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8.42% Love On Time / Chapter 8: Getting Together

Chapter 8: Getting Together




"Hello," I answer and the girls both look at me to see who it is.

"Hey baby," the voice says on the other end sending my heart racing.

"Hey," I say smiling and blushing and the girls automatically know who is on the other end of the phone based off of my reaction.

"Do you have some time for me," he asks.

"Yeah, I'm at the mall passing the time with my girlfriends," I reply smiling.

"Sound like fun, do you mind if I meet you there and we can figure out what we're going to do from there," he asks with that velvet smooth voice that has all of my nerve endings standing at attention.

"Yes, that's fine with me," I say motioning to Nova and Rylie that Mekhi is coming to the mall.

"Okay baby, I'll be there in about twenty minutes. Meet me over at the food court," he says.

"I'll meet you there," I say a little breathless.

"See you soon," he says and ends the call.

I stand still unsure of what to do next when Rylie points out that I have bags in my hands and we can run them out to the car before he gets here. I tell them that he wants to meet at the food court in about twenty minutes and to figure out something to do while we're in the mall. We get our bags to our cars and try to decide whether or not Nova and Rylie are staying or leaving. We end up deciding to have them stay to meet him and leave if things are looking fine. Nova and Rylie both make plans with their boyfriends either way, just to have something to do. We walk back through the mall arm in arm in arm with an excited girlish air that courses through my veins in a way that overrides any nervousness I may have felt otherwise. When we get to the food court we sit at one of the tables on the outskirts of the eating area just to make ourselves a little more visible versus him having to look for me in a sea of people.

"Omg Lena, he's here," Nova says looking over the crowd.

"Ahh how do I look," I ask a little nervous.

"You look great, you always do," Rylie says reassuring me.

"And you're rocking the hell out of that kimono," Nova says adding to Rylie's reassurance and I feel at ease because I have my girls with me and they have my back.

"Thanks y'all," I say smiling at them and squeezing their hands.

"He's coming this way," Nova says and immediately all of my hairs stand on end searching for his presence. I turn around just as he reaches us and my face splits into what I'm sure is a ridiculous smile and I stand up.

"Hey baby," he says into my ear as he hugs me gently.

"Hey," I manage to squeeze out as I hug him back.

"How are you ladies doing," he says extending his hand to Nova and Rylie.

"I'm fine," they both say taking turns to shake his hand.

"Thank you, for waiting with Lena," he says to them and unleashes that panty busting smile on them.

"It's no problem," Nova manages to say clearly affected.

"I'm Rylie and this is Nova," Rylie says introducing her and Nova to Mekhi trying to be unaffected by his charm.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mekhi," he says.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Nova says.

"Alright Lena, we're going to head out. Call us later," Rylie says as she and Nova stand to leave. Clearly it looks as though things will go fine between us.

"Will do," I say walking round the table to three way hug my best friends.

"Take care of our sister," Rylie says

"Yes, ma'am," he replies.

"Good. See you Lena," Rylie calls out and she and Nova leave arm in arm with a final wave.

"Your friends really care about you, huh," he states more than asks.

"Yeah, they do as I care about them," I reply.

"Do you want to walk around for a little bit," Mekhi asks putting his hands in his front pockets. He is looking especially fine today with his destructed light blue jeans, v neck t shirt, flannel shirt tied around his waist, and boots.

"Yeah, we can do that," I say tearing my eyes away from his body to look him in the eyes.

"Okay," he says and grabs my hand and pulls me in a direction of the mall I have not visited this afternoon.

"Congratulations on your win today. You looked really good out there," I say for something to say as we walk leisurely through the mall.

"Thank you and thank you for coming to the game," he says squeezing my hand flashing me a half smile.

"I'm glad that I decided to go. It was different than I expected it to be and I got to see what it felt like to be a stalker," I say giggling at the end.

"I'm glad that you decided to come too. You can stalk me at my games anytime as long as I get a pass to do the same at the café," he says jokingly.

"Hmmm, I'll think about it," I say sarcastically.

