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Chapter 4: chapter 4

It has been one more year now. I now can begin to walk around the house but I prefer to spend my time with my sisters, especially Qinguye due to what I know of he in that, in CANON, she had a fever and only survived thanks to the help of Xiao Ying and, in exchange, she was to be married off to Xiao Che, or better known as Scum Che.

Yeah, fuck that plotline.

Truth be told I never really went outside due to one reason or another.

Iris is starting to grow her white hair and is always full of smile, she prefers to spend her time outside looking at nature but she also spends quite a lot of time in the nursery where little Qinguye is. The little girl is quite close to us but I feel she is more attached to me.

I pay close attention to her using my soul and try and use it to stop any problem she may pass by at any moment. It could be said that I spend more time taking care of my little sister than anything else except for training.

I feel no problem with that, it is a brother's duty to take care of his siblings.

"Brother, let's take Qinguye and go play outside." She asked with adoring eyes and I ended up nodding despite feeling an instinctual uneasy about going outside for some reason. Without any issue and despite being so young I took Qinguye in my arms and awkwardly began my path to the outside.

It is funny, I might be just too young but my body is already naturally stronger than others by quite a margin.

We move calmly to the outside but before we could really leave one of the maids came running.

"Young master and mistress, the House Master has ordered that none of you are to leave the grounds for now." She said and I felt a desire to groan. Since mother got on the riskier stages of pregnancy she could not leave the house and without her we cannot leave either.

Well, I probably could put this maid to sleep as soul power is kind of similar to the power of the Jedi and considering she isn't a cultivator then there is a good enough chance of it working. However, I feel that it is best not to do that so, instead, I just agree and move back. The moment she leaves I move to go outside and this time I kept my soul searching abilities working to identify the position of others.

It is ridiculously easy to identify the location of the others in the manor when I do this, it honestly is just too easy to identify the location of anyone who doesn't know how to hide their soul energy carefully.

We reach the outside and Iris moves out first, her eyes shining in wonder and pure excitement to be in such a place and I move to her.

3° Person's P.O.V.

As Tiandi moves to meet his sister he did not notice anything strange at first. However, in time something started to show a change in him.

A small tattoo started appearing in his body, it was absorbing the energy of the sun and Tiandi felt a comfortable heat. His body starting to receive energy and Tiandi feeling his body tingle as this happens.

To Iris this was a strange sight, she honestly never saw her brother go outside as she did but seeing that tattoo in his body, to be more precise the tattoo being a star-shaped tattoo in his forehead, she noticed he seemed fine, at first anyway.

In a little while, not even a full minute really, Tiandi began to sweet and he shook his head as if to deny he was feeling anything. As the tattoo was getting darker and more pronounced he could not handle it anymore and tried to return, but now the cloud that was in the path between Tiandi and the Sun left and Tiandi's tattoo darkened and he started sweating bullets. Iris, noticing this, was about to move when she noticed something very weird.

Normally Iris can see a person's deathly aura but now she could clearly see her brother's aura of death, the aura that marks when someone is close or in the way to their deaths, was getting a bit thinner.

Her stunned realization made her stop for a moment and that was what it took for Tiandi to pass out, but even as he was going down he made sure to turn his body to shield Qinguye from the fall.

Iris then managed to get to her siblings and started moving them back to the mansion. She yelled for help and soon enough they were in the way to the doctor's office. But, in the middle of the way, Tiandi already woke up but instead of opening his eyes he focused inside of himself to try and understand what has just happened.

'Oh, I guess I understand. ... This sucks and is awesome at the same time.'

Tiandi found out that from his inheritance from Atilla the skill Star Mark and Natural Body have given him a body ideal for cultivation of the, well, body. However, what made it especially so was the skill Star Mark that could instantly translate the energy of the stars, sun, and moon into Astral Energy, and even just walking a bit outside already filled his body with what Astral energy it could handle being so young, his body still unable to process the energy at all.

Only at 6 years old would he be able to slowly practice the body.

He sighed inside, he would probably, later on, be thankful for this as one of the other reasons why most don't cultivate the body is because of how rare it is to find medicines that contain Astral power, which he can just absorb from walking under the sky.

However, he had to sigh as he would not be able to handle the light of the sky until he had a good enough foundation for it probably by the time he completes the first 6 steps of the Body Transformation Stage. Until then, short contacts with the sky and with a lot of care about how much or he might die from excess energy.

The next day Tiandi was already fine and he looked at his mother with a wide smile as she showed him his newest sibling, Yuamba. Looking at the very big baby Tiandi remembered about his uniqueness and decided to raise him in stories of great kings and heroic deeds as well as sad stories where those who are weak are bullied and only when someone is strong they are respected and can live happily but only if they continue to grow in power.

In his head, Tiandi spoke 'Operation brainwash: Start!'



I have been thinking and came to a conclusion. No, I am not abandoning this story, much the opposite really as I intend to continue it for a long time, but I came to the conclusion that the Heroic Spirits I chose are not ideal because I remembered one thing. A Heroic Spirit doesn't have a class, classes are given by the Grail to make it easier to summon a Heroic Spirit and for some a class shows only a part of their true powers.

As such some of the Heroic Spirits I have chosen before don't work as well anymore and I don't need to limit myself in some of the options I wanted.

Thus, I will make a change in chapter two and one where I mention the inheritances to other spirits (the ones already mentioned will continue the same so the story about them will continue the same as well) but the others may change.

Of the ten inheritances, three were decided already and will not change, they being Black Iri, Musashi, and now Attla. To decide on the last seven I will let you all tell me amongst the many Heroic Spirits which you think would be the best. Remember that if one Heroic Spirit is qualified to multiple classes he would turn into an inheritance with cultivation techniques or bloodline powers that connect to all the abilities possible (those who are more like a joke regarding names and with no description are simply impossible, though)

Thank you for the understanding and please go and vote there if at all possible.

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