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20% Star Wars : A Galaxy and System Apart / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Gaining a Jedi Master and learning beginners lightsaber combat

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Gaining a Jedi Master and learning beginners lightsaber combat

As I apologized to the maverick Jedi Master I began to make my way to where Master Yoda was located according to memory of his teaching schedule when I was a youngling, upon approaching the younglings training area I quietly waited as Master Yoda conducted his class from start to finish it was quiet nostalgic for me to see the next generation of younglings learning the same thing ms I had at their age. Once the class was over and the younglings had been dismissed from class I approached the aging Jedi Master and announced my self by saying " Master Yoda may I have a moment of your time?" to which the He responded "Of course young one what do you wish to ask."

I began to feel nervous as I knew that what I would be asking for was huge and getting turned down would be all to easy but then again I had steeled myself for without risk there can be no reward so I asked my question " Master Yoda I would like to ask you if you'd be willing to have me as your apprentice and teach me the ways of the Force."

The Jedi Master was a bit surprised at the younglings request though it shouldn't have surprised him many padawan wanted him as their master but never had taken the direct approach and asked him since this young apprentice had the courage to ask then why not the Jedi master thought to himself and so he answered the young padawan " Hmm how very bold of you young one, yes I will be your master but be warned your lessons will not be easy."

I was surprised that Master Yoda would agree to my request but I knew that just because he agreed and like he said what ever he taught would not be easy, before the Jedi Master could leave I asked him " Master what will be my first lesson?" to which Yoda responded " Go to the blade master and begin your lightsaber specialization from there come back and I will teach you more about the force."

After Master Yoda left I followed his instruction and went towards the blade masters room and found the blade master practicing a lightsaber form so that gave me some time to think on what forms I should learn whether I should be offensive or defensive then I remembered what happend to Qui-Gon in his duel with Maul on Naboo so I decided to take the high road and decided that learning forms 2,3,6 and 7 would be my best bet so when the instructor was done with his practice I approached and asked for a moment of his time to which he said " What can I do for you young man?" I asked him if he could teach me forms 2,3 and 6 first since I knew asking to learn form 7 at my current age would raise questions so I decided to learn more of the classic forms first, especially since I would be there for the start of the Clone Wars but also so I would be prepared if I ever ran across Count Dooku while I was on the battlefield, while I was deep in my thoughts the battle master began explaining to me the first parts of form 2 which immediately grabbed my attention and I followed his movements with my lightsaber as well as the footwork this type of training goes on for about an hour and the same for form 3 though for me personally form 3 is much harder since the forms are longer and the blade movements are tighter and more precise than form 2 and form 6 helps put some variety of the other forms but I practice these styles nonetheless.

After learning and practicing the basics I go looking for Master Yoda again since he told me to find him after I went and learned from the battle master, as I walk the temple halls once again the system speaks up in my mind ' So you've learned new skills would you like to upgrade your dexterity so you can do more or would you like to take the natural progression route' I respond with 'how about you give me what you think is best and I'll use that also dont you have any missions for me or are you just a way to level up faster?' I ask and the system whirrs up in my mind and begins spitting out data in my head of how to begin my quest in changing certain events and the core focal points of who I need to meet ' I do have a few missions for you young Master the first you need to complete is finding young Obi-Wan Kenobi and making sure that he starts training with you so that he'll be prepared for what's coming also the second mission would be to get your self on Master Yodas and Mace Windus good side so the latter can teach you his version of form 7 get this done and I'll open the force skills list for you so you can get ahead also there will be a penalty if you dont dont perform these missions understand.' As I listened closely to what the system was saying I was shocked to hear at the end of it that there was a penalty for failure to complete a task so i asked mentally ' and what about all that other data you fed me is there a penalty for not completing those task or no?' the machine answered with a resounding ' yes there are penalties but those are more like side missions which will affect only your ability stats while the main ones will have far more grave consequences also for the first two missions I will help you in achieving your goal so you can see how you must approach the missions I give you for now dont mind the first mission Obi-Wan Kenobi is still in class but Master Windu is at the training hall go there and wait for my instructions on how to approach him.'

I do as the system tells me and head for the training hall as I approach I ask the system the one question I really want to know ' so what exactly can you do and how can you help me progress faster in my training?' to which the machine responds ' when you begin to learn skills in this world you only learn what is presented to you while I on the other hand gain immediate and full knowledge on the subject so an example would be you just learned the basics of Makashi and Soresue yet I know both the entire forms and the combat applications just from the one time you trained it the same goes for any and all force abilities you learn, just think of me as your tutor on the side is the best way of looking at it now focus on the task at hand and prepare to speak to one of the greatest duelist of this era.'

As the system said those words I entered the training hall and saw one of the most ferocious attacks a lightsaber could produce followed by another blow faster than the eye could see it was like being in a room with a maelstrom of storm that would not die down anytime soon and then suddenly the storm was gone and the purple blade that produced it had vanished as well there in the middle of the room stood a dark man whose fame in the order was second only to my master alone and the current leader of the Jedi High Council, Jedi Master Mace Windu, after he was done performing his lightsaber sequences I cautiously approached him and announced my self " Master Windu my name is Callen Stromm and I just saw your practice what style is that master." Master Windu looked at me and answered " Its my own personal style based off of form seven do you want to learn it young one?" to which I responded " of course Master Windu."

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