"Good. Do you want to get some dinner or something," he asks looking me in the eyes taking my breath away.

"Yeah, we can go to dinner," I reply finding my voice.

"Cool, did you drive here," he asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Okay, where did you park," he asks.

"Near the department store," I say pointing in the direction of the store.

"I parked there too," he says laughing.

"Great minds," I say laughing with him.

"Indeed," he says and we turn and walk in the direction of the department store.

As we walk through the mall people begin to recognize who he is and they wave and call out to him. Mekhi just waves and takes it all in stride in the best way possible. He's friendly, never rude and always patient. Through all of this we keep trying to steal glances of one another but, we keep catching each other and laugh about it. The feel of my hand in his is unrealistic, like it's meant to be there as if his hand was sculpted just to be able to fit mine. All of this feels as if it's part of a dream; handsome guy, good manners, popular-all characteristics of a leading man in a romance novel. If that's the case, what in the world am I doing here, I think to myself. We finally make our way through the mall, the department store, and to the parking lot.

"I'll walk you to your car," Mekhi says as we step into the parking lot.

"Okay, I'm parked over there," I say pointing in the direction of my car and he tightens his grip on my hand and leads the way.

"Do you have a taste for anything in particular," he asks looking back at me briefly.

"No, not really. I'm okay with whatever you decide," I reply following him at the pace he sets.

"I know just the place, trust me," he says with a smile.

"Okay," I say with a smile of my own.

"Then I can finally get you alone," he says sending goosebumps along my arms and blush heating up my cheeks and ears.

"And why do we need to be alone," I ask quietly while my stomach knots and unknots itself with record speed not with fear, but anticipation.

"A few reasons. You'll find out soon enough though," he says squeezing my hand.

"Hmm, now I'm curious. This is my car," I say unlocking my doors.

"I like curious baby," he says opening my door.

"Do you want a ride to your car," I ask him while getting into the car. I have no idea how I'm supposed to spend the rest of the day with him when he sends all of my thoughts scattering, but somehow I feel at peace and ease with him.

"No need baby. I'm parked there," he says pointing to the charcoal grey car across from me.

"I knew you were a stalker, parking next to me," I say jokingly.

"Maybe, follow me out okay," he says.

"Okay," I say knowing that I have no idea where we're headed. I text my parents that I'm headed out to eat and roll down my windows.

He starts up his car and waves at me motioning me to follow him. I follow him through the mall parking lot and through town. He doesn't speed and make sure I am able to keep up with him. We drive for about fifteen minutes and we pull into the parking lot of a restaurant I'm not sure I've seen before. I park my car next to his and say a silent prayer that the rest of our time together goes smoothly and that he isn't some creep pulling my strings. I don't really think he would do that to me, but I just met him Monday so it's an evening of truth. I take a deep breath and decide to leave it all on the table tonight and go and be my best self. I look up and Mekhi is standing outside my door and I unlock the doors. He opens my door and helps me out of the car and we're walking towards the front door of the restaurant claiming to have the best food in town.

"You look nice today baby. I forgot to tell you earlier," Mekhi says with a look that says he's appreciating my appearance. The way he calls me baby and holds my hand so easily makes me feel special and important.

"Thank you and you look nice as well," I say as we get to the door. Yeah boo, you are looking really good today, I say to myself.

He squeezes my hand as he opens the door and I know that this is a defining moment for the both of us as we enter the restaurant. The hostess greets us and guides us to a booth; Mekhi graces her with one of his panty busting smiles and she immediately gets flustered as she hands over our menus. That poor woman, it's not just you, I think to myself.

"You know you do that a lot," I say opening my menu.

"Do what exactly," Mekhi says licking his lips.

"That thing where you unleash this mega-watt smile that makes the girls lose their minds," I say playfully rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah? Do I make you lose your mind," he asks tilting his head to the side.

"Occasionally," I say trying to bite back a giggle.

"Baby, I don't think you're being honest with yourself," he says touching my chin setting my skin on fire or so it seems.

"Fine, most of the time then," I say blushing through my honesty.

"But baby, you do the same thing for me," he says and in my mind my jaw hits the floor.

