Obviously, looks could be deceiving and we really shouldn't judge a book by its cover but there wasn't anything wrong about using our eyes and being a little judgemental. It wasn't like we should be calm and collected when we saw a knife-wielding addict roaming around with a deranged look on his face then suddenly heading straight for us because I'd either put him down if I was armed or run for my fucking life.
Either way, both our statements didn't mean any harm though I did come back to check my cupboard if I had any bee pollen for my cereal.
"What's that?" The three asked almost at the same time again.
"Just a little something-something for a little something-something. It wouldn't hurt to take it since it does have some health benefits."
June asked, "Can I have some?"
"Sure, a teaspoon will do or just shake the bottle a little and let a few bits drop."
Ilana turned to me, "Really, what benefits does it—"
"Helps with menopause—"