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Chapter 17: The Army of Light


on the throne of the Legion, a young man can be seen sitting without a care in the world as he slowly enjoyed the drink in his hand, provided by the ever-loyal and zealous Shivarra, currently, the throne room was completely quiet as he had long since dismissed his newfound loyal subjects to carry out specific tasks, as he continued to stay in silence, a sudden light emerged from the center of his throne room from which a being that seemed to be made purely of energy came out,

"What do you want Naaru??" the young man said as he did not even look at one of the oldest beings in existence which predated even the Titans themselves,

"It would do you good to be a little humble child, even though you are this one's chosen champion you should not talk to this one like that," the being that was the literal manifestation of lift said as Ryner finally looked towards the being,

"Then tell me oh great Xe'ra, why had decided to visit this measly reincarnation of a Titan?" he said as the being's light dimmed slightly before regaining its light,

"This one no longer responds to that name child, Xe'ra had died a long time ago in the hands of her former chosen child Illidan, I am but a mere shell of her spirit left behind to guide you, her backup in case Illidan ever refused her, which had sadly become a reality" she said as power started to erupt from Ryner's body, he did not like to be reminded of the fact that most of his life including his birth was manipulated by an ancient being and his own father, but he also took solace in the fact that he had gone against all of their plans and turned them on their heads, frustrating them with his unpredictability,

"This one is only here to inform you that this would be the last time you would see me again as this one has almost completely run out of power to sustain this one's presence in the physical universe anymore ,and also, this one would like to remind you that the army of light is very close to Argus and would arrive here any moment now" she said before disappearing into nothing, leaving Ryner to wait for the inevitable arrival of the army, he did not have to wait for long as just after a few minutes,

from a sudden burst of light that was quite similar to the Naaru, a human male wearing gold and white armor along with a high elf female dressed in green and gold clothes walked out of it along with a few guards that consisted mainly of Lightforged Draenei along with a few of other races such as a light forged Shivarra and a few light forged Dreadlords, Ryner did not even react to their arrival and just lazily sunk into his throne while staring at them, the human walked forward and said,

"Ryner Pendragon, we are the army of light and we have come to bring down the burning legion for once and for all!!" he said as the light began to radiate off of him, but instead of finding the supposed demon in pain because of the negative effects the light has on the void and Fel energies, he found that the young-looking man did not even flinch in its presence as he had the same boring look as before,

"then do tell High Exarch Turalyon as to why you want to wipe out my legion??" Ryner said to the man, but before the man could reply, he heard the nearby high elf gasp in shock, the man looked towards his lover and asked with concern,

"what is it Alleria?"

"That Shivarra by his side, even though she had fel energy and void corruption in her, her soul is completely clean and somehow she is producing holy energy inside of her??" the high elf said as the light forged Shivarra by her side was stunned, she looked towards her fallen kin for confirmation only to find that her eyes were clear of the madness that was always present in a servant of the legion, but before anyone can make any more comments, another blinding light arrived from which a new being appeared, but this being was one that no one had ever thought would appear here of all places, Ryner immediately narrowed his eyes at the being as his titan power came out on full display, forcing the army of light to step back in shock and fear of his power,

"How dare you show your face to me again Elune???" Ryner screamed as he mentally commanded his most powerful subordinates to arrive at the throne room, immediately, a portal made of void energy opened from which an entire army of the Burning Legion arrived, ready to serve their king and destroy his enemies, but the beautiful woman who had just arrived did not even put the army in her eye before she looked at Ryner in sadness,

"Why do you hate me so much, child? even though it was I who freed you from the seat of the pantheon that the old gods had trapped you on?" she said as Ryner began to leak his void, light, Fel and Arcane energies all at once along with his titan powers to boost himself as his eyes began to glow in strange kaleidoscopic light, but the woman did not even care for his powerup,

"Why?? how about the fact that you have trapped me in this wretched universe for countless centuries, refusing to let me go back to my home just because you and the other deities in this universe had decided that I would be the one to clean up the mess left behind by the old gods and the dead void lords whom YOU and the other deities had ignored in the beginning and left them alone until my father and the rest of the Dragon aspects were forced into sending their children into a doomed quest, because of your negligence and carelessness I was forced into being in this world for so long that I had started to forget most of my old life, it was only thanks to me awakening my Titan physique along with the help of Gorshalach that I had managed to keep my memories, It was because you saw fit to destroy all of the Dimension gates leading back to my homeworld so that you could force me into helping you destroy that legion, well, guess what ? I will not destroy the legion, I will rule it, I will make them the strongest army in the universe and make sure that the mortals in it are completely protected from any kind of threat, so much so that they would forget that there even existed a god called Elune, that there ever existed any deities, to begin with, they will only have one god, and that would be me!!!!" he said as he watched the goddess bowed her head in shame but Ryner was not done,

"but the worst thing you did was when you forced my cousins to die in front of me so that I could awaken my primordial energy," he said as the said primordial energy started to radiate off of him which forced even the ancient goddess to recoil in fear,

after she had trapped Ryner of Azaroth to groom him as the destroyer of the legion and the herald of the new age of titans, she had caused the children of the other Dragon aspects whom he had come to care for as his own siblings to die in front of him from various circumstances, she had caused Sastrasz, the son of Alexstrasza to die by the hand of a rogue Fel orc who was empowered by her, she caused Anachronos, the son of Nozdormu to be killed by a mysterious Void lord whom Ryner had later on hunted throughout the cosmos and eventually killed in the twisting nether,

She had caused Merithra the child of Ysera to die by the hand of a Dreadlord from the old legion and the same fate soon followed to the other children of the Dragon aspects, their death had caused Ryner to go insane with his thirst for vengeance for a time until he learned of her plots, ever since then, he had set himself to oppose everything that the gods stood for, where she and the other deities had wanted to rescue the titan spirit of Azaroth who was on the brink of death, he made sure that the planet died for good, while the deities had wanted him to destroy the old gods, he had instead absorbed them and made their powers his own, while the deities had wanted him to destroy the Legion, he had instead made it his own and crowned himself their King, all this was something that the Deities could blame on no one but themselves and their reckless actions,

In their quest to create the perfect weapon to destroy the monsters, they had instead created a monster that dwarfed the evil he was created to destroy,

Truly, their shortsightedness cost them dearly,

"I know that I was wrong child, but now that you have fulfilled your purpose, I no longer have a reason to bind you in this universe, you are now free to go" she said as all the Dimensional gates she had destroyed in the past rebuilt themselves and connected themselves back to the Earth, but Ryner sneered and said,

"You think you can get rid of me that easily? I will go back to my home my own way not from your mercy, count your days' goddess for the time for the reckoning of the Deities is near" he said,

truly, they had shot themselves in the foot with him,

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