"Nah uh, seriously. You don't show it," I say not believing him.

"You wanna know a secret," he says leaning in close.

"Yes," I say meeting him half way and we're almost nose to nose.

"I've been watching you for a little while at the café," he says looking me in the eyes.

"Really," I ask shocked at this revelation.

"Yeah, really," he says with sincerity.

"So what took you so long to say something," I ask feeling bold, but I also know it's now or never.

"The timing didn't seem right for you. Like you really didn't notice me at all until the other day. It was different watching the many faces of you or rather the evolution of you and like I expected you blossomed right when the time was right for the both of us," he says.

"I feel bad for not noticing you before," I say sitting back in my seat trying to think whether I noticed him before last week. I remember thinking he looked familiar, but I wasn't sure why or how.

"It's alright baby because you see me now and now is where we are…besides it's refreshing to be with someone who doesn't know me or know of me and genuinely wants to know me for me," he says gesturing for me to move closer.

"So what does this all mean," I say moving closer hoping like crazy that he says what I want to hear even though he has said it in many words.

"Exactly what I said last night…that I want you," he says tilting his head to the side again with a half-smile.

"Are you sure it's me though," I ask letting my insecurity show itself before I fall too deep.

"I'm positive," he says placing his hands on the table.

"So what now," I ask as my heart races so fiercely that I can hear it drumming in my ears.

"I told you we can take our time getting to know each other, I want you to be mine," he says confidently picking up my hand and locking my fingers with his.

"Okay," I say because every fiber of my being is screaming, yes!

"Cool," he says and unleashes that panty busting smile on me and I'm disarmed immediately.

"Good evening, my name is Natalie. Could I start you guys off with something to drink," a pretty waitress says reading the atmosphere between us and attempts to keep her eyes off Mekhi.

"Good evening, I will take a sweet tea with lemon. What about you baby," Mekhi says at ease with that velvet voice looking at the waitress only to place his order and returns his attention back to me.

"I'll have the same, thank you ma'am," I say because I am so flustered right now I can barely comprehend the magnitude of what's going on right now and I feel the panic starting to rise.

"Yes, ma'am. And are you guys ready to order or do you need a few more minutes," she asks us looking between us.

"A few more minutes," we say in unison and I giggle because I don't know what else to do.

"Okay, take your time and I'll be back with your drinks," Natalie says as she takes her leave.

"What's so funny," Mekhi says as my giggling turns to light hysteria before it calms down.

"Everything. I can't believe I'm sitting here ready and willing to have this conversation with you after such a short time and then we talk in unison. I can't tell if I'm imagining this or if it's really happening; everything is just happening so fast," I say laying my head on the table feeling a little relaxed because I got it all out and a little scared at how he might react.

"I understand how you may be feeling. That's why we will go at your pace, it'll be fine…you'll see," he says stroking my hair careful not to mess up my bun.

"Okay," I reply gaining the strength to pick up my head and face him.

"Let's start with something to eat. Their food is pretty good so whatever you get would be fine," he says encouraging.

"Okay, let's see," I say picking up my menu and reading over my options. The pasta choice looks pretty decent and appetizing.

"You see anything you want to try," he asks laying his menu on the table.

"Umm, I think I'll get the Cajun chicken and shrimp pasta," I say placing my menu on the table as well. This is a good choice because it's not too messy or smelly for a first date.

"Good choice," he says holding my hand again and I can't help but to smile.

"What are you getting," I ask to keep him talking as I feel myself free falling into unknown territory with this guy who has all of my attention.

"The quarter chicken with mac and cheese and vegetables," he says rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"That sound really good," I say smiling and relaxing as he continues to rub circles on the back of my hand. I think this can really work with us, I think to myself. He is being so caring and attentive to me.

"You can always change your mind," he says playfully.

"Nah, I'll stick with the pasta," I reply in the same playful manner.

"Cool," he says as the waitress comes over to take our order. He places both of our orders with ease and defers to me to ensure he got my order right.

"Thank you," I say to the waitress as she leaves again.

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