ran for his life crying. He felt the danger stronger than anyone else in his area. Earphone jack girl, on the other hand, quickly hid and stayed motionless, correctly concluding based on what she had been told that it would go after the crowds. Luckily, she had been relatively isolated, and nobody else around her drew its attention. Soon after Zero Point's trajectory stabilized, she went back to work, quickly killing a few straggling smaller bots with her earphone jacks. With a quick attack, they were disabled, and she moved on. Curious.

This left the majority running past Kai towards the gate they had come in through, as it felt like the surest way to safety. As they ran, some of them wondered why Kai was walking towards Zero Point, but he was quickly dismissed as they prioritized their own safety.

Kai stared down the robot, appreciating its size and strength. His grin widened as his plan was refined. The two zerglings that had been with him since the beginning ran quick circuits around Zero Point's feet, checking for any stragglers who might have hidden too close to its path. Finding two of them, they gingerly took them by the hand and led them on a path that took them behind the robot to safety. Two more coming in from the sides ran in circles between the robot and Kai, triggering its sensors and locking its path forward.

Kai laughed out loud, excited and, admittedly, a little crazed.

"You are mine! Nobody will get caught in your rampage, clanker!"

Not that the robot was programmed with much intelligence to take anger at an insult, much less one of such light caliber. He could have said, "Your motherboard was a hamster, and your machinist was a drunkard," and it would have simply continued on its course, attracted to the back and forth movement of two little zerglings. Of course, such a line would only have happened if he had actually knew the original, which he sadly did not. Advancing, it plowed through a building, sending debris crashing down to the pavement below. Kai took no heed of the sounds around him, giving in a bit to the urge for destruction. Still, he held enough reason to position his zerglings and wait for the opportune moment.

Which came within a few seconds as it passed between two buildings, clipping them in the process. Kai raised his hand and clenched his fist, passing a command with a thought at the same time. At once, the two zerglings that had been patrolling in front of him turned on their heels and ran directly for the robot's legs. At the same time, the four reserve zerglings jumped out of their positions in the buildings that Zero Point had just clipped. Then, a moment later, the two that had been leading others to safer areas jumped into the fray as well. Suddenly, the robot had one Zergling on each of its four legs and the remaining four distributed across its spine. Immediately, the zerglings began to attack, targeting the moving parts and exposed joints.

Detecting that it was taking damage, Zero Point went on a true rampage, turning about and moving every single controllable point trying to catch one of the relatively tiny creatures. Its progress along its previous path was halted as its movements shifted into attacks. For a moment, the zerglings had the clear advantage, dealing damage and dodging attacks. Then in the next moment, two of them went down one after the other, squished by its enormous feet.

Kai winced, experiencing death with the fallen. However, they were a small and expendable part of him at the moment. Though he felt death, the loss itself was like losing a fingernail. In the end, it also freed some of his power to control the rest, as he renewed his attack on the giant robot.

The two remaining zerglings bobbed and weaved, using guerilla tactics to hit and flee, running back and forth between whichever legs were supporting its weight, and therefore unable to counterattack. Meanwhile, the four on its back were starting to wear through the armor of the robot and were ready to strike critical blows on its spine and cripple it.

Then, tragedy struck. The robot changed tactics and reared up onto its hind legs, which forced the spaces on its spine to close up. Within one second, three zerglings were simultaneously crushed with a sick crunch followed by a squelch. Not that many could hear it over the buzz of the machine's motors. However, one of the zerglings had its head crushed last, and Kai heard the sound with all its horror. Though it turned his stomach, he stayed on the task at hand. He was now down to three zerglings: two at the feet, and one positioned on the spine right behind the head. Luckily, Zero Point was not designed to look up well, and this Zergling not only managed to not get crushed, but it held its grip on its place. Once the robot came back down, it resumed its attack. Kai, trying to stick to the resources he had already committed, directed this one to redouble its efforts, angling less into the neck joint it stood on, but towards the head itself. Taking out its sensor array would probably stop this thing. If its central processing was there too, that would be even better.

