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100% The Dragon Knights / Chapter 8: Shining city

Chapter 8: Shining city

The city was full of people it was vibrant, stone brick pathways lead all throughout the city there was a sign at the gate with the city's name Hemgar The Shining city. Gino and Phina's eyes lit up they were in awe of the light structures. There was a big parade marching through the city they called it the heroes parade to celebrate the four heroes who defeated the demon lord four thousand years ago. People were throwing confetti out of their windows and shops selling their goods at half the normal price. They were also told of a wedding between the first prince and lord Aantra's daughter Elvine he was the lord of this city and head advisor to the king. Gino was reminded of the time she and Alex met the prince was kind to them when so many others weren't. The party went on through the night with bonfires and dancing Gino could hardly sleep she wished to see her brother just to hear his voice. She looked to the other side of the room Phina was fast asleep she remembered what Kaguya said about Dampnires and how they are more human than we think. she couldn't help but think about Asura and Alex she wanted her brother first but she shook the thought of her head. "All four of us would die if you do that," said Kaguya starting Gino. That morning was even louder than the party last night workers we're cleaning up the city and everyone was bragging about how much the lord was paying them to clean up. It wasn't really all that much but for commoners, it's quite a bit. there were also talks of the marriage of the prince and lord Aantra's daughter in the coming year. All the members of the royal family and the king's lords will be there including Gino and Alex's father. Gino was disgusted at the thought of her father. Before her father sent her to marry Hane he had remarried to a woman named Violet. Gino had known violet since she was a little girl she was the one who took care of her and Alex. The Gino thought about it the angry she got her father had forced violet to marry him when she had just turned 18 threatening to take her parents land from her. "If you keep making that face people will find you unattractive," said Kaguya. Gino huffed in anger at his statement just then a big white carriage rolled passed them and came to a stop and out came the first prince Del and his sister Rikka. Del noticed Gino she was different since he last saw her hair was longer and she was a little taller.

Rikka had just turned 10 she had short blonde hair that barely went past her ears. Del had come to visit his fiance and his sister always went where he did. "well well well. I heard you were dead". said Del laughing " I always knew that you weren't Rikka was adamant about it she says she heard a voice tell her so". Rikka blushed she enjoyed her brother's complements as the king refuses to acknowledge her as his daughter. Del offered them a ride to the lord's manor Gino vaguely remembered it's halls her, Del, Alex, and Elvine used to run around them playing pranks on the guards. on the ride to the manor, Gino told Del of what her father had done. "What an awful man he deserves the gallows at least that's what father would say". Del said angrily.

Rikka's eyes lit up when she had heard Alex was still alive she had a crush on him since they met he had saved her from a spider she had a massive fear of spiders. Del had noticed and laughed " Rikka maybe if you ask nicely Gino will let you go with her and you could possibly see Alex again". he laughed again as Rikka's eyes lit up once again Gino was less than amused but she had always like Rikka anyway and always knew of her crush. Gino had devious thought maybe if Rikka wins Alex over that pesky Asura. "I don't mind it if you want to tag along. Phina felt ignored the whole carriage ride " and might you be?" Del asked "m-m-my names Phina your highness". Del started laughing " please drop the formality just Call me, Del". At the manor waiting in the front hall was Elvine she rushed and hugged Del "oh, the love you've returned to me". she had noticed Gino and gasped her couldn't hold herself back she hugged Gino hard with tears streaming down her face at which point Gino started crying too. Del looked at Kaguya "I don't get women sometimes". as he scratched his head "me neither". He replied. Elvine had asked Gino what happened to her. " YOU HAVE MAGIC" Elvine yelled. Gino was confused people usually ignore that part of her story. Elvine insisted on Gino staying there for the night so they could have what she called girl talk Kaguya and Del got confused by this as Elvine dragged Gino and Phina by the hands leaving Rikka behind. Elvine stopped "come on Rikka you too". Rikka smiled and ran after them. In the kitchen, Del offered Kaguya a glass of water "Thank you" he said to Del "so what's it like being a familiar". Del asked " well it's like being human except when born we live in the spirit world watching our master and learning at the same time until our master has the man necessary to bring is into the human world but it's not always the case". Kaguya had started going on and on familiars don't always require excessive amounts of mana to be brought here some can be sent here and just wind up here and how he had just wound up in the human world. Del looked at his glass for a while "so how does someone acquire magic and do all familiars take on human form?" Del asked. "For humans to attain magic they must be chosen by The whisps they don't show themselves to just anyone and about familiars I don't know I've only ever met my sister and my parents.

Austin_Holeman Austin_Holeman

at this point in the story, Alex has just met Mere and has set off for the earth dragon

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