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2.32% A Life With a Robot Cat from the Future! / Chapter 1: The Tree That Glow
A Life With a Robot Cat from the Future! A Life With a Robot Cat from the Future! original

A Life With a Robot Cat from the Future!

Author: YouthGod

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Tree That Glow

In the middle of the night, in a forest near Mt. Fuji, a man that look like in his mid twenties is exploring the forest that he entered through.

"W-Why is it s-so scary in here!?" he said while shivering.

Ace Trickster, the man that is alone in this forest is currently on a leave and enjoying his vacation with Japan as his destination. He decided to have a vacation because of the stress that he accumulated while working continuously.

He chose to go to Japan because of anime and many product of this country. Although he can't be called as a otaku, he still watch many anime and read manga. There is even a time when he was younger that he love anime so much it almost cause him to fail on his study.

While searching for an adventure he happen to stumble on this forest with many white strings knotted on some trees.

Curiosity got the better on him, and without thinking much he entered without any preparations.

What he did not know is that, this forest is a famous or more like infamous forest in Japan. It is because of one thing, 'Suicide'.

This forest is the 'Suicide Forest' that is near the Mt. Fuji. It is called as 'Suicide Forest because here in this forest, people that wanted to end their lives, goes here and never come out. The white strings knotted on the trees are guide for those people in case they change their mind and want to go out.

But sadly, Ace did not know any of this. If he do, it is unlikely that he will go, furthermore it is currently in the middle of the night adding a more spookier feel to this forest.

"Ooh my gosh!"

Ace started to sense the unusual feeling that this forest is giving him.

He followed the white strings and notice that all strings are headed into one direction.

He continued walking for a few more minutes and arrive at where all the strings ended.

"OH MY, THAT IS HUGE!?" gawking at the thing in front of him.

What he saw there is a gigantic tree that is look like a shrine. The top of the tree can't be seen because, first it is dark and secondly there is that unusual cloud hiding it.

"How can there be a tree this big here without me seeing it outside?", he asked himself aloud, looking confused.

He slowly and carefully approach the giant tree. Then after going near it he notice that the tree is emitting a unnatural glow.

"Wow", he uttered, fascinated by the scene that he currently seeing.

He approach it more only focusing on the tree, because of that he did not notice the tree root below him. Without any surprise his foot got caught by the root and he fall and rolled straight to the tree only stopping inches away from it.

From this distance he can now see clearly what really is causing the tree to glow.

Transparent human like body are floating around the tree. There are so many of them that they are congested even when the tree is so big.

His face slowly start to lose color and turning pale from fright.


He retreated, crawling backwards seeing the spirit in front of him.

The spirits turn to his direction, starting to notice him. They all look in his direction without any expression creating a more scary vibe.

"Uwaaa!.. hik..hik."

Scared out of his wits he don't know what to do anymore. Then he heard a voice.


It is a voice of many people combining into one. He turn silent and slowly calm down for unknown reason.

The voice then is heard again.

"Human, what are you doing here in this place?"

It is like he is possessed and answer.

"I am only exploring this place."

"Hmm.. exploring huh," it turn silent as if contemplating. Then it continued, "You like adventure.. huh."

"Yes, I do," he said.

"Then I will give you one hell of an adventure. I will give you a dimension of your own that you can enter as you wish, and you will become an equivalent to a god inside your space. But I will only give you a single planet in your dimension, it is up to you to make it into a galaxy, then a universe. You will also be able to use your power outside your space, but only a 0.01 percent your capability inside the space is usable outside for now."

Ace is stunned by the things that is happening. He did not know if he is just hallucinating or something so he pinch himself on the cheek like those protagonist in novels.


He put his all in that pinch causing him to flinch in pain. Caressing his cheek and scolding himself for putting too much force.

But he is also now sure that he is not dreaming or what.

He stared at the tree for a while then spoke, "Is what you said real?" he asked, doubting if this will really true.

"It is not possible for me to lie, and this is really for the betterment of all."

He became excited with confirmation, "So when will we start?"

"Well we can start now." the voice said.

"Then what are you waiting for?, do it." Ace said.

"But before all that, you need to agree to the condition that I will give you"

"Tsk, I knew it. This kind of thing can't really happen without a condition or what" he said, unknown feeling sprouting inside him.

"You do not need to worry, the condition is only to enjoy your self as much as possible."

He blink his eyes repeatedly with a blank look plastered in his face. "Is that really all in exchange for all you will give?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah it is all," it said. Then it continued as if remembering something, "By the way, you will also be transmigrated to live in another world. Because the power I will give might ruin the balance of this world."

"Eh?.. well that is really not a problem. I don't have any remaining family in this world anyway." he said absentmindedly.

"Well I will start now"


YouthGod YouthGod

Support doraemon.

Hello minna-san Welcome to my unstable release adventure.

I hope that you will at least enjoy this.

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