Well, he would take what he could get. With his migraine cut down even further, Kai started to run and distract the robot with himself. Waving his arms and shouting, he retreated down a path that he thought was clear of people. If it wasn't before, it certainly would be once they realized a few tons of metal were barreling towards them again. However, Kai now had the robot's aggro on him.

Kai ran as fast as he could while keeping an eye on Zero Point. Which was not that fast, as there were too many things to worry about crashing into or tripping over. There were pieces of robots and other debris everywhere. Still, he didn't need to be too fast. The zerglings were still working on its legs, and the one on its neck was working its way in. All he needed to do was buy time.

Still, he wanted to take this down before the test ended. After a moment, he found a corner to turn and be out of Zero Point's sight. Taking the opportunity, he slapped his hand against the wall. Its surface rippled, and four more zerglings bounded out and joined the fight. Two jumped up the back legs and found a place to grip, attacking where the legs joined the body. A safe location to attack from. The other two jumped up the front legs in a similar way, but instead of staying on the robot's shoulders, they took up positions next to the one that was burrowing into the head.

Kai had the zerglings attack as fast as they could. There was so little time to finish the job before the test ended.

Meanwhile, in another testing area, the Zero Point was running amok. Everyone scrambled to stay out of its way. The destruction to the city was far worse in this area, as there was nothing slowing it down or controlling its damage. Zero Point looked down, ready to take another step forward in its pursuit of its targets. It found a target below, trapped below some rubble. It calculated a course for it arm to follow. According to its directives, it was not to harm the combatants. However, it was also directed to pursue, so its arm started coming down, aiming for a spot that was right in front of the target.

Suddenly it detected movement from a little further ahead. Redirecting its attention, as it was not needed to follow its own movement, Zero Point's sensors found a boy with curly green hair and a light green track suit. He still had some tears on his face, and his expression was fearful. Still, his eyes were full of determination, and his mind filled with a single thought.

I cannot allow her to be harmed.

A moment later, the sensors couldn't detect the boy, and then they detected nothing as they were thrown with great force through the back of the robot's head. The boy had jumped up faster than it could detect, and with a single punch, destroyed it entirely.

In a dark room, a group of teachers looked on excitedly. Even as he crashed to the ground with useless limbs, they had seen the true spirit of heroism. If anything, his sacrifice of his limbs to save the girl enhanced his standing in their sights. Now, few eyes were on Kai's fight, which, as a fight of attrition, was inferior to the explosive power they had witnessed.

Kai heard the crash from his own testing area.

"So," he thought out loud, "someone else has the power and guts to take on Zero Point. I look forward to meeting him."

What seemed a short moment later, he heard a voice booming out from the distance. Present Mic, as usual.

"The test is over!!!!!!!"

"Heh, pity."

The lights went out from Zero Point. He couldn't quite tell if it was due to his damage or the test beign over. He could count today as both a victory and a defeat; he had certainly won his place in UA, but he had been unable to make a sure kill of the greatest enemy. The zerglings jumped down and walked up to Kai. One of them held a chunk of circuitry in its mouth. Kai smiled, took the souvenir, or rather, spoil of war, and patted each Zergling on their head.

"You did good work today," he said, and dismissed them. He made a brief bow of respect to his enemy of the test.

And with a lingering but diminished migraine, he walked back to the gate hands in his pockets.

Suddenly, the answer to his Unlimited Blade Works parody came to him.

"Good work indeed, my Eternal Swarm."

Tvrkm Tvrkm

Well, that was a good mass release! Hope I can do so again without an all-nighter. The sick stomach stage is not fun.

Thanks to Tealcove who commented on the last chapter and helped complete my version of the UBW incantation. It's almost sad that it takes so long that Kai won't be using it all the time.

I found a reddit post that gives me a good timeline to work with. Dates and all. I am impressed by the guy's work on that. And now I am a bit more horrified because of very imminent savagery. Kai... well... you'll see very soon.

I've updated the profile "chapter," and now Aoyama is there, and Kai's available units. Or at least, what Kai has shown plus changelings, as Venn stated in the prologue.

Entrance Exam Complete!

Almost time to meet all of Class 1-A